is the lack of fathers in the home a major reason for violent crime in the inner cities ?

I don't expect an idiot like you to know anything about Irish history (or any history, for that matter), but who cares? What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Not true. ....
Precisely true. I can understand why that would frighten the likes of YOU.

And there was a good reason for this.
It is a lie. You don't even know the weight classes. Even your lie is a farce. One (supposed) semester as the scrub who just hung around the team and you want to strut around like Billy Badass? That's a joke.
I am billy bad ass. .....
No, you really aren't. There were always a few scrubs like you who would hang around practice. They were mostly used as fodder when someone was needed to toss around while cutting weight.

So Billy Badass, what have you done since your glorious, imaginary semester a quarter century ago?
What have you done? ....
Don't answer a question with a question, Story Boy. I'll answer after you do.
You first.
Needless to say, I asked the first question. Answer or don't. No one cares. You have long since been exposed as the fraud you are.
You Irish have only been...
What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Your stormfront science is a child's imagination, you fool. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

That's a bunch of bullshit. My grandfathers came to this country without pots to urinate in. But they didn't turn to a life of crime.
sorry, my little prince pierogi------the CORRECT expression is:
"My grandpas did not have a pot to piss in" <<<< much more poetic
Who in the hell needs a pot to piss in?
Anyone who lives in a place without indoor plumbing. But you knew that.
It is a lie. You don't even know the weight classes. Even your lie is a farce. One (supposed) semester as the scrub who just hung around the team and you want to strut around like Billy Badass? That's a joke.
I am billy bad ass. .....
No, you really aren't. There were always a few scrubs like you who would hang around practice. They were mostly used as fodder when someone was needed to toss around while cutting weight.

So Billy Badass, what have you done since your glorious, imaginary semester a quarter century ago?
What have you done? ....
Don't answer a question with a question, Story Boy. I'll answer after you do.
You first.
Needless to say, I asked the first question. Answer or don't. No one cares. You have long since been exposed as the fraud you are.
You Irish have only been...
What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Your stormfront science is a child's imagination, you fool. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Wrong. Your great great great grandfather was dumb just like all Irishmen back then. He passed that down to his kids and so on till you. You got that dumb gene. Now you may have went to college and got a public teachers degree but that's just all a bunch of liberal bullshit. You certainly don't teach math. You're probably a gym teacher slash coach. Loser.

Lucky for the children you have they get to learn here in America. They are no longer dumb Irishmen. They are Americans. Hopefully though they go to a good public school not an inner city school like the one I went to in Detroit. There is a reason why students in Detroit don't do as well as kids in the suburbs. Are you suggesting it's because they aren't as smart? I'm suggesting the teachers at inner city public schools aren't as good as the ones in the suburbs. We all know the best go to the good suburban schools. You can't deny. You can claim you are the White Shadow or Mr. Cotter or Mr. Holland's Opus but we know you are not Paddy.
Is there anything that can be done to prevent such a sick society from turning to fascism?

Yes. Making sure people like you never have any political power will go a long way towards avoiding fascism.
All replies are welcome marvin, you're one of the more committed racist cheerleaders.
You're limited to one more reply to me today, on account of your lack of any substance that could add to a discussion.

You can't point to a single thing I've ever written here that's racist.

Yet, you throw your full support behind this guy, openly and proudly, and we all see it:

I don't expect an idiot like you to know anything about Irish history (or any history, for that matter), but who cares? What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Not true. ....
Precisely true. I can understand why that would frighten the likes of YOU.
View attachment 511797
And there was a good reason for this.
What you are really trying to do is pathetically obvious. Your delusions are in vain, loser. YOU share absolutely, positively no glory with anyone who ever did anything of note in Greece, the last time of which was around 600 AD. YOU are an utter failure of a human being who cannot even pretend to construct an identity around anything other than the delusion that you are "rich." You make racist attacks on kids in the inner city all the time, but you do what so many young, immature kids there do when they swallow the wrong message from society. You pretending to be "rich" and trying to fill the empty, lonely space in your so-called life with something irrelevant like a boat is exactly the same as some kid in the city of very limited economic means strutting around with a big, fake gold chain because he has been led to falsely believe that materialism equals human value. You and he don't know of anything else to value in yourselves, so you make the same mistake.
I don't expect an idiot like you to know anything about Irish history (or any history, for that matter), but who cares? What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Not true. ....
Precisely true. I can understand why that would frighten the likes of YOU.
View attachment 511797
And there was a good reason for this.
What you are really trying to do is pathetically obvious. Your delusions are in vain, loser. YOU share absolutely, positively no glory with anyone who ever did anything of note in Greece, the last time of which was around 600 AD. YOU are an utter failure of a human being who cannot even pretend to construct an identity around anything other than the delusion that you are "rich." You make racist attacks on kids in the inner city all the time, but you do what so many young, immature kids there do when they swallow the wrong message from society. You pretending to be "rich" and trying to fill the empty, lonely space in your so-called life with something irrelevant like a boat is exactly the same as some kid in the city of very limited economic means strutting around with a big, fake gold chain because he has been led to falsely believe that materialism equals human value. You and he don't know of anything else to value in yourselves, so you make the same mistake.
Now I know I've gotten under your skin.

I'm proud to be Greek you're embarrassed to be Irish. Which is why you pretend to be Asian. Or why you worship asian men. Weird but ok.
It is a lie. You don't even know the weight classes. Even your lie is a farce. One (supposed) semester as the scrub who just hung around the team and you want to strut around like Billy Badass? That's a joke.
I am billy bad ass. .....
No, you really aren't. There were always a few scrubs like you who would hang around practice. They were mostly used as fodder when someone was needed to toss around while cutting weight.

So Billy Badass, what have you done since your glorious, imaginary semester a quarter century ago?
What have you done? ....
Don't answer a question with a question, Story Boy. I'll answer after you do.
You first.
Needless to say, I asked the first question. Answer or don't. No one cares. You have long since been exposed as the fraud you are.
You Irish have only been...
What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Your stormfront science is a child's imagination, you fool. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
.... Your great great great grandfather was....
You know absolutely nothing about my great, great, great grandfather and it is completely irrelevant in any case. Stop trying so hard to hide from the fact that you are a worthless individual right now. YOU need to face YOU.
I don't expect an idiot like you to know anything about Irish history (or any history, for that matter), but who cares? What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Not true. ....
Precisely true. I can understand why that would frighten the likes of YOU.
View attachment 511797
And there was a good reason for this.
What you are really trying to do is pathetically obvious. Your delusions are in vain, loser. YOU share absolutely, positively no glory with anyone who ever did anything of note in Greece, the last time of which was around 600 AD. YOU are an utter failure of a human being who cannot even pretend to construct an identity around anything other than the delusion that you are "rich." You make racist attacks on kids in the inner city all the time, but you do what so many young, immature kids there do when they swallow the wrong message from society. You pretending to be "rich" and trying to fill the empty, lonely space in your so-called life with something irrelevant like a boat is exactly the same as some kid in the city of very limited economic means strutting around with a big, fake gold chain because he has been led to falsely believe that materialism equals human value. You and he don't know of anything else to value in yourselves, so you make the same mistake.
Now I know I've gotten under your skin.
Did you polish your boat today, Hollow Boy?
Is there anything that can be done to prevent such a sick society from turning to fascism?

Yes. Making sure people like you never have any political power will go a long way towards avoiding fascism.
All replies are welcome marvin, you're one of the more committed racist cheerleaders.
You're limited to one more reply to me today, on account of your lack of any substance that could add to a discussion.

You can't point to a single thing I've ever written here that's racist.

Yet, you throw your full support behind this guy, openly and proudly, and we all see it:

View attachment 511799
Do you vote against diversity programs? Then your political ideology is racist. You can't see that bias exists because it benefits you. So you deny it. Then you guys cry about affirmative action. You're racist alright. Maybe you don't call gays faggots but that doesn't mean your policies aren't homophobic. Same with your racism. You think just because you don't say anything racist in public means you aren't a racist? HA!
It is a lie. You don't even know the weight classes. Even your lie is a farce. One (supposed) semester as the scrub who just hung around the team and you want to strut around like Billy Badass? That's a joke.
I am billy bad ass. .....
No, you really aren't. There were always a few scrubs like you who would hang around practice. They were mostly used as fodder when someone was needed to toss around while cutting weight.

So Billy Badass, what have you done since your glorious, imaginary semester a quarter century ago?
What have you done? ....
Don't answer a question with a question, Story Boy. I'll answer after you do.
You first.
Needless to say, I asked the first question. Answer or don't. No one cares. You have long since been exposed as the fraud you are.
You Irish have only been...
What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Your stormfront science is a child's imagination, you fool. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
.... Your great great great grandfather was....
You know absolutely nothing about my great, great, great grandfather and it is completely irrelevant in any case. Stop trying so hard to hide from the fact that you are a worthless individual right now. YOU need to face YOU.
Why are you making this about me? Why do you always do this? Thread derailer. Troll! The topic is lack of fathers. Get a fucking life. You need to teach more community college classes in the summer bro.

Yes, your dumb ancestors passed down their dumb genes to you. It's a fact. Or do you think you could take any baby in the world and make them as smart as any other baby you pick. Of course not. Some kids are just naturally smarter. They have smarter brains. I don't want to say bigger brains because they don't have to be bigger. But the fact is Irish have dumb brains. They were farmers and warriors not intellects. Greeks were intellects. The environment had a lot to do with it. We were safe living on beautiful islands with lots of food so we could sit around and pontificate. You were constantly getting your asses handed to you by the irish. You had no time to go to school. Then the potato famine. Not a good history. So that country produced filthy. It produced you. And you will pass on that dummy gene to your kids. Hopefully you married an asian so your kids will turn out smarter than the average Irishman.

This is why you were a great wrestler but only could be a public inner city school teacher.
I don't expect an idiot like you to know anything about Irish history (or any history, for that matter), but who cares? What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Not true. ....
Precisely true. I can understand why that would frighten the likes of YOU.
View attachment 511797
And there was a good reason for this.
What you are really trying to do is pathetically obvious. Your delusions are in vain, loser. YOU share absolutely, positively no glory with anyone who ever did anything of note in Greece, the last time of which was around 600 AD. YOU are an utter failure of a human being who cannot even pretend to construct an identity around anything other than the delusion that you are "rich." You make racist attacks on kids in the inner city all the time, but you do what so many young, immature kids there do when they swallow the wrong message from society. You pretending to be "rich" and trying to fill the empty, lonely space in your so-called life with something irrelevant like a boat is exactly the same as some kid in the city of very limited economic means strutting around with a big, fake gold chain because he has been led to falsely believe that materialism equals human value. You and he don't know of anything else to value in yourselves, so you make the same mistake.
Now I know I've gotten under your skin.
Did you polish your boat today, Hollow Boy?
Why are you bringing up my boat? Jealous? What have you done this summer?

Actually my new toy is a $2200 Ebike. I rode over 50 miles on Saturday. Fucking blast. Rode with friends. You don't have any. Oh yea, "the boys are getting together". LOL. Not.

And I fucked my girlfriend on Friday. When's the last time you fucked a girl who wasn't old as fuck?
Do you vote against diversity programs? Then your political ideology is racist. You can't see that bias exists because it benefits you. So you deny it. Then you guys cry about affirmative action. You're racist alright. Maybe you don't call gays faggots but that doesn't mean your policies aren't homophobic. Same with your racism. You think just because you don't say anything racist in public means you aren't a racist? HA!

So who did you vote for President since you're so anti-racist? It couldn't have been Biden given the racist things he's said in the past.
It is a lie. You don't even know the weight classes. Even your lie is a farce. One (supposed) semester as the scrub who just hung around the team and you want to strut around like Billy Badass? That's a joke.
I am billy bad ass. .....
No, you really aren't. There were always a few scrubs like you who would hang around practice. They were mostly used as fodder when someone was needed to toss around while cutting weight.

So Billy Badass, what have you done since your glorious, imaginary semester a quarter century ago?
What have you done? ....
Don't answer a question with a question, Story Boy. I'll answer after you do.
You first.
Needless to say, I asked the first question. Answer or don't. No one cares. You have long since been exposed as the fraud you are.
You Irish have only been...
What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Your stormfront science is a child's imagination, you fool. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Wrong. Your great great great grandfather was dumb just like all Irishmen back then. He passed that down to his kids and so on till you. You got that dumb gene. Now you may have went to college and got a public teachers degree but that's just all a bunch of liberal bullshit. You certainly don't teach math. You're probably a gym teacher slash coach. Loser.

Lucky for the children you have they get to learn here in America. They are no longer dumb Irishmen. They are Americans. Hopefully though they go to a good public school not an inner city school like the one I went to in Detroit. There is a reason why students in Detroit don't do as well as kids in the suburbs. Are you suggesting it's because they aren't as smart? I'm suggesting the teachers at inner city public schools aren't as good as the ones in the suburbs. We all know the best go to the good suburban schools. You can't deny. You can claim you are the White Shadow or Mr. Cotter or Mr. Holland's Opus but we know you are not Paddy.
Americans have it good compared to many. Some will not. Do not destroy it. And it has been to some degree.
I don't expect an idiot like you to know anything about Irish history (or any history, for that matter), but who cares? What someone did in Ireland hundreds of years ago has nothing to do with me. What someone with a skin tone similar to mine invented X years ago has nothing to do with me. What I do and what I am has to do with me. Think about it for a minute then realize why that sucks for YOU.
Not true. ....
Precisely true. I can understand why that would frighten the likes of YOU.
View attachment 511797
And there was a good reason for this.
What you are really trying to do is pathetically obvious. Your delusions are in vain, loser. YOU share absolutely, positively no glory with anyone who ever did anything of note in Greece, the last time of which was around 600 AD. YOU are an utter failure of a human being who cannot even pretend to construct an identity around anything other than the delusion that you are "rich." You make racist attacks on kids in the inner city all the time, but you do what so many young, immature kids there do when they swallow the wrong message from society. You pretending to be "rich" and trying to fill the empty, lonely space in your so-called life with something irrelevant like a boat is exactly the same as some kid in the city of very limited economic means strutting around with a big, fake gold chain because he has been led to falsely believe that materialism equals human value. You and he don't know of anything else to value in yourselves, so you make the same mistake.
Now I know I've gotten under your skin.
Did you polish your boat today, Hollow Boy?
Why are you bringing up my boat? Jealous? ...

Actually my new toy is a $2200 Ebike. ....
Wow, that gold chain sure looks cool. It must be expensive.
Do you vote against diversity programs? Then your political ideology is racist. You can't see that bias exists because it benefits you. So you deny it. Then you guys cry about affirmative action. You're racist alright. Maybe you don't call gays faggots but that doesn't mean your policies aren't homophobic. Same with your racism. You think just because you don't say anything racist in public means you aren't a racist? HA!

So who did you vote for President since you're so anti-racist? It couldn't have been Biden given the racist things he's said in the past.
That's nothing compared to the racist shit bobobrainless says all the time.
It's part of the problem, certainly.

The biggest problem, however, is that a large segment of the population makes excuses for bad behavior. The very notion of taking responsibility for one's own behavior is anathema to much of black culture in our country, and far too many guilt-ridden white people feed in to the pathology by lowering the bar for them.

It's actually a form of racism as far as I'm concerned, as the double standards being enabled are basically saying that blacks are just animals who cannot do any better. This is, of course, wrong, but since it is a politically correct racism, it prevails among all those who merely parrot but do not think.
Then why is there more whites in prison than blacks if all you can recognize is blacks committing crimes, every segment of the nation is represented in prison or in the court system.

Let us then discuss why white collar crime is so well represented by whites and Asians...Did these executives not have a daddy? Did they live in the inner cities growing up?
Once gain, your statements are not researched or outright lies.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in 2018 black males accounted for 34% of the total male prison population, white males 29%, and Hispanic males 24%.

Last I checked, 34 was greater than 29.
Poverty doesn't help either even when there are two parents.

That's a bunch of bullshit. My grandfathers came to this country without pots to urinate in. But they didn't turn to a life of crime.
sorry, my little prince pierogi------the CORRECT expression is:
"My grandpas did not have a pot to piss in" <<<< much more poetic
Who in the hell needs a pot to piss in?

Its an expression in the human language, relates back to the tremendous days before indoor plumbing when people had chamber pots.
Actually, you are wrong. It had to do with the fact that people were poor, and that is all.

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