Is "the media lies " the new conservative line ?


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
You seem very young to me. I don't usually do this but I will give you some unsolicited advice

Believe half of what you see and nothing that you hear
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
It is especially convenient because it is TRUE, dimwit.
The tenuous integrity of the media has been very severely compromised. They're just not covering it. Shocking, eh?
If you can't see how much the MSM twisted the truth to influence the election, you are already living on your own planet and denying all facts being presented.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
They've been lying, smearing and doing their best to destroy Republicans for a long time. I remember how they treated Reagan, who got the Fairness Doctrine axed. Which they will never forgive him for. Like all leftist policies it's inappropriately named because that was not the goal or results.

Radio talk show came about and was the first big thorn in the msm's side and it's only gotten worse for them.
hillary clinton lost the election to pepe the frog. pretty good indicator that that news media propaganda is gone full circle, coming back around to haunt them all for telling lies.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
Hey, the NYTimes still has Hillary as a 6-1 favorite to win the election
Depends upon which way a specific story gets represented. But in a way, it's just part of this broader assault on objective reality; this whole who-ya-gonna-believe-your-lying-eyes-or-me paradigm. You can't believe in your govt (but amazingly you're to be patriotic and fawn over militarism), you can't believe in your media, you cannot believe in your society because it got take away from you, you have so much to fear, that your only alternative is to turn on your fellow citizens to resolve your perceived problems via nihilism, scapegoating, and submitting to concentrated power and wealth.
That's a old line, it's just that everybody is learning it's true
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
They've been lying, smearing and doing their best to destroy Republicans for a long time. I remember how they treated Reagan, who got the Fairness Doctrine axed. Which they will never forgive him for. Like all leftist policies it's inappropriately named because that was not the goal or results.

Radio talk show came about and was the first big thorn in the msm's side and it's only gotten worse for them.

Evabody always picking on ya'll snowflake?
Republicans who say they have trust in the media has plummeted to 14 percent from 32% a year ago. This is easily the lowest confidence among Republicans in 20 years,” the analyst noted. Among Democrats, the number is 51 percent, among independents, it is 30 percent. ~ American trust in news media falls to lowest level in history: Gallup poll

So basically, only the left trusts the media.

The "media" covers a huge group of outlets . You don't want to just go wh one source . But to go wh no sources !?
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
It is especially convenient because it is TRUE, dimwit.

I flipped through several MSM cable news channels last night, ALL of them were spewing lies and fomenting hate and fear of Trump. Which is to say they were spewing lies and fomenting hate and fear of the American people.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .

Well let me ask you this: Do you think "Trump is anti-immigrant"?
You wouldn't be alone as Google search shows 12,800 results.
In fact here is what Rachel Maddow of MSNBC says...
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history

If Maddow and you are correct why did Trump marry a "LEGAL IMMIGRANT"?
Why would I and millions of people like Trump and me be against people like my daughter-in-law..A LEGAL Immigrant"?
So with his lack of recognizing the basic difference "legal" versus "illegal" is it ANY wonder that

over 60% of Americans distrust the news media!
Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

What this means is that more people when hearing "Trump-anti-immigrant" from the MSM we just don't believe it because
HE MARRIED A LEGAL IMMIGRANT... and you and the idiot MSM want us to believe Trump is anti-immigrant?
It is that simple.

Yeah, some of us know this is how our entire system works, not just half of it. If you ever get to a place where you want to take on the entire thing as opposed to half of it, seek us out.
seems to be the new reaction to ANY news they don't like . "Oh, the MSM lies".

It's a very convenient mantra . You can basically live in your own planet and deny all facts being presented .
It is especially convenient because it is TRUE, dimwit.

I flipped through several MSM cable news channels last night, ALL of them were spewing lies and fomenting hate and fear of Trump. Which is to say they were spewing lies and fomenting hate and fear of the American people.
And thus they will guarantee Trump a second term. They dont understand what they are doing, like idiot children they have only that one hammer in their hand and they are going to use it on EVERYTHING that even passably resembles a nail...or doesnt.
Um. Wasn't that the battle cry of all the Hillary supporters when the Wikileaks emails were released. It was all a lie.

I've got to wonder. Because how many times has the left sworn that Hillary was not corrupt regardless of the truth?

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