Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters

No, gun nuts don't do that, criminals do that. But because most criminals are Democrat or liberal, liberals won't attack them, they want to attack law abiding citizens instead.

Most of those 33K gun deaths are suicides, accidents or domestic violence. So, um, no, the criminals aren't the problem, the gun culture is.

Yes it is liberals that do that. It's Democrats who are control freaks and demand higher taxes on tobacco products which makes them nearly unaffordable in some places. And remember DumBama's first initiative entering the White House was to put a huge tax on cigarettes before he even moved all his stuff in. Later, he placed a tax on tobacco that closed down most all of the roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country. And I won't even get into what he did to the American Indians and their tobacco industry.

You mean we might get to a point where a cancer causing substance can't be afforded. Gee, that would be horrible. But you weren't talking about affordability. You were talking about who was creating "smoke free zones",and that's those big corporations that are boning you up the ass and not even having the courtesy of giving you a reach around.

I'd have no problem dropping tobacco taxes and raising taxes on the rich.

Slumlord is your typical liberal attack because most of them live in slums. I run a decent and good operation here. Every apartment I rent is checked out by the city and approved before rental. I have people beating down the door to get one of them. And if not for liberal policies like putting HUD people in my suburb, it would be even a more desirable place to live.

So essentially, you are bitching because HUD is providing nice places to live with white people instead of the roach-filled hovels you offer?

Because you listen to MSM, the rest of us listen to other news sources. And if you did that, you would hear women outraged by this matter. If you don't believe that, find one woman in your circle that says she wouldn't mind taking a shower in a public place with strange guys around.

They'd probably be just as weirded out by taking a shower next to a butch lesbian... but good luck with that.
No, gun nuts don't do that, criminals do that. But because most criminals are Democrat or liberal, liberals won't attack them, they want to attack law abiding citizens instead.

Most of those 33K gun deaths are suicides, accidents or domestic violence. So, um, no, the criminals aren't the problem, the gun culture is.

Yes it is liberals that do that. It's Democrats who are control freaks and demand higher taxes on tobacco products which makes them nearly unaffordable in some places. And remember DumBama's first initiative entering the White House was to put a huge tax on cigarettes before he even moved all his stuff in. Later, he placed a tax on tobacco that closed down most all of the roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country. And I won't even get into what he did to the American Indians and their tobacco industry.

You mean we might get to a point where a cancer causing substance can't be afforded. Gee, that would be horrible. But you weren't talking about affordability. You were talking about who was creating "smoke free zones",and that's those big corporations that are boning you up the ass and not even having the courtesy of giving you a reach around.

I'd have no problem dropping tobacco taxes and raising taxes on the rich.

Slumlord is your typical liberal attack because most of them live in slums. I run a decent and good operation here. Every apartment I rent is checked out by the city and approved before rental. I have people beating down the door to get one of them. And if not for liberal policies like putting HUD people in my suburb, it would be even a more desirable place to live.

So essentially, you are bitching because HUD is providing nice places to live with white people instead of the roach-filled hovels you offer?

Because you listen to MSM, the rest of us listen to other news sources. And if you did that, you would hear women outraged by this matter. If you don't believe that, find one woman in your circle that says she wouldn't mind taking a shower in a public place with strange guys around.

They'd probably be just as weirded out by taking a shower next to a butch lesbian... but good luck with that.
You mean we might get to a point where a cancer causing substance can't be afforded. Gee, that would be horrible. But you weren't talking about affordability. You were talking about who was creating "smoke free zones",and that's those big corporations that are boning you up the ass and not even having the courtesy of giving you a reach around.

I'd have no problem dropping tobacco taxes and raising taxes on the rich.

Industry does not create smoke-free zones, they have no need to. Any industry could stop smoking on their property any time they wanted. They didn't need government to do that. It's liberals that cry to their Democrat politicians to have people stop smoking anywhere they happen to be whether it's public or private property.

So essentially, you are bitching because HUD is providing nice places to live with white people instead of the roach-filled hovels you offer?

Yes, I am complaining about that. With HUD comes the crime and filth. Try living next door to a HUD home and see how you like it. Great if you don't work and want to lock everything down outside with a chain and locks, but not so good if you want to sleep on a work night without lowlifes coming home next door 3:00am with their car stereo blasting every other night. And then you have to get up and call the cops to get them back into their abode.
I wouldn't call ChrisL left leaning, and I think CC is a dude. But I'm talking publicly, not people on USMB. (Since you ignore the point no Obama supporters support Trump now here.)

Publicly, I know of NO ONE who supports this. NO ONE!

Oh, I'm sure you are a typical "internet tough guy".. but that wasn't my point. I just find it interesting that you are expressing your fantasies here. Whoops. That wasn't a dude, that was a really butch looking Lesbian! Well, she probably had it coming!

No tough guy... just stating what is going to happen. Like I said... take it or leave it.

Not that I think that you would ever have the balls to do that, but if you did, you'd probably be charged with a hate crime. Now that would be fucking ironic.

Don't really care what you think... don't really care about being arrested and charged with whatever... I'm still going to stomp some tranny ass. I'll make certain it's worth my while. Just understand, I am not alone... there are countless others out there who see this the same way and we're just not going to comply with this shit. Sorry... find something else to menstruate over.
Yes, I am complaining about that. With HUD comes the crime and filth. Try living next door to a HUD home and see how you like it. Great if you don't work and want to lock everything down outside with a chain and locks, but not so good if you want to sleep on a work night without lowlifes coming home next door 3:00am with their car stereo blasting every other night. And then you have to get up and call the cops to get them back into their abode.

Racist from Cleveland strikes again.
Don't really care what you think... don't really care about being arrested and charged with whatever... I'm still going to stomp some tranny ass. I'll make certain it's worth my while. Just understand, I am not alone... there are countless others out there who see this the same way and we're just not going to comply with this shit. Sorry... find something else to menstruate over.

lIke I said, "internet tough guy", it will be amusing watching you get arrested for a hate crime for beating someone up because you thought they were a "Tranny".

I was just wondering, how were you planning to check again?
Yes, I am complaining about that. With HUD comes the crime and filth. Try living next door to a HUD home and see how you like it. Great if you don't work and want to lock everything down outside with a chain and locks, but not so good if you want to sleep on a work night without lowlifes coming home next door 3:00am with their car stereo blasting every other night. And then you have to get up and call the cops to get them back into their abode.

Racist from Cleveland strikes again.

Yeah, it's racist not to want your property stolen as I have. It's racist to want to sleep and get up for work. It's racist not to want to clean all the litter from your lawn before you mow it.

Now you understand why people don't take liberals seriously anymore when they talk about race???? Nah......I guess not, and never will.
Yeah, it's racist not to want your property stolen as I have. It's racist to want to sleep and get up for work. It's racist not to want to clean all the litter from your lawn before you mow it.

Now you understand why people don't take liberals seriously anymore when they talk about race???? Nah......I guess not, and never will.

again, your new nickname "Racist from Cleveland". It fits. You have no problem taking money from "those people", you just don't want to live next door to them.
Yes, I am complaining about that. With HUD comes the crime and filth. Try living next door to a HUD home and see how you like it. Great if you don't work and want to lock everything down outside with a chain and locks, but not so good if you want to sleep on a work night without lowlifes coming home next door 3:00am with their car stereo blasting every other night. And then you have to get up and call the cops to get them back into their abode.

Racist from Cleveland strikes again.

Yeah, it's racist not to want your property stolen as I have. It's racist to want to sleep and get up for work. It's racist not to want to clean all the litter from your lawn before you mow it.

Now you understand why people don't take liberals seriously anymore when they talk about race???? Nah......I guess not, and never will.
There is nearly 100% no reason to get into any sort of debate with a left winger. They literally take on both sides of every issue. They are liars and hypocrites. Most of all they are committed puppets.

Case in point....

They are all against wallstreet and the rich, yet they cheer obama's ZIRP policy and the artificial inflation of the stock market and the democrats pay off of hedge fund investors (Chelsea Clinton's Jewish husband.)

They are supposedly oh so against torture and care so much for the poor muslims yet they wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering civilians.

They supposedly care so much for gays and women, yet you will never ever see them start a thread condemning muslims for executing gays for being gay nor do they care if they stone women for being raped. They sure as hell say nothing about the systematic rapes and murders of women all around the world. The only kind of "protest" they will make is they will say "but ALL RELIGIONS are guilty of this....."

Their way of attacking Christianity. They will always say "but but but Christians do it too!" Every time there is some mass murder on behalf of muslims which happens every year at least 10 to 20 times, and they yell about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and claim it was done by a "Christian." Even though he was not a Christian. They only say that cause he was a white guy. So, therefore, must have been a Christian.

The point is they stand for nothing, other than what they are told by their socialist leaders to care about. They are whipped up into a frenzy and they convince themselves they are on some moral platitude. It is literally impossible to debate these types of morons.
They are all against wallstreet and the rich, yet they cheer obama's ZIRP policy and the artificial inflation of the stock market and the democrats pay off of hedge fund investors (Chelsea Clinton's Jewish husband.)

Obama is following the same policy of propping up Wall Street after the Great Recession that Bush started. so, um, no. Given that it prevented the "Great Recession" from Turning into the "Great Depression 2 but even Worse", I'd call it a good policy.

But do tell us more about this Jewish Conspiracy.

They are supposedly oh so against torture and care so much for the poor muslims yet they wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering civilians.

They supposedly care so much for gays and women, yet you will never ever see them start a thread condemning muslims for executing gays for being gay nor do they care if they stone women for being raped. They sure as hell say nothing about the systematic rapes and murders of women all around the world. The only kind of "protest" they will make is they will say "but ALL RELIGIONS are guilty of this....."

Okay, you see, the problem with this argument isn't that conservatives care that those mean old Muslims are torturing people or executing gays. It's that they are standing on top of a lot of oil that their capitalist masters think they are entitled to, and they are happy to send off a working class kid to die to secure it for them.

Their way of attacking Christianity. They will always say "but but but Christians do it too!" Every time there is some mass murder on behalf of muslims which happens every year at least 10 to 20 times, and they yell about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and claim it was done by a "Christian." Even though he was not a Christian. They only say that cause he was a white guy. So, therefore, must have been a Christian.

McVeigh was one of you guys. So was Eric Rudolf and a lot of other Christian Terrorists.

Again, not my circus, not my monkeys.

The point is they stand for nothing, other than what they are told by their socialist leaders to care about. They are whipped up into a frenzy and they convince themselves they are on some moral platitude. It is literally impossible to debate these types of morons.

Well, you'd have to actually debate what they say instead of setting up strawmen to beat up. that would be a novel approach for you.
Don't really care what you think... don't really care about being arrested and charged with whatever... I'm still going to stomp some tranny ass. I'll make certain it's worth my while. Just understand, I am not alone... there are countless others out there who see this the same way and we're just not going to comply with this shit. Sorry... find something else to menstruate over.

lIke I said, "internet tough guy", it will be amusing watching you get arrested for a hate crime for beating someone up because you thought they were a "Tranny".

I was just wondering, how were you planning to check again?

I know what a man dressed as a woman looks like. As I said when I made the statement, you better hope to fuck you're pulling off looking like a woman if you follow my daughter/granddaughter/date into the restroom and you better hope they don't see your genitals. Because if it happens, there's going to be a tranny ass stomping.

I don't know what this "tough guy" thing is, you don't need to be a tough guy to stomp a tranny and you don't really have anything to worry about unless you're a tranny.... are you a closet tranny, Joe?
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters when it really doesn't because the bathroom practice has always been a practice. They are just simple minded enough to believe it matters because republicans in power tells them it does. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

You don't even know what you're talking about. The issue arose when the very extremely LIBERAL Charlotte City Council passed an ordinance allowing transgender males to use public female restroom facilities in Charlotte. The governor and state legislature responded by passing a law prohibiting that measure. This issue was raised by Liberal Democrats in Charlotte.... NOT Republicans.

You are getting your asses kicked up one side and down the other politically over this because the vast majority of the country thinks you're fucking insane. Even most intellectual Liberals aren't signing on to this. You've tried to tie it to Civil Rights and that has failed as well... the largest organization of black ministers in America has now officially gone on record denouncing this movement and many of your early supporters are now coming around to understand this is not a winner at all.

Enter your predictable BLEATS... It's all the Republican's fault! They want to distract you from the REAL issues!

No... it's YOURS baby... You OWN it!

Exactly. This should be a non-issue, because if someone is really trans-gender, you wouldn't blink twice if they used the restroom they think they fit best. But the dems lose on this, because most people know nothing about transgender people. And whenever an issue confronts a social more that is illogical, the majority at first reacts with outrage that is outrageous.
I know what a man dressed as a woman looks like. As I said when I made the statement, you better hope to fuck you're pulling off looking like a woman if you follow my daughter/granddaughter/date into the restroom and you better hope they don't see your genitals. Because if it happens, there's going to be a tranny ass stomping.

I don't know what this "tough guy" thing is, you don't need to be a tough guy to stomp a tranny and you don't really have anything to worry about unless you're a tranny.... are you a closet tranny, Joe?

So again, when I met my lesbian's friend's partner, I thought she was a dude when I met her. So I honestly hope you don't beat up any Lesbians by mistake... because I think the hate crime statues wouldn't work out good for you in that case.

So what if your date decides you're really kind of a creep and tells you some lady is a dude and you beat her up... what then?
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters when it really doesn't because the bathroom practice has always been a practice. They are just simple minded enough to believe it matters because republicans in power tells them it does. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

You don't even know what you're talking about. The issue arose when the very extremely LIBERAL Charlotte City Council passed an ordinance allowing transgender males to use public female restroom facilities in Charlotte. The governor and state legislature responded by passing a law prohibiting that measure. This issue was raised by Liberal Democrats in Charlotte.... NOT Republicans.

You are getting your asses kicked up one side and down the other politically over this because the vast majority of the country thinks you're fucking insane. Even most intellectual Liberals aren't signing on to this. You've tried to tie it to Civil Rights and that has failed as well... the largest organization of black ministers in America has now officially gone on record denouncing this movement and many of your early supporters are now coming around to understand this is not a winner at all.

Enter your predictable BLEATS... It's all the Republican's fault! They want to distract you from the REAL issues!

No... it's YOURS baby... You OWN it!
For fuck's sake. What the city coucil did means jack shit, because again, transgendered people ALWAYS DID THIS ANYWAY. It's republicans who made this a media firestorm. It's the governor who has gone on TV to make this issue a national concern.

FFS, TGs have been using their preferred restrooms forever, with no problem. Chaz Bono was not kicked out of the men's room, and Rue Paul was not being kicked out of the ladies' room. It was perectly fine, which progressives determined intolerable and demanded men legally be protected, dominantly, in the ladies room (without having to present as female, without having to be on hormones and without having to be under a doctor's care). Oh, and if you object, you're a racist, xenophobic, closet homosexual with violent intentions.

Like the ACA, this is ALL on progressives.
I know what a man dressed as a woman looks like. As I said when I made the statement, you better hope to fuck you're pulling off looking like a woman if you follow my daughter/granddaughter/date into the restroom and you better hope they don't see your genitals. Because if it happens, there's going to be a tranny ass stomping.

I don't know what this "tough guy" thing is, you don't need to be a tough guy to stomp a tranny and you don't really have anything to worry about unless you're a tranny.... are you a closet tranny, Joe?

So again, when I met my lesbian's friend's partner, I thought she was a dude when I met her. So I honestly hope you don't beat up any Lesbians by mistake... because I think the hate crime statues wouldn't work out good for you in that case.

So what if your date decides you're really kind of a creep and tells you some lady is a dude and you beat her up... what then?

I'm not as retarded as you so I won't make such a mistake. I know you don't understand. It's okay, Joe!
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
Oh really? How, specifically, are republicans trying to fix things? Name specific policies.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
The feds decided to tell the feds to fuck off?

Seems places like North Carolina did that.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
Oh really? How, specifically, are republicans trying to fix things? Name specific policies.

By running Donald Trump for president and keeping Hillary Clinton as far from the whitehouse as possible.

If you don't think that Obama and the Clintons have been an embarrassment to this country you are either really really stupid, or have been on mars the last 20 years.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
The feds decided to tell the feds to fuck off?

Seems places like North Carolina did that.

No. the feds tried to overstep their authority and dictate how people must live. Yes, some states said "screw you" and good for them.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
The feds decided to tell the feds to fuck off?

Seems places like North Carolina did that.

No. the feds tried to overstep their authority and dictate how people must live. Yes, some states said "screw you" and good for them.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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