Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters

You're goddamn straight we do, and that includes not having to tolerate men in women's restrooms for ANY REASON! I

Hey boss. Are you a professional pecker checker? Or an amateur pecker checker?

In other words boss, when you are in a public restroom and a rather effeminate looking man walks into the restroom and into a stall, will you be the one knocking on the stall door to check for a pecker?

And is pecker checkers the new republican job agenda?
For the women's rest room, republicans propose crotch sniffers.
Which job are you best suited for boss.

Hey boss, ask the women in your life whether they would rather use the restroom with a good looking tyrannie (who they only suspect is a tyrannie)or a macho bull dyke (who they know is a bull dyke)?
So, when one state passes a bathroom law and you guys flip your shit. You cry racism when people want to end illegal immigration. You call us bigots if we believe in traditional marriage. You have liberal college kids afraid of sidewalk chalk scribblings, and people who are scared of the rich people hiding under their beds at night.

The scary thing is you all don't get how bigoted you sound when you babble about these things.

No... transgender people didn't always do this... again, you're fucking insane. No one made this anything until the Charlotte City Council decided to go insane and allow men in women's restrooms. Bravo to the Governor! I hope every Governor in this country stands up and denounces this ridiculous nonsense along with the majority of SANE Americans who don't want it and will not accept it. But let's be clear... your LIBS made this a concern... not Republicans.

Buddy, here's the thing. You guys have always operated on scaring white males into voting against their own economic interest. The problem is, racism, sexism and homophobia aren't selling anymore, so you guys are kind of desperately clinging to this horror that a dude in a dress might take a pee-pee in your wife's bathroom.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.
Triple zip is a perfict example,of the hypocritical dishonest,intolerant left,it is just as much apart of the problems we face as a nation, the party of strif division and hate.
I'm starting to wonder how many leftist men on this forum have a women's wardrobe

It's more than that. This is your typical liberal policy of the minority controlling the majority.

Liberals are miserable people. Because of that, they want to make everybody else miserable.

If a liberal sees a person with a firearm secure and happy about exercising his or her rights, the liberal wants to take that gun away from the person to make them miserable.

If a liberal sees a person sitting on a park bench enjoying a cigarette, the liberal wants to make it illegal for that happy person to have a cigarette on the park bench.

If a liberal is aware of a nice middle-class suburb or area where working people built the city to live with like kind, liberals want to insert lowlifes on the HUD program to bring down the value of that area and increasing crime making people miserable.

If a liberal sees that women are quite happy having their own public facilities, liberals want to ruin that happiness and security by allowing men invade their privacy.

The only thing that makes a liberal happy is when they are ruining things for a majority of people. That's what liberalism is all about.
I'm starting to wonder how many leftist men on this forum have a women's wardrobe

It's more than that. This is your typical liberal policy of the minority controlling the majority.

Liberals are miserable people. Because of that, they want to make everybody else miserable.

If a liberal sees a person with a firearm secure and happy about exercising his or her rights, the liberal wants to take that gun away from the person to make them miserable.

If a liberal sees a person sitting on a park bench enjoying a cigarette, the liberal wants to make it illegal for that happy person to have a cigarette on the park bench.

If a liberal is aware of a nice middle-class suburb or area where working people built the city to live with like kind, liberals want to insert lowlifes on the HUD program to bring down the value of that area and increasing crime making people miserable.

If a liberal sees that women are quite happy having their own public facilities, liberals want to ruin that happiness and security by allowing men invade their privacy.

The only thing that makes a liberal happy is when they are ruining things for a majority of people. That's what liberalism is all about.

Agreed but I still think they have women's wardrobes :)
Actually you PC liberals started this. Now finish it. Looks like when people actually stand up against you, you tuck tail and run.
Stand up against us? God the way you people dramatize this issue is so pathetic.

The question that should be asked to these assholes is do people have a right to live their lives the way they wish to live it? And do they deserve protection under the law. If not then so much for personal liberties and small government.

Small government is state government which should be allowed to do as they please. It's the federal government that seeks to force states into compliance against their will. That's what big government is all about.
Sorry, ladies gents

Society has practiced discrimination with male/female restrooms. The separate but equal clause is unjust! For now on, we shall use just one restroom and call it the powder room. For now, man and woman shall share the multistall facilities.

The courts are on the side of Obama.

Wait, I just realized the truth. We did not lose the men/women restrooms. We just lost the men restrooms and gained a second woman restroom. See how that works?
Ask the President who felt the need to sneak some late night letter out to the nations school districts over this.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

Pretty much yes, But so does Bammer. the objections are not just republicans, but normal black, gay streight, rich and poor folks. why not put the issue to the people and see what they say about it?
What is this, some kind of stupid Alinsky trick to blame republicans for the bathroom issue that is backfiring on democrats? The N.C. bathroom controversy is a democrat operation. N.C. passed a law about men in the ladies rest room and democrats went crazy with economic sanctions and threats of federal law suits. The bathroom issue proves one thing that democrat elitists don't give a shit about the safety and security of real women as long as they think they can get a couple of votes from sodomites and freakazoids.
What is this, some kind of Alinsky trick to blame republicans for the bathroom issue that is backfiring on democrats? The N.C. bathroom controversy is a democrat operation. N.C. passed a law about men in the ladies rest room and democrats went crazy with economic sanctions and threats of federal law suits. The bathroom issue proves one thing that democrat elitists don't give a shit about the safety and security of real women as long as they think they can get a couple of votes from sodomites and freakazoids.

I see Target's brand reputation has tanked and they are down around 4 billion in market value....well done Target, well done. Clowns
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters when it really doesn't because the bathroom practice has always been a practice. They are just simple minded enough to believe it matters because republicans in power tells them it does. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

You don't even know what you're talking about. The issue arose when the very extremely LIBERAL Charlotte City Council passed an ordinance allowing transgender males to use public female restroom facilities in Charlotte. The governor and state legislature responded by passing a law prohibiting that measure. This issue was raised by Liberal Democrats in Charlotte.... NOT Republicans.

You are getting your asses kicked up one side and down the other politically over this because the vast majority of the country thinks you're fucking insane. Even most intellectual Liberals aren't signing on to this. You've tried to tie it to Civil Rights and that has failed as well... the largest organization of black ministers in America has now officially gone on record denouncing this movement and many of your early supporters are now coming around to understand this is not a winner at all.

Enter your predictable BLEATS... It's all the Republican's fault! They want to distract you from the REAL issues!

No... it's YOURS baby... You OWN it!
For fuck's sake. What the city coucil did means jack shit, because again, transgendered people ALWAYS DID THIS ANYWAY. It's republicans who made this a media firestorm. It's the governor who has gone on TV to make this issue a national concern.

Than why'd you bring it up in the first place?
Shit stirring.....
It's more than that. This is your typical liberal policy of the minority controlling the majority.

Liberals are miserable people. Because of that, they want to make everybody else miserable.

If a liberal sees a person with a firearm secure and happy about exercising his or her rights, the liberal wants to take that gun away from the person to make them miserable.

Well, no, we want to take them away becaue you gun nuts cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries and 270 BILLION in economic damages with your little wanker surrogates.

If a liberal sees a person sitting on a park bench enjoying a cigarette, the liberal wants to make it illegal for that happy person to have a cigarette on the park bench.

Was it "liberals" who did that? Because the biggest people I see pushing anti-smoking are the big corporations you guys worship. Frankly, I think "Second Hand Smoke" is a bit overblown.

If a liberal is aware of a nice middle-class suburb or area where working people built the city to live with like kind, liberals want to insert lowlifes on the HUD program to bring down the value of that area and increasing crime making people miserable.

Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who brags about being a slumlord in Cleveland? Hypocrisy alert.

If a liberal sees that women are quite happy having their own public facilities, liberals want to ruin that happiness and security by allowing men invade their privacy.

You know what, if "women" are so concerned about this issue, then why is it the people we hear screaming the loudest about it are... wait for it.. men?
You're goddamn straight we do, and that includes not having to tolerate men in women's restrooms for ANY REASON! I

Hey boss. Are you a professional pecker checker? Or an amateur pecker checker?

In other words boss, when you are in a public restroom and a rather effeminate looking man walks into the restroom and into a stall, will you be the one knocking on the stall door to check for a pecker?

And is pecker checkers the new republican job agenda?
For the women's rest room, republicans propose crotch sniffers.
Which job are you best suited for boss.

Hey boss, ask the women in your life whether they would rather use the restroom with a good looking tyrannie (who they only suspect is a tyrannie)or a macho bull dyke (who they know is a bull dyke)?

Wilbur, I am a grown ass man... I don't care what comes in MY restroom.... or my changing room or shower, to be honest.... penis, vagina, both... I don't care. I'm not looking, it doesn't bother me, it poses no threat to me whatsoever. That's why I am wondering why this is such a big issue, transgenders are welcome in the Men's room!

My concerns are 100% regarding women, their privacy and their safety while using the restroom. Every woman I personally know, liberal to conservative, young to old, to a fault... thinks this is totally insane! In fact, the ONLY place I've seen ANYONE come out and actually advocate for it is HERE at USMB... as an anonymous poster who can hide behind their keyboard and probably would be ashamed to admit their position in public to members of their family or friends.

The only "justification" I have found in ANY of this is so that liberal progressives (certain ones) can smear the right with the "intolerant bigot" label some more... since they don't have gay marriage to promote these days. This has become their new battle... and the purpose is to denigrate traditional values of the right and continue to promote the meme of the right being a bunch of intolerant bigots.

Now I am going to tell you something.... You take your tranny ass in the women's restroom behind my daughters or grandaughters or my date.... you're going to fucking see what an intolerant bigot's fist looks like rearranging your dental work. I promise you are going to wish you had made a different decision that day. And I can assure you that I am NOT alone. So you can lobby to pass any kind of law, get the court to decide anything you want... that's the reality... you'll soon be smiling through the wrong side of your head.
My concerns are 100% regarding women, their privacy and their safety while using the restroom. Every woman I personally know, liberal to conservative, young to old, to a fault... thinks this is totally insane! In fact, the ONLY place I've seen ANYONE come out and actually advocate for it is HERE at USMB... as an anonymous poster who can hide behind their keyboard and probably would be ashamed to admit their position in public to members of their family or friends.

then how come we don't see women front and center on this? It seems like the only people I hear bitching about this have a Y chromosome

Now I am going to tell you something.... You take your tranny ass in the women's restroom behind my daughters or grandaughters or my date.... you're going to fucking see what an intolerant bigot's fist looks like rearranging your dental work. I promise you are going to wish you had made a different decision that day. And I can assure you that I am NOT alone. So you can lobby to pass any kind of law, get the court to decide anything you want... that's the reality... you'll soon be smiling through the wrong side of your head.

Why do I get this image of Boss getting a HUGE Woody when beating up a tranny? Like this is one of his fantasies.


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