Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters

The NC bathroom non-controversy sure as hell is distracting USMB RWs from anything and everything else. Or is it just that they predicted Hillary would be indicted three months ago and now they're embarrassed? Nah, can't be that. People who believe it's cool for Trump to mock the disabled are beyond embarrassment.

They're funnier than a cat with a laser pointer, though.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

total bullshit, the tranny bathroom issue was created by obozo and the dems to take attention away from his massive failures and the terrible choice of candidates available to the dems.

Obama and Clinton are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. Republicans are trying to fix the mess created by those two assholes.
Oh really? How, specifically, are republicans trying to fix things? Name specific policies.

By running Donald Trump for president and keeping Hillary Clinton as far from the whitehouse as possible.

If you don't think that Obama and the Clintons have been an embarrassment to this country you are either really really stupid, or have been on mars the last 20 years.
You didn't answer my question. What specific republican policies will "fix things"?
Yeah, it's racist not to want your property stolen as I have. It's racist to want to sleep and get up for work. It's racist not to want to clean all the litter from your lawn before you mow it.

Now you understand why people don't take liberals seriously anymore when they talk about race???? Nah......I guess not, and never will.

again, your new nickname "Racist from Cleveland". It fits. You have no problem taking money from "those people", you just don't want to live next door to them.

Take money from them? How?

I don't take anything that doesn't belong to me. Everything I have, I worked for and continue doing so.

As for HUD, it's my tax dollars that fund it. They are taking from me--not the other way around.

And it's bad enough I have to support lowlifes in the suburbs. But you think they would at least have the consideration to let me sleep so I can get up in the morning and work to create those tax dollars they are living on.
I'm not as retarded as you so I won't make such a mistake. I know you don't understand. It's okay, Joe!

Guy, you are the most retarded person on this board. I blame that toxic waste dump they have in your state.
Take money from them? How?

I don't take anything that doesn't belong to me. Everything I have, I worked for and continue doing so.

As for HUD, it's my tax dollars that fund it. They are taking from me--not the other way around.

And it's bad enough I have to support lowlifes in the suburbs. But you think they would at least have the consideration to let me sleep so I can get up in the morning and work to create those tax dollars they are living on.

Quite the contrary. I'm for moving as many poor people to the suburbs as humanly possible. Then you guys can't pretend the problems don't exist. You might even get off your lily-white asses and do something about it.
You're goddamn straight we do, and that includes not having to tolerate men in women's restrooms for ANY REASON! I

Hey boss. Are you a professional pecker checker? Or an amateur pecker checker?

In other words boss, when you are in a public restroom and a rather effeminate looking man walks into the restroom and into a stall, will you be the one knocking on the stall door to check for a pecker?

And is pecker checkers the new republican job agenda?
For the women's rest room, republicans propose crotch sniffers.
Which job are you best suited for boss.

Hey boss, ask the women in your life whether they would rather use the restroom with a good looking tyrannie (who they only suspect is a tyrannie)or a macho bull dyke (who they know is a bull dyke)?

Wilbur, I am a grown ass man... I don't care what comes in MY restroom.... or my changing room or shower, to be honest.... penis, vagina, both... I don't care. I'm not looking, it doesn't bother me, it poses no threat to me whatsoever. That's why I am wondering why this is such a big issue, transgenders are welcome in the Men's room!

My concerns are 100% regarding women, their privacy and their safety while using the restroom. Every woman I personally know, liberal to conservative, young to old, to a fault... thinks this is totally insane! In fact, the ONLY place I've seen ANYONE come out and actually advocate for it is HERE at USMB... as an anonymous poster who can hide behind their keyboard and probably would be ashamed to admit their position in public to members of their family or friends.

Get out more.

A CNN/ORC poll released Monday found a majority of Americans (57 percent) don't agree with bathroom bills like the one North Carolina is defending that restrict where transgender people can use the bathroom, while 38 percent do.​

The only "justification" I have found in ANY of this is so that liberal progressives (certain ones) can smear the right with the "intolerant bigot" label some more... since they don't have gay marriage to promote these days. This has become their new battle... and the purpose is to denigrate traditional values of the right and continue to promote the meme of the right being a bunch of intolerant bigots.

You've got it wrong. The only reason these laws are being passed is because anti gay bigots were pissed about the Windsor and Obergefell ruling.

We Tracked Down the Lawyers Behind the Recent Wave of Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills

Now I am going to tell you something.... You take your tranny ass in the women's restroom behind my daughters or grandaughters or my date.... you're going to fucking see what an intolerant bigot's fist looks like rearranging your dental work. I promise you are going to wish you had made a different decision that day. And I can assure you that I am NOT alone. So you can lobby to pass any kind of law, get the court to decide anything you want... that's the reality... you'll soon be smiling through the wrong side of your head.

Take money from them? How?

I don't take anything that doesn't belong to me. Everything I have, I worked for and continue doing so.

As for HUD, it's my tax dollars that fund it. They are taking from me--not the other way around.

And it's bad enough I have to support lowlifes in the suburbs. But you think they would at least have the consideration to let me sleep so I can get up in the morning and work to create those tax dollars they are living on.

Quite the contrary. I'm for moving as many poor people to the suburbs as humanly possible. Then you guys can't pretend the problems don't exist. You might even get off your lily-white asses and do something about it.

Do something about what?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of old curdled sour milk, you only have one thing, and that is one cup of rotten milk.

You liberals can't accept the fact that the good never changes the bad, the bad changes the good.

Move lowlifes into a nice suburb and what do you have? Increase crime, increased police activity, increased emergency medical services, lower property values which means lower tax for the city, closed up stores, dangerous schools, violence on the streets. So what do you think you've accomplished?

Good people move out of dangerous places. They go to higher grounds and the city deteriorates like mine did. Lowlifes move in that don't pay taxes to the city. Taxpaying people move out. How do you think ghettos are formed? That's right, liberalism, and your comment is proof positive of that.
Do something about what?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of old curdled sour milk, you only have one thing, and that is one cup of rotten milk.

You liberals can't accept the fact that the good never changes the bad, the bad changes the good.

Move lowlifes into a nice suburb and what do you have? Increase crime, increased police activity, increased emergency medical services, lower property values which means lower tax for the city, closed up stores, dangerous schools, violence on the streets. So what do you think you've accomplished?

Good people move out of dangerous places. They go to higher grounds and the city deteriorates like mine did. Lowlifes move in that don't pay taxes to the city. Taxpaying people move out. How do you think ghettos are formed? That's right, liberalism, and your comment is proof positive of that.

Ghettos are formed because the 1% want them.

If our focus was on providing jobs and dignity to everyone, instead of just wealth to the few, we could elevate people.

The problem is, you've been trained to hate people who have less than you, and that is sad.
In related news, the father was charged with a hate crime, which he was promptly convicted of.

Fuck you and your hate crime threats... First you'll have to catch me, then you'll have to convict me... and I am a pretty clever fella. Good luck, Nancy!
You mean the one right down the road from our Mercedes plant??

how does the fact you guys get paid less than UAW workers to make cares none of you can afford to drive help all that much, exactly?
Fuck you and your hate crime threats... First you'll have to catch me, then you'll have to convict me... and I am a pretty clever fella. Good luck, Nancy!

yes, you're a criminal mastermind, I'm sure.
The longer this thread continues, the more it proves that TPTB are succeeding in getting the RW to run around hysterically.


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