Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters

Buddy, here's the thing. You guys have always operated on scaring white males into voting against their own economic interest. The problem is, racism, sexism and homophobia aren't selling anymore, so you guys are kind of desperately clinging to this horror that a dude in a dress might take a pee-pee in your wife's bathroom.

I'll leave this here. Hope it fits:

What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

Nope. The state is simply codifying the law that freaks arent allowed in the womens bathroom. Its pretty sad that our federal govt would sink this low that a state would have to make a law keeping freaks and perverts out of womens bathrooms.
My concerns are 100% regarding women, their privacy and their safety while using the restroom. Every woman I personally know, liberal to conservative, young to old, to a fault... thinks this is totally insane! In fact, the ONLY place I've seen ANYONE come out and actually advocate for it is HERE at USMB... as an anonymous poster who can hide behind their keyboard and probably would be ashamed to admit their position in public to members of their family or friends.

then how come we don't see women front and center on this? It seems like the only people I hear bitching about this have a Y chromosome

Now I am going to tell you something.... You take your tranny ass in the women's restroom behind my daughters or grandaughters or my date.... you're going to fucking see what an intolerant bigot's fist looks like rearranging your dental work. I promise you are going to wish you had made a different decision that day. And I can assure you that I am NOT alone. So you can lobby to pass any kind of law, get the court to decide anything you want... that's the reality... you'll soon be smiling through the wrong side of your head.

Why do I get this image of Boss getting a HUGE Woody when beating up a tranny? Like this is one of his fantasies.


I think if you don't see women standing front and center on this you must be blind as a fucking bat. ChrisL and Candycorn are left-leaning women... I would call them Liberals.... they are BOTH voicing their opinions vociferously on here in numerous threads and they are vehemently opposed to it. Numerous other women have posted about this as well... all of them are opposed. I've seen virtually no women in favor of it.

As for your second comment, I don't get any pleasure out of public confrontation. I'm stating a fact of reality some people need to understand going forward. You follow a woman I am with into her restroom, expect to be confronted by my fist in your grill. It's going to happen. I'm sorry if that bothers you... I hate that you think I am getting off on that... I assure you I want nothing of the sort... but I will be damned if I sit idly by and allow it to happen without acting. Sue me, put me in jail... I don't care.

So if you're a tranny out there contemplating entering a women's restroom because you think you're entitled to that right and you happen to be somewhere that I am also at with my family... you better hope to God that you're pulling off looking like a woman or you're going to get your tranny ass beat. And if you manage to fool me and a woman I am with tells me she has seen your penis in the restroom, I have a razor sharp pocket knife and will take care of that problem while I'm whooping your tranny ass. I'll make your fucking sex-change dream come true.

This is not a threat... it's a warning of what is going to happen. Ignore the warning at your own peril.
My concerns are 100% regarding women, their privacy and their safety while using the restroom. Every woman I personally know, liberal to conservative, young to old, to a fault... thinks this is totally insane! In fact, the ONLY place I've seen ANYONE come out and actually advocate for it is HERE at USMB... as an anonymous poster who can hide behind their keyboard and probably would be ashamed to admit their position in public to members of their family or friends.

then how come we don't see women front and center on this? It seems like the only people I hear bitching about this have a Y chromosome

Now I am going to tell you something.... You take your tranny ass in the women's restroom behind my daughters or grandaughters or my date.... you're going to fucking see what an intolerant bigot's fist looks like rearranging your dental work. I promise you are going to wish you had made a different decision that day. And I can assure you that I am NOT alone. So you can lobby to pass any kind of law, get the court to decide anything you want... that's the reality... you'll soon be smiling through the wrong side of your head.

Why do I get this image of Boss getting a HUGE Woody when beating up a tranny? Like this is one of his fantasies.


I can't find exact numbers, but I can say that when Anis Parkers Hero Ordenance failed it failed bad. Judging by the numbers who rejected it, I'm thinking many thousands of women both gay and straight, black and white voted it down. You can dismiss it as a bunch of stupid red necks, but Harris County and the city of Houston are pretty suburban/left leaning. These weren't flat earth loving woman beating gay hating men. Sure some were, but the vote was unquestionably a NO. I'm pretty sure some of them folk with two x chromosome.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.
What is to prevent this pedophile from sharing a bathroom with my kid?
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.
What is to prevent this pedophile from sharing a bathroom with my kid?

Well, just identify as female whenever your kid needs to hit the can and go in and guard the stall.
"Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters"


And to distract attention from the fact that republicans have no solutions to address important matters.
"Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters"


And to distract attention from the fact that republicans have no solutions to address important matters.

So the president helps them out by making this decree? Ya, Barry O is a real idear mill there.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

Your messiah has been president for 8 fucking years why are you still crying?

Republicans don't like anything that goes against their bible. As far as I am concern if a man wants to be a women...Well, he deserves just as much protection under the law as anyone else. Your bigoted crap doesn't change this reality.
He/She? or It is given protection of the law. Hek they can even go to the bathroom... just where they're not supposed to.
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.
What is to prevent this pedophile from sharing a bathroom with my kid?

You :)
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.
What is to prevent this pedophile from sharing a bathroom with my kid?

Well, just identify as female whenever your kid needs to hit the can and go in and guard the stall.
Dude if this was law when I was in High School I would've never left the girls shower room.
"Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters"


And to distract attention from the fact that republicans have no solutions to address important matters.

You do realize the law was passed in response to Charlotte passing a city ordinance allowing it don't you? Do you also realize Charlotte is a democrat stronghold? So who started what?
What the republican base is too stupid to understand is that transgendered individuals have been using bathrooms of the sex they have identified with for years; long before the childish republicans in NC decided to start bitching about it. It's proof that republicans in power only want to make faux issues to distract us from issues that actually fucking matter:

1) The massive wealth disparity between the rich and poor
2) Our crumbling infrastructure
3) Big money corrupting our election process
4) Fraud in election results
5) Childhood poverty
6) The Flint crisis (that is just an example that is not limited to just Flint but the many cities across the nation)
7) Climate change (last but definitely not least)

See, the Fox News audience is stupid sheep who believe the transgender controversy actually matters because that dumb fuck republican governor tells them it matters. They are incapable of thinking for themselves when it comes to political issues. God forbid we turn any attention to the matters above.

Republicans are an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

Nope. The state is simply codifying the law that freaks arent allowed in the womens bathroom. Its pretty sad that our federal govt would sink this low that a state would have to make a law keeping freaks and perverts out of womens bathrooms.

Welcome to Liberal Land.
"Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters"


And to distract attention from the fact that republicans have no solutions to address important matters.

You do realize the law was passed in response to Charlotte passing a city ordinance allowing it don't you? Do you also realize Charlotte is a democrat stronghold? So who started what?

I pointed this out the OP as well... this is typical of the liberals... they run out there with something totally bonkers and when they see the polls showing them losing badly, they run away claiming it was all the fault of those mean ol' republicans!

We see this all the time with liberal causes, it's how they advance their insanity. They put it out there, it gets rejected... they cower and claim to be victimized... then they come again down the road with the same shit. The next round, they will be armed with heart-string-tugging stories of poor innocent people who have been beaten up or brutalized by the mean old bigots who wanted to stand in the bathroom door. Over time, mush-brains soften their positions and capitulate and they advance their cause.

But for now, they are seeing the writing on the wall... they know it's a losing issue and there is an election coming up... so, what to do? Run away and blame it all on republicans, as usual.
"Is the NC bathroom controversy proof of repubs in power desire to distract us from shit that matters"


And to distract attention from the fact that republicans have no solutions to address important matters.

You do realize the law was passed in response to Charlotte passing a city ordinance allowing it don't you? Do you also realize Charlotte is a democrat stronghold? So who started what?

I pointed this out the OP as well... this is typical of the liberals... they run out there with something totally bonkers and when they see the polls showing them losing badly, they run away claiming it was all the fault of those mean ol' republicans!

We see this all the time with liberal causes, it's how they advance their insanity. The put it out there, it gets rejected... they cower and claim to be victimized... then they come again down the road with the same shit. The next round, they will be armed with heart-string-tugging stories of poor innocent people who have been beaten up or brutalized by the mean old bigots who wanted to stand in the bathroom door. Over time, mush-brains soften their positions and capitulate and they advance their cause.

But for now, they are seeing the writing on the wall... they know it's a losing issue and there is an election coming up... so, what to do? Run away and blame it all on republicans, as usual.

It's Jones, dumb as a sack of rusty hammers
It's more than that. This is your typical liberal policy of the minority controlling the majority.

Liberals are miserable people. Because of that, they want to make everybody else miserable.

If a liberal sees a person with a firearm secure and happy about exercising his or her rights, the liberal wants to take that gun away from the person to make them miserable.

Well, no, we want to take them away becaue you gun nuts cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries and 270 BILLION in economic damages with your little wanker surrogates.

If a liberal sees a person sitting on a park bench enjoying a cigarette, the liberal wants to make it illegal for that happy person to have a cigarette on the park bench.

Was it "liberals" who did that? Because the biggest people I see pushing anti-smoking are the big corporations you guys worship. Frankly, I think "Second Hand Smoke" is a bit overblown.

If a liberal is aware of a nice middle-class suburb or area where working people built the city to live with like kind, liberals want to insert lowlifes on the HUD program to bring down the value of that area and increasing crime making people miserable.

Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who brags about being a slumlord in Cleveland? Hypocrisy alert.

If a liberal sees that women are quite happy having their own public facilities, liberals want to ruin that happiness and security by allowing men invade their privacy.

You know what, if "women" are so concerned about this issue, then why is it the people we hear screaming the loudest about it are... wait for it.. men?
Well, no, we want to take them away becaue you gun nuts cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries and 270 BILLION in economic damages with your little wanker surrogates.

No, gun nuts don't do that, criminals do that. But because most criminals are Democrat or liberal, liberals won't attack them, they want to attack law abiding citizens instead.

Was it "liberals" who did that? Because the biggest people I see pushing anti-smoking are the big corporations you guys worship. Frankly, I think "Second Hand Smoke" is a bit overblown.

Yes it is liberals that do that. It's Democrats who are control freaks and demand higher taxes on tobacco products which makes them nearly unaffordable in some places. And remember DumBama's first initiative entering the White House was to put a huge tax on cigarettes before he even moved all his stuff in. Later, he placed a tax on tobacco that closed down most all of the roll-your-own cigarette shops across the country. And I won't even get into what he did to the American Indians and their tobacco industry.

Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who brags about being a slumlord in Cleveland? Hypocrisy alert.

Slumlord is your typical liberal attack because most of them live in slums. I run a decent and good operation here. Every apartment I rent is checked out by the city and approved before rental. I have people beating down the door to get one of them. And if not for liberal policies like putting HUD people in my suburb, it would be even a more desirable place to live.

You know what, if "women" are so concerned about this issue, then why is it the people we hear screaming the loudest about it are... wait for it.. men?

Because you listen to MSM, the rest of us listen to other news sources. And if you did that, you would hear women outraged by this matter. If you don't believe that, find one woman in your circle that says she wouldn't mind taking a shower in a public place with strange guys around.
Dear God I hate liberals more every single day. Honestly, and I mean this. If every last one of them were set on fire right now, joy would fill my heart.

I think if you don't see women standing front and center on this you must be blind as a fucking bat. ChrisL and Candycorn are left-leaning women... I would call them Liberals.... they are BOTH voicing their opinions vociferously on here in numerous threads and they are vehemently opposed to it. Numerous other women have posted about this as well... all of them are opposed. I've seen virtually no women in favor of it.

I wouldn't call ChrisL left leaning, and I think CC is a dude. But I'm talking publicly, not people on USMB. (Since you ignore the point no Obama supporters support Trump now here.)

As for your second comment, I don't get any pleasure out of public confrontation. I'm stating a fact of reality some people need to understand going forward. You follow a woman I am with into her restroom, expect to be confronted by my fist in your grill. It's going to happen. I'm sorry if that bothers you... I hate that you think I am getting off on that... I assure you I want nothing of the sort... but I will be damned if I sit idly by and allow it to happen without acting. Sue me, put me in jail... I don't care.

Oh, I'm sure you are a typical "internet tough guy".. but that wasn't my point. I just find it interesting that you are expressing your fantasies here. Whoops. That wasn't a dude, that was a really butch looking Lesbian! Well, she probably had it coming!

So if you're a tranny out there contemplating entering a women's restroom because you think you're entitled to that right and you happen to be somewhere that I am also at with my family... you better hope to God that you're pulling off looking like a woman or you're going to get your tranny ass beat. And if you manage to fool me and a woman I am with tells me she has seen your penis in the restroom, I have a razor sharp pocket knife and will take care of that problem while I'm whooping your tranny ass. I'll make your fucking sex-change dream come true.

Not that I think that you would ever have the balls to do that, but if you did, you'd probably be charged with a hate crime. Now that would be fucking ironic.

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