Is the Obama administration covering up “enhanced interrogation” in Benghazi?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Is the Obama administration covering up “enhanced interrogation” in Benghazi?

While the media drools all over itself about a sex scandal, let’s not forget that beneath the sensationalism lies a deeper, more important story: Benghazi. One of the most intriguing new details that has surfaced since General Petraeus’s sudden resignation was Paula Broadwell’s comment claiming that the CIA had several Libyan militiamen held captive at the compound in Benghazi:

“Now I don’t know if a lot of you heard this, but the CIA annex had actually had taken a couple of Libya militia members prisoner. And they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back. So that’s still being vetted.”

Naturally, the Obama administration promptly came out with a denial of any such prison’s existence. In its denial, the CIA is actually cited President Obama’s executive order from January 2009 banning the agency from operating detention centers:

the CIA has not had detention authority since January 2009, when Executive Order 13491 was issued. Any suggestion that the Agency is still in the detention business is uninformed and baseless.

Obama’s executive order was put in place specifically to end the Bush-era controversy over “enhanced interrogation” (i.e. torture) at secret CIA detention centers. This is from a 2007 Washington Post article about secret CIA prisons and the interrogation methods that went on there:

The CIA exploited NATO military agreements to help it run secret prisons in Poland and Romania where alleged terrorists were held in solitary confinement for months, shackled and subjected to other mental and physical torture, according to a European investigative report released here Friday.

Some of the United States’ highest-profile terrorism suspects, including Khalid Sheik Mohammed, considered the prime organizer of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, were detained and interrogated at the facility in Poland, according to the 72-page report completed for the Council of Europe, the continent’s human rights agency.

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Poor Richard's News - Is the Obama administration covering up “enhanced interrogation” in Benghazi?
Obama is one big coverup. Period. The President who 4 years ago promised to be transparent is translucent. His light shines through thanks to his media adoration, but substance and details are a tad fuzzy.
The most horrendous part of this whole thing is that the Democrats, the MSM and people like Mr. H, would and will rather bury this incident so deep it would never be mentioned again. This goes to the clear fact that Oblamer and his minions have continually lied to us from day one. They really had to scramble to hide this black eye, but didn't do it so well. Does anyone really think they can lie long and loud enough to stop the questioning and seeking the truth?

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