Is the Occupation of the West Bank Morally Justified?

Is the Occupation of the West Bank Morally Justified?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • no

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
How is what Israel is doing moral?

It's a fair question.
Israel created the technology that allows you to bitch about Jews believing in a Bible that you don't believe in.
Sadly for you, you're in a tiny minority.
Genesis Chapter 10...The current land of Israel was settled by Shem, not Cham.
There is a moral argument for Israel belonging to the Jews.
If the Jews stayed in Europe, the Muslims would have conquered Europe and the US by now because they wouldn't by busy trying to get their asses kicked by so few Jews.
I agree that there is a moral argument for the formation of Israel.

I don't agree that there is a moral argument for the continued occupation of Palestine. Tell me that argument.
People get attacked all over the world.
They kick the enemies ass and eject them.
There's no nation on earth that has any moral justification for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants for not giving it's land back to the people that conquered it from the prior inhabitants, etc...
So your moral argument is there is no moral argument? I agree.
Israel created the technology that allows you to bitch about Jews believing in a Bible that you don't believe in.
Sadly for you, you're in a tiny minority.
Genesis Chapter 10...The current land of Israel was settled by Shem, not Cham.
Not sure what that has to do with anything, but if it makes you feel better, I couldn't be happier for you.
Jesus really screwed up------he actually thought that Bethlehem was in Judea----well---actually the people who wrote the new testament got it screwed up----
Bethlehem is NOT THE CITY OF DAVID's birth-----it is an arab slum
Not sure what that has to do with anything, but if it makes you feel better, I couldn't be happier for you.
You're never sure what anything has to do with anything.
I remember about 3 years ago before your mind started to disintegrate.
Israel created the technology that allows you to bitch about Jews believing in a Bible that you don't believe in.
Sadly for you, you're in a tiny minority.
Genesis Chapter 10...The current land of Israel was settled by Shem, not Cham.
Most Jews are atheists, so there's that.
You're never sure what anything has to do with anything.
I remember about 3 years ago before your mind started to disintegrate.
I'm the same as I ever was. I love God.

It is wrong what Israel is doing.
So they just took it back and that's why they attacked Egypt in 1967? To take back their lands?

Egypt attacked Israel in 1967 <<< an historic
fact. Egypt blocked the strait of tiran, ANNOUNCED ITS INTENTION of annihilating Israel, massed its HIGHLY ARMED ARMY on the sinai border etc etc ------
where do you get "israel attacked egypt" ---you've been reading "stormfront" again-----or you are parroting your sunday school whore?
Egypt attacked Israel in 1967 <<< an historic
fact. Egypt blocked the strait of tiran, ANNOUNCED ITS INTENTION of annihilating Israel, massed its HIGHLY ARMED ARMY on the sinai border etc etc ------
where do you get "israel attacked egypt" ---you've been reading "stormfront" again-----or you are parroting your sunday school whore? facts...please!
Egypt attacked Israel in 1967 <<< an historic
fact. Egypt blocked the strait of tiran, ANNOUNCED ITS INTENTION of annihilating Israel, massed its HIGHLY ARMED ARMY on the sinai border etc etc ------
where do you get "israel attacked egypt" ---you've been reading "stormfront" again-----or you are parroting your sunday school whore?
See what happens when God compensates the Jews for the Holocaust?
Only 70 years and it's one of the most powerful nations on earth in every single area.
On June 5, 1967, the Israel Defense Forces initiated Operation Focus, a coordinated aerial attack on Egypt. That morning, some 200 aircraft took off from Israel and swooped west over the Mediterranean before converging on Egypt from the north.

After catching the Egyptians by surprise, they assaulted 18 different airfields and eliminated roughly 90 percent of the Egyptian air force as it sat on the ground. Israel then expanded the range of its attack and decimated the air forces of Jordan, Syria and Iraq.

By the end of the day on June 5, Israeli pilots had won full control of the skies over the Middle East.

Israel all but secured victory by establishing air superiority, but fierce fighting continued for several more days. The ground war in Egypt began on June 5. In concert with the air strikes, Israeli tanks and infantry stormed across the border and into the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip.

Egyptian forces put up a spirited resistance, but later fell into disarray after Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer ordered a general retreat. Over the next several days, Israeli forces pursued the routed Egyptians across the Sinai, inflicting severe casualties.

A second front in the Six-Day War opened on June 5, when Jordan – reacting to false reports of an Egyptian victory – began shelling Israeli positions in Jerusalem. Israel responded with a devastating counterattack on East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

On June 7, Israeli troops captured the Old City of Jerusalem and celebrated by praying at the Western Wall.
See what happens when God compensates the Jews for the Holocaust?
Only 70 years and it's one of the most powerful nations on earth in every single area.
I guess that justifies the continued occupation in your mind as being moral.

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