Is The Political Divide Based On ‘Objective’ Versus ‘Subjective’?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Here is the context for this thread:

We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively.
“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

The Left/Democrats/Progressives have pretty much ended the impact of religion…..and now they are doing the same with science: they plan to end it in the name of diversity and inclusion.

1.I have usually formulated the difference between the Left and the Right as being based on the primacy of the collective, versus the individual. The Founders, and conservatives today, choosing the latter. But an interesting essay by the brilliant Heather MacDonald presents this conundrum: is there any future for Western Civilization if we no longer strive for excellence?

2. In “Unscientific Method,” Scientific Merit and the "Equity" Cult | City Journal MacDonald relates the story of a scientist whose work was ‘erased’ because it valued merit over diversity.

“…astronomer John Kormendy withdrew an article from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), after a preprint version that he had just posted on the web drew sharp criticism for threatening the conduct of “inclusive” science. … the preprint version was scrubbed as well (though a PDF can still be found here.)

3. What was so hurtful in his article? Kormendy had aimed to reduce the role of individual subjectivity in scientific hiring and tenure decisions. He created a model that predicted a scientist’s long-term research impact from the citation history of his early publications. He tested the results of his model against a panel of 22 prestigious astronomers, many of whom had advised the federal government on scientific research priorities and had served as jurors on high-profile astronomy prizes. That panel rated the research impact of the 512 astronomers whom Kormendy had run through his model; the panel’s conclusions closely matched the model’s results.

4. In 2021, a different standard for evaluating ideas applies: Do they help or hinder females and underrepresented minorities in STEM? Kormendy’s model, tweeted an astrophysicist at the City University of New York, “JUST TOOK ANY TINY STEPS WE ARE MAKING TOWARDS EQUITY AND THREW THEM OUT OF THE WINDOW” (capitalization in the original). An astronomer in Budapest objected that Kormendy had failed to consult with “relevant humanities experts” about cumulative bias against females and minorities.

5. But that non-representation was exactly the point—scientific expertise is not democratic.”

One can only wonder if Democrat voters have ever considered that their vote constitutes agreement with the idea that gender or skin color should determine which members of the science community should advance, and why.

And....can we still refer to the endeavor as 'science'????

And where any of those voters taken aback in 2009 when the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded on the basis of skin color?
306-232. Objective Trump lost.

Trump's Big Lie. Subjective. Your cult leader said it so you must believe it.
306-232. Objective Trump lost.

Trump's Big Lie. Subjective. Your cult leader said it so you must believe it.

Too bad your sort is illiterate.
You might have been warned had you been familiar with Oscar Wilde.


You stole the election, cheated and lied, and the result is that now the American people see how poorly you govern. Stealing the election caused this to be exposed;

Some time ago I would have been disappointed that you Democrats are so bereft of intelligence that you cannot articulate a point related to the post you linked to.

Now....I take it as a matter of course.
Back on point: the Left/Democrats/Progressives will no longer allow any scientific advancement unless it is due to the work of those of the 'right' color, gender or class.

That is what this thread is designed to prove.....and I'm challenging any Democrat voter to refute same.
The truth hurts Jumbo. This is why you're so lonely and bitter. Have another donut and you'll feel better. Well, actually no you won't feel better but while you're eating; you're not humiliating yourself on a message board so there is that temporary high.

306-232. Objective Trump lost.

Trump's Big Lie. Subjective. Your cult leader said it so you must believe it.

Say it: "President Biden". LOL
The truth hurts Jumbo. This is why you're so lonely and bitter. Have another donut and you'll feel better. Well, actually no you won't feel better but while you're eating; you're not humiliating yourself on a message board so there is that temporary high.

306-232. Objective Trump lost.

Trump's Big Lie. Subjective. Your cult leader said it so you must believe it.

Say it: "President Biden". LOL
The truth hurts Jumbo. This is why you're so lonely and bitter. Have another donut and you'll feel better. Well, actually no you won't feel better but while you're eating; you're not humiliating yourself on a message board so there is that temporary high.

306-232. Objective Trump lost.

Trump's Big Lie. Subjective. Your cult leader said it so you must believe it.

Say it: "President Biden". LOL

Some time ago I would have been disappointed that you Democrats are so bereft of intelligence that you cannot articulate a point related to the post you linked to.

Now....I take it as a matter of course.

The subject, it appears, is way over your pointy little head.

Back on point: the Left/Democrats/Progressives will no longer allow any scientific advancement unless it is due to the work of those of the 'right' color, gender or class.

That is what this thread is designed to prove.....and I'm challenging any Democrat voter to refute same.
We can tell your black ass will never create anything but lies...
Back on point: the Left/Democrats/Progressives will no longer allow any scientific advancement unless it is due to the work of those of the 'right' color, gender or class.

That is what this thread is designed to prove.....and I'm challenging any Democrat voter to refute same.
The racism on the left is horrific, and unless we stop it, it will only get worse. If Harris becomes president, G-d forbid, she has all sorts of aces up her sleeve designed specifically to help people of the “right” color, the cost of which to be borne (both financially and via lost opportunity) by the “wrong” race.
Wow, you have your center off center. I am a human, an individual not a member of many....
That’s no response to what you just said a post up about the OP’s “black ass.” What a nasty, condescending thing to say. You liberals reveal that racism is much more prominent among leftists.
That’s no response to what you just said a post up about the OP’s “black ass.” What a nasty, condescending thing to say. You liberals reveal that racism is much more prominent among leftists.
Her ass is black from sitting on it all day(dead flesh). What you need to do is figure out which pejorative to use and political philosophy, there are liberals that are Republicans..A leftist covers a lot of ground politically speaking.
Are you gonna be okay, do you need psychological care?
Too bad your sort is illiterate.
You might have been warned had you been familiar with Oscar Wilde.

View attachment 562437

You stole the election, cheated and lied, and the result is that now the American people see how poorly you govern. Stealing the election caused this to be exposed;

Some time ago I would have been disappointed that you Democrats are so bereft of intelligence that you cannot articulate a point related to the post you linked to.

Now....I take it as a matter of course.

If we are not energy independent then why are we exporting OIL, Gas and LPG?
Name one.
Log Cabin constituency.
liberalism is
  1. willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas.

  2. a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
Log Cabin constituency.
liberalism is
  1. willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas.

  2. a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
OMG!! You are saying liberalism is a willingness to accept opinions different from one’s own? Hah! Anyone venturing an opinion that deviates even slightly from the left is called every name in the book and/or cancelled outright.

And liberalism promotes individual rights? Then what’s with all these mandates?

I can’t believe you typed what you did with a straight face.
OMG!! You are saying liberalism is a willingness to accept opinions different from one’s own? Hah! Anyone venturing an opinion that deviates even slightly from the left is called every name in the book and/or cancelled outright.

And liberalism promotes individual rights? Then what’s with all these mandates?

I can’t believe you typed what you did with a straight face.
I am not saying it those that define words are and they have since Liberalism was invented two hundred years ago.

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