Is the President soaring as his nemesis plummets into the abyss?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Well, maybe not, but leading a nation whose economy is flourishing sure beats being mired in multiple indictments for attempts to sabotage democracy and compromise national security, doesn't it?

Sure, the nation's economy could collapse and the sexual abuser pull out of his legal death spiral before November, 2024, but we can only be sure of now, and now is auspicious

Strong labor market growth is pushing aside recession fears

... The June jobs report, to be released Friday, will provide a fresh view of the state of the labor market and is predicted to show the 30th continuous month of vigorous job gains, with economists forecasting 225,000 jobs created.
“Businesses that were very worried about the possibility of a downturn and sitting on the sidelines are feeling more confident now that the U.S. could actually avoid a [recession],” said Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter. “The labor market actually is remarkably resilient.”...

As long as Americans remain employed, they’ve been able to keep spending, even in the face of persistent inflation.
Bloomberg Economics, which last fall forecast a 100 percent chance of a recession by October, now says the country will “narrowly dodge” a downturn this year. Major banks including Goldman Sachs and Barclay’s are watering down recession predictions, in large part because of the job market’s resilience.
“As long as the economy continues to produce more than 200,000 jobs a month, this economy is not going to slip into recession,” Joe Brusuelas, chief economist at RSM, wrote in a research note.

The president’s investment agenda is already generating a huge economic impact.
Will political benefits follow?

When President Joe Biden visits South Carolina to tout a new solar-energy-manufacturing facility today, he will underscore a striking pattern: Some of the biggest winners from his economic agenda have been Republican-leaning places whose political leaders have consistently opposed his initiatives.
Centered on a trio of bills Biden signed in his first two years, the president’s economic program has triggered what could become the most concentrated burst of public and private investment since the 1960s. The twin bills Biden signed in 2022 to promote more domestic production of clean energy and semiconductors have already helped generate about $500 billion in private investment in new factories and expansion of existing plants, according to the administration’s tally. Simultaneously, the federal government is spending billions more repairing roads, bridges, and other facilities through some 32,000 projects already funded by the bipartisan infrastructure bill approved in 2021. Companies are spending twice as much on constructing new manufacturing facilities as they were as recently as two years ago, a recent Treasury Department analysis found.

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OP is delusional . But until we get the big knock down later there is no way of waking up those who Cherry pick and fantasise . Yet another group of Deniers — following COVID , Killer Shots and Khazarian Nazis . Time will show .
OP is delusional . But until we get the big knock down later there is no way of waking up those who Cherry pick and fantasise . Yet another group of Deniers — following COVID , Killer Shots and Khazarian Nazis . Time will show .
What are Khazarian Nazis?
So many staunch Trump supporters do as well. I'm seeing a trend.
Hey got no room to talk...sheila jackson leigh, our amazing veep..heard her latest inspirational remarks? Hank Johnson... the guy that was afraid Guam would tip over, Mayorkas, Blinken, Karine Pierre, Nanny Pelosi...and your very own special moron...Joe Bribem.

you think.....the economy is flourishing.
Even as the average pay numbers go up it's all smoke and mirrors because the dollar unit is devaluing at a record pace. They're evaluation of the economy is based solely on the dry statistics of numbers employed and not on whether or not the average employed person can afford a bag of groceries. Most people know when they hear it that it's bullshit due to their own personal experiences.
Below is a chart showing
Just how heinous the economic lie really is.
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Strong labor market growth is pushing aside recession fears

Hey moron, you think the economy is sound? If it is so good, then why are small companies like Dunkin Donuts cutting back? They used to give people a free coffee on their birthday. Good marketing scheme. They've stopped. They can't afford to give away a cup of Joe anymore.

That may sound like a small thing, but I believe it is an indicator that our economy is really on the precipice of really bad things. But I know you gotta jerk yourself off telling yourself that under Joe's disastrous actions that somehow our economy is going to boom. Bad times are a comin'.

Hey moron, you think the economy is sound? If it is so good, then why are small companies like Dunkin Donuts cutting back? They used to give people a free coffee on their birthday. Good marketing scheme. They've stopped. They can't afford to give away a cup of Joe anymore.

That may sound like a small thing, but I believe it is an indicator that our economy is really on the precipice of really bad things. But I know you gotta jerk yourself off telling yourself that under Joe's disastrous actions that somehow our economy is going to boom. Bad times are a comin'.

We will have worse than a recession.... We will have a recessive implosion similar to 2008 only this time it won't be be based on the real estate market. When the real value of the dollar catches up to the currency that circulating around there pretending to be worth something in a mere 24 hours time you'll be paying $30 a gallon at the gas pump and $25 for gallon of milk.

It won't come gradually.
If it is so good, then why are small companies like Dunkin Donuts cutting back? They used to give people a free coffee on their birthday. Good marketing scheme. They've stopped. They can't afford to give away a cup of Joe anymore.

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