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Is the pressure getting to our President?

Q: "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

A: "I'd tell them to stop watching and listening to you worthless fearmongering bottom feeders for a few days, and they'll feel much better."

That's what he should have said.

Do you think that is what America wants to hear?

Nope, America is waiting on pins and needles, waiting to hear another BS story from you liberal loons. We could use another laugh.
America wants leadership. Assurance that there is a way through this

And Trump was so freaked out that he was required to take that lead....make those assurances...that all he could do was personally attack the reporter
He was too nice to the reporter...........I'd throw out the ones pushing set up questions...........EVERYONE IS SCARED..............What a Moron.........go hide under your dang rug.....

The trials of a POSSIBLE TREATMENT are now underway..........Already used by other countries.........and from a drug that's been around a while............It is showing good results early on and WE HOPE that it will be GREAT.

So let's answer the Reporters question.

Stop listening and Watching the Media who uses FEAR.......HYPE......and HOPELESSNESS .....TURN THEM OFF...........Then stop being scared......

We have NO TIME for TDS right now............go play in traffic.
I'm unsure if Trump is feeling any pressure, but it sure seems to me that whatever the doctors and his other advisers are telling him is way above his comprehension level. It is much more reassuring listening to any governor in addressing the situation in comparison to the babbling from Trump.
Trump likes to portray the media as "the rich elites"...HE'S THE BILLIONAIRE...every single problem in america is because of people like him...things like the corona and the 08 depression, Trump was right in the middle of it!
They do report on the ills of government and do not make things up. Trump makes things up and the free press questions his words.

For two years, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and others railed for three years ago that it was certain President Trump had colluded with Russia, FAIL. Then there was the certainty of IMPEACHMENT since even before he took office, FAIL.

While President Trump was dealing with the Chinavirus back in January, the Democrats were wasting time and resources on IMPEACHMENT.

No failure on Russia and the collusion was suspect with his denials and coziness with Putin. Impeachment did fail because no witnesses were allowed to testify. The trial was a farce.
There was no certainty of impeachment before Trump took office.
Trump knew about the virus in January and did nothing except to deny that it would have any serious effect on our nation since he had the situation under control. Instead of appointing medical professionals to lead the task force, he appointed 2 hacks with no medical experience. Oh, he did indeed disband the medical team formed by Obama
to prepare us for a calamity, and then denied that he knew anything about it.
I don't watch much CNN, but they are accurate in their coverage. The fake is Fox news, as Tudky and Hannity are nothing more than shills for Trump. Any news that Trump doesn't like he labels as "fake", and his minions eat it up.

When did CNN become accurate?

The Hannity Show is NOT a news show, it is an opinion show. What part is not clear to you?

The List Of CNN’s Bungled Reporting Is A Sight To Behold
August 31, 20189:16 PM ET

Despite CNN’s assertion this week that it “does not lie,” the network has an extensive history of bungled reporting — some of which has gone uncorrected.
The List Of CNN’s Bungled Reporting Is A Sight To Behold

And CNN is not all news either. Hannity makes statements that are inaccurate and slanted and maybe he should not be on a station that advertises itself as Fox NEWS.
The difference is that Hannity self identifies as a conservative, pro-Trump Republican. CNN lies about being objective. BIG difference.

CNN does not lie about being objective and what they report is hardly "fake". Any news station that holds Trump responsible for his actions is branded as "fake" by Trump.
it was a cheap ass set up question. not a legitimate question from a legitimate reporter seeking facts. Trump slapped the guy down verbally and it was exactly the called for response.

He has the best medical minds in the country working on this 24/7 and for a reporter to engage in fear mongering is juvenile and shows a total lack of understanding.

Another partisan whack job that got put in his place. Great job Mr president.

"Great job" at dividing and polarizing people, no question. Get it? No question? Haw, I kill me.

Matter of fact that's exactly why Rump's disapproval rating has held steady for his entire term. Because the first thing he did, way before the election, was start dividing people into tribes, complete with "beat the crap out of 'im" and "nothing you can do, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is". And of course demonizing the free press in the ignoble tradition of Stalin, Chávez, Wilson, Nixon and of course that Austrian corporal. Whelp --- those tribes continue to hold, don't they. Tell us about yours. Do y'all dance naked in the forest around a bigly banner of a fake Time Magazine cover or what? Fly radio-controlled model Revolutionary War planes? Dance on rooftops?

Supporting the constitution, american citizenship, freedom, and the first and second amendments is not dividing the country. It is reuniting it under the principles and beliefs that made this the greatest nation on earth.

If a few of you crazy ass libtardians get your feeling hurt when real america speaks up---------tough shit!

Those virtues would certainly not be. Think it's about time he started actually trying it? Think the self-infatuated baby asshole is even CAPABLE of it? I doubt it. Anything's possible but it would require a complete life change,74 years on.

By the way we capitalize "America" in my country.

FU and the horse you rode in on. You are a waste of time and typing effort to respond to you juvenile bullshit posts, you and winger make a good pair of morons.

The truth hurts, yes? Think before you froth at the mouth. Trump is inept in so many ways and suffers from delusions of competence.
He is a divisive, narcissistic, admitted sexual offender, an autocrat wannabe and has hijacked the Republican party, the justice system, and has no respect for our three equal branches of government. He never takes responsibility for anything and instead either denies responsibility or blames someone else. His huge ego is constantly getting in the way of his brains and his mission in life is to line his pockets. Trump is nothing more than a grifter and charlatan. Thank god for our free press or Trump would be a runaway freight train.

Blah blah blah blah blah.......

Trump blah blah blah blah blah blah....blah

Interesting response. Exactly what I would expect from a 5th grader.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
yes what he thinks is best?? He has a track record of all his BS
Tell us how many Americans died from H1N1 and how many from coronavirus.

Let’s wait for the final tally and then compare
You better hope for more than 12,500 deaths or else you've proven once again you're a propaganda parrot.

I hope there are no more deaths from Trumps virus
Trump can't run the government or is trying to sabotage Doctors & Nurses on the front lines. US Government in auctioning off 5,000+ of the 3M N95 Respirators and Ventilators that Hospitals are so desperate for now!!!
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
yes what he thinks is best?? He has a track record of all his BS
Tell us how many Americans died from H1N1 and how many from coronavirus.

Let’s wait for the final tally and then compare
You better hope for more than 12,500 deaths or else you've proven once again you're a propaganda parrot.

I hope there are no more deaths from Trumps virus
Trump can't run the government or is trying to sabotage Doctors & Nurses on the front lines. US Government in auctioning off 5,000+ of the 3M N95 Respirators and Ventilators that Hospitals are so desperate for now!!!
Government Planet site.

Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
What we have is a game show host in charge of America ,,This is not a time imo to fix blame BUT I must say to my republican friends here ,,How could you do this to us????

This is not a time to fix blame...so watch you do it anyways?

Trump is doing better with this crisis than Barry did with the Swine flu. He's better suited to handle it because he's been a CEO that's had to make tough calls for decades.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
You're talking about policy, I'm talking about leadership.

When a person incessantly demands praise, refuses to understand expertise, re-writes history to fit his agenda, misleads through hyperbole, we are not talking about a leader but a bumbling incompetent narcissist. That's who Trump is. We were all concerned how he would handle a crisis not of his own making. And here we are. His followers are more than willing to excuse him because they think they finally got the leader they deserve. With the responses posed by those followers, I guess they're right. They got the leader they deserve.

Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world. You're not concerned about how he'll handle this...you're concerned that he WILL handle it well and once again your narrative that he's a bad President will be squashed. I'm just thankful that we've got Trump and not Hillary. You saw first hand how she "took care" of her State Department personnel in Libya! You think she'd do any better with what's going on now? Trump will do what he's always done...get the job done and he'll do so while the left caterwauls about political correctness.
"Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world."

Oh? Did other world leaders deny this was a problem for 2 months and lie about the number of cases?

Q: "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

A: "I'd tell them to stop watching and listening to you worthless fearmongering bottom feeders for a few days, and they'll feel much better."

That's what he should have said.

Do you think that is what America wants to hear?

Nope, America is waiting on pins and needles, waiting to hear another BS story from you liberal loons. We could use another laugh.
America wants leadership. Assurance that there is a way through this

And Trump was so freaked out that he was required to take that lead....make those assurances...that all he could do was personally attack the reporter

Only ones that are freaked out are the fricken libs...dumbass.
Democrats continue to show their disdain for Americans!

I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES! He is DOING a spectacular job, having shut down travel from China, far in advance of what the United Nations demanded.

The Democrats are holding up the plan to give relief to Americans because they want a tax credit for solar panels and reducing airline carbon footprints added into this rescue.

Shame on the Democrats! Pathetic!
Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
What we have is a game show host in charge of America ,,This is not a time imo to fix blame BUT I must say to my republican friends here ,,How could you do this to us????

This is not a time to fix blame...so watch you do it anyways?

Trump is doing better with this crisis than Barry did with the Swine flu. He's better suited to handle it because he's been a CEO that's had to make tough calls for decades.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
You're talking about policy, I'm talking about leadership.

When a person incessantly demands praise, refuses to understand expertise, re-writes history to fit his agenda, misleads through hyperbole, we are not talking about a leader but a bumbling incompetent narcissist. That's who Trump is. We were all concerned how he would handle a crisis not of his own making. And here we are. His followers are more than willing to excuse him because they think they finally got the leader they deserve. With the responses posed by those followers, I guess they're right. They got the leader they deserve.

Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world. You're not concerned about how he'll handle this...you're concerned that he WILL handle it well and once again your narrative that he's a bad President will be squashed. I'm just thankful that we've got Trump and not Hillary. You saw first hand how she "took care" of her State Department personnel in Libya! You think she'd do any better with what's going on now? Trump will do what he's always done...get the job done and he'll do so while the left caterwauls about political correctness.
"Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world."

Oh? Did other world leaders deny this was a problem for 2 months and lie about the number of cases?


Other nations complied with the United Nations allowing travel from China after President Donald Trump cut off flights from China. See Italy and other nations with far more cases of the Chinavirus fatalities than the United States.
donny =

I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES!
And yet you are here every day pending over backwards to defend the idiotic shit he says. I swear, you Trumpkins have the memory and coherency of insects.

Here is what Trump "did":

He told Americans it was a hoax. He lied to Americans about the progression, the contagiousness, and the degree of illness. He told Ameircans the CDC, the WHO, and the global scientific community were wrong.

Those aren't words. Those are actions. Shame on you cultists, you are truly a global embarrassment.
And yet you are here every day pending over backwards to defend the idiotic shit he says. I swear, you Trumpkins have the memory and coherency of insects.

Here is what Trump "did":

He told Americans it was a hoax. He lied to Americans about the progression, the contagiousness, and the degree of illness. He told Ameircans the CDC, the WHO, and the global scientific community were wrong.

Those aren't words. Those are actions. Shame on you cultists, you are truly a global embarrassment.

As I said, and thank you for supporting my statement. What you posted is what President Donald Trump SAID, not what he did.

Specifically, what was the date of your allegations?

If you recall, March 6th we were being told to wash our hands and cough into our elbow.

January 31st of this year, President Donald Trump barred travel to the United State from China. He was ridiculed by both the Democrats, China, and the United Nations. But...as usual, he was 100% right, and ahead of time.

Amusing is it not? PROGRESSIVES can do nothing but look BACK. CONSERVATIVES, as always, are looking forward.

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'




California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom praised President Donald Trump on Monday for supporting his state as it assisted with the repatriation of passengers from the coronavirus-infected Grand Princess cruise ship.

Trump and his administration have faced criticism for their response to the coronavirus. But Newsom, who declared a state of emergency in California last Wednesday, shared positive remarks about the way the president had responded and supported the West Coast state as it allowed the Grand Princess, which had 21 infected passengers aboard, to dock in Oakland.

California's Democrat governor praises Trump's response to Coronavirus on cruise ship


1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts."

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


Cuomo Praises Trump’s Coronavirus Response: ‘His Team Is On It’
March 17, 2020 11:48 AM

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump administration’s efforts to handle the coronavirus outbreak on Tuesday, after initially criticizing the federal government’s response as “absurd and nonsensical.”

“His team is on it. They’ve been responsive,” Cuomo said at a press conference. “I want to say thank you.”

Cuomo Praises Trump’s Coronavirus Response: ‘His Team Is On It’ | National Review

Poll: 55% Approve of How Trump’s Handling Chinese Coronavirus Crisis
20 Mar 2020
A poll released Friday shows President Donald Trump’s approval for his handling of the Chinese coronavirus outbreak is on the rise.

In the figures reported by ABC, a full 55 percent of Americans approve of the president’s management of the crisis, against 43 percent who disapprove.

Last edited:
Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
What we have is a game show host in charge of America ,,This is not a time imo to fix blame BUT I must say to my republican friends here ,,How could you do this to us????

This is not a time to fix blame...so watch you do it anyways?

Trump is doing better with this crisis than Barry did with the Swine flu. He's better suited to handle it because he's been a CEO that's had to make tough calls for decades.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
You're talking about policy, I'm talking about leadership.

When a person incessantly demands praise, refuses to understand expertise, re-writes history to fit his agenda, misleads through hyperbole, we are not talking about a leader but a bumbling incompetent narcissist. That's who Trump is. We were all concerned how he would handle a crisis not of his own making. And here we are. His followers are more than willing to excuse him because they think they finally got the leader they deserve. With the responses posed by those followers, I guess they're right. They got the leader they deserve.

Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world. You're not concerned about how he'll handle this...you're concerned that he WILL handle it well and once again your narrative that he's a bad President will be squashed. I'm just thankful that we've got Trump and not Hillary. You saw first hand how she "took care" of her State Department personnel in Libya! You think she'd do any better with what's going on now? Trump will do what he's always done...get the job done and he'll do so while the left caterwauls about political correctness.
"Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world."

Oh? Did other world leaders deny this was a problem for 2 months and lie about the number of cases?


Other nations complied with the United Nations allowing travel from China after President Donald Trump cut off flights from China. See Italy and other nations with far more cases of the Chinavirus fatalities than the United States.

Idiot. Impeached Trump is leading from behind./

Total cases resolved

Recovered: 73,159
Died: 3,277
Mortality Rate: 4.3%

Recovered: 6,432
Died: 6,077
Mortality Rate: 45%

Recovered: 295
Died: 553
Mortality Rate: 65.2%

Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
What we have is a game show host in charge of America ,,This is not a time imo to fix blame BUT I must say to my republican friends here ,,How could you do this to us????

This is not a time to fix blame...so watch you do it anyways?

Trump is doing better with this crisis than Barry did with the Swine flu. He's better suited to handle it because he's been a CEO that's had to make tough calls for decades.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
You're talking about policy, I'm talking about leadership.

When a person incessantly demands praise, refuses to understand expertise, re-writes history to fit his agenda, misleads through hyperbole, we are not talking about a leader but a bumbling incompetent narcissist. That's who Trump is. We were all concerned how he would handle a crisis not of his own making. And here we are. His followers are more than willing to excuse him because they think they finally got the leader they deserve. With the responses posed by those followers, I guess they're right. They got the leader they deserve.

Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world. You're not concerned about how he'll handle this...you're concerned that he WILL handle it well and once again your narrative that he's a bad President will be squashed. I'm just thankful that we've got Trump and not Hillary. You saw first hand how she "took care" of her State Department personnel in Libya! You think she'd do any better with what's going on now? Trump will do what he's always done...get the job done and he'll do so while the left caterwauls about political correctness.
"Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world."

Oh? Did other world leaders deny this was a problem for 2 months and lie about the number of cases?


Other nations complied with the United Nations allowing travel from China after President Donald Trump cut off flights from China. See Italy and other nations with far more cases of the Chinavirus fatalities than the United States.

Idiot. Impeached Trump is leading from behind./

Total cases resolved

Recovered: 73,159
Died: 3,277
Mortality Rate: 4.3%

Recovered: 6,432
Died: 6,077
Mortality Rate: 45%

Recovered: 295
Died: 553
Mortality Rate: 65.2%

You're confused, still. It was failed former President Barack Hussein Obama who was proud to lead from behind. Remember?

According to YOU.

With 381,529 cases worldwide, according to your wishful thinking USA Mortality Rate 65.2% there should be 248,757 deaths in the world right now

Are there?
Last edited:
Trump can't run the government or is trying to sabotage Doctors & Nurses on the front lines. US Government in auctioning off 5,000+ of the 3M N95 Respirators and Ventilators that Hospitals are so desperate for now!!!


At the head of the page, you used as a source and link?


Important Update: Medical Supplies Are Being Sent To The Government. Select Items May Become Unavailable.
Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
What we have is a game show host in charge of America ,,This is not a time imo to fix blame BUT I must say to my republican friends here ,,How could you do this to us????

This is not a time to fix blame...so watch you do it anyways?

Trump is doing better with this crisis than Barry did with the Swine flu. He's better suited to handle it because he's been a CEO that's had to make tough calls for decades.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
You're talking about policy, I'm talking about leadership.

When a person incessantly demands praise, refuses to understand expertise, re-writes history to fit his agenda, misleads through hyperbole, we are not talking about a leader but a bumbling incompetent narcissist. That's who Trump is. We were all concerned how he would handle a crisis not of his own making. And here we are. His followers are more than willing to excuse him because they think they finally got the leader they deserve. With the responses posed by those followers, I guess they're right. They got the leader they deserve.

Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world. You're not concerned about how he'll handle this...you're concerned that he WILL handle it well and once again your narrative that he's a bad President will be squashed. I'm just thankful that we've got Trump and not Hillary. You saw first hand how she "took care" of her State Department personnel in Libya! You think she'd do any better with what's going on now? Trump will do what he's always done...get the job done and he'll do so while the left caterwauls about political correctness.
"Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world."

Oh? Did other world leaders deny this was a problem for 2 months and lie about the number of cases?


Other nations complied with the United Nations allowing travel from China after President Donald Trump cut off flights from China. See Italy and other nations with far more cases of the Chinavirus fatalities than the United States.

Idiot. Impeached Trump is leading from behind./

Total cases resolved

Recovered: 73,159
Died: 3,277
Mortality Rate: 4.3%

Recovered: 6,432
Died: 6,077
Mortality Rate: 45%

Recovered: 295
Died: 553
Mortality Rate: 65.2%

You're confused, still. It was failed former President Barack Hussein Obama who was proud to lead from behind. Remember?

According to YOU.

With 381,529 cases worldwide, according to your wishful thinking USA Mortality Rate 65.2% there should be 248,757 deaths in the world right now

Are there?

You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.
I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES!
And yet you are here every day pending over backwards to defend the idiotic shit he says. I swear, you Trumpkins have the memory and coherency of insects.

Here is what Trump "did":

He told Americans it was a hoax. He lied to Americans about the progression, the contagiousness, and the degree of illness. He told Ameircans the CDC, the WHO, and the global scientific community were wrong.

Those aren't words. Those are actions. Shame on you cultists, you are truly a global embarrassment.

He did this too....


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