Is the right responsible for Gifford shooting?

Is the right responsible for Gifford shooting?

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And wisdom comes with being able to educate oneself. His problem is that he refuses to.

I disagree.

Many on this board are unaffected by surrounding circumstances. Thing is, is all you ever do is judge someone based on what you see your missing out on all that matters. Many call you stupid names just like they so me....just like you do plasma. Thing is, if you spend just a little time digging below the surface most have plenty to offer.

I see plasma as a young man who is down on his luck just when he is starting his life. His children and woman are all that really matters I assure you. Besides a few left wing quirks he is you, or me given time.

Its been a rough couple of years but with a few highlights. My son waking up and smiling at me everytime really washes it all away. Least most of it.

That being said my opinions are not 100% correct and i will compromise, unlike other people. Rarely though will people actually sit down and talk it out.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Plasmaball again.

ENJOY that moment. It won't come again. All I have now are photos.

Best times in life my friend.
Its been a rough couple of years but with a few highlights. My son waking up and smiling at me everytime really washes it all away. Least most of it.

That being said my opinions are not 100% correct and i will compromise, unlike other people. Rarely though will people actually sit down and talk it out.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Plasmaball again.

ENJOY that moment. It won't come again. All I have now are photos.

Best times in life my friend.

we have another on the way so for the moment it might lol...

Yeah i need to spread myself around too ;)

Congrats, just don't eat up too many of my tax dollars. :)
So you oppose card check, then?

Or is that different? Somehow?

I absolutely oppose card check!

What is Card Check?

The so-called Employee Free Choice Act, aka “Card Check”, would take away numerous rights and protections currently afforded to workers employed at companies where unions are actively seeking to organize. The bill would remove workers’ rights to a federally supervised private ballot election. Instead, workers would be asked to sign cards in front of organizers and colleagues, potentially subjecting them to harassment or intimidation. Once a majority of employees have signed cards, the union is immediately recognized.

What is Card Check?

There's some hope for you after all. :clap2:
we have another on the way so for the moment it might lol...

Yeah i need to spread myself around too ;)

Congrats, just don't eat up too many of my tax dollars. :)
lol i won't....hopefully someone will hire me soon....
and thank you

If you move to KC I'll hire you. Starting pay is 13, Prove your worth and abilities and be at 15 within a month. Long run you will learn a skill that never goes out of demand.

Only thing is you have to tolerate my bs. Scott has been with me for nearly 14 years and he is getting old. If nothing else you would learn a trade that never gets out of demand. I've taught many to make a buck but few have enough brains to know what to do with it

I'm serious.
Notice how almost all the hard core Liberals have NOT answered the poll? Why? because they have all implied or out right said the right caused it but won't do so when they can be held to account for it.

Article 15 has posted in this thread but not answered the question. Why? cause his original answer was that the right caused the shooting. And he implied it in his answer in this thread.

Hey, retard, I answered the poll before I made a post in this thread. Get a clue.

I've been consistent about this since Jump St yet every time you feel the need to rehash the Giffords shooting you rehash the same lie about my position on it.

It's simple:

No, the right and Sarah Palin did not cause Jared Loughner to go nuts and shoot Gabby Giffords in the head. However, I enjoyed the shit out of seeing Sarah Palin having to squirm and deal with difficult questions in light of her map, Giffords calling her out for it, and then Sarah doubling down in response to Giffords' public objection to said map.

Get it?

Of course you don't because you're a nutjob shut-in who is completely out of touch with reality.

I'm sure in about three months you will get a bug up your ass about the Giffords shooting again and make up the same lie again.
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The NRA, the right, and the people that vote for them are partially responsible for sure.
1,000,000 Americans have been killed by guns since 1960.

What would the reaction be if 1,000,000 Americans had been killed by terrorists?

The difference is that most if not all the right wing posters here will agree that bombing abortion clinics or murdering doctors is WRONG. And they will condemn it. You guys can't condemn the left for anything, there is always a "BUT" in it.

Right they disagreed that he was shot,but didnt care that he was killed. There is a difference there that i am sure escapes you.

The fact they blame Palin? Sure they are wrong in thinking that. They are wrong in blaming the tea party for the actions of this man.

Just like the few in this thread who i havent seen you take to task, who are blaming the man as a leftist.

See thats the difference between you and what you are claiming. You are not coming out and condemning the people in this thread who blame the shooter as a leftist. So your little whinefest about the left not complaining about what other leftists are saying is meaningless, it carries no weight in regardless to the argument you make.

I've already stated my opinion and instead of recognizing it, people like you skip over it. Why? so you can play your partisan hack circle jerk.

You people are not fair minded, you are in it to win for your side. Nothing more nothing less.

Tell ya what skippy? You make a statement about those on the left STILL claiming the right caused this shooting and I will tell you what I think about those on the right claiming the left did it. Failing that you deserve no consideration.

Also I notice the left is still claiming the right did it while NOT having the balls to actually vote yes or no. Or is Truthmatters special?

He shouldn't have to.

If you really think that the shooting had nothing to with rhetoric, and are pissed at the liberals who are blaming the right, then you shouldn't need someone on the left to jump in the water first and call out one of their own in order for you to step up and call out the people on the right who are pointing their fingers at the left.

Get it?

Of course you don't because you're a raging hypocrite.

Much like truthmatters did the other day when she started a thread about a little girl who was killed by Loughner a year ago with the sole purpose of using it as a platform to shamelessly attack the political right, you too have started this thread for the sole purpose of attacking the political left.

Congrats, retard, you're a rightwing truthmatters.

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lol i won't....hopefully someone will hire me soon....
and thank you

If you move to KC I'll hire you. Starting pay is 13, Prove your worth and abilities and be at 15 within a month. Long run you will learn a skill that never goes out of demand.

Only thing is you have to tolerate my bs. Scott has been with me for nearly 14 years and he is getting old. If nothing else you would learn a trade that never gets out of demand. I've taught many to make a buck but few have enough brains to know what to do with it

I'm serious.

thanks, but my wife wouldnt go for it. Besides my old boss had the same set up and he flaked in the end. Kind of just killed my want to do anything for him.
i dont even know what you do

I do home remodeling.

And Chris your a fuckin jackass of supreme epic amounts.

Congrats, just don't eat up too many of my tax dollars. :)
lol i won't....hopefully someone will hire me soon....
and thank you

If you move to KC I'll hire you. Starting pay is 13, Prove your worth and abilities and be at 15 within a month. Long run you will learn a skill that never goes out of demand.

Only thing is you have to tolerate my bs. Scott has been with me for nearly 14 years and he is getting old. If nothing else you would learn a trade that never gets out of demand. I've taught many to make a buck but few have enough brains to know what to do with it

I'm serious.

I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat off my balls.

He's a Loser.
lol i won't....hopefully someone will hire me soon....
and thank you

If you move to KC I'll hire you. Starting pay is 13, Prove your worth and abilities and be at 15 within a month. Long run you will learn a skill that never goes out of demand.

Only thing is you have to tolerate my bs. Scott has been with me for nearly 14 years and he is getting old. If nothing else you would learn a trade that never gets out of demand. I've taught many to make a buck but few have enough brains to know what to do with it

I'm serious.

I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat off my balls.

There's no doubt that you're an expert on this and that your talent evaluation is spot on.
If you move to KC I'll hire you. Starting pay is 13, Prove your worth and abilities and be at 15 within a month. Long run you will learn a skill that never goes out of demand.

Only thing is you have to tolerate my bs. Scott has been with me for nearly 14 years and he is getting old. If nothing else you would learn a trade that never gets out of demand. I've taught many to make a buck but few have enough brains to know what to do with it

I'm serious.

I wouldn't hire him to lick the sweat off my balls.

There's no doubt that you're an expert on this and that your talent evaluation is spot on.
YOU are next in line...Loser.
There's no doubt that you're an expert on this and that your talent evaluation is spot on.
YOU are next in line...Loser.

Speaking of losers, how is the campaign going, *WORKINGMAN*?

And that would be true.

Thing is? I am NOT a politician.

I am as Patton, speak the mind...loud and dirty.

That's what creeps as you will never understand...and I will back it up.

YOU remain a LOSER still.

Get it Creep?
YOU are next in line...Loser.

Speaking of losers, how is the campaign going, *WORKINGMAN*?

And that would be true.

Thing is? I am NOT a politician.

I am as Patton, speak the mind...loud and dirty.

That's what creeps as you will never understand...and I will back it up.

YOU remain a LOSER still.

Get it Creep?

How many votes did you get in New Hampshire?

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