Is The Rumorblower Relevant Anymore?

I think the law governing the IG's part in the WB process, explicitly protects a WB... it says the WB SHALL NOT be revealed unless the WB gives the IG permission.
That is NOT TRUE. The LAW states that a whistle blower cannot be FIRED. It says NOTHING about them being protected from being identified. That would just be insane. EVERYONE in America has the RIGHT to FACE THEIR ACCUSER... except of course if you're the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and your accuser is a CORRUPT DEEP STATE DEMOCRAT.

Not only that, but this person that has been labeled as a whistle blower by the democrat propaganda wing does NOT, repeat, DOES NOT, fit the description of a whistle blower in the FIRST PLACE. When you hear water cooler GOSSIP of what so and so said that so and so heard what so and so said, you are NOT a WHISTLE BLOWER, you are a PASSER ON of THIRD HAND FREAKIN' GOSSIP.

What part of that do you people not understand?
My, my. Still trying to wriggle out of responsibility for what you've done to that man? There might be too many Republicans in the Senate to impeach Trump for what he's done, but at least ALL the voters know what he did. I hope he's sunk.
MSM: Outting a crook. The crooks don't like it.
Brain washed tool - - - ^ ^ ^
Nope. I rely on facts reported by credible sources and verified in other credible sources. Yannow, the TRUTH. Then I make up my mind. I don't rely on any tomfool blogger with an opinion who goes on Youtube to spout bullshit with NO EVIDENCE whatsoever about Democrats being Nazi's, etc.
If only you folks could see how foolish you are being.
No you don't, and don't expect me to believe you do. You read and listen to ONLY leftist CRAP from the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

If you read the truth you'd think it's a lie because it doesn't fit your HARD, HARD LEFT agenda. You believe NOTHING that DISRUPTS your BUBBLE.
You are showing your ignorance and your bias. Why would anyone listen to you, bubble boy?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
You swallowed Schiff's cum-is that better?
That is unnecessarily crude. But why would that surprise me, coming from a Trump lackey?
I like Manchin-look at the picture genius-jumping off the trump train-he is being impeached
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
You swallowed Schiff's cum-is that better?
That is unnecessarily crude. But why would that surprise me, coming from a Trump lackey?
I like Manchin-look at the picture genius-jumping off the trump train-he is being impeached
I like Manchin, too. I definitely don't think what Manchin does is an indicator of any trend though--I wish there were more of him, but he's a horse of a different color in D.C. right now.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice before WB, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
Last edited:
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.
:lol: of course not.... in this case, the staffer sent the WB off to a lawyer and the ICIG's office, to follow the proper procedure of filing a WB complaint.... which he did...

And the Inspector General investigated the complaint, found some first hand evidence, and deemed that the complaint was both credible and designated urgent....

The whistleblower....any whistleblower, can not just accuse someone, where no proof is found and be designated an official whistleblower....

The IG is who determines if the WB Complaint is real and has some legs to it. Not you, not the DOJ, not me, not the president! The ICIG, and only the ICIG determines WB status after investigating the complaint.

IF the IG does not find evidence to support a WB Complaint, then the complaint is dismissed.
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
You swallowed Schiff's cum-is that better?
That is unnecessarily crude. But why would that surprise me, coming from a Trump lackey?
Sticks and stones.
I don't agree with this kind of don't lump me or Trump in with it.
Especially since you guys have your share of Neanderthals and Degenerates.

Trump caused this whole WB mess by NOT ALLOWING the DNI forward the WB complaint over to congress after the ICIG determined it was credible and urgent.... which the LAW REQUIRES on all ICIG WB complaints if they are credible and designated urgent.

the President or him thru his DOJ or DNI held it back and did not send it to congress as required by law.... in the law it also says that if the DNI, who the IG turns the report over to, does not forward it to the congress in X amount of days then the IG can go directly to congress if they notify the DNI they are doing so....

so the whole coverup of the complaint that Trump and or his team tried to orchestrate, back fired.... because the IG went to congress on his own with it.... at least with his testimony on it.

this MADE the media go wild.... by the president or advisors holding it up and not sending it to congress as the law dictates.

makes it look like they were covering up something WRONG.... got everybody in to overdrive trying to find out what it was all about...

IF the president's team would have simply sent the IG report over on the WB, then the intel committee would have had to start investigating, but the investigation would have been in PRIVATE, without the circus, at least initially...
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senators?
Last edited:
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
You swallowed Schiff's cum-is that better?
Schiff is most likely a homosexual child predator. Look at this guy:
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
there are anonymous tips all the time with law enforcement, and we as a society encourage it....
Do you think that the law protects their anonymity?

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president. The state can choose their electors away way they want. Draw cards if they feel like it.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
Found this.

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators
Americans did not directly vote for senators for the first 125 years of the Federal Government. The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, stated that senators would be elected by state legislatures. The first proposal to amend the Constitution to elect senators by popular vote was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1826, but the idea did not gain considerable support until the late 19th century when several problems related to Senate elections had become evident. Several state legislatures deadlocked over the election of senators, which led to Senate vacancies lasting months and even years. In other cases, political machines gained control over state legislatures, and the Senators elected with their support were dismissed as puppets. In addition, the Senate was seen as a “millionaire's club” serving powerful private interests. The rise of the People's Party, commonly referred to as the Populist Party, added motivation for making the Senate more directly accountable to the people.

During the 1890s, the House of Representatives passed several resolutions proposing a constitutional amendment for the direct election of senators. Each time, however, the Senate refused to even take a vote. When it seemed unlikely that both houses of Congress would pass legislation proposing an amendment for direct election, many states changed strategies. Article V of the Constitution states that Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments when two-thirds of the state legislatures apply for one. Although the method had never previously been used, many states began sending Congress applications for conventions. As the number of applications neared the two-thirds bar, Congress finally acted.

In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. However, it included a “race rider” meant to bar Federal intervention in cases of racial discrimination among voters. A substitute amendment by Senator Joseph L. Bristow (R-KS) removed the “race rider.” The amended Joint Resolution was adopted by the Senate on a close vote in May of 1911. Over a year later, the House accepted the change, and the amendment was sent to the states for ratification. On April 8, 1913, three-quarters of the states had ratified the proposed amendment, and it was officially included as the 17th Amendment.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
Found this.

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators
Americans did not directly vote for senators for the first 125 years of the Federal Government. The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, stated that senators would be elected by state legislatures. The first proposal to amend the Constitution to elect senators by popular vote was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1826, but the idea did not gain considerable support until the late 19th century when several problems related to Senate elections had become evident. Several state legislatures deadlocked over the election of senators, which led to Senate vacancies lasting months and even years. In other cases, political machines gained control over state legislatures, and the Senators elected with their support were dismissed as puppets. In addition, the Senate was seen as a “millionaire's club” serving powerful private interests. The rise of the People's Party, commonly referred to as the Populist Party, added motivation for making the Senate more directly accountable to the people.

During the 1890s, the House of Representatives passed several resolutions proposing a constitutional amendment for the direct election of senators. Each time, however, the Senate refused to even take a vote. When it seemed unlikely that both houses of Congress would pass legislation proposing an amendment for direct election, many states changed strategies. Article V of the Constitution states that Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments when two-thirds of the state legislatures apply for one. Although the method had never previously been used, many states began sending Congress applications for conventions. As the number of applications neared the two-thirds bar, Congress finally acted.

In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. However, it included a “race rider” meant to bar Federal intervention in cases of racial discrimination among voters. A substitute amendment by Senator Joseph L. Bristow (R-KS) removed the “race rider.” The amended Joint Resolution was adopted by the Senate on a close vote in May of 1911. Over a year later, the House accepted the change, and the amendment was sent to the states for ratification. On April 8, 1913, three-quarters of the states had ratified the proposed amendment, and it was officially included as the 17th Amendment.
Awesome! You found it! TY!! Disclaimer! have not read it yet
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
Found this.

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators
Americans did not directly vote for senators for the first 125 years of the Federal Government. The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, stated that senators would be elected by state legislatures. The first proposal to amend the Constitution to elect senators by popular vote was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1826, but the idea did not gain considerable support until the late 19th century when several problems related to Senate elections had become evident. Several state legislatures deadlocked over the election of senators, which led to Senate vacancies lasting months and even years. In other cases, political machines gained control over state legislatures, and the Senators elected with their support were dismissed as puppets. In addition, the Senate was seen as a “millionaire's club” serving powerful private interests. The rise of the People's Party, commonly referred to as the Populist Party, added motivation for making the Senate more directly accountable to the people.

During the 1890s, the House of Representatives passed several resolutions proposing a constitutional amendment for the direct election of senators. Each time, however, the Senate refused to even take a vote. When it seemed unlikely that both houses of Congress would pass legislation proposing an amendment for direct election, many states changed strategies. Article V of the Constitution states that Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments when two-thirds of the state legislatures apply for one. Although the method had never previously been used, many states began sending Congress applications for conventions. As the number of applications neared the two-thirds bar, Congress finally acted.

In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. However, it included a “race rider” meant to bar Federal intervention in cases of racial discrimination among voters. A substitute amendment by Senator Joseph L. Bristow (R-KS) removed the “race rider.” The amended Joint Resolution was adopted by the Senate on a close vote in May of 1911. Over a year later, the House accepted the change, and the amendment was sent to the states for ratification. On April 8, 1913, three-quarters of the states had ratified the proposed amendment, and it was officially included as the 17th Amendment.
Awesome! You found it! TY!! Disclaimer! have not read it yet
Basically says the democrats didn't like the results of the states choosing the senators so they changed the Constitution. Seems some things never change.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
Found this.

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators
Americans did not directly vote for senators for the first 125 years of the Federal Government. The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, stated that senators would be elected by state legislatures. The first proposal to amend the Constitution to elect senators by popular vote was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1826, but the idea did not gain considerable support until the late 19th century when several problems related to Senate elections had become evident. Several state legislatures deadlocked over the election of senators, which led to Senate vacancies lasting months and even years. In other cases, political machines gained control over state legislatures, and the Senators elected with their support were dismissed as puppets. In addition, the Senate was seen as a “millionaire's club” serving powerful private interests. The rise of the People's Party, commonly referred to as the Populist Party, added motivation for making the Senate more directly accountable to the people.

During the 1890s, the House of Representatives passed several resolutions proposing a constitutional amendment for the direct election of senators. Each time, however, the Senate refused to even take a vote. When it seemed unlikely that both houses of Congress would pass legislation proposing an amendment for direct election, many states changed strategies. Article V of the Constitution states that Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments when two-thirds of the state legislatures apply for one. Although the method had never previously been used, many states began sending Congress applications for conventions. As the number of applications neared the two-thirds bar, Congress finally acted.

In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. However, it included a “race rider” meant to bar Federal intervention in cases of racial discrimination among voters. A substitute amendment by Senator Joseph L. Bristow (R-KS) removed the “race rider.” The amended Joint Resolution was adopted by the Senate on a close vote in May of 1911. Over a year later, the House accepted the change, and the amendment was sent to the states for ratification. On April 8, 1913, three-quarters of the states had ratified the proposed amendment, and it was officially included as the 17th Amendment.
Awesome! You found it! TY!! Disclaimer! have not read it yet
Basically says the democrats didn't like the results of the states choosing the senators so they changed the Constitution. Seems some things never change.

OH SHUD UP!!!! :lol:
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
There is a reason the House (all of them) are elected every 2 years and the senators are elected every 6 years but only 33 at a time. Which means a third are up for re-election every 2 years. I strongly believe the 17th amendment and the 16th amendment need repealed.

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