Is The Rumorblower Relevant Anymore?

Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The MOLE, Eric Ciaramella?

Yes, he's more important than ever. We know why Adam Schitt and the coup plotters of the American Communist party hid the identity of this CIA hack. This is Biden's boi, the one who helped launder American foreign aid and move it back into the hands of democrats.

{The whistleblower’s ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, have created controversy, with Trump and Republicans using his past work with them in an attempt to discredit him. Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told a local radio station in his home state of Texas that many in Washington D.C. knew the whistleblower’s identity, calling him a “staunch Democrat,” and former “point person on Ukraine,” who never called out corruption in the Eastern European country.

Ciaramella has been in the crosshairs of Republicans previously, after some on the far right tied him to the Obama-associated “deep state” in 2017, accusing him of undermining Trump while he was working in the White House.}

{Ciaramella was also accused of being a major leaker while working with McMaster. Several far-right personalities waged an open war on social media and on pro-Trump websites against McMaster during his time as national security adviser, constantly claiming he was undermining Trump and had too many former Obama aides on his team. McMaster also worked with Abigail Grace and Sean Misko, both also Obama holdovers. Grace and Misko are now aides to Rep. Schiff. McMaster’s staffers were frequently accused of being behind leaks of embarrassing details about Trump’s calls to foreign leaders. }

Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Ciaramella blows the lid off of the democrat coup.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.
House represents the people, senate represents the states, the supreme court decides if laws passed are constitutional, and the president runs the executive branch.

Repeal the 17th amendment.
it is worthy of a debate on it imo... but with rampant gerrymandering of the state legislator's districts, which actually takes away power from we the people, who better than the citizens within the state to pick the state's US senator?
Because the senators represent the state government not the people. That is what the house is for. Same reason we have the electoral college. The states elect the president not the people. There is no right of the people to elect the president.
well, yeah that is true, but the State government is suppose to represent the people within the state, which now a days, is not necessarily the Legislators that are in office due to gerrymandering their own wins.... like I said, it is worthy of a healthy argument...

Do you know what caused this amendment to even be brought up in the first place? The History of it? Offhand, I don't know or don't remember it.... I need to refresh my memory on it!!!
There is a reason the House (all of them) are elected every 2 years and the senators are elected every 6 years but only 33 at a time. Which means a third are up for re-election every 2 years. I strongly believe the 17th amendment and the 16th amendment need repealed.
but do ya believe it will ever happen? I just don't see 2/3s of everybody, agreeing with anybody else, now a days...!!! ... likely not gonna happen at this time in our history... so we all have to find other things we actually can affect... (as a woman, time management is kinda inbred in us... we can temporarily drop things, if time doesn't permit... but we have good memories, and do not ever give up... even if it appears that we did!) :D
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice before WB, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.

The problem with what you claim is that it simply isn't true, not that you Communists care.

Journalist Mike Cernovich exposed Ciaramella back in 2017 in an article claiming that Ciaramella wanted to “sabotage” President Donald Trump. Cernovich was documenting meetings and lunches that Ciaramella was having with high ranking officials at the DNC — including Alexandra Chalupa, and the NSA. And, although and others attempted to disparage Cernovich as an “alt-right blogger” and one of “Trump’s Trolls, ” it seems that Cernovich was right all along.

What is most puzzling is how someone so young and so inexperienced, like Ciaramella — whose history of radical politics is well-documented — could have gotten so close to powerful people in the Obama administration, people like Susan Rice, Vice President Biden, and the highest echelons of the National Security Council. Worse, how is it that the Trump administration is still stuck with people like this?}

The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

See, the mole is a LONG time radical leftist deeply involved in plots by the Communists to undermine the president, and now to overthrow the president.

Despite efforts of the fascist press to bury it, the facts are hemorrhaging at a massive rate.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.

Adam Shitt might be prosecutable on this. He is shielded for his treason while in congress, but activities outside of the Capital may expose him to legal recourse.

BUT he is a democrat, so no law can touch him.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.
:lol: of course not.... in this case, the staffer sent the WB off to a lawyer and the ICIG's office, to follow the proper procedure of filing a WB complaint.... which he did...

And the Inspector General investigated the complaint, found some first hand evidence, and deemed that the complaint was both credible and designated urgent....

The whistleblower....any whistleblower, can not just accuse someone, where no proof is found and be designated an official whistleblower....

The IG is who determines if the WB Complaint is real and has some legs to it. Not you, not the DOJ, not me, not the president! The ICIG, and only the ICIG determines WB status after investigating the complaint.

IF the IG does not find evidence to support a WB Complaint, then the complaint is dismissed.

We now know that NONE of that is true. This coup has been in the works since 2017 and Eric Ciaramella has worked to undermine the president on MANY occasions.

Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The MOLE, Eric Ciaramella?

Yes, he's more important than ever. We know why Adam Schitt and the coup plotters of the American Communist party hid the identity of this CIA hack. This is Biden's boi, the one who helped launder American foreign aid and move it back into the hands of democrats.

{The whistleblower’s ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, have created controversy, with Trump and Republicans using his past work with them in an attempt to discredit him. Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told a local radio station in his home state of Texas that many in Washington D.C. knew the whistleblower’s identity, calling him a “staunch Democrat,” and former “point person on Ukraine,” who never called out corruption in the Eastern European country.

Ciaramella has been in the crosshairs of Republicans previously, after some on the far right tied him to the Obama-associated “deep state” in 2017, accusing him of undermining Trump while he was working in the White House.}

{Ciaramella was also accused of being a major leaker while working with McMaster. Several far-right personalities waged an open war on social media and on pro-Trump websites against McMaster during his time as national security adviser, constantly claiming he was undermining Trump and had too many former Obama aides on his team. McMaster also worked with Abigail Grace and Sean Misko, both also Obama holdovers. Grace and Misko are now aides to Rep. Schiff. McMaster’s staffers were frequently accused of being behind leaks of embarrassing details about Trump’s calls to foreign leaders. }

Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Ciaramella blows the lid off of the democrat coup.
Doesn't matter who the whistle blower was, because he was not a first hand witness on most of his complaint.

The ICIG is who matters and he found FIRST HAND evidence to support the claims in the WB complaint and the IG determined the complaint was credible and met the Urgent designation.

IF the IG had found no supporting evidence to the complaint, in his investigation, then the complaint would have been dismissed and not moved forward to congress intel committee.

simple as that....

Are you suggesting the Repub appointed IG is in on your imaginary coup?
I think the law governing the IG's part in the WB process, explicitly protects a WB... it says the WB SHALL NOT be revealed unless the WB gives the IG permission.
The law and an explanation of all WB protections in the IntelCommunity are here

50 U.S. Code § 3033 - Inspector General of the Intelligence Community
and summarized here

The IC IG is the only one prohibited from disclosing the WB's identity, no one else is. Read it yourself.

Also this Rumorblower is outside of that law and its protections anyway because
1) that law only applies to intel community personnel, and that does not include the President.
2) it is not direct knowledge, only hearsay and so he didnt 'have the goods' anyway. His complaints amount to 'I dont like what I heard people say about the Presidents phone call.' Big Woop.
3) he went to the House intelligence Committee BEFORE he went to the IC IG and the agency head, so he did not follow that law anyway. This is likely Schiff's theatrics and it will get him into trouble,, little doubt. Schiff is a clumsy dunce, a walking piece of proof against ideological promotion.
Doesn't matter who the whistle blower was, because he was not a first hand witness on most of his complaint.
The ICIG is who matters and he found FIRST HAND evidence to support the claims in the WB complaint and the IG determined the complaint was credible and met the Urgent designation.

No, the nature of the origin of this complaint is material and explains the context of the whole series of events since then. The Senate will have the guy under oath, no doubt if it goes that far.

IF the IG had found no supporting evidence to the complaint, in his investigation, then the complaint would have been dismissed and not moved forward to congress intel committee.

Lol, yeah, because Schiff always plays by the book, roflmao
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.
The President has not been given Due Process in this witch hunt, why should he cooperate?
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The President will not allow relevant fact witnesses to testify. If you want to understand what actually happened, you need sworn testimony from them.
The President has not been given Due Process in this witch hunt, why should he cooperate?

That's nonsense.

You want to hear from the whistleblower, but not the man who put the hold on the money. The last thing you want to "understand" is what happened.

Trump should cooperate because he has nothing to hide (just kidding) and because it's the right thing to do (just kidding).
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The MOLE, Eric Ciaramella?

Yes, he's more important than ever. We know why Adam Schitt and the coup plotters of the American Communist party hid the identity of this CIA hack. This is Biden's boi, the one who helped launder American foreign aid and move it back into the hands of democrats.

{The whistleblower’s ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, have created controversy, with Trump and Republicans using his past work with them in an attempt to discredit him. Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told a local radio station in his home state of Texas that many in Washington D.C. knew the whistleblower’s identity, calling him a “staunch Democrat,” and former “point person on Ukraine,” who never called out corruption in the Eastern European country.

Ciaramella has been in the crosshairs of Republicans previously, after some on the far right tied him to the Obama-associated “deep state” in 2017, accusing him of undermining Trump while he was working in the White House.}

{Ciaramella was also accused of being a major leaker while working with McMaster. Several far-right personalities waged an open war on social media and on pro-Trump websites against McMaster during his time as national security adviser, constantly claiming he was undermining Trump and had too many former Obama aides on his team. McMaster also worked with Abigail Grace and Sean Misko, both also Obama holdovers. Grace and Misko are now aides to Rep. Schiff. McMaster’s staffers were frequently accused of being behind leaks of embarrassing details about Trump’s calls to foreign leaders. }

Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Ciaramella blows the lid off of the democrat coup.
Doesn't matter who the whistle blower was, because he was not a first hand witness on most of his complaint.

The ICIG is who matters and he found FIRST HAND evidence to support the claims in the WB complaint and the IG determined the complaint was credible and met the Urgent designation.

IF the IG had found no supporting evidence to the complaint, in his investigation, then the complaint would have been dismissed and not moved forward to congress intel committee.

simple as that....

Are you suggesting the Repub appointed IG is in on your imaginary coup?
I submit they have nothing. This is all smoke and mirrors to try and separate Trump from his base. If they had something the democrats would be falling all over themselves to bring an impeachment vote. They are not. Why? Because they know the illusion of impeachment is better than showing they have nothing.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The MOLE, Eric Ciaramella?

Yes, he's more important than ever. We know why Adam Schitt and the coup plotters of the American Communist party hid the identity of this CIA hack. This is Biden's boi, the one who helped launder American foreign aid and move it back into the hands of democrats.

{The whistleblower’s ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, have created controversy, with Trump and Republicans using his past work with them in an attempt to discredit him. Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told a local radio station in his home state of Texas that many in Washington D.C. knew the whistleblower’s identity, calling him a “staunch Democrat,” and former “point person on Ukraine,” who never called out corruption in the Eastern European country.

Ciaramella has been in the crosshairs of Republicans previously, after some on the far right tied him to the Obama-associated “deep state” in 2017, accusing him of undermining Trump while he was working in the White House.}

{Ciaramella was also accused of being a major leaker while working with McMaster. Several far-right personalities waged an open war on social media and on pro-Trump websites against McMaster during his time as national security adviser, constantly claiming he was undermining Trump and had too many former Obama aides on his team. McMaster also worked with Abigail Grace and Sean Misko, both also Obama holdovers. Grace and Misko are now aides to Rep. Schiff. McMaster’s staffers were frequently accused of being behind leaks of embarrassing details about Trump’s calls to foreign leaders. }

Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Ciaramella blows the lid off of the democrat coup.
Doesn't matter who the whistle blower was, because he was not a first hand witness on most of his complaint.

The ICIG is who matters and he found FIRST HAND evidence to support the claims in the WB complaint and the IG determined the complaint was credible and met the Urgent designation.

IF the IG had found no supporting evidence to the complaint, in his investigation, then the complaint would have been dismissed and not moved forward to congress intel committee.

simple as that....

Are you suggesting the Repub appointed IG is in on your imaginary coup?
Lot of Never Trumpers in the Republican party.
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?

The MOLE, Eric Ciaramella?

Yes, he's more important than ever. We know why Adam Schitt and the coup plotters of the American Communist party hid the identity of this CIA hack. This is Biden's boi, the one who helped launder American foreign aid and move it back into the hands of democrats.

{The whistleblower’s ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, have created controversy, with Trump and Republicans using his past work with them in an attempt to discredit him. Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told a local radio station in his home state of Texas that many in Washington D.C. knew the whistleblower’s identity, calling him a “staunch Democrat,” and former “point person on Ukraine,” who never called out corruption in the Eastern European country.

Ciaramella has been in the crosshairs of Republicans previously, after some on the far right tied him to the Obama-associated “deep state” in 2017, accusing him of undermining Trump while he was working in the White House.}

{Ciaramella was also accused of being a major leaker while working with McMaster. Several far-right personalities waged an open war on social media and on pro-Trump websites against McMaster during his time as national security adviser, constantly claiming he was undermining Trump and had too many former Obama aides on his team. McMaster also worked with Abigail Grace and Sean Misko, both also Obama holdovers. Grace and Misko are now aides to Rep. Schiff. McMaster’s staffers were frequently accused of being behind leaks of embarrassing details about Trump’s calls to foreign leaders. }

Eric Ciaramella: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Ciaramella blows the lid off of the democrat coup.
Doesn't matter who the whistle blower was, because he was not a first hand witness on most of his complaint.

The ICIG is who matters and he found FIRST HAND evidence to support the claims in the WB complaint and the IG determined the complaint was credible and met the Urgent designation.

IF the IG had found no supporting evidence to the complaint, in his investigation, then the complaint would have been dismissed and not moved forward to congress intel committee.

simple as that....

Are you suggesting the Repub appointed IG is in on your imaginary coup?

So you admit that the coup is purely based on rumor and conjecture. The Stalinist party declared that you would impeach the president, then started digging for WHAT you would impeach on?


You fuckers need to fry.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.
:lol: of course not.... in this case, the staffer sent the WB off to a lawyer and the ICIG's office, to follow the proper procedure of filing a WB complaint.... which he did...

And the Inspector General investigated the complaint, found some first hand evidence, and deemed that the complaint was both credible and designated urgent....

The whistleblower....any whistleblower, can not just accuse someone, where no proof is found and be designated an official whistleblower....

The IG is who determines if the WB Complaint is real and has some legs to it. Not you, not the DOJ, not me, not the president! The ICIG, and only the ICIG determines WB status after investigating the complaint.

IF the IG does not find evidence to support a WB Complaint, then the complaint is dismissed.
Or adam schiff
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The mediav
Their whistlblower is a fraud. An Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.
The media are reporting what the investigation finds. Sorry it makes your guy look worse and worse.

The media are now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. They have been proven to lie on so many occasions that the only people who believe them are folks like you.
You swallowed Trump's schtick hook line and sinker. How pathetic it is to watch.
You swallowed Schiff's cum-is that better?
Schiff is most likely a homosexual child predator. Look at this guy:View attachment 288933
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice before WB, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....

Do you think the president is King and above the law in all cases, or do you think the presidency is one part of three equal branches of govt, is the argument.

As far as I could figure this out, you're mostly on the right track.

But then, you declare it doesn't matter whether the whistle-blower was a Democrat, and then you explain it's actually good he was a Democrat. When, in fact, all we know about career civil servants points to the fact they are either a-political or at least leave their D- or R-hat at home when showing up for work, ensuring regulations and procedures are properly followed. You are feeding into the slanderous narrative that the whistle-blower is a liberal hack - which they use to undermine both the fact-finding and the process.

You then move to declare the media "is unhinged"... "maybe". Feeding into the "enemy of the people" narrative. Where did that come from, anyway?

While acknowledging that the whistle-blower is irrelevant as far as fact-finding is concerned - we have better, first-hand witnesses confirming his or her account, and expanding on it - and arguing that spitting on Congress and the Separation of Powers and (I guess) the press is a bad thing, you actually undermine all that.
I think the law governing the IG's part in the WB process, explicitly protects a WB... it says the WB SHALL NOT be revealed unless the WB gives the IG permission.
The law and an explanation of all WB protections in the IntelCommunity are here

50 U.S. Code § 3033 - Inspector General of the Intelligence Community
and summarized here

The IC IG is the only one prohibited from disclosing the WB's identity, no one else is. Read it yourself.

Also this Rumorblower is outside of that law and its protections anyway because
1) that law only applies to intel community personnel, and that does not include the President.
2) it is not direct knowledge, only hearsay and so he didnt 'have the goods' anyway. His complaints amount to 'I dont like what I heard people say about the Presidents phone call.' Big Woop.
3) he went to the House intelligence Committee BEFORE he went to the IC IG and the agency head, so he did not follow that law anyway. This is likely Schiff's theatrics and it will get him into trouble,, little doubt. Schiff is a clumsy dunce, a walking piece of proof against ideological promotion.

1- nope, the president is not excluded
2- He didn't need the goods, that's up to the IG and then Congress to find the goods or discredit the goods or dismiss them as not being a problem.
3-It does not matter that the whistle blower went to the intel committee staffer to ask what to do and how to handle.... they had clearance, and really, the WB considering the action can ask questions....

You are missing the entire point and are trying to skate on very thin ice by attacking the whistleblower....Instead of showing any evidence to support Trump did not do what the credible by the IG, complaint alleged. Defend his actions, IF YOU CAN....

I personally see him as trying to cheat again.... I viewed hiding his porn star relationship and not reporting the money, and taking STOLEN EMAILS from a USA adversary and using them several hundred times in all of his rallies, was cheating.... and sending his internal polling data to the Russians interfering on the 3 states that he "unexpectedly won" in the electoral college, as cheating and also influencing in our election by a foreign adversary.

and see what he is doing now, as cheating as well....abusing his power... I wish he would just try to win, fair and square for a change.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.
:lol: of course not.... in this case, the staffer sent the WB off to a lawyer and the ICIG's office, to follow the proper procedure of filing a WB complaint.... which he did...

And the Inspector General investigated the complaint, found some first hand evidence, and deemed that the complaint was both credible and designated urgent....

The whistleblower....any whistleblower, can not just accuse someone, where no proof is found and be designated an official whistleblower....

The IG is who determines if the WB Complaint is real and has some legs to it. Not you, not the DOJ, not me, not the president! The ICIG, and only the ICIG determines WB status after investigating the complaint.

IF the IG does not find evidence to support a WB Complaint, then the complaint is dismissed.

We now know that NONE of that is true. This coup has been in the works since 2017 and Eric Ciaramella has worked to undermine the president on MANY occasions.

View attachment 288945
Ahh yes, of course! Back in 2017, everyone knew President Trump would use his presidential position and giuliani working gvt deals in the Ukraine to benefit himself/his campaign, was going to happen.... :rolleyes:

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