Is The Rumorblower Relevant Anymore?

Care... it's irrelevant... because the little pajama boy isn't a whistle blower, never was. He's an obama hold over, and this was all planned, and is why he met with Adam ScHITt and his staff, in secret, long before they even launched this latest corrupt FARCE.

This entire thing is just another COOKED UP ONGOING COUP ATTEMPT by the unhinged corrupt democrats, and yes, like the Meuller WITCH HUNT, it's blowing up in their face, AGAIN, and it's ENSURING Trump will be reelected because the American people DO see what's happening. They know it's a FARCE and a total waste of time and they're SICK OF IT.
I don't see it that way with the whistleblower.... because the alleged wrong doing was reported through higher ups twice, and nothing was done.... and the WB law says to whistleblowers, if they get no action on their complaint, they can go to congress.... a half dozen people within the administration went to this WB after they got no action thru going thru the higher ups and their higher ups got no action from the DOJ... and obviously chose him because they trusted him... and maybe it was because he was a Democrat... but that matters naught.

I think it is actually good for America to have people of both parties working for our gvt, because it IS A CHECK on our gvt.... dems report wrong doings of repubs and repubs report wrong doings of the Dems.... it keeps our gvt a bit CLEANER....

the media is unhinged maybe, and some of the left wing posters here on this site, and a handful of congress critters on the left, but overall it is more about the president running roughshod over the rules and regs and ethics and laws and norms guiding our gvt from one admin to the other.... and the separation of powers and co equal branches of gvt, which Dems see the president continually spitting on.... and they believe if they do not stop Trump from doing or not doing all of these things, then from here on out, that would mean congress doesn't matter, and it does matter in our democratic Republic.... congress is THE ONLY representatives we the people have in our gvt... and if they are shut out, we the people have no representation at all....
So Adam Schiff is our new president-he is calling the shots. Nice moves Adam.
:lol: of course not.... in this case, the staffer sent the WB off to a lawyer and the ICIG's office, to follow the proper procedure of filing a WB complaint.... which he did...

And the Inspector General investigated the complaint, found some first hand evidence, and deemed that the complaint was both credible and designated urgent....

The whistleblower....any whistleblower, can not just accuse someone, where no proof is found and be designated an official whistleblower....

The IG is who determines if the WB Complaint is real and has some legs to it. Not you, not the DOJ, not me, not the president! The ICIG, and only the ICIG determines WB status after investigating the complaint.

IF the IG does not find evidence to support a WB Complaint, then the complaint is dismissed.

We now know that NONE of that is true. This coup has been in the works since 2017 and Eric Ciaramella has worked to undermine the president on MANY occasions.

View attachment 288945
Ahh yes, of course! Back in 2017, everyone knew President Trump would use his presidential position and giuliani working gvt deals in the Ukraine to benefit himself/his campaign, was going to happen.... :rolleyes:
No, they try with everything-taxes, trips, russia hoax, kavanaugh hoax, mueller hoax, qpq hoax, what's next-he killed Jimmy Hoffa? I know you are amsrter than adam Schiff and his flim flam man show.
what does Schiff have to do with the ICIG's investigating of the complaint and saying it appeared to be credible, and urgent???
Schiff handled the complaint first and helped write it up, apparently.
no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....
no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....
You mean he works for a leftwing impeachment mill.
no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....

No, the lawyer cannot even help write up the complaint containing classified material. So, that's highly unlikely, and, in fact, had the whistle-blower divulged that information he'd have brought about his own undoing.
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.
No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
It is already falling apart as Trumps numbers are up according to Rassmussen to 50% after the impeachment started from around 42% a couple months ago.
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. A Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.

there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.
I seriously doubt that.

The point is that this is only happening because Mueller laid an egg.
They needed an excuse to make it look like Trump was being impeached.....and this sorry series of events is just being put on to make people like you think they're actually fighting corruption......when the fact remains....they are trying desperately to keep from being arrested for their own criminal activities. They're blaming Trump for their own crimes.
Mueller did lay an egg, but that was because Rosenstein, ''landed the plane'' as he promised Trump he would when they had their little meeting on air force 1. :rolleyes:

I know this has to be frustrating for you, but President Trump keeps doing lawless and unconstitutional crap that causes all of his own problems... :(

It must be frustrating for a goof like you to lie and lie and lie, then get called out on your bullshit and made to look like a fool again. One would think you would get tired of being embarrassed on a daily basis. Your own lying causes your problems......
You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.
No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
It is already falling apart as Trumps numbers are up according to Rassmussen to 50% after the impeachment started from around 42% a couple months ago.
Rassmussen ?? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Seems like when ever one investigates an event, whether it is a fire, a break-in, or any other human endeavor, exploring the initiation of that event is crucial to understanding what has happened.

How is this Rumorblower any exception?
Their whistlblower is a fraud. A Obama Administration spy.
They used him to open this investigation.
They're committing fraud and perpetrating yet another hoax.....and the media is trying to make it all seem legit.

I think it's time the DOJ start investigating the ties between Democrats, the media, and foreigners that are trying to influence out elections and install socialism in the United States.

there are actual first hand witnesses left and right, some who are big fans of Trump that verify the complaint.
I seriously doubt that.

The point is that this is only happening because Mueller laid an egg.
They needed an excuse to make it look like Trump was being impeached.....and this sorry series of events is just being put on to make people like you think they're actually fighting corruption......when the fact remains....they are trying desperately to keep from being arrested for their own criminal activities. They're blaming Trump for their own crimes.
Mueller did lay an egg, but that was because Rosenstein, ''landed the plane'' as he promised Trump he would when they had their little meeting on air force 1. :rolleyes:

I know this has to be frustrating for you, but President Trump keeps doing lawless and unconstitutional crap that causes all of his own problems... :(

It must be frustrating for a goof like you to lie and lie and lie, then get called out on your bullshit and made to look like a fool again. One would think you would get tired of being embarrassed on a daily basis. Your own lying causes your problems......
what does Schiff have to do with the ICIG's investigating of the complaint and saying it appeared to be credible, and urgent???
Schiff handled the complaint first and helped write it up, apparently.
no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....

Mark Zaid wrote the complaint that Eric Ciaramella leaked to the press.
no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....

No, the lawyer cannot even help write up the complaint containing classified material. So, that's highly unlikely, and, in fact, had the whistle-blower divulged that information he'd have brought about his own undoing.

Mark Zaid, a CLINTON lawyer paid in part by Chuck Schumer. wrote the complaint.
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .

Yawn. I call water "wet" as well.

You are Communists.

NOW, about this coup Zaid bragged about...

Eric Ciaramella was radicalized at Yale by professors like Bassam Frangieh. He was quickly recognized as a fellow traveler and became an insider in the Obama administration. Unfortunately, he continued that through the first two years of the Trump administration. In October 2016, Ciaramella was the guest of Vice President Joe Biden at a lunch to honor the prime minister of Italy. But, in July 2017, as members of the Trump administration began to suspect that Ciaramella, by then a career CIA analyst and Ukraine director on the National Security Council, was responsible for “high level leaks,” he was removed from his post.

Journalist Mike Cernovich exposed Ciaramella back in 2017 in an article claiming that Ciaramella wanted to “sabotage” President Donald Trump. Cernovich was documenting meetings and lunches that Ciaramella was having with high ranking officials at the DNC — including Alexandra Chalupa, and the NSA. And, although and others attempted to disparage Cernovich as an “alt-right blogger” and one of “Trump’s Trolls, ” it seems that Cernovich was right all along.}

The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Oh, did you think the blackout by the FASCIST press would keep this all from being discovered?
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

Yes, it's in the transcript. Did you read it?
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .

You're as absurd as you nick name is. Progressive, yet patriot. You could have call yourself a Communist, at least if would make more sense and fit your writings. What a shitstain.
no, he did not write it up.... but the defense lawyer the whistle blower went to who is a for free non profit lawyer and law firm for whistle blowers, is an expert and likely did....

No, the lawyer cannot even help write up the complaint containing classified material. So, that's highly unlikely, and, in fact, had the whistle-blower divulged that information he'd have brought about his own undoing.

Think about it, Care, and not just for gainsaying's sake. The (wo)man who blew the whistle on Trump obviously is a stickler for rules, properly followed procedures, and professional conduct. That in mind, how likely is it (s)he would violate everything (s)he was trained to do, namely, to keep and protect the nation's secrets? Moreover, the whistle-blower is a professionally trained CIA analyst. Whatever you might think of them, they are trained to differentiate between facts, assumptions, and mere personal sentiments. They are also trained to digest information and structure it. All that in mind, what "help" do you think was needed?

You can watch the rightarded goofs on here rebleating the ongoing slanderous campaign, how Democratic operatives allegedly "wrote", or helped write the complaint. There is no basis in fact for that whatsoever (what else is new?), and nothing in the reporting so far, outside the rightarded echo-chamber, points into that direction.

Now, while I wouldn't give an inch to them, let's go out of our way to be fair to the mouth-breathing goofs (even though they deserve none of that), and consider what the whistle-blower sitting down with the lawyer might look like. What advice could the lawyer possibly give? "Stick with the facts, detail how you came to learn about them, don't overstate what you know, don't engage in wild-eyed speculation." That would also be in line with the main, obvious characteristics of the complaint. It is also common sense, and if it isn't known to everyone setting out to write a complaint, it should be. There should be such advisory to everybody working for the federal government. All that said, is any of the above in any way derogatory to the complaint, or the whistle-blower? For I would think it is not, in any way, shape or form.
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .

Yawn. I call water "wet" as well.

You are Communists.

NOW, about this coup Zaid bragged about...

Eric Ciaramella was radicalized at Yale by professors like Bassam Frangieh. He was quickly recognized as a fellow traveler and became an insider in the Obama administration. Unfortunately, he continued that through the first two years of the Trump administration. In October 2016, Ciaramella was the guest of Vice President Joe Biden at a lunch to honor the prime minister of Italy. But, in July 2017, as members of the Trump administration began to suspect that Ciaramella, by then a career CIA analyst and Ukraine director on the National Security Council, was responsible for “high level leaks,” he was removed from his post.

Journalist Mike Cernovich exposed Ciaramella back in 2017 in an article claiming that Ciaramella wanted to “sabotage” President Donald Trump. Cernovich was documenting meetings and lunches that Ciaramella was having with high ranking officials at the DNC — including Alexandra Chalupa, and the NSA. And, although and others attempted to disparage Cernovich as an “alt-right blogger” and one of “Trump’s Trolls, ” it seems that Cernovich was right all along.}

The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Oh, did you think the blackout by the FASCIST press would keep this all from being discovered?
Your source: American Specator...

American Spectator - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

Overall, we rate the American Spectator Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques and a lack of disclosure with funding.
I found it

Office of Inspector General
Section 7 of the Inspector General Act states that “[t]he Inspector General shall not, after receipt of a complaint or information from an employee, disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the Inspector General determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation.”
So, you are saying anyone except the IG can disclose the Gossipblower's name.

Got it.
Democrats started talking about impeachment even before Trump was elected, and actively working on it ever since.
One ploy after another, they all failed, and Democrats, hand in hand with the media kept fabricating scandals, with hopes something will finally work for them.
This latest ploy also started three years ago, and we can see that from "rumorblower" lawyer's tweets.

Has anyone notice how Democrats and their media always talk about hypothetical as is somehow truth. They come up with "what if" than after few days of analysis, with their always ready "experts", that "what if" they try to turn into "is", and in absence of proof, they have to fabricate it. It's always the same play.

"What if" there is Trump collusion with Russia? There must be collusion. Let's prove there is. No proof.
"What if" there is obstruction of justice? The experts confirm there must be obstruction. The evidence proves otherwise.
"What if" there is quid pro quo? Second, third and fourth hand witness think there is. Transcripts show no evidence.

Gish Gallop!!
View attachment 289004

And your blather changes nothing He made the call, we know what he said, and the dumb fuck admitted it.

You Communists are fucked. Ciaramella is about as credible as Adam Schitt when it comes to making accusations.

No WONDER you hid his identy - you fucking crooks knew that once people found out who was behind this, it would all fall apart.
You morons bandy about the charge of " communist " Like you call us fascists Nazis . None of it does anything for your credibility-as though anything could .

Yawn. I call water "wet" as well.

You are Communists.

NOW, about this coup Zaid bragged about...

Eric Ciaramella was radicalized at Yale by professors like Bassam Frangieh. He was quickly recognized as a fellow traveler and became an insider in the Obama administration. Unfortunately, he continued that through the first two years of the Trump administration. In October 2016, Ciaramella was the guest of Vice President Joe Biden at a lunch to honor the prime minister of Italy. But, in July 2017, as members of the Trump administration began to suspect that Ciaramella, by then a career CIA analyst and Ukraine director on the National Security Council, was responsible for “high level leaks,” he was removed from his post.

Journalist Mike Cernovich exposed Ciaramella back in 2017 in an article claiming that Ciaramella wanted to “sabotage” President Donald Trump. Cernovich was documenting meetings and lunches that Ciaramella was having with high ranking officials at the DNC — including Alexandra Chalupa, and the NSA. And, although and others attempted to disparage Cernovich as an “alt-right blogger” and one of “Trump’s Trolls, ” it seems that Cernovich was right all along.}

The Radicalizing of Eric Ciaramella | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Oh, did you think the blackout by the FASCIST press would keep this all from being discovered?
Your source: American Specator...

American Spectator - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

Overall, we rate the American Spectator Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques and a lack of disclosure with funding.
Trump caused this whole WB mess by NOT ALLOWING the DNI forward the WB complaint over to congress after the ICIG determined it was credible and urgent.... which the LAW REQUIRES on all ICIG WB complaints if they are credible and designated urgent.

the President or him thru his DOJ or DNI held it back and did not send it to congress as required by law.... in the law it also says that if the DNI, who the IG turns the report over to, does not forward it to the congress in X amount of days then the IG can go directly to congress if they notify the DNI they are doing so....

so the whole coverup of the complaint that Trump and or his team tried to orchestrate, back fired.... because the IG went to congress on his own with it.... at least with his testimony on it.

this MADE the media go wild.... by the president or advisors holding it up and not sending it to congress as the law dictates.

makes it look like they were covering up something WRONG.... got everybody in to overdrive trying to find out what it was all about...

IF the president's team would have simply sent the IG report over on the WB, then the intel committee would have had to start investigating, but the investigation would have been in PRIVATE, without the circus, at least initially...
What a pant load.

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