Is the Russian army holding back ??

You know it’s curious you brought those up. Interesting really.

Let’s take Iraq and Afghanistan. In both cases the United States made the case for invasion long before the first boot crossed the line. They stood up in the United Nations and made the case. The United Nations issued resolutions covering the actions.

Let’s compare and contrast that with Poor Provoked Putin. Right up until hours after the Russians were launching their invasion Putin was denying any intention to do so. In fact, when the World warned of it, he called them all liars.

After the invasion, they keep switching the justification. The Ukrainians are totally Nazi’s. The Ukrainians are Nazi’s led by a Jew. The Ukrainians were going to launch an attack. The Russians blew up their own stuff and blamed it on the Ukrainians. When nobody bought it, the Russians said they were all in cahoots and wanted this war.

To this day, Russia still hasn’t explained to the world why they invaded. They haven’t stood up in front of the United Nations and justified their actions. They have no United Nations Resolution authorizing their actions. They have nothing but their own lies that were all rejected.

We may have been wrong in invading Iraq. There never were any WMD’s. But I can see why we believed there were. It is the difference between a mistake, and a lie.

If you ask me if I saw your wife at ten a week ago Friday, and I say yes, she was at the Rec Center. It turns out that was Saturday, not Friday, I just got my days confused. It is why the oath warning of Perjury is worded the way it is. I swear the above is true and correct to the BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I can give you false information as long as I believe it is true. Look at the morons who still swear the Election was stolen or some such CT nonsense. They honestly believe that.

It is the difference of before and after. It is the difference of making an honest effort to be truthful, or not.

It is one thing to set out for the wrong reasons honestly, and starting out lying your ass off. Your actions can never be justified if you begin lying.

He’s right. The empire is dying from self inflected wounds, just as all prior imperialist warmongering empires have done.

He’s right. The empire is dying from self inflected wounds, just as all prior imperialist warmongering empires have done.

I’m sorry. What were you saying?

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