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Is the Tea Party Racist?

They still run the House and the purse strings.
They still have most of the States.
And there is stupid politicians in both parties.

If Cantor is switching on immigration reform, it's because he's running scared. 2014, is going to be a brand new day. Dems will maintain control of the Senate and regain the majority in the House, and the Tea Party will be no more. And Dems have the WH, and the DOJ....so what you're talking about doesn't amount to but a small hill of beans.

Don't be so sure of it.
When gas prices remain high, as well as food and health care premiums and unemployment stays close to the same amount.
When the Health Care Act kicks in in 2014, people are not going to stand for it, when the premiums go up really high.
The Dem's can't blame the Repubs for it.

Please. I worked 15 years for a provider (Texas Medical Center) and 2 1/2 years as a insurance biller, so I can tell you, first hand that the Health Care Act, is designed to put the reins on insurance companies, who take advantage of consumers and try to control what is covered and what is not, while whoring themselves out to legislatures for "turning a blind eye" to their self-serving and unfair practices. Likewise for the drug industry, which pays a pittance for drugs development and marketing, and makes a killing on the mark up to the consumer. And I'm sure your objection to grandma and babies in need of coverage is going to go over well. It's clear whose side you're on...the insurance companies and the drug companies. Get out of that one.
The promotion of less qualified people is not equal treament.

Fine. Produce documentation that "less than qualified" people are ever hired.
What we have seen is that cronyism, nepotism and favoritism, on the parts of white employers, have produced "less than qualified" whites. I know that must come as a shock and a horror, but there are so many whites that are not only "not qualified for their given jobs", but present a hazard and a danger to the general public.

Poet, you are deflecting.

Deflecting???? I'm not deflecting "shit". Explain yourself.
Fine. Produce documentation that "less than qualified" people are ever hired.
What we have seen is that cronyism, nepotism and favoritism, on the parts of white employers, have produced "less than qualified" whites. I know that must come as a shock and a horror, but there are so many whites that are not only "not qualified for their given jobs", but present a hazard and a danger to the general public.

Poet, you are deflecting.

Deflecting???? I'm not deflecting "shit". Explain yourself.

Yeah, you are. Explain what is incorrect in "The promotion of less qualified people is not equal treament." If you promote a minority who is not as qualified as someone who is qualified for a position, then, yes, that is wrong.
Smaller, more responsible government, and less taxes. Things that really scare the mindless leftists.

That's not a platform. That's a bumper sticker.

What is the official Tea Party™ platform?

Less taxes? So a Tea Party plank is to ban all tax expenditures? What does "less taxes" mean? What does "more responsible government" mean?

The Tea Party sounds like a bumper sticker philosophy. That's all I heard out of the people in the video.

The modern Tea Party was started by a rant that Rick Santelli did on cnbc. It was about government paying for the bad mortgages. That got perpetuated by FOX and parts of the Republican party that joined in along with corporate interests that funded it.

It was based on the above..and an absolute disgust that a black man was elected President of the United States.

Bullshit! The TEA Party was started well before Obama's election by supporters of Ron Paul who mailed teabags to their representatives to demonstrate their disgust with the out of control spending in Washington.

It was 2007...
I remember a black democrat intentionally went out of his way to walk through a tea party protest in washington. Accused the tea party members of calling him racist names. Well a $100,000 reward for any proof found that stunt to be a lie. The left has played the race card so many time, you turned that one into a joker.

Oh bullshit.

I remember what you are talking about as well. The very fact the Tea Party was able to hold a protest like that, AFTER 9/11, was pretty amazing.

And they were a bunch of vile, racist, pissants.

They were captured on video spitting at the Congressman.

I'm sure if that were true you'd be able to post that video, right?
Poet, you are deflecting.

Deflecting???? I'm not deflecting "shit". Explain yourself.

Yeah, you are. Explain what is incorrect in "The promotion of less qualified people is not equal treament." If you promote a minority who is not as qualified as someone who is qualified for a position, then, yes, that is wrong.

Reading, first of all, is fundamental. My question was where is the documentation supporting the notion that "unqualified minorities" are being hired at all? That's the assertion and "the rub", but where is the evidence of it. I say, it doesn't happen. Only qualified applicants are hired, in regards to Affirmative Action suits. And the asinine assumption is that all white hires are "qualified"...and I don't believe that shit for a second.
Stop with the false outrage and histrionics and read posts "thoroughly" and accurately, before you decide to "go off".

Racism takes multiple forms and exists across the political spectrum.

Some folks just know how to leverage it to their advantage better than others.


Generally "whites". I can't imagine how minorities leverage racism to their advantage, in a "white-dominated" society.

You can't huh? Have you looked at the occupant of 1600 PA Avenue?

No one would know his name if it wasn't for our racial "shame".
There are plenty of racists in the Democrat party as well.. racists be everywhere.

Outside of your go to scapegoat, Robert Byrd...who???????


Politely, fuck you. You don't know me. Don't pretend that you do. I have far too many white friends and relatives that would call you out, for even suggesting such a ridiculous notion. Now if I called you "wop" you could say that. But I didn't.
Deflecting???? I'm not deflecting "shit". Explain yourself.

Yeah, you are. Explain what is incorrect in "The promotion of less qualified people is not equal treament." If you promote a minority who is not as qualified as someone who is qualified for a position, then, yes, that is wrong.

Reading, first of all, is fundamental. My question was where is the documentation supporting the notion that "unqualified minorities" are being hired at all? That's the assertion and "the rub", but where is the evidence of it. I say, it doesn't happen. Only qualified applicants are hired, in regards to Affirmative Action suits. And the asinine assumption is that all white hires are "qualified"...and I don't believe that shit for a second.
Stop with the false outrage and histrionics and read posts "thoroughly" and accurately, before you decide to "go off".

You need to learn to read clearly and not deflect.

The point was that promoting someone less qualified because he was a minority in place of a qualified person was wrong.

The answer, of course, is "yes, it is wrong."

You deflect by saying that never happens. You better post your evidence that is the case but no one has to prove the contrary.
The promotion of less qualified people is not equal treament.

And that's all anyone has ever asked for...a "level playing field" to combat cronyism, nepotism and favoritism, practiced by "good ol' boy" whites.

Fine. Produce documentation that "less than qualified" people are ever hired.
What we have seen is that cronyism, nepotism and favoritism, on the parts of white employers, have produced "less than qualified" whites. I know that must come as a shock and a horror, but there are so many whites that are not only "not qualified for their given jobs", but present a hazard and a danger to the general public.

can you see the hypocrisy in the two bolded statements people?
There sure has been a very big increase in racists in the USA since Obama was elected. It's a good thing Bush wasn't black or there would have been a lot of racists on the left side.

There ARE a lot of racists on the left side. And, how did you come to the conclusion that there "has been a very big increase in racists in the USA since obama was elected"?
Says an angry idiotic black man?

Anybody ever own your black ass or do you just want whitey to feed you because you are mad?

Please. Who is to say those black people pictured at Tea Party rallies, are "paid plants"?
President Obama has never said he would take care of "black people", and if you think he did, find the quote/source/link, where he said it. Show me a black Republican/conservative and I'll show you a damn fool. The goddamn Republican platform is racist, bigoted, and sexist. And black or brown person or woman subscribing to it, is a fool.

Bitch, please.
My "black ass" is "off-limits", to the madding crowd. Whitey? Don't dump your racist mindset onto me. I never refer to whites as "whitey", but I'm sure the n-word is well within your vocabulary.
Feed me? Bitch, I worked, hard, for everything that I have. I have achieved, certainly, far more than you. Am known and loved far more than you...and come from a better stock than you. Too bad you're too stupid to capitalize on the "white privilege" you hardly deserve....but don't take your frustrations out on me.

"Bitch".........lol. You cant take the ghetto out of them there colored folk.....Its just sooooooo damned Upitty its comical

Racism takes multiple forms and exists across the political spectrum.

Some folks just know how to leverage it to their advantage better than others.


Generally "whites". I can't imagine how minorities leverage racism to their advantage, in a "white-dominated" society.

You can't imagine? Really? Whether or not you believe it happens on a large scale, you can't imagine how such a thing might happen in individual instances?
Says an angry idiotic black man?

Anybody ever own your black ass or do you just want whitey to feed you because you are mad?

Bitch, please.
My "black ass" is "off-limits", to the madding crowd. Whitey? Don't dump your racist mindset onto me. I never refer to whites as "whitey", but I'm sure the n-word is well within your vocabulary.
Feed me? Bitch, I worked, hard, for everything that I have. I have achieved, certainly, far more than you. Am known and loved far more than you...and come from a better stock than you. Too bad you're too stupid to capitalize on the "white privilege" you hardly deserve....but don't take your frustrations out on me.

"Bitch".........lol. You cant take the ghetto out of them there colored folk.....Its just sooooooo damned Upitty its comical

Where did they dig you out of?
Deflecting???? I'm not deflecting "shit". Explain yourself.

Yeah, you are. Explain what is incorrect in "The promotion of less qualified people is not equal treament." If you promote a minority who is not as qualified as someone who is qualified for a position, then, yes, that is wrong.

Reading, first of all, is fundamental. My question was where is the documentation supporting the notion that "unqualified minorities" are being hired at all? That's the assertion and "the rub", but where is the evidence of it. I say, it doesn't happen. Only qualified applicants are hired, in regards to Affirmative Action suits. And the asinine assumption is that all white hires are "qualified"...and I don't believe that shit for a second.
Stop with the false outrage and histrionics and read posts "thoroughly" and accurately, before you decide to "go off".
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That's not a platform. That's a bumper sticker.

What is the official Tea Party™ platform?

Less taxes? So a Tea Party plank is to ban all tax expenditures? What does "less taxes" mean? What does "more responsible government" mean?

The Tea Party sounds like a bumper sticker philosophy. That's all I heard out of the people in the video.

The modern Tea Party was started by a rant that Rick Santelli did on cnbc. It was about government paying for the bad mortgages. That got perpetuated by FOX and parts of the Republican party that joined in along with corporate interests that funded it.

It was based on the above..and an absolute disgust that a black man was elected President of the United States.

Bullshit! The TEA Party was started well before Obama's election by supporters of Ron Paul who mailed teabags to their representatives to demonstrate their disgust with the out of control spending in Washington.

It was 2007...

Ron Paul's tea party and Freedom Works/FOX/Santelli/Koch Brothers Tea Party were two entirely different animals.
Outside of your go to scapegoat, Robert Byrd...who???????


Politely, fuck you. You don't know me. Don't pretend that you do. I have far too many white friends and relatives that would call you out, for even suggesting such a ridiculous notion. Now if I called you "wop" you could say that. But I didn't.

if you promote or support the idea that there is something called " white privilege" you are a bigot

you are a bigot
Well 1st let's identify, who make up the tea party. They are mostly, older ,white religious, republican men. Then we have to define racist. Do we mean racist against every other race? Just Hispanics? Just blacks? The last poll I saw said that half of all americans are racist against African Americans. If I had to guess a precent in the tea party, Id guess slightly higher than the general population.

This is what the left (including the media) would like you to believe. You obviously haven't been to one of their rallies. The two I went to, the average age was about 30, and there were more women there than men. I'd say about 7 to 8 pecent were African American.. a little under the national average. IT's the "older white men" that get the stage, and the media's attention


I didn't say "those who are most active in the tea party". However every poll done asking people if they identify as "tea party" shows largely older white republican men.

Could it be that older white men are for more responsible government and lower taxes, because more of them are getting screwed and footing the bill?

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