Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?

Free speech is free speech.

But going strictly by definitions, it's been hate speech since it was originalled thought up.
The fact that the Lefties persist in using the term when so many who supports the Tea Party movement have told them it is an offensive sexual epithet demonstrates both the immaturity of the lefties, and their civil dishonesty.

I consider it ironic in its hypocracy. You have to just laugh at the ignorance.

Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.
The fact that the Lefties persist in using the term when so many who supports the Tea Party movement have told them it is an offensive sexual epithet demonstrates both the immaturity of the lefties, and their civil dishonesty.

I consider it ironic in its hypocracy. You have to just laugh at the ignorance.

Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.

Ok label dropper. :lol:

I'm merely making a point with this thread and it seems to have hit a little to close to home for you. The point being that the utilization of the term teabagger in the media and on forums like this is akin to the utilization of racial slurs by people who wish to demean the race its intended at.

Your about a micrometer away from the mindset of a racist when you use the term in the way we have all seen on the forum. (When i say you I dont mean you specifically i mean the general you)
Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.

You are equating being offended by a vulgar epithet with the continued use of it after being informed it is offensive to the target?

Nice moral relativism.

Actually, I was talking about you.

And btw, I didn't lie either. You can say I did a million times and it still doesn't make it so. :thup:
:lol: You started a thread that I ignored that was deleted by some mod...then you had a meltdown.

It doesn't bother me that you would think I had an abortion, but it bothers me that you lie about me.
I consider it ironic in its hypocracy. You have to just laugh at the ignorance.

Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.

Ok label dropper. :lol:

I'm merely making a point with this thread and it seems to have hit a little to close to home for you. The point being that the utilization of the term teabagger in the media and on forums like this is akin to the utilization of racial slurs by people who wish to demean the race its intended at.

Your about a micrometer away from the mindset of a racist when you use the term in the way we have all seen on the forum. (When i say you I dont mean you specifically i mean the general you)
Really? Isn't teabagging a choice?
I consider it ironic in its hypocracy. You have to just laugh at the ignorance.

Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.

Ok label dropper. :lol:

I'm merely making a point with this thread and it seems to have hit a little to close to home for you. The point being that the utilization of the term teabagger in the media and on forums like this is akin to the utilization of racial slurs by people who wish to demean the race its intended at.

Your about a micrometer away from the mindset of a racist when you use the term in the way we have all seen on the forum. (When i say you I dont mean you specifically i mean the general you)

Insulting people because of their race is not in the same league as insulting someone for their political beliefs not even close.

You don't choose your race but you can change what politics you're going to follow, and what party you'll join.
Yet the Tea Party members call themselves Tea Baggers, so no harm no foul.

Find something else to quarrel about.
They did until people started laughing at them. Then they started whining. :eusa_whistle:

I'll take this directly.

I'm not whining, i'm pointing out an obvious ironic hypocracy for the sake of it.

You guys are taking it way to what if by using it in a certain way one is akin to the racists who use racial epitets to demean those races when they use teabagger in the way its often used on the forum?
Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.

Ok label dropper. :lol:

I'm merely making a point with this thread and it seems to have hit a little to close to home for you. The point being that the utilization of the term teabagger in the media and on forums like this is akin to the utilization of racial slurs by people who wish to demean the race its intended at.

Your about a micrometer away from the mindset of a racist when you use the term in the way we have all seen on the forum. (When i say you I dont mean you specifically i mean the general you)
Really? Isn't teabagging a choice?

Ravi in your zeal to defend yourself from being considered in the same mental realm of a racist you overlooked my last sentance where I said it wasn't exactly the same.
Likewise any rightie who claims to not like Political Correctness yet wants to inflate teabagger to hate speech is also really ironic.

Ok label dropper. :lol:

I'm merely making a point with this thread and it seems to have hit a little to close to home for you. The point being that the utilization of the term teabagger in the media and on forums like this is akin to the utilization of racial slurs by people who wish to demean the race its intended at.

Your about a micrometer away from the mindset of a racist when you use the term in the way we have all seen on the forum. (When i say you I dont mean you specifically i mean the general you)

Insulting people because of their race is not in the same league as insulting someone for their political beliefs not even close.

You don't choose your race but you can change what politics you're going to follow, and what party you'll join.

See my post to ravi above.
Is Ravi having a different irony with you in subtly playing off of your ideology by asking innocently if 'teabagging' a rational rather than genetic decision?
Is Ravi having a different irony with you in subtly playing off of your ideology by asking innocently if 'teabagging' a rational rather than genetic decision?

Care to differentiate the line of thought? Sure one is a choice and one people are born as but that really doesn't matter in this discussion unless your trying to deflect away from the point I was making.

What i'm talking about is the mindset and behavior used by those who say teabagger in an attempt to be hurtful and demean those who may consider themselves in line with the tea parties. Its the same mindset and behavior used by racists when the throw racial slurs at people.

If your all hung up on me using race lets use sexual orientation. Its also the same mindest used by anti-gay people when they throw negative terms about people's sexuality around.
Yet the Tea Party members call themselves Tea Baggers, so no harm no foul.

Find something else to quarrel about.
They did until people started laughing at them. Then they started whining. :eusa_whistle:

I'll take this directly.

I'm not whining, i'm pointing out an obvious ironic hypocracy for the sake of it.

You guys are taking it way to what if by using it in a certain way one is akin to the racists who use racial epitets to demean those races when they use teabagger in the way its often used on the forum?
I asked you before and I'll ask you again. How exactly is the term teabagger demeaning and to whom?
Ok label dropper. :lol:

I'm merely making a point with this thread and it seems to have hit a little to close to home for you. The point being that the utilization of the term teabagger in the media and on forums like this is akin to the utilization of racial slurs by people who wish to demean the race its intended at.

Your about a micrometer away from the mindset of a racist when you use the term in the way we have all seen on the forum. (When i say you I dont mean you specifically i mean the general you)
Really? Isn't teabagging a choice?

Ravi in your zeal to defend yourself from being considered in the same mental realm of a racist you overlooked my last sentance where I said it wasn't exactly the same.
Oh, yeah...micrometer. :lol:
ravi said:
I asked you before and I'll ask you again. How exactly is the term teabagger demeaning and to whom?

I will repeat what i just said:

What i'm talking about is the mindset and behavior used by those who say teabagger in an attempt to be hurtful and demean those who may consider themselves in line with the tea parties. Its the same mindset and behavior used by racists when the throw racial slurs at people.

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