Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?


I love you guys, the irony of liberal hypocracy is higly entertaining.

I never knew semantics and unconstitutional hate speech laws could have been this entertaining.

Continue showing just how non-liberal you supposed liberals are so I can smile some more :D

I love you guys, the irony of liberal hypocracy is higly entertaining.

I never knew semantics and unconstitutional hate speech laws could have been this entertaining.

Continue showing just how non-liberal you supposed liberals are so I can smile some more :D
Says the dope that thinks something that offends him should be hate speech.

Plymco, do you really think the term "Teabaggers" is hate speech? Really?

I love you guys, the irony of liberal hypocracy is higly entertaining.

I never knew semantics and unconstitutional hate speech laws could have been this entertaining.

Continue showing just how non-liberal you supposed liberals are so I can smile some more :D

Entertaining indeed.

and btw, it's spelled hypocrisy. The way you spell it makes it seem like a political ideology or something.
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

Pfft. Political speech is the reason we have the 1st amendment. That fact that the silly moniker annoys you doesn't mean you get to try and play legal checkers to have it made "illegal". Or you can try, I suppose.

Good luck with that.

I got a kick out of Ed Shultz of MSNBC the Obama network the other night. Big Ol fathead Ed was in a tizzy
again about the teabaggers and hate speech....Going on and on in a rant about toning down the hate speech and cleaning things up.Going on and on about the tea party and hate speech and why dont the members of the GOP denounce the tea baggers......It's all about language and name calling and such...

Then big head Ed Shultz begins his next segment how?....


This guy loves to call people names,just like Chris Mathews calling people who disagree with the President racists.What a fun bunch they are over at MSNBC the Obama network.

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