Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?

Let them continue with the name calling and whatnot... call me what they will I don't care. More and more Americans are running away from these clowns, and they know it. They're scared, very scared. Hence the vitriol and increasing desparate tactics of throwing out baseless accusations..

You know this paragraph could easily apply to either side at the moment.
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

It's no different than calling a homosexual a FAGGOT, or a stupid person a RETARD, or a black person a ******.

So what you're trying to say is is that tea bagger is politically incorrect?
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

It's no different than calling a homosexual a FAGGOT, or a stupid person a RETARD, or a black person a ******.

So what you're trying to say is is that tea bagger is politically incorrect?

I didn't try and say anything. I said what I said, and I meant what it meant.
Great thread PP. Seriously.

I love threads like this that so splendidly expose the partisan hypocrisy on both sides. You got the alegedly anti-pc conservatives whining like politically correct pussies and the liberal pc fucks claiming that teabagger isn't derogatory.

You get 5 mother fucking mani-stars for this one bro!

And then some. :thup:
I've never been PC nor part of the tea party movement but I'll say this
It is derogatory but to call it hate speech is ludicrous. Alas though it's way too much fun to call them that (and besides they set themselves up for it).

Although if they can't handle name calling they have no chance of succeeding politically.
Let them continue with the name calling and whatnot... call me what they will I don't care. More and more Americans are running away from these clowns, and they know it. They're scared, very scared. Hence the vitriol and increasing desparate tactics of throwing out baseless accusations.

When you're only reaction to one's criticisms is to label them racists and (pick an adjective), it shows you are on very shakey ground.
Are you afraid of troofers?
You lewtwingnut fuckwits are STILL here flapping your gums? Losers and liars. Go down to cash sales and purchase a life: 1 ea.
Says the guy still coming here to respond to the thread...
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

Heck no, Teabagger is not hate word. Just as wingnut is not a hate word. Just words that denote a point of view that seems to deny reality, and ignore logic:lol:
I underestimated how much the term 'teabagger' gets under wingnut skin. I'm pleasntly surprised.
Much to my surprise, teabagger is equated to gayness. I guess it really offends them to be thought of as gay.

Who would have thought?

Almost as much as being thought to have had an abortion.
Are you talking about your argument with Angie? There's a difference. You lied about what she said.
Actually, I was talking about you.

And btw, I didn't lie either. You can say I did a million times and it still doesn't make it so. :thup:
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

It's no different than calling a homosexual a FAGGOT, or a stupid person a RETARD, or a black person a ******.

So what you're trying to say is is that tea bagger is politically incorrect?

It is entereing the realm that those words listed above by pale rider now fit in. They are used by people in a negative way much in the same way those other words have been used in the past.

It makes me smile at the hypocricy every time I see a "liberal" or "democrat" or "Homosexual" or "Black American" say it.

Sorry guys, didn't mean to inadvertantly call you hypocrites there, but I guess you are.
The fact that the Lefties persist in using the term when so many who supports the Tea Party movement have told them it is an offensive sexual epithet demonstrates both the immaturity of the lefties, and their civil dishonesty.
Yet the Tea Party members call themselves Tea Baggers, so no harm no foul.

Find something else to quarrel about.
The fact that the Lefties persist in using the term when so many who supports the Tea Party movement have told them it is an offensive sexual epithet demonstrates both the immaturity of the lefties, and their civil dishonesty.

I consider it ironic in its hypocracy. You have to just laugh at the ignorance.
Yet the Tea Party members call themselves Tea Baggers, so no harm no foul.

Find something else to quarrel about.

No. They don't. That is a lefty meme being spread to insult Tea Partiers.
I personally don't buy into the notion of hate speech (or hate crimes).

1st Amendment Rights apply to everyone, even if what they say is hateful to the ears of some. There is the argument that such inflamatory speech is the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. The underlying racist assumption to that line of thinking, however, means that the minority who is being insulted lacks the self-control and maturity to ignore "the speech".

The morons who are calling Tea Partiers "teabaggers" just reveal their own stunted maturity and lack of class. They have no real impact on the Tea Party movement other than to make those who are curious wonder what the big deal is (and perhaps they will then join once they find out).

Fact is, the Tea Party movement is worrying them to death, and they need something to attack. This is what radicals are organized to do, and quite deftly, I must say. :)

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