Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?

Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


You might as well say that calling tea partiers racists is hate speech, especially since they all claim not to be.

Tea partier is not a name for a sexual practice that makes the leftwing talking heads giggle like 7 year old girls.

Tea partiers find the "bagger" epithet to be offensive. Continuing to use that label after it has been refuted is offensive. I wouldn't call it hate speech because I don't believe in the concept. But it is RUDE, and says a great deal about the character of those who persist in spewing it.

Your username is rude. I guess you missed that one.
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:
I am not worried about the November elections. I no longer belong to a political party. I no longer watch cable news. I see no profiles in courage yet, except maybe Pelosi, who prodded and urged Obama and others to go ahead. That took guts and political skill and intelligence. I was no fan of hers before the Health Care Bill.

actually, I'm worried about the sanity of a few people I respect who are susceptible to the calls of the wild.

I think we will get an election that is representative of the current mood of the public---ugly. I think it is way too early to make any bets on who will gain and by how much.

[and yes, I am watching you watching me.]
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

Stop picking on Dante. He's in a wheelchair. He's very sensitive. :eusa_whistle:

and I just got out of prison. :eusa_whistle:
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

Stop picking on Dante. He's in a wheelchair. He's very sensitive. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah I know, but he still gets what he deserves.

And you forgot to mention the serious inferiority complex he has about people from the suburbs. Funny and sad all at the same time.
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

Stop picking on Dante. He's in a wheelchair. He's very sensitive. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah I know, but he still gets what he deserves.

And you forgot to mention the serious inferiority complex he has about people from the suburbs. Funny and sad all at the same time.

We used to rip off people like you, whenever you'd come into Boston to hear a concert. Did you ever buy what you thought were drugs only to find out---oops---or were you one of them kids who would come back for more thinking you were high on drugs when all you were was high on the mood and excitement? :eusa_whistle:
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

They repeat this nonsense about everyone or everything that stands in their way.

The parrots on the left repeat it and next thing you know...Sarah Palin is being told she's not welcome and Tea-Party members are all racists.

It's dishonest and fucken pathetic. I'm pretty tired of it.

I hope people never trust the media or Democrats again because as long as this kind of thug mentality keeps working they'll keep doing it.
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

They repeat this nonsense about everyone or everything that stands in their way.

The parrots on the left repeat it and next thing you know...Sarah Palin is being told she's not welcome and Tea-Party members are all racists.

It's dishonest and fucken pathetic. I'm pretty tired of it.

I hope people never trust the media or Democrats again because as long as this kind of thug mentality keeps working they'll keep doing it.

you need to get out more often:


Of course this is hate speech. It was coined by those who hate and aimed at a particular group of people. Jeanine Garafalo had no love in her heart when she first used the term and has no love in her heart when she repeats it.

Those who call themselves "Tea Baggers" are doing what Americans have done since before America gained independence. Yankee Doodle was a term of disparagement used by the Brits to describe yokels new in town and not too bright. The referance to "Macaroni" is a term of sexual orientation. It does not mean macho.

That the Colonialists started to call themselves "Yanks" or "Yankees" is just throwing it back in the face of those who originally coined the speech which was born of hate.

The elitist, sneering, snickering, sophomoric, judgemental and classist, classless opponents of the Tea Party movement are engaging in the routine ad hominen attack that they are expert at conducting.

It will be interesting to see if the term is more widely used by which side as the election approaches.
Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

No one thought of the term Tea Bagger as a pejorative or a form of hate speech (which it is not, see the legal definition of a protected class) until someone somewhere posted the phrase to "tea bag" was a sexual activity. Those who attended the first Tea Party events were so proud of this movement (much like a toddler who has their first movement in a toilet - but I digress) they hung tea bags from their hats.
A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.
A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.

No. That's misinformation.

Yes, tea partiers sent tea bags to Congress and the White House; but the individuals involve self identify as Tea Partiers, holding Tea Parties.

The use of the term is hateful - as you yourself personify.
A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.
Yep. Excellent post.
A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.

No. That's misinformation.

Yes, tea partiers sent tea bags to Congress and the White House; but the individuals involve self identify as Tea Partiers, holding Tea Parties.

The use of the term is hateful - as you yourself personify.

No it's not, it's darn funny. It exposes the ignorance of tea baggers, and while funny, it is also sad because these morons vote.
A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.

too friggin' funny
Stop picking on Dante. He's in a wheelchair. He's very sensitive. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah I know, but he still gets what he deserves.

And you forgot to mention the serious inferiority complex he has about people from the suburbs. Funny and sad all at the same time.

We used to rip off people like you, whenever you'd come into Boston to hear a concert. Did you ever buy what you thought were drugs only to find out---oops---or were you one of them kids who would come back for more thinking you were high on drugs when all you were was high on the mood and excitement? :eusa_whistle:

Not people like me.
Yeah I know, but he still gets what he deserves.

And you forgot to mention the serious inferiority complex he has about people from the suburbs. Funny and sad all at the same time.

We used to rip off people like you, whenever you'd come into Boston to hear a concert. Did you ever buy what you thought were drugs only to find out---oops---or were you one of them kids who would come back for more thinking you were high on drugs when all you were was high on the mood and excitement? :eusa_whistle:

Not people like me.
maybe not.

your acquaintances, your contemporaries then.
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Stop picking on Dante. He's in a wheelchair. He's very sensitive. :eusa_whistle:

Yeah I know, but he still gets what he deserves.

And you forgot to mention the serious inferiority complex he has about people from the suburbs. Funny and sad all at the same time.

We used to rip off people like you, whenever you'd come into Boston to hear a concert. Did you ever buy what you thought were drugs only to find out---oops---or were you one of them kids who would come back for more thinking you were high on drugs when all you were was high on the mood and excitement? :eusa_whistle:

Please stop telling people you're from Boston. It's embarrassing me.
A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.

No. That's misinformation.

Yes, tea partiers sent tea bags to Congress and the White House; but the individuals involve self identify as Tea Partiers, holding Tea Parties.

The use of the term is hateful - as you yourself personify.
It isn't misinformation.

They even have a website.

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People
Yeah I know, but he still gets what he deserves.

And you forgot to mention the serious inferiority complex he has about people from the suburbs. Funny and sad all at the same time.

We used to rip off people like you, whenever you'd come into Boston to hear a concert. Did you ever buy what you thought were drugs only to find out---oops---or were you one of them kids who would come back for more thinking you were high on drugs when all you were was high on the mood and excitement? :eusa_whistle:

Please stop telling people you're from Boston. It's embarrassing me.

funny thing. everywhere I've ever traveled my nickname was/is Boston.


now go back to spanking the monkey---yours or somebody else, just stop sniffing my butt:doubt:

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