Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?

If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

They repeat this nonsense about everyone or everything that stands in their way.

The parrots on the left repeat it and next thing you know...Sarah Palin is being told she's not welcome and Tea-Party members are all racists.

It's dishonest and fucken pathetic. I'm pretty tired of it.

I hope people never trust the media or Democrats again because as long as this kind of thug mentality keeps working they'll keep doing it.

Tea Party members are all racist? No way, no heterogenous groups are all anything. This is true of all Democrats, liberals, propressives and even Republicans. The proper form is Most Tea Party members are racist, and most of them are motivated by avarice, bigotry, hate and fear.
We used to rip off people like you, whenever you'd come into Boston to hear a concert. Did you ever buy what you thought were drugs only to find out---oops---or were you one of them kids who would come back for more thinking you were high on drugs when all you were was high on the mood and excitement? :eusa_whistle:

Not people like me.
maybe not.

your acquaintances, your contemporaries then.

A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.

No. That's misinformation.

Yes, tea partiers sent tea bags to Congress and the White House; but the individuals involve self identify as Tea Partiers, holding Tea Parties.

The use of the term is hateful - as you yourself personify.
It isn't misinformation.

They even have a website.

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

looks bogus to me
"Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country."

But not all.

Calling someone a teabagger does not imply they're white, it's just an insult to those in the tea party nothing more. To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable.
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I personally don't buy into the notion of hate speech (or hate crimes).

1st Amendment Rights apply to everyone, even if what they say is hateful to the ears of some. There is the argument that such inflamatory speech is the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. The underlying racist assumption to that line of thinking, however, means that the minority who is being insulted lacks the self-control and maturity to ignore "the speech".

The morons who are calling Tea Partiers "teabaggers" just reveal their own stunted maturity and lack of class. They have no real impact on the Tea Party movement other than to make those who are curious wonder what the big deal is (and perhaps they will then join once they find out).

I'm not a big fan of the whole "laws on speech" idea myself. I find it to be a stick in the eye of the first ammendment.

Considering that we do have laws about it I was just curious if people felt this type of derogatory terminology fit under the description of the hate speech laws.

Semantics are fun for me.

Ok what laws are on the books against hate speech?
Tea Bagger isn't near as bad as the Tea Baggers themselves calling the United States of America's President "Socialist," "Communist," "Witch Doctor," Calling for his days to be "Short," among other hateful things..and racist comments.
That is hate speech.

You should tell this guy that it's "hate speech" to use the term "Tea Baggers:"

^ That dude is a Tea Partier.

Obama believes that labor unions should be allowed to organize without a secret ballot. The Socialist Party USA calls for unions to be recognized without a secret ballot.

The Socialist Party USA recognizes the "right" of adequate housing for everyone. Obama trained ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) workers to secure mortgages for unqualified people in sufficient numbers to collapse the housing and home-financing industries.

Source for both of these right now.

Obama has declared that he believes every person has a "right" to health care. The Socialist Party USA believes every person has a "right" to health care.

There's a LOT more to socialism than that.

The Socialist Party USA believes that "capitalism is fundamentally incompatible" with socialism. For years, Obama worked in Chicago through the Annenberg Challenge, along with Bill Ayers, to funnel more than $50 million to anti-capitalist education projects. In November 2006, Ayers traveled to Venezuela to speak at Hugo Chavez's Education Forum where he railed against "the failings of capitalist education," and praised the "Bolivarian Revolution and the profound reforms in education made by Hugo Chavez."
A. Source
B. Obama is not Ayers so who gives a shit what he does.

The Socialist Party USA believes in open borders and six-months residency as the only requirement for U.S. citizenship. Obama marched with illegal aliens in Chicago in support of "comprehensive" immigration reform. Listen to Obama's promises to La Raza in 2007.

The Socialist Party USA calls for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Obama says, "I will end this war," with never a reference to "winning" or "victory."

The Socialist Party USA calls for the "unconditional disarmament" by the United States. Obama has promised to dramatically reduce defense spending. Listen to his words here.

NONE of those things are features of socialism. You can find a lot of non-socialist groups who want the same thing.

The Socialist Party USA calls for a "livable guaranteed annual income." Obama trained ACORN members to conduct "Living Wage" campaigns in cities around the country.

Source again.

This list of comparisons could be quite long. This is sufficient to reveal an unmistakable similarity between Obama's political beliefs and the beliefs of the Socialist Party USA. The tragedy is that Obama's supporters don't care. In fact, many of his supporters are delighted that he promises to usher in a new era of socialism, and push the memory of capitalism further into history.

You provided no sources for your claims. All you did was concoct one massive guilt by association fallacy.

Want to know what the socialist party actually thinks of Obama?

Socialist Candidate for President - Brian Moore | Tuesday October 28 |
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A little history might be appropriate on the subject.

In the beginning of the Tea Party movement, before it was really a movement, people were sending their congressmen tea bags in the mail as a form of protest. The name Tea Baggers naturally followed and they called themselves Tea Baggers, until they found out about the sexual 'tea bag', then they saw it as an insult.

I don't so much call them Tea Baggers anymore unless I want to see blood vessels pop out of a tea Partyers head. There is no hate involved, just pure comedic enjoyment.

No. That's misinformation.

Yes, tea partiers sent tea bags to Congress and the White House; but the individuals involve self identify as Tea Partiers, holding Tea Parties.

The use of the term is hateful - as you yourself personify.

You can't just label every insult as 'hate'. Words have actual meanings.

Although some advice, if you're going to exaggerate everything no one will take you seriously.

Although perhaps I shouldn't expect much else from those who want to pretend health care reform =Communism or Socialism.
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You lewtwingnut fuckwits are STILL here flapping your gums? Losers and liars. Go down to cash sales and purchase a life: 1 ea.

You know you could've saved us the trouble and just put

"I have nothing to add but I feel like insulting you. Take that."
No. That's misinformation.

Yes, tea partiers sent tea bags to Congress and the White House; but the individuals involve self identify as Tea Partiers, holding Tea Parties.

The use of the term is hateful - as you yourself personify.
It isn't misinformation.

They even have a website.

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

looks bogus to me

It may look bogus to you, but it is the truth. They called themselves the Tea Bag party.
"Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country."

But not all.

Calling someone a teabagger does not imply they're white, it's just an insult to those in the tea party nothing more. To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable.

"To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable"; Bullshit! Tea Baggers or Tea Party activists are motivated by greed, bigotry, hate and fear and march around with signs suggesting the President of the United States is a Communist or illegal alien - that is despicable, dishonest and hateful.
"Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country."

But not all.

Calling someone a teabagger does not imply they're white, it's just an insult to those in the tea party nothing more. To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable.

"To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable"; Bullshit! Tea Baggers or Tea Party activists are motivated by greed, bigotry, hate and fear and march around with signs suggesting the President of the United States is a Communist or illegal alien - that is despicable, dishonest and hateful.

What does that have to do with their race?

Calling someone a teabagger doesn't mean you're assuming they're white.
"Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country."

But not all.

Calling someone a teabagger does not imply they're white, it's just an insult to those in the tea party nothing more. To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable.

"To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable"; Bullshit! Tea Baggers or Tea Party activists are motivated by greed, bigotry, hate and fear and march around with signs suggesting the President of the United States is a Communist or illegal alien - that is despicable, dishonest and hateful.

oh my, can't INSULT the Dear leader.:lol:
"Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country."

But not all.

Calling someone a teabagger does not imply they're white, it's just an insult to those in the tea party nothing more. To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable.

"To try to pretend the term has racial connotations is dishonest and despicable"; Bullshit! Tea Baggers or Tea Party activists are motivated by greed, bigotry, hate and fear and march around with signs suggesting the President of the United States is a Communist or illegal alien - that is despicable, dishonest and hateful.

oh my, can't INSULT the Dear leader.:lol:

There's insulting then there's provably false allegations, like that he's an illegal alien.
It isn't misinformation.

They even have a website.

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

looks bogus to me

It may look bogus to you, but it is the truth. They called themselves the Tea Bag party.

You didn't even read the website, moron.

It's one person: was conceived by a small business person who has been working day and night to keep the business running and people employed for the past 7 years.

One person setting up a website is not representative of the millions of others who self-identify as Tea Partiers.

The website is the only one any of you can find which uses the offensive term. Every other Tea Party related organization uses Tea Party.
Let them continue with the name calling and whatnot... call me what they will I don't care. More and more Americans are running away from these clowns, and they know it. They're scared, very scared. Hence the vitriol and increasing desparate tactics of throwing out baseless accusations.

When you're only reaction to one's criticisms is to label them racists and (pick an adjective), it shows you are on very shakey ground.
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Bear with me here on this one.

Most of the people who use "Teabagger" in a negative way to describe tea party protesters typically also claim its a white conservative movement in the country.

So based on the fact that it is hurtful speech directed at a people who are looked at as white, conservative, and angry at the govt is calling them "Teabaggers" hatespeach akin to other derogatory words used for various groups of people.

The tea party is also considered a specific social group so it could come under that classification also.

hate speech - Legal Definition
Speech not protected by the First Amendment, because it is intended to foster hatred against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, place of national origin, or other improper classification.

hate speech: Definition from
Bigoted speech attacking or disparaging a social or ethnic group or a member of such a group.

Hate speech - Definition
is a controversial term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against someone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The term covers written as well as oral communication.

It sure sounds like it qualifies as hate speech so I may have to watch myself with that term in the future.

It's no different than calling a homosexual a FAGGOT, or a stupid person a RETARD, or a black person a ******.
Enough of the "hate speech" stuf... it just conjurs up images of Winston Smith and Big Brother.

When people say things like that, it is just ignorance or stupidity. Let's leave it at that.. we can't start criminalizing speech.

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