Is the term TeaBagger turning into hate speech?

Refute it. Line By Line...

A Line Item veto of sorts?

In my travels here? You've been refuted more times than I care to count...

If your counting skills are in the same league with your ability to spell out an insult---pardon me, or others if we doubt your analysis here.

I'm sorry but is this supposed to equate to something? If so? *I* don't see it.

It's okay. I promise not to laugh at you anymore.

note: for the next three minutes
still have that dyslextic spelting thing going on? how about that stutter?

watch out, but it might be noticed that you jumped in here to get my attention(s).

just sayin'


- no dictionary results

*I* Reinterate.


wow! are you ever an idiot or what?

I was mocking your being unable to spell the insults you hurl, and It goes over your head.

look up dyslexic and then get back to me. then go back through all my posts where I mock others and see where I use mispelt, spelt, spelting...and then ask an adult what I was doing.

gawd, you're a loser.
As to loser? Try again. Didn't go over my head at all.

- no dictionary results

*I* Reinterate.


wow! are you ever an idiot or what?

I was mocking your being unable to spell the insults you hurl, and It goes over your head.

look up dyslexic and then get back to me. then go back through all my posts where I mock others and see where I use mispelt, spelt, spelting...and then ask an adult what I was doing.

gawd, you're a loser.
As to loser? Try again. Didn't go over my head at all.

awe come on. admit it. you thought I actually misspelt mispelt. :lol:

you know, Ravi was right about you. You can be fun to toy with---on a slow day.
*ahem* I also recall a few here, naming no names, that claim ****** isn't hate speech if the person is acting like a ******.

I have to assume the same applies with teabaggers.



How does one "act like a ******?"

Spend the day pickin' cotten?
[ame=]YouTube - Chris Rock - Black People Vs Niggaz[/ame]
The difference between a black man and a ****** is kinda like the difference between a White Man and a caucasian.
The term "Tea-bagger" is as rude as the term "Glory-hole", both of which are used by the Gay community and are fully intended to be insulting.

Obama has used the term....and the latest is Phil Maher.

Hard to contend that Obama is any higher moral authority then a foul mouthed left wing loser of a comedian who hates America.
Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder.

If a TeaParty participant is called a teabagger and it upsets them, then the motive of the person speaking it isn't all that important.

To the person who was called a teabagger it WAS hate speech.
So I guess we all pretty much agree that the whole concept of "hate" speech is political correctness poppycock.

Glad to hear it. :thup:
Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


You might as well say that calling tea partiers racists is hate speech, especially since they all claim not to be.

Tea partier is not a name for a sexual practice that makes the leftwing talking heads giggle like 7 year old girls.

Tea partiers find the "bagger" epithet to be offensive. Continuing to use that label after it has been refuted is offensive. I wouldn't call it hate speech because I don't believe in the concept. But it is RUDE, and says a great deal about the character of those who persist in spewing it.
Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder.

If a TeaParty participant is called a teabagger and it upsets them, then the motive of the person speaking it isn't all that important.

To the person who was called a teabagger it WAS hate speech.


If a person called anything is upset by it, then it's offensive. And whether offense was the intent isn't all that important. But when it comes to hate, it's the other way around. If the person using the term is not motivated by hate, and is not intending to disparage, no amount of offense taken by the recipient makes the speaker guilty of hate speech.
Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder.

If a TeaParty participant is called a teabagger and it upsets them, then the motive of the person speaking it isn't all that important.

To the person who was called a teabagger it WAS hate speech.


If a person called anything is upset by it, then it's offensive. And whether offense was the intent isn't all that important. But when it comes to hate, it's the other way around. If the person using the term is not motivated by hate, and is not intending to disparage, no amount of offense taken by the recipient makes the speaker guilty of hate speech.
"If the person using the term is not motivated by hate, and is not intending to disparage..,"

yeah, ignorance is bliss, eh?
Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder.

If a TeaParty participant is called a teabagger and it upsets them, then the motive of the person speaking it isn't all that important.

To the person who was called a teabagger it WAS hate speech.

I think the motive is extremely important.

I don't consider it to be hate-speech. I consider it to be low classed and rude.

It pretty much shows that the person using the term is a rude classless jerk with very few redeeming social qualities.
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

If a person called anything is upset by it, then it's offensive. And whether offense was the intent isn't all that important. But when it comes to hate, it's the other way around. If the person using the term is not motivated by hate, and is not intending to disparage, no amount of offense taken by the recipient makes the speaker guilty of hate speech.

And that's precisely the problem with so-called hate crimes. Unless you can read somebody's mind, it's not very clear what their thoughts were during the act.
Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, faggot is hate speech but teabagger is not.


Hate speech is in the ear of the beholder.

If a TeaParty participant is called a teabagger and it upsets them, then the motive of the person speaking it isn't all that important.

To the person who was called a teabagger it WAS hate speech.


If a person called anything is upset by it, then it's offensive. And whether offense was the intent isn't all that important. But when it comes to hate, it's the other way around. If the person using the term is not motivated by hate, and is not intending to disparage, no amount of offense taken by the recipient makes the speaker guilty of hate speech.

Right. The intent is the key to all of this.
If there is one thing I've learned about Dante, it's that he doesn't expend much energy on political things that he doesn't think matters much. So I have to wonder why he feels the need to spend so much time trying to dishonestly paint the entire Tea Party movement as lunatic fringe extremism?

Clearly he's worried, and it has nothing to due with violence or armed insurrection. It's all about the polls in November.

Best of luck with your propaganda peddling d-bagh! :lol:

Stop picking on Dante. He's in a wheelchair. He's very sensitive. :eusa_whistle:

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