Is The Trump Administration Some Kind of Sick Joke?

I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.
It's been even a bit worse than I anticipated. Maybe it's time for the Democrats to do a little self-reflection. These liberals have done it:



That's not why Trump won.
Trump one because the democrat leadership has moved too far to the left. They arrogantly believed they could run a absolutely horrific candidate that the majority of the country hates, and still win. They ignored their own base and rigged the primaries to ensure they would end up with crooked Hillary. The country rejected your corrupt globalist agenda.

No he didn't, he won because he won a few thousand labor votes in some key states, labor that supported him on trade,

labor that also agreed with Bernie on trade.

It was moving the GOP to the left, not moving to the right, that enabled Trump to win.

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