Is The Trump Administration Some Kind of Sick Joke?

I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.
It's been even a bit worse than I anticipated. Maybe it's time for the Democrats to do a little self-reflection. These liberals have done it:



Not at all, number one reason is consistently economy and jobs.

Two-thirds of Trump voters under rightwing induced diliruim actually thought that unemployment was getting worse under Obama. Half thought that stock market declined.

IGNORANCE and charlatans that spread it, including Trump himself is first and foremost reason Trump got elected.

If I thought economy is croaking after eight years of Obama I too would be desperate to give a wildcard like Trump a shot.
I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.
It's been even a bit worse than I anticipated. Maybe it's time for the Democrats to do a little self-reflection. These liberals have done it:



Not at all, number one reason is consistently economy and jobs.

Two-thirds of Trump voters under rightwing induced diliruim actually thought that unemployment was getting worse under Obama. Half thought that stock market declined.

IGNORANCE and charlatans that spread it, including Trump himself is first and foremost reason Trump got elected.

If I thought economy is croaking after eight years of Obama I too would be desperate to give a wildcard like Trump a shot.

Mac has an obsession that can't be reasoned with. He doesn't have a clue why Hillary lost. I've read the exit polls and know exactly where how and why Hillary lost.
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The best part of this Trump disaster is Rule One of the Right,

...never admit you were wrong, never even admit you might have been wrong.

They are stuck defending this absurdity of a president FOREVER.
I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.

Not sure it's all that sick ...

But your reaction to it is hilarious.


I love how you had to use a picture to convey laughing. Words are hard n' stuff for rightists. That's why this forum looks like a picture book for children.
It has to clear to most that Trump is over his head, he simply is not intelligent enough and especially not experienced enough to be president. He is a spoiled, inherited wealth, boy, a draft dodger, and a tax cheat who has great appeal to America's white trash and republican libertarian government teat suckers like Paul Ryan. Some think he will resign but then the bigoted Pence takes over. Yuk, America you did this to yourself so get used to it.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
The difference with Trump midcan5
is that he actually listens and complies with legal objections and corrections.
That's why he is revising his travel ban, because there were legal flaws and problems
people objected to.

When Obama was confronted with objections and legal arguments
against the ACA mandates, and then the bathroom policies,
he simply ignored and overruled the opposition and didn't
consider the beliefs of half the nation as included in public policy.
Party politics came first before the Constitution.

With Trump he won't be allowed to get away with anything
that so much as crosses the line and oversteps bounds, or
opponents on left and right will jump on him. He doesn't have
the political leeway and clout that Obama had to get away with overreaching.

Maybe it's Trump's ministerial counsel that is telling him to
stay in line. Whatever Obama's advisors were telling him,
somebody wasn't listening. I should hope Trump fares better
and avoids making those same mistakes in judgment Obama was criticized for.

Otherwise you're right midcan5 and Trump doesn't deserve
any credit if he can't even learn from experience that's right in front of him.
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I love how you had to use a picture to convey laughing. Words are hard n' stuff for rightists. That's why this forum looks like a picture book for children.

Yes, it's true I'm not capable of such Wildesque repartee as an intellectual giant such as yourself. I'm just honoured you accept me into your Algonquin Round table forum.
It has to clear to most that Trump is over his head, he simply is not intelligent enough and especially not experienced enough to be president. He is a spoiled, inherited wealth, boy, a draft dodger, and a tax cheat who has great appeal to America's white trash and republican libertarian government teat suckers like Paul Ryan. Some think he will resign but then the bigoted Pence takes over. Yuk, America you did this to yourself so get used to it.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
The difference with Trump midcan5
is that he actually listens and complies with legal objections and corrections.
That's why he is revising his travel ban, because there were legal flaws and problems
people objected to.


How about a more credible explanation: he rewrote his travel EO because it was HALF-BAKED JUNK THAT GOT THROWN OUT IN COURT.
It has to clear to most that Trump is over his head, he simply is not intelligent enough and especially not experienced enough to be president. He is a spoiled, inherited wealth, boy, a draft dodger, and a tax cheat who has great appeal to America's white trash and republican libertarian government teat suckers like Paul Ryan. Some think he will resign but then the bigoted Pence takes over. Yuk, America you did this to yourself so get used to it.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
The difference with Trump midcan5
is that he actually listens and complies with legal objections and corrections.
That's why he is revising his travel ban, because there were legal flaws and problems
people objected to.


How about a more credible explanation: he rewrote his travel EO because it was HALF-BAKED JUNK THAT GOT THROWN OUT IN COURT.

Same thing antontoo
either way, laws rulings or orders have to meet Constitutional standards and ethics or they will invoke objections and get challenged or shot down.

Where were you when the ACA was mandated?
How much garbage did THAT contain that needed to be cleaned up BEFORE IT GOT PASSED.

So taxpayers aren't stuck footing the bill while this is being enforced and reformed at the same time.
Isn't that a bigger mess? To pass things first BEFORE cleaning up all the loopholes and messes after the fact?
Trump got elected because every once in awhile the American people get it wrong. That's life.

Remember Iraq? 70% or more of Americans initially supported that disaster. Hell, 70% or more of Americans initially supported the disaster of Vietnam.

Trump's election was simply a voter fuck up, but like almost all fuck ups of this nature, the American people will eventually see the error of their ways.
Trump's election was simply a voter fuck up, but like almost all fuck ups of this nature, the American people will eventually see the error of their ways.
No they won't. The Democrats have been fucking up for decades and they have yet to see the error of their ways. Indeed, it can and should be pointed out that the failures of the Democrat Party paved the way for Trump. And still they refuse to own it.
It has to clear to most that Trump is over his head, he simply is not intelligent enough and especially not experienced enough to be president. He is a spoiled, inherited wealth, boy, a draft dodger, and a tax cheat who has great appeal to America's white trash and republican libertarian government teat suckers like Paul Ryan. Some think he will resign but then the bigoted Pence takes over. Yuk, America you did this to yourself so get used to it.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
It is your contempt for the working class that has enabled Trump. The Democrat Party abandoned the working class in pursuit of campaign contributions from the corporate class and sold out our workforce for the neoliberal policies of Reagan. Nice going.
I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.
What about you sweetheart? You ready to apologize for the sick joke you have perpetuated, which has culminated in Trump's rise to power?
I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.
It's been even a bit worse than I anticipated. Maybe it's time for the Democrats to do a little self-reflection. These liberals have done it:



That's not why Trump won.
Trump won because the democrat leadership has moved too far to the left. They arrogantly believed they could run a absolutely horrific candidate that the majority of the country hates, and still win. They ignored their own base and rigged the primaries to ensure they would end up with crooked Hillary. The country rejected your corrupt globalist agenda.
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The brain dead, anti-Trump folks bring up Bernie...Bernie, a drooling, low IQ, retarded moron who hates White folks so much he enjoyed being humiliated by Blacks even more stupid than himself. What kind of a sick douchebag homo would support such madness? But hey, he can hook you up with a dude who has a good deal on a diamond ring so show some respect! :p
I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out anytime and tell us all we've been punked.
It's been even a bit worse than I anticipated. Maybe it's time for the Democrats to do a little self-reflection. These liberals have done it:



That's not why Trump won.
Trump one because the democrat leadership has moved too far to the left. They arrogantly believed they could run a absolutely horrific candidate that the majority of the country hates, and still win. They ignored their own base and rigged the primaries to ensure they would end up with crooked Hillary. The country rejected your corrupt globalist agenda.
Neoliberalism was first championed by conservatives. It seems to me that it is actually conservatives who have moved to the left, away from Neoliberal policies once promoted by the Reagan's and Thatcher's of the world.
who could you possibly have run against Trump? Democrats have no bench, and certainly no one as qualified as Trump..

Any Democrat without a ton of baggage, for starters. Even Bernie was leading Trump by more in the polls than Clinton by the time they stopped taking those polls.
Bernie would have beat Trump.

Biden, O'Malley, and Jim Webb would have beaten Trump.
They knew better than to try....well, except for O'Nazi, people rejected him outright early on.....
Yes, Hillary was going to get the nomination no matter what.

I agree. The DNC stacked the deck against Sanders and Hillary was the one they backed.

Piss poor choice.

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