Is the United States the most corrupt country on the planet ?

I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
If the Democrats were to all pack up and move to Canada 99.999% of the corruption would go with them.

Don't ket those corrupt Repubs off the hook.

Nope. Every Democrat is corrupt.
Only a handful of Republicans are.
Oh, puh-leeze... BOTH sides of the aisle are full of Vote Whores and Snake-Oil Salesmen and Bought Creatures...
Yes, but Democrats are the only ones we need to worry about thanks to their corrupt media friends.
Democrats think they can get away with murder, and they have, and they will again in the future.
Bullshit.....this isn't about corporations......this is about Globalism.
If you realized how ignorant that statement is, I'd try to explain
it to you.
Sorry, but saying that proves YOU are the ignorant one.
You've fallen for the same fucked up propaganda that has tricked people all over the world.
That battle of the poor masses against the rich.
Never realizing that the rich provide every job in America.
Name any poor person that provides any job other than a blow-job.
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Never heard of Cuba, Venezuela, or Mexico?
...Crooked Hillary lost you know.
And Even Crookeder Cadet Bone Spurs won... what's your point?
No. No one is more crooked than Hillary. No one. (and it's more crooked, not crookeder)
Of course it's "more crooked"... it was served-up that way for comedic effect... for those with a sense of humor, anyway... bigly. :21:


Thank you, Captain Obvious.

We are up to the same old shit and we've been fucking around in South and Latin America forever. We do not believe in freedom, never have, we believe out Wall Street/donor/”job creator” class has the right to decide the leaders of other nations for them. As stated in the vid, Venezuela has the holy trinity of US interventionalist orgy and militarist overthrows. Any one of there is enough historically.

· A socialist economic system cannot be tolerated

· A resource our capitalists want to control

· Went off of the dollar
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Never heard of Cuba, Venezuela, or Mexico?
His name is Angelo. That is all you need to know about that fucking scumbag. Meanwhile all of his brown colored scumbags from that filthy fucking continent south of here are desperately trying to escape their fucking socialist paradises to the most fucking corrupt nation on earth? Does not cross the filthy smelly brown colored brain of the scumbag OP.

I will kneel and pray.....AGAIN that I get one fucking chance in my life to break the fucking neck of a fucking scumbag commie like the OP.

What they are escaping is US militarist empirical interventionism and slaughter. Much like the Hondurans fleeing the conditions of our 2009 coup in Honduras we're howling about now. Enjoy the fruits of empire.
Bullshit.....this isn't about corporations......this is about Globalism.
If you realized how ignorant that statement is, I'd try to explain
it to you.
Sorry, but saying that proves YOU are the ignorant one.
You've fallen for the same fucked up propaganda that has tricked people all over the world.
That battle of the poor masses against the rich.
Never realizing that the rich provide every job in America.
Name any poor person that provides any job other than a blow-job.

Me, next!

In the past, I even could have hooked you up with that, too.
Bullshit.....this isn't about corporations......this is about Globalism.
If you realized how ignorant that statement is, I'd try to explain
it to you.
Sorry, but saying that proves YOU are the ignorant one.
You've fallen for the same fucked up propaganda that has tricked people all over the world.
That battle of the poor masses against the rich.
Never realizing that the rich provide every job in America.
Name any poor person that provides any job other than a blow-job.
Get off your knees kid.
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Never heard of Cuba, Venezuela, or Mexico?
...Crooked Hillary lost you know.
And Even Crookeder Cadet Bone Spurs won... what's your point?
No. No one is more crooked than Hillary. No one. (and it's more crooked, not crookeder)
Of course it's "more crooked"... it was served-up that way for comedic effect... for those with a sense of humor, anyway... bigly. :21:


Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Your humor was evident when you compared the legendary coruption of Hillary with the scant of Trump. What you now call humor is US public education, alas.
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
The foundation of US corruption begins with its Imperial Dollar:

"By 1971 the U.S. dollar’s gold cover – legally 25 percent for Federal Reserve currency – was nearly depleted, and America withdrew from the London Gold Pool.

"The dollar no longer could be redeemed for gold at $35 an ounce.

"It seemed at the time that the Vietnam War had cost America its world financial position, just as World War I had stripped Britain and the rest of Europe of their financial leadership as a result of their Inter-Ally arms debts to the United States.

"But in going off gold the United States created a new kind of international financial system.

"It was a double standard, that is, the dollar-debt standard.

"The consequences can be seen today.

"This time around (2002) the Near East and Moslem world have announced their opposition to a new U.S. oil war, as have France and Germany.

"Popular opinion throughout Europe has turned against American adventurism, and at first glance it appears that America will have to finance its war alone.

" And indeed it would, if today’s global financial system were still what it was before 1971.

"America could not fight a conventional war and pay for its troop support costs without seeing the dollar plunge.

"In fact, it seemed that in 1971 no country ever again could go to war without seeing its international reserves depleted and its currency collapse, forcing its interest rates to rise and its economy to fall into depression.

"Yet in all the argument over the coming U.S.-Islamic war, Europeans have not seen that it is they themselves that will have to bear the U.S. military costs, and to do so without limit."
And yet, the OP probably wants us to put our health care in their hands.
jesus fn christ --learn some history
this is dumbshit
Mubarak presidential term = 30 years!!! hahahahah
a lot of these countries' governments are from coups [ bloody/etc ]
etc etc
also, some of these countries populations are many times lower than the US--so comparison is stupid

every country has it's corruption

.....the US helps the world the MOST to include using carriers/amphib ships/choppers/etc during natural disasters
...we take in hundreds of thousands of immigrants/etc per ------YEAR
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Wow, the biased opinion of one eco-nazi. This conspiracy theory doesn't belong in politics.

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