Is the United States the most corrupt country on the planet ?

I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
The Democratic Party is far the most corrupt / criminal PARTY; however, the US is far from the most corrupt / criminal COUNTRY in the world.

Try leaving the country, travel, & experience it / life for yourself to decide.
From the commie source from the pathetic OP.
Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

1. The U.S. is so corrupt that our ruling Republican Party would even deny human-made climate change and adopt pro-carbon policies inexorably destined to wreck the planet earth, all to ensure a few extra years of profits for dirty coal companies and oil giants like ExxonMobil.

Americans are now finally waking up from the 30 years of mesmerized unreality into which Big Carbon and its willing henchmen in the U.S. government had cast them. But nothing of any significance is being done by the federal government on the climate emergency, and the real leaders are states like California. Americans do not realize how peculiar their climate dementia is. No government in Europe openly denies human-made climate change through the burning of fossil fuels and the lodging of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, however lackadaisical some of them are about addressing the problem.

That, is all you need to know from the piece of commie shit OP

Like Viktor Knavs?
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

"Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment."

Of all the lying down and rolling over that we're seeing from RWNJs, what is surely the most frightening is their support and defense of the attacks on our constitution. I've often read a RWNJ saying protesting is wrong, they should be jailed. They support and defend every single attack magat makes on our rights.
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
The Democratic Party is far the most corrupt / criminal PARTY; however, the US is far from the most corrupt / criminal COUNTRY in the world.

Try leaving the country, travel, & experience it / life for yourself to decide.

Did it. And lived and worked, not visited thanks. Now, about this predatory economic system.

1) Most americans are not doing that well.
a. 40% cannot cover a $400 emergency.
b. 78% of full time workers live paycheck to paycheck.
c. Only 28% of the american population is considered “financially healthy”.

2) We are not a land of opportunity.
a. An american born to a household in the bottom 20% of earnings has a 7.8% chance of joining the top 20% when they grow up.
b. Institutionally we nurture these conditions, when you’re poor, everything costs more, one need look no further than our financial and criminal just us systems which fee to death the non-wealthy.

3) The wedding industrial complex
a. Couples who spend more the $20K on a wedding are 46% more likely to divorce than those who pay $1K or less on a wedding.
b. Recidivism is as good for the wedding business as it is for the private for profit prison industry.

4) The ethnic rich do not play by the same rules the rest of us are admonished to.
a. Over the past half century they have tilted everything in their favor via the political and economic system.
b. Think tank drafted legislation, lobbyists, the tax structure’s societal wealth redistribution scam.
c. The Powell Memorandum comes to mind.

5) Americans pay way more for healthcare (2x in many cases) than any other advanced nation on the planet.
a. For much shittier care and outcomes overall, with shorter life spans and higher birth mortality rates
b. Our administrative costs? 8%
c. Other advanced nations? 1-3%
d. The only winners are the insurance and the pharmaceutical industry/corporations.

6) Americans pay way more for college (2x in many cases) than any other advanced nation on the planet.
a. There is no reason college must cost so much.
b. We’re turning generations into debt peons.
c. Public college expenses have risen 213% since the late 1980s.
d. Not to fund faculty wages/benefits/healthcare, but to fund non-productive administrative bureaucrats, outside consultants, travel expenses, top officials and “undisclosed expenses”.

7) The stock market is not the real economy and it very often means nothing as to how the average american worker is doing. If you are of the investor class of course this will not pertain to you. And no, a 401K in lieu of a pension does not mean you are one of them.
a. Real wages have nothing to do with the stock market other than rising wages terrifies investors and have been stagnant for half a century now.
b. A system predicated upon endless expansion and profit margin growth to infinity is at odds with what is best for society at large and average working americans.
c. What is often good for investors is often terrible for the average american working family.
d. Working hard in america is not a way to "get ahead" at all.
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
take your European socialism and shove it up your fucking ass you fucking moron
Let me sum up the OP's source message:

Rich man BAD!!!

The wealthy have vastly more advantage than you, but does that make them inherently bad? That would depend on the individual.

For instance;

Multiplying Daddy's money by use of bankruptcy laws a good thing, or a bad thing?

Hiring illegal aliens to take advantage of paying them less than Americans, then calling them bad, a good thing or a bad thing?

Using your money and power to push through American citizenship of your father-in-law who is a card carrying communist, a good thing, or a bad thing?
There is no gov't on the face of the planet where corruption does not exist. Those that have a capitalistic economic system just have more money to steal, but make no mistake, socialistic economies have corruption too, just on a smaller scale. Yes, some not to the degree we have in the US and in other places, but that is NOT a function of the economic model but rather is relative to the governance that exists. No question, corruption is a major problem here, nobody is going to doubt that. BUT, to say it's the worst is nonsense, there are so many other countries where corruption has been a fact of life for centuries, and it's a lot worse relatively speaking than here.

Not many places have the freedoms that we do, nor the opportunities to make a lot of money either. But those 2 factors also offer greater opportunities for lying, cheating, and stealing, plus fraud, waste, and abuse; our judicial system is based on innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around and that means it isn't as easy to find somebody guilty of illegalities. Most of us are well aware that money talks and it also keeps you out of prison unless you were really dumb about hiding the evidence.

So - from the standpoint of the amount of corruption in terms of dollars unethically or illegally obtained, yeah we're number 1 cuz we got way more money to get one way or another. But relative to the GDP of a given country, nah.
Finally a thoughtful, and civil reply. Thank you.
This seems to be a rare occurrence @ USMB so far.
You get slapped around when you try and force/promote socialism on people that know better so shut the fuck up
Let me sum up the OP's source message:

Rich man BAD!!!

The wealthy have vastly more advantage than you, but does that make them inherently bad? That would depend on the individual.

For instance;

Multiplying Daddy's money by use of bankruptcy laws a good thing, or a bad thing?

Hiring illegal aliens to take advantage of paying them less than Americans, then calling them bad, a good thing or a bad thing?

Using your money and power to push through American citizenship of your father-in-law who is a card carrying communist, a good thing, or a bad thing?
From the commie source from the pathetic OP.
Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

1. The U.S. is so corrupt that our ruling Republican Party would even deny human-made climate change and adopt pro-carbon policies inexorably destined to wreck the planet earth, all to ensure a few extra years of profits for dirty coal companies and oil giants like ExxonMobil.

Americans are now finally waking up from the 30 years of mesmerized unreality into which Big Carbon and its willing henchmen in the U.S. government had cast them. But nothing of any significance is being done by the federal government on the climate emergency, and the real leaders are states like California. Americans do not realize how peculiar their climate dementia is. No government in Europe openly denies human-made climate change through the burning of fossil fuels and the lodging of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, however lackadaisical some of them are about addressing the problem.

That, is all you need to know from the piece of commie shit OP

Like Viktor Knavs?

Yep. Thanks to chain migration, we've got Communists in the White House. And RWNJs LOVE it.

(Not to mention a slut/whore/prostitute, porn actress and her fascist John.)

Bullshit.....this isn't about corporations......this is about Globalism.
If you realized how ignorant that statement is, I'd try to explain
it to you.
Sorry, but saying that proves YOU are the ignorant one.
You've fallen for the same fucked up propaganda that has tricked people all over the world.
That battle of the poor masses against the rich.
Never realizing that the rich provide every job in America.
Name any poor person that provides any job other than a blow-job.
Get off your knees kid.
Stay in your lane you fat tub of shit
Of course the US is not the most corrupt country in the world. Spend a few days in Russia if you want to see low level corruption.
At a higher level your politicians are all bought and paid for and the interests of the people are secondary to those of the elites.
Do you genuinely believe your politicians aren't bought and paid for?

Do you genuinely believe your politicians aren't bought and paid for?

Possibly in Canada.
Of course the US is not the most corrupt country in the world. Spend a few days in Russia if you want to see low level corruption.
At a higher level your politicians are all bought and paid for and the interests of the people are secondary to those of the elites.
Do you genuinely believe your politicians aren't bought and paid for?

Do you genuinely believe your politicians aren't bought and paid for?

Possibly in Canada.
I rest my case, you’re fucking retarded
I took the liberty of rewording the title of this article . Questioning your government is the most American thing a person can do, unless you no longer respect the Constitution, namely the First Amendment.

The United States fell six places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency International’s list of countries by corruption. Under Donald Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much-revised version of my popular list.

Obviously, the U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury would not give corporations impunity for obtaining contracts by bribery, and it is this sort of scrupulousness that the Transparency International list is rewarding. And Americans don’t have to bribe government officials, as is true in many countries (though, to be fair to the government officials, they typically demand bribes because their governments don’t pay them a living wage).

But in all sorts of ways, U.S. corruption is off the charts, and because the U.S. is still the No. 1 economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product, massive corruption here has a global impact.

Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world:

The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
You’re attempting to conflate two different issues: corruption and a lack of liberty.

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