Is there a god?

ya, the intelligent approach is to study a book to find your god, and change all the meanings of the stories because on the face of it, it makes no logical sense. :cuckoo:

it's okay, I'll wait for the real god to contact me, if there even is one. :cool:
lol...Listen up Taz.

you have a terminal case of the cooties.

Wait all you like but God will never come to you in your current condition. Would you accept the invitation of a decomposing zombie who wanted you to visit him in his lair?


Take a whiff of your breath. Is it really any wonder why to you God is nowhere in sight?

Looks like even real people that you know exist can't stand the stench for more than a few minutes.

I guess that I am your only hope and even I won't do for you what you have to do for yourself to become a creature capable and worthy of comprehension.....
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.

God is the God of the living. You can't blame God for your poor hygiene.
God doesn't visit foul and loathsome creatures, much less the dead.

Even if they dropped their drawers bent over and winked.
God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex. I wouldn’t even have to wink.
You read the story and thats what you got out of it? God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex?

okey dokey..very funny, ha ha. But, Wait a minute! ... Where's your proof? lol... what a maroon!

Obviously you never understood the lessons in The Tale of the Puppet either..

If naughty boys remain on Pleasure Island for too long those donkeys ears are there to stay. (Pinocchio 3:14)

You are the proof.

Thems the breaks. You should have listened to the talking cricket. Ask any scientist.

I would say that I felt sorry for you if I did. Really, I would..
You have to know how to read the bible, ;)
God wanted Adam to stay in homo heaven with Him, but Adam chose the chick and now we're all fucked!
lol...Listen up Taz.

you have a terminal case of the cooties.

Wait all you like but God will never come to you in your current condition. Would you accept the invitation of a decomposing zombie who wanted you to visit him in his lair?


Take a whiff of your breath. Is it really any wonder why to you God is nowhere in sight?

Looks like even real people that you know exist can't stand the stench for more than a few minutes.

I guess that I am your only hope and even I won't do for you what you have to do for yourself to become a creature capable and worthy of comprehension.....
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.

God is the God of the living. You can't blame God for your poor hygiene.
God doesn't visit foul and loathsome creatures, much less the dead.

Even if they dropped their drawers bent over and winked.
God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex. I wouldn’t even have to wink.

You read the story and thats what you got out of it? God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex?

okey dokey..very funny, ha ha. But, Wait a minute! ... Where's your proof? lol... what a maroon!

Obviously you never understood the lessons in The Tale of the Puppet either..

If naughty boys remain on Pleasure Island for too long those donkeys ears are there to stay. (Pinocchio 3:14)

You are the proof.

Thems the breaks. You should have listened to the talking cricket. Ask any scientist.

I would say that I felt sorry for you if I did. Really, I would..

Adam and Eve get punished for disobeying God's command and atheists want to focus on it all being about sex???

They don't like going further into history for fear of being faced with the truth.
Hey, it's a made up story so I'm allowed to make stuff up as well, why do you get to have all the fun?
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.

God is the God of the living. You can't blame God for your poor hygiene.
God doesn't visit foul and loathsome creatures, much less the dead.

Even if they dropped their drawers bent over and winked.
God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex. I wouldn’t even have to wink.

You read the story and thats what you got out of it? God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex?

okey dokey..very funny, ha ha. But, Wait a minute! ... Where's your proof? lol... what a maroon!

Obviously you never understood the lessons in The Tale of the Puppet either..

If naughty boys remain on Pleasure Island for too long those donkeys ears are there to stay. (Pinocchio 3:14)

You are the proof.

Thems the breaks. You should have listened to the talking cricket. Ask any scientist.

I would say that I felt sorry for you if I did. Really, I would..

Adam and Eve get punished for disobeying God's command and atheists want to focus on it all being about sex???

They don't like going further into history for fear of being faced with the truth.

To be fair Taz claims to be agnostic. Even so, even believers make much of it out to be about sex too.

I haven't decided which is worse.

Maybe the agnostic takes the cake.. Taz has decided to do nothing but make stupid wise cracks until God comes down from heaven to kiss his ass, instead of learning from the lessons of the past preserved by our ancestors in very basic stories about right and wrong and good and evil and cause and effect much less doing something to improve his condition.

He's not afraid to face the truth, he wouldn't recognize the truth even if it kept him up all night. He is afraid to face himself and clean out the garbage and perversions that have accumulated over the years in his own mind, taken root, and flourished like weeds in the untended garden of an abandoned building ..
The bible is full of perversion, murder and a zombie Jesus. So not the truth.
If a flood happened, then it would not be a myth. People like YOU tried to turned it into a myth by ascribing your own personal interpretations of key words to the account.
The 40 days part and the worldwide part and the 2 of every animal part and the 600 year old captain part are all myths.

Prove it
That’s not how proof works, there’s no proof that these things happened. It’s up to you to prove that they did. So go for it, prove it.

You were called on it first. Sorry. You have to go first. You got challenged first.
There is no geologic proof of a 40 day worldwide flood, no proof that anyone got kangaroos from australia over to the Middle East and back again and no human has lived more than 120 years or so, and nobody can prove otherwise. To say that something can't be disproven therefore it's true is total bullshit and you know it.

The one thing that I can prove and unequivocally is that you are so desperate you've created strawman arguments against me.

But, you feel it necessary to keep coming back and responding to my every sentence. So, I'm studying what you're saying. Now that you are employing straw man arguments, who are really trying to convince? Me? Or YOU?
Maybe there is a god but it’s decided to, or is not allowed to contact us.

Taz, If you use the senses that you have not tapped into, you will find that God does speak to all men.

Have you ever heard of a mother that suddenly woke up in the middle of the night knowing that something terrible had happened to her son or daughter only to receive a call hours later confirming it?

You have senses that you have yet to tap into because if it don't fit YOUR personal definitions and presuppositions it doesn't exist. Yet the whole time you're oblivious as to what is happening all around you.
There’s no proof that that woman was contacted by god, it’s pure wishful thinking.

Again, you don't have any way of contradicting the facts.
It's not a fact until it can be proven.

You're here. That is all the facts I need.
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.

God is the God of the living. You can't blame God for your poor hygiene.
God doesn't visit foul and loathsome creatures, much less the dead.

Even if they dropped their drawers bent over and winked.
God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex. I wouldn’t even have to wink.

You read the story and thats what you got out of it? God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex?

okey dokey..very funny, ha ha. But, Wait a minute! ... Where's your proof? lol... what a maroon!

Obviously you never understood the lessons in The Tale of the Puppet either..

If naughty boys remain on Pleasure Island for too long those donkeys ears are there to stay. (Pinocchio 3:14)

You are the proof.

Thems the breaks. You should have listened to the talking cricket. Ask any scientist.

I would say that I felt sorry for you if I did. Really, I would..

Adam and Eve get punished for disobeying God's command and atheists want to focus on it all being about sex???

They don't like going further into history for fear of being faced with the truth.
Hey, it's a made up story so I'm allowed to make stuff up as well, why do you get to have all the fun?

I haven't made anything up. I've given links to what archaeologists and other scientists say. They're pretty much satisfied with the account of Noah being true.

I wonder what you'd think if America broke out into a major world war and all this computer junk was destroyed. There was no more record of our existence as satellites were shot down, etc, and a hundred years later, even if someone found a hard drive, it would be like hieroglyphics to the modern archaeologists. People would then look to that body of circumstantial evidence and argue that you ever existed.

Being mostly trained in law, as a legal matter, the weight of evidence says the flood account IS true, not the dishonest way you present it, however. Science seems to be in agreement. If this were a flood thread, and it is not, I'd present many different hypotheses and introduce many witness accounts. But, you wouldn't know when you lost because you've closed the door as well as your mind.
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.

I would rephrase your question and substitute "creator" in place of "God".
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.

I would rephrase your question and substitute "creator" in place of "God".

So, where did this Creator come from? Our forefathers presumed the same thing and that is why some Rights are above the law. Thank God - the Declaration of Independence says Creator, but either way, aren't you glad our country acknowledges certain Rights on that premise?
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.

I would rephrase your question and substitute "creator" in place of "God".

So, where did this Creator come from? Our forefathers presumed the same thing and that is why some Rights are above the law. Thank God - the Declaration of Independence says Creator, but either way, aren't you glad our country acknowledges certain Rights on that premise?

Something had to come first that didn't need another to cause it to come into existence, right?
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.

I would rephrase your question and substitute "creator" in place of "God".

So, where did this Creator come from? Our forefathers presumed the same thing and that is why some Rights are above the law. Thank God - the Declaration of Independence says Creator, but either way, aren't you glad our country acknowledges certain Rights on that premise?

Something had to come first that didn't need another to cause it to come into existence, right?

Like I said in an earlier posting, I cannot believe that nothing creates something. No matter what theory you espouse, matter came from somewhere, something or somebody.

The nonbelievers take two stories from the Bible, apply their own interpretation to it and refuse scientific explanations and linguistic interpretations to show that there are more than one explanation, science confirming the basic story. But, back to the OP, Is there a God?

When you explain how to get something from nothing, I might be swayed. Then you will have to explain how archaeologists find physical proof of the people and civilizations that the Bible was written about.
Early America.

Early China.

Early Israel.

Early Western Civilization.

Early Mesopotamia.
All those examples are filled with war, massacres, rapes-as-a-weapon and slavery. Please try again.
Wounded Knee Pest Control

What makes you believe that all four of those are evil under any circumstances?
I don't know what that is. Please explain.
Whirled Wad Wub

It is perfectly clear. Quit pretending it isn't, in order to evade the question. That is a typical Internet act.
I wasn't sure what the "wounded knee pest control" thing was, but I'll keep playing.

dingbat was saying that peace and harmony led to virtuous societies. The ones he named were filled with all kinds of nasty shit. So not peaceful, harmonious or virtuous.
No. ding said, that logic and history show that virtue leads to peace and harmony within individuals and within societies.
Well, if it's empirical proof you seek, I wish you all the luck in the world. I doubt you will ever find any, at least not in this life. See, the problem is that the very concept of god is far beyond anything we mere humans can comprehend. Therefore, empirical proof is impossible.
In other words, you have no real proof so you scapegoat your made up god and say that it's so on another level that there can be no proof. Oldest trick in The Book. YAWWWWN!
Ok, maybe this will be of more interest to you. Assume, for a moment, there is a god, and that said god created the entire universe. What tells you that we, as mere humans, would have the ability to come even close to comprehending what that god is, let alone "real proof" that said god exists? What tells you that we have the ability to explain such an entity? Such an entity would, I say is, so far beyond our ability to comprehend that we really have no hope of EVER understanding. Therefore, what you ask for is far beyond your ability to comprehend, and is, therefore, completely futile. Unless, of course, you can explain where all the matter in the universe came from... If not a god, then what? It just always has been? Where did the laws of nature come from? If evolution is the truth, then why did life on this planet only start once? Do you understand what the odds of THAT scenario are, that life, spontaneously, started only once in the entire history of the world?
What tells you that we wouldn't have the ability to explain and understand such an entity? You're assuming facts not in evidence. And then say, well, since such an entity is beyond our scope, then I'll simply make one up, some hateful brah who drowns babies and adults, helps kills others, and threatens up with roasting if we don't obey a book. It's so totally ludicrous that I'm amazed that in this day and age, ANYONE still believes in that nonsense.
What tells you that we wouldn't have the ability to explain and understand such an entity?
Simple. Let me scale it back a bit. How could a machine, created by man, understand how it was created, if man did not tell it? Same concept.
you just can't admit that you can't prove there is a god, can you??
or are you going to prove it?
The proof is all around you. You just don't want to accept it.
Well, if it's empirical proof you seek, I wish you all the luck in the world. I doubt you will ever find any, at least not in this life. See, the problem is that the very concept of god is far beyond anything we mere humans can comprehend. Therefore, empirical proof is impossible.
In other words, you have no real proof so you scapegoat your made up god and say that it's so on another level that there can be no proof. Oldest trick in The Book. YAWWWWN!
Ok, maybe this will be of more interest to you. Assume, for a moment, there is a god, and that said god created the entire universe. What tells you that we, as mere humans, would have the ability to come even close to comprehending what that god is, let alone "real proof" that said god exists? What tells you that we have the ability to explain such an entity? Such an entity would, I say is, so far beyond our ability to comprehend that we really have no hope of EVER understanding. Therefore, what you ask for is far beyond your ability to comprehend, and is, therefore, completely futile. Unless, of course, you can explain where all the matter in the universe came from... If not a god, then what? It just always has been? Where did the laws of nature come from? If evolution is the truth, then why did life on this planet only start once? Do you understand what the odds of THAT scenario are, that life, spontaneously, started only once in the entire history of the world?
Just because at this point in time we don't know where all matter comes from doesn't default over to it being from an invisible being. That's pure fantasy.

If evolution isn't the truth, then do you believe that god just started plopping people around there earth? How did that work exactly? He made Adam out of thin air, then ripped out one of his ribs to make Eve?
It is beyond my understanding, something I can accept. Apparently you cannot, that's not a fault, just an observation. Some people require more evidence than I do. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is you classifying my beliefs as "fantasy" simply because you do not share them. That is really quite offensive to me, therefore I respectfully request you stop using that term. I thank you in advance.
You're offended because you live in a fantasy world? That's what it is when you have ZERO proof. If that makes you upset, well then maybe you're not as okay with it as you think.
And I believe it is YOU who lives in the fantasy world. I have tons of evidence and reasons to believe in a Creator.
I think you are confusing man's interpretation of religious doctrine, with God's intent, expressed through said doctrine. Man is, by our very nature, imperfect, and therefore, do things that are against God's will. This fact does not, in any way, change God's will, or His plan/intent. God gave man the gift of reason so that each individual may CHOOSE their own path. That we may question the very existence of a god. What we do with that gift/ability is up to us, and our actions (regardless of their origins) are on us, as individuals.
Seriously brah, if there was a god, do you actually think that it would need to express its will through A FUCKING BOOK??? AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! :biggrin:
Are you being serious, or just facetious? HOW ELSE WOULD IT EXPRESS ITSELF? Furthermore, it was not God who expressed himself through a book. God expressed himself through men, and commanded men to write an account of said expression. Therefore, the Bible, Koran, Torah, and all other religious documents are, at most, man's interpretation of God's will. Are you really so uneducated as to not understand that?
Is god so lame that he can't express himself directly to me, and that I can only get in touch with him through a 2000 year old book of non-stop nonsense not in evidence written by people who were so primitive that they hadn't even been able to invent toilet paper at that time? Do you understand THAT?
If that is your understanding, then you really do not understand the teachings as I know them. I am not inclined to attempt to explain them to you, as you seem to have utter contempt of the idea, and therefore I see it as an exercise in futility.
I understand the teachings, apparently better than you do. There is no geologic proof for a worldwide flood that lasted 40 days and drowned nearly everyone on earth. How do you explain that?
That the event of a flood is widely documented in all cultures of antiquity and that their knowledge of the world was limited. To them it was a world wide flood. It did happen. You want to read it literally because that fits your agenda.
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you can't prove there is a god---just admit it

If there's proof , you don't need faith to believe. You are thus dead!

That's the point!
great point :rolleyes-41:......
dead??!! what does that mean
ok, so you can't prove there is a god --finally we have someone to admit it

Do you have the capability even to read?!

By the covenant between God and man, if you have proof that God exists it means that by law you need to go to the eternal hell. If all mankind are presented with empirical proof, all mankind will have to go to hell, by what specified in the covenant!

Your ask for proof of God is an ask to put all mankind to hell!

That's the point!
no--I don't have the capability to read --sorry
asking for proof will put mankind to hell??
do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
It sounds ridiculous to you because your understanding of what that means is ridiculous. If you start from the fact that the atoms that make up who you are were created 14 billion years ago in a perfect state and were with the Creator before space and time began and end with you being granted what you want which is to be left to yourself, then hell will be spending eternity by yourself. Can you imagine what that will be like?
Well, if it's empirical proof you seek, I wish you all the luck in the world. I doubt you will ever find any, at least not in this life. See, the problem is that the very concept of god is far beyond anything we mere humans can comprehend. Therefore, empirical proof is impossible.
In other words, you have no real proof so you scapegoat your made up god and say that it's so on another level that there can be no proof. Oldest trick in The Book. YAWWWWN!
Ok, maybe this will be of more interest to you. Assume, for a moment, there is a god, and that said god created the entire universe. What tells you that we, as mere humans, would have the ability to come even close to comprehending what that god is, let alone "real proof" that said god exists? What tells you that we have the ability to explain such an entity? Such an entity would, I say is, so far beyond our ability to comprehend that we really have no hope of EVER understanding. Therefore, what you ask for is far beyond your ability to comprehend, and is, therefore, completely futile. Unless, of course, you can explain where all the matter in the universe came from... If not a god, then what? It just always has been? Where did the laws of nature come from? If evolution is the truth, then why did life on this planet only start once? Do you understand what the odds of THAT scenario are, that life, spontaneously, started only once in the entire history of the world?
Just because at this point in time we don't know where all matter comes from doesn't default over to it being from an invisible being. That's pure fantasy.

If evolution isn't the truth, then do you believe that god just started plopping people around there earth? How did that work exactly? He made Adam out of thin air, then ripped out one of his ribs to make Eve?
What I do have a problem with is you classifying my beliefs as "fantasy" That is really quite offensive to me, therefore I request you stop using that term. .
"To Inhibit Them, Pretend They Offend"

You want us to believe that there are no fantasies then. And why should we care about offending someone who interferes with others, such as with abortion? On that matter, influence other Christians not to have abortions; don't tip the scales in an election in order to get a legislator who will impose your Puritanical sadism on the rest of society. Most likely, he will be a GreedHead looter, so you can go to your imaginary Hell.
At conception a new genetically distinct human life is created. Not just any human life, but one that has never existed before and will never exist again. This is scientific fact. From a legal perspective it is a specific person and has the same inalienable rights as you.

Who is that person's advocate if not us?
Is god so lame that he can't express himself directly to me, and that I can only get in touch with him through a 2000 year old book of non-stop nonsense not in evidence written by people who were so primitive that they hadn't even been able to invent toilet paper at that time? Do you understand THAT?
If that is your understanding, then you really do not understand the teachings as I know them. I am not inclined to attempt to explain them to you, as you seem to have utter contempt of the idea, and therefore I see it as an exercise in futility.
I understand the teachings, apparently better than you do. There is no geologic proof for a worldwide flood that lasted 40 days and drowned nearly everyone on earth. How do you explain that?
Media Narrative by Those Who Were Even More Careless About Accuracy

Perhaps the Flood represents the extermination of the subhuman Neanderthal predators. Or the mass destruction caused by the global warming at the end of the Ice Age. "Forty days" probably represents only the tail end of what those who passed on the story actually witnessed.

All of the worldwide flood myths from every continent was most likely inspired by the aftermath of whatever celestial object left a crater 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. The billions of metric tons of water instantly vaporized into the atmosphere could easily have caused a weeks long deluge of torrential rain and superstorms washing away every settlement situated near rivers and streams and even dry washes in the deserts not to mention the mega tsunamis that would have wiped out every coastal civilization.

So the Hebrews used that event as the basis to teach moral lessons to their children with a fictitious and metaphorical narrative using only a little hyperbole because they wouldn't have needed much. Whats so hard to believe or understand about that?

It could be one of the reasons that a belief in an invisible being in the sky of unimaginable power to destroy everything began all around the world.

Obviously the destruction was real and obviously whatever mighty supernatural being caused it needed to be appeased because obviously he was mad about something....
Do you have a link to this asteroid coming down around what, 6000 years ago?
Again you read the Bible literally to make that claim to fit your agenda.
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All of the worldwide flood myths from every continent was most likely inspired by the aftermath of whatever celestial object left a crater 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. The billions of metric tons of water instantly vaporized into the atmosphere could easily have caused a weeks long deluge of torrential rain and superstorms washing away every settlement situated near rivers and streams and even dry washes in the deserts not to mention the mega tsunamis that would have wiped out every coastal civilization.

So the Hebrews used that event as the basis to teach moral lessons to their children with a fictitious and metaphorical narrative using only a little hyperbole because they wouldn't have needed much. Whats so hard to believe or understand about that?

It could be one of the reasons that a belief in an invisible being in the sky of unimaginable power to destroy everything began all around the world.

Obviously the destruction was real and obviously whatever mighty supernatural being caused it needed to be appeased because obviously he was mad about something....
Do you have a link to this asteroid coming down around what, 6000 years ago?

Burckle Crater - Wikipedia
So you're saying that those resulting mega-tsunamis, as they called them, were the basis for the flood story? If they were in the Indian ocean, they wouldn't have impacted that side of the Middle East. And did some guy make a huge boat before hand and round up all the local animals? Or is that made up?

It would have impacted that area in the form of a deluge of torrential rain, just like in the story. Some guy on a mountain must have seen the splash and described it as the fountains of the deep opened up...All the pieces fit perfectly. It would boggle our minds. Imagine what it would have done to people 6000 years ago?

And yes, there probably was a guy who was prophetically warned and saved a few local animals... The arc of course could itself be just a metaphor as well as the animals he saved.

Moses built the arc of the covenant.
All of the worldwide flood myths from every continent was most likely inspired by the aftermath of whatever celestial object left a crater 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. The billions of metric tons of water instantly vaporized into the atmosphere could easily have caused a weeks long deluge of torrential rain and superstorms washing away every settlement situated near rivers and streams and even dry washes in the deserts not to mention the mega tsunamis that would have wiped out every coastal civilization.

So the Hebrews used that event as the basis to teach moral lessons to their children with a fictitious and metaphorical narrative using only a little hyperbole because they wouldn't have needed much. Whats so hard to believe or understand about that?

It could be one of the reasons that a belief in an invisible being in the sky of unimaginable power to destroy everything began all around the world.

Obviously the destruction was real and obviously whatever mighty supernatural being caused it needed to be appeased because obviously he was mad about something....
Do you have a link to this asteroid coming down around what, 6000 years ago?

Burckle Crater - Wikipedia
So you're saying that those resulting mega-tsunamis, as they called them, were the basis for the flood story? If they were in the Indian ocean, they wouldn't have impacted that side of the Middle East. And did some guy make a huge boat before hand and round up all the local animals? Or is that made up?

It would have impacted that area in the form of a deluge of torrential rain, just like in the story. Some guy on a mountain must have seen the splash and described it as the fountains of the deep opened up...All the pieces fit perfectly. It would boggle our minds. Imagine what it would have done to people 6000 years ago?

And yes, there probably was a guy who was prophetically warned and saved a few local animals... The arc of course could itself be just a metaphor as well as the animals he saved.

Moses built the arc of the covenant.
So none of the bible stories are actually true.

Arc of the covenant never existed, no proof, so another myth.
This is how I know you are a militant atheist, Taz. You are on a mission.
Media Narrative by Those Who Were Even More Careless About Accuracy

Perhaps the Flood represents the extermination of the subhuman Neanderthal predators. Or the mass destruction caused by the global warming at the end of the Ice Age. "Forty days" probably represents only the tail end of what those who passed on the story actually witnessed.
And 6 days for god means something else... ya, it's hard to discuss god with theists-of-the-bible who don't believe any of the stories of the bible except the ones they want to. Cherry-picking for Jesus!!! :biggrin:

No, 6 days means 6 days.

How much time would it take you to teach children not to accept candy from strangers, not to be gullible, and how to deal with garden pests?

A year?

How much time would it take for you to explain to superstitious people that its stupid to pray for advise to a statue that has no eyes ears mouth or life and can't see hear or speak?
So you think that god made the universe in 6 days as described in the bible? And after 6 days, the earth was formed with all the animals in it?

The Bible itself does not say that. The word in Hebrew is yome. It only means equal periods of time. It could have been any increment of time.

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." II Peter 3: 8
The bible says 6 days. Go look it up, fool.
The fool says what is pleasing to his ears. You most likely learned your abusive behavior from an abusive behavior.

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