Is there a god?

Sure there are metaphors like you mentioned, but saying that a worldwide flood means something else, or that he world wasn’t actually made in 6 days is completely moving the goalposts, otherwise known as cherry-picking.

I came here to see if the believers here had anything concrete to base their beliefs in, and it turns out that you all have nothing really except a book that you don’t even believe is true. Kinda douche. And when questioned, they all get upset, just like you.

I believe in the Book; I just don't need someone who wants to apply their personal opinions and interpretations as the final say.

One thing is obvious to most who would read this. You are an American and probably not too old. You only speak a single language which tells us the reason you cannot understand that the word day as described in the Bible may not refer to your time reference. Many concepts don't translate well. For example there are no equal equivalents for the movie title Top Gun. The closet they could come in Israel was Love in the Skies.

No goalposts are being changed; nobody is cherry picking. I'm applying common sense, reading the entire Bible and allowing the Bible to interpret the Bible. You're attempting to take every word literally when, in fact, not all the words - and even sentences can be directly interpreted word for word as you want to believe.

Even in English, you cannot differentiate between the concept of earth and planet. And your disbelief in a concept fails to prove it.

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
So none of the bible stories are actually true.

Arc of the covenant never existed, no proof, so another myth.

You want to criticize the Bible and can't even spell the word Ark.

The Bible is true. It's just as accurate as any source you rely on. The problem is, the Bible was limited by the number of words in the Greek and Hebrew language that could not be directly translated directly into another language.

Add to that, the Bible was written to, for, and about a specific people. The Bible only acknowledges preadamites, for example. It gives no details about them. But, science, history and the Bible all agree on their existence.
I was taking the spelling from hob, so take that up with my jew.

So was the Flood a worldwide flood or a myth?

Science can uncover the existence of something, I agree, but so far, no god has been discovered by science. So you either take it all or leave it all, you can't start cherry-picking science as well.

NOBODY is cherry picking stuff. Do you want to troll or have a civil conversation?

In my opinion, the flood was NOT worldwide. For one thing, the Chinese were aware of Noah; the flood overflowed the Tarim Basin and it was duly noted by Chinese historians.

Scientifically, if we presume the flood covered the entire earth - and use that to be synonymous with the planet, then the critics win. There are places where the rain would have to be six miles deep. We know that was not the case. Moses could only write about the land as he knew it. And so as far as the eye could see and far as people traveled in the time of Moses, everything was under water.

People are operating under this false assumption that the Bible was about all the men on earth; however, this is easily proven to be an error believers cannot accept. The Bible only claims to be about one people. Genesis 5 : 1 states: "This is the book of the generations of Adam." The Bible does not claim to be about the predecessors of Adam. The only relevance other people have in the Bible relative to Adam is when their paths crossed.

There are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. The Bible, correctly interpreted, does not say that God created man in six "days" we understand the term; it does not say that that the flood covered the whole world.

The term earth comes from the Hebrew word ehrets and as used in Genesis and only means a common country, land, nations, wilderness... but never does it mean the entire planet.
The Blowjobbers' Bible

So God created Adam and Eve in the Middle East, but He created Adam and Steve in what is today San Francisco.

I'd say the blame for San Fran Freako should rest on the shoulders of the nonbelievers who caused God to abandon that modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Turn the Other Buttcheek

Jesus was a delusional touchy-feely but bitchy little queer snowflake His mother was a slut who got pregnant from a Roman soldier and said that God did it.
I have used my brain and can't find anything that isn't false.

Wow. Ok. So you will never become a deep thinker or a philosopher...thems the breaks.

Not to worry! Maybe you could tap dance for nickels?

If your behavior here is any indication, you have a real talent. I almost threw you a quarter.

But then I thought about it, realized you were pretending to be intelligent, and decided, no quarter for you!
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:
So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

Maybe you should try another approach other than punching holes in the stories?

The OT is called the Torah, instruction. When reading it try to learn what the instruction is. The NT is called the Good news. Try to learn what the good news is.

Yes, the bible is just a book of books.

If you were given an assignment by a teacher to write a book report on the story of the Pied Piper, would you submit a report with one sentence that says there is no proof that he ever existed?

If you did you would fail, right?

Any questions?
I have a question, can you stay on topic? I said if you don’t believe the stories in the bible, doesn’t the rest off it become suspect as well?

Yes. Of course. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff and the only way to do that is to think deeply about the subjects.

It is very cute to see you try to take your first wobbly steps...
The Jesus Card Is a Joker. Losers Play It to Make Them Feel Like Winners.

Anyone who bangs the Bible is imagining he's hitting all the people who don't believe in him, not just because they don't believe in the God he made up.
I believe in the Book; I just don't need someone who wants to apply their personal opinions and interpretations as the final say.

One thing is obvious to most who would read this. You are an American and probably not too old. You only speak a single language which tells us the reason you cannot understand that the word day as described in the Bible may not refer to your time reference. Many concepts don't translate well. For example there are no equal equivalents for the movie title Top Gun. The closet they could come in Israel was Love in the Skies.

No goalposts are being changed; nobody is cherry picking. I'm applying common sense, reading the entire Bible and allowing the Bible to interpret the Bible. You're attempting to take every word literally when, in fact, not all the words - and even sentences can be directly interpreted word for word as you want to believe.

Even in English, you cannot differentiate between the concept of earth and planet. And your disbelief in a concept fails to prove it.

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
You want to criticize the Bible and can't even spell the word Ark.

The Bible is true. It's just as accurate as any source you rely on. The problem is, the Bible was limited by the number of words in the Greek and Hebrew language that could not be directly translated directly into another language.

Add to that, the Bible was written to, for, and about a specific people. The Bible only acknowledges preadamites, for example. It gives no details about them. But, science, history and the Bible all agree on their existence.
I was taking the spelling from hob, so take that up with my jew.

So was the Flood a worldwide flood or a myth?

Science can uncover the existence of something, I agree, but so far, no god has been discovered by science. So you either take it all or leave it all, you can't start cherry-picking science as well.

NOBODY is cherry picking stuff. Do you want to troll or have a civil conversation?

In my opinion, the flood was NOT worldwide. For one thing, the Chinese were aware of Noah; the flood overflowed the Tarim Basin and it was duly noted by Chinese historians.

Scientifically, if we presume the flood covered the entire earth - and use that to be synonymous with the planet, then the critics win. There are places where the rain would have to be six miles deep. We know that was not the case. Moses could only write about the land as he knew it. And so as far as the eye could see and far as people traveled in the time of Moses, everything was under water.

People are operating under this false assumption that the Bible was about all the men on earth; however, this is easily proven to be an error believers cannot accept. The Bible only claims to be about one people. Genesis 5 : 1 states: "This is the book of the generations of Adam." The Bible does not claim to be about the predecessors of Adam. The only relevance other people have in the Bible relative to Adam is when their paths crossed.

There are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. The Bible, correctly interpreted, does not say that God created man in six "days" we understand the term; it does not say that that the flood covered the whole world.

The term earth comes from the Hebrew word ehrets and as used in Genesis and only means a common country, land, nations, wilderness... but never does it mean the entire planet.
The Blowjobbers' Bible

So God created Adam and Eve in the Middle East, but He created Adam and Steve in what is today San Francisco.

I'd say the blame for San Fran Freako should rest on the shoulders of the nonbelievers who caused God to abandon that modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Turn the Other Buttcheek

Jesus was a delusional touchy-feely but bitchy little queer snowflake His mother was a slut who got pregnant from a Roman soldier and said that God did it.
I always thought that Joseph was fucking Mary in the ass and some cum dribbled into her vagina. That's why she was still a virgin. And I hear that people in that part of the world do that kind of thing a lot before marriage.
I have used my brain and can't find anything that isn't false.

Wow. Ok. So you will never become a deep thinker or a philosopher...thems the breaks.

Not to worry! Maybe you could tap dance for nickels?

If your behavior here is any indication, you have a real talent. I almost threw you a quarter.

But then I thought about it, realized you were pretending to be intelligent, and decided, no quarter for you!
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:

lol,, why do you think that I have something to prove to you. I couldn't give two shits if you babble on about kangaroos and anal sex till kingdom come. Science has already proven false what scripture is not about.

Haven't you heard the news?

If you want to learn what scripture is actually about I showed a taste of whats hidden and the way to get more, but you have to use your own brain to do it.

I even saw you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that I wasn't looking..

So wait all you like, babbling about anal sex and kangaroos, while you do nothing but whack off and make yourself look like a degenerate idiot with deep seated infantile emotional and mental issues. Have at it! Carry on!

You are very good at it! :happy-1:

If you were seriously hoping to have a personal revelation from God that isn't a very intelligent approach.
Last edited:
I have used my brain and can't find anything that isn't false.

Wow. Ok. So you will never become a deep thinker or a philosopher...thems the breaks.

Not to worry! Maybe you could tap dance for nickels?

If your behavior here is any indication, you have a real talent. I almost threw you a quarter.

But then I thought about it, realized you were pretending to be intelligent, and decided, no quarter for you!
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:

lol,, why do you think that I have something to prove to you. I couldn't give two shits if you babble on about kangaroos and anal sex till kingdom come. Science has already proven false what scripture is not about.

Haven't you heard the news?

If you want to learn what scripture is actually about I showed a taste of whats hidden and the way to get more, but you have to use your own brain to do it.

I even saw you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that I wasn't looking..

So wait all you like, babbling about anal sex and kangaroos, while you do nothing but whack off and make yourself look like a degenerate idiot with deep seated infantile emotional and mental issues. Have at it! Carry on!

You are very good at it! :happy-1:

If you were seriously hoping to have a personal revelation from God that isn't a very intelligent approach.
ya, the intelligent approach is to study a book to find your god, and change all the meanings of the stories because on the face of it, it makes no logical sense. :cuckoo:

it's okay, I'll wait for the real god to contact me, if there even is one. :cool:
I have used my brain and can't find anything that isn't false.

Wow. Ok. So you will never become a deep thinker or a philosopher...thems the breaks.

Not to worry! Maybe you could tap dance for nickels?

If your behavior here is any indication, you have a real talent. I almost threw you a quarter.

But then I thought about it, realized you were pretending to be intelligent, and decided, no quarter for you!
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:

lol,, why do you think that I have something to prove to you. I couldn't give two shits if you babble on about kangaroos and anal sex till kingdom come. Science has already proven false what scripture is not about.

Haven't you heard the news?

If you want to learn what scripture is actually about I showed a taste of whats hidden and the way to get more, but you have to use your own brain to do it.

I even saw you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that I wasn't looking..

So wait all you like, babbling about anal sex and kangaroos, while you do nothing but whack off and make yourself look like a degenerate idiot with deep seated infantile emotional and mental issues. Have at it! Carry on!

You are very good at it! :happy-1:

If you were seriously hoping to have a personal revelation from God that isn't a very intelligent approach.
ya, the intelligent approach is to study a book to find your god, and change all the meanings of the stories because on the face of it, it makes no logical sense. :cuckoo:

it's okay, I'll wait for the real god to contact me, if there even is one. :cool:
lol...Listen up Taz.

you have a terminal case of the cooties.

Wait all you like but God will never come to you in your current condition. Would you accept the invitation of a decomposing zombie who hasn't eaten anything good for decades while they are oozing bile and giving off putrid smells?


Take a whiff of your breath. Is it really any wonder why to you God is nowhere in sight?

Looks like even real people that you know exist can't stand the stench for more than a few minutes.

I guess that I am your only hope and even I won't do for you what you have to do for yourself to become a creature capable and worthy of comprehension.....
Last edited:
I have used my brain and can't find anything that isn't false.

Wow. Ok. So you will never become a deep thinker or a philosopher...thems the breaks.

Not to worry! Maybe you could tap dance for nickels?

If your behavior here is any indication, you have a real talent. I almost threw you a quarter.

But then I thought about it, realized you were pretending to be intelligent, and decided, no quarter for you!
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:

lol,, why do you think that I have something to prove to you. I couldn't give two shits if you babble on about kangaroos and anal sex till kingdom come. Science has already proven false what scripture is not about.

Haven't you heard the news?

If you want to learn what scripture is actually about I showed a taste of whats hidden and the way to get more, but you have to use your own brain to do it.

I even saw you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that I wasn't looking..

So wait all you like, babbling about anal sex and kangaroos, while you do nothing but whack off and make yourself look like a degenerate idiot with deep seated infantile emotional and mental issues. Have at it! Carry on!

You are very good at it! :happy-1:

If you were seriously hoping to have a personal revelation from God that isn't a very intelligent approach.
ya, the intelligent approach is to study a book to find your god, and change all the meanings of the stories because on the face of it, it makes no logical sense. :cuckoo:

it's okay, I'll wait for the real god to contact me, if there even is one. :cool:
lol...Listen up Taz.

you have a terminal case of the cooties.

Wait all you like but God will never come to you in your current condition. Would you accept the invitation of a decomposing zombie who wanted you to visit him in his lair?


Take a whiff of your breath. Is it really any wonder why to you God is nowhere in sight?

Looks like even real people that you know exist can't stand the stench for more than a few minutes.

I guess that I am your only hope and even I won't do for you what you have to do for yourself to become a creature capable and worthy of comprehension.....
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.
Wow. Ok. So you will never become a deep thinker or a philosopher...thems the breaks.

Not to worry! Maybe you could tap dance for nickels?

If your behavior here is any indication, you have a real talent. I almost threw you a quarter.

But then I thought about it, realized you were pretending to be intelligent, and decided, no quarter for you!
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:

lol,, why do you think that I have something to prove to you. I couldn't give two shits if you babble on about kangaroos and anal sex till kingdom come. Science has already proven false what scripture is not about.

Haven't you heard the news?

If you want to learn what scripture is actually about I showed a taste of whats hidden and the way to get more, but you have to use your own brain to do it.

I even saw you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that I wasn't looking..

So wait all you like, babbling about anal sex and kangaroos, while you do nothing but whack off and make yourself look like a degenerate idiot with deep seated infantile emotional and mental issues. Have at it! Carry on!

You are very good at it! :happy-1:

If you were seriously hoping to have a personal revelation from God that isn't a very intelligent approach.
ya, the intelligent approach is to study a book to find your god, and change all the meanings of the stories because on the face of it, it makes no logical sense. :cuckoo:

it's okay, I'll wait for the real god to contact me, if there even is one. :cool:
lol...Listen up Taz.

you have a terminal case of the cooties.

Wait all you like but God will never come to you in your current condition. Would you accept the invitation of a decomposing zombie who wanted you to visit him in his lair?


Take a whiff of your breath. Is it really any wonder why to you God is nowhere in sight?

Looks like even real people that you know exist can't stand the stench for more than a few minutes.

I guess that I am your only hope and even I won't do for you what you have to do for yourself to become a creature capable and worthy of comprehension.....
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.

God is the God of the living. You can't blame God for your poor hygiene.
God doesn't visit foul and loathsome creatures, much less the dead.

Even if they dropped their drawers bent over and winked.
Last edited:
I believe in the Book; I just don't need someone who wants to apply their personal opinions and interpretations as the final say.

One thing is obvious to most who would read this. You are an American and probably not too old. You only speak a single language which tells us the reason you cannot understand that the word day as described in the Bible may not refer to your time reference. Many concepts don't translate well. For example there are no equal equivalents for the movie title Top Gun. The closet they could come in Israel was Love in the Skies.

No goalposts are being changed; nobody is cherry picking. I'm applying common sense, reading the entire Bible and allowing the Bible to interpret the Bible. You're attempting to take every word literally when, in fact, not all the words - and even sentences can be directly interpreted word for word as you want to believe.

Even in English, you cannot differentiate between the concept of earth and planet. And your disbelief in a concept fails to prove it.

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
The scientists say that they may have discovered a flood that the bible myth was based on. They never said that they found proof of Noah and a 40 day worldwide flood.

If a flood happened, then it would not be a myth. People like YOU tried to turned it into a myth by ascribing your own personal interpretations of key words to the account.
NOBODY is cherry picking stuff. Do you want to troll or have a civil conversation?

In my opinion, the flood was NOT worldwide. For one thing, the Chinese were aware of Noah; the flood overflowed the Tarim Basin and it was duly noted by Chinese historians.

Scientifically, if we presume the flood covered the entire earth - and use that to be synonymous with the planet, then the critics win. There are places where the rain would have to be six miles deep. We know that was not the case. Moses could only write about the land as he knew it. And so as far as the eye could see and far as people traveled in the time of Moses, everything was under water.

People are operating under this false assumption that the Bible was about all the men on earth; however, this is easily proven to be an error believers cannot accept. The Bible only claims to be about one people. Genesis 5 : 1 states: "This is the book of the generations of Adam." The Bible does not claim to be about the predecessors of Adam. The only relevance other people have in the Bible relative to Adam is when their paths crossed.

There are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. The Bible, correctly interpreted, does not say that God created man in six "days" we understand the term; it does not say that that the flood covered the whole world.

The term earth comes from the Hebrew word ehrets and as used in Genesis and only means a common country, land, nations, wilderness... but never does it mean the entire planet.
So what about a flood that drowned everyone regionally for 40 days? No proof for that either. And the Chinese may have known about a flood but they didn't know about Noah.

So god made Adam out of nothing or was evolution involved?

You ARE cherry-picking because at some points you say "they didn't mean that" and at others you quote word for word. That, my friend, is called cherry-picking the bible.

You are not going to prevail by being dishonest. I said there are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. And I've told you the writers were limited by the lack of knowledge - meaning they would not know that California existed, so how could they know it didn't get flooded?

The duty of a Christian is to know how to separate the figurative from the literal. It is NOT a process of cherry picking:

II Timothy 2: 14 and 15 reads:

"14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

And yes, the Chinese knew of Noah AND there are strong arguments that they knew Noah himself:

Migration to China
" I said there are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible."

That's called cherry-picking. Now you know.

And if you choose to not believe certain things in the bible as being true, how can you justify believing other parts to be true? Who decides? And how? By simply saying "this is stupid and can't have happened so it's figurative, but this part sounds like something someone could have said, so we go with it"? Flip a coin?

Could it be that this verse of Scripture is talking about not wasting time on groups of people that will only belittle and demean you for sharing the wisdom of the Word of God?

A multitude of nonbelievers would divide those who are trying to share the Word of God with them. And isn't the point of most of these non-believer v. believer threads done for exactly that purpose? Don't you think that non-believers are trying to divide the believers? Why else have the conversation if not to try and convert the believers into doubters?
So It's the Non-Believers, Not the Russians, Who Control Embee Discussions?

A paranoiac persecution complex that makes the televangelists rich for telling it to suckers playing the blame game.

That may have made sense in your mind, but something got lost in your translation. Televangelists? Blame game? What does any of that have to do with this topic?
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
The scientists say that they may have discovered a flood that the bible myth was based on. They never said that they found proof of Noah and a 40 day worldwide flood.

If a flood happened, then it would not be a myth. People like YOU tried to turned it into a myth by ascribing your own personal interpretations of key words to the account.
The account is pretty specific don't you think? I hear this argument a lot. " The problem is not that the bible is wrong, the problem is that unbelievers can't interpret it correctly." Like there's some special type of reading only people who believe can learn.
Last edited:
You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
The scientists say that they may have discovered a flood that the bible myth was based on. They never said that they found proof of Noah and a 40 day worldwide flood.

If a flood happened, then it would not be a myth. People like YOU tried to turned it into a myth by ascribing your own personal interpretations of key words to the account.
The account is pretty specific don't you think? I hear this argument a lot. " The problem is not that the bible is wrong, the problem is that unbelievers can't interpret it correctly." Like there's some special type of reading only people who believe can learn.

Throughout this thread the unbelievers have made much ado with the allegation of cherry picking. Then you come along and that is exactly what you did. My suggestion is that you back up and read this thread.

Now, to repeat the issue to which you allude. So far, those who have a bug up their butt about the Bible contend that they have a monopoly regarding what people say about the Bible - and that only the unbelievers get to ascribe an interpretation to key words in the Bible.

They cannot understand that earth did not mean planet; cannot fathom the inherent problems of translating the Bible from one language to another and from that language into another without losing some translation. They fail to understand that those problems are best corrected by the Bible itself and seeing how to come at the truth by looking for context and how certain words and phrases are used throughout the Bible.

The only thing... and I mean ONLY THING the unbelievers are doing on this thread is to refute their own private interpretation of the Bible.
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
I was taking the spelling from hob, so take that up with my jew.

So was the Flood a worldwide flood or a myth?

Science can uncover the existence of something, I agree, but so far, no god has been discovered by science. So you either take it all or leave it all, you can't start cherry-picking science as well.

NOBODY is cherry picking stuff. Do you want to troll or have a civil conversation?

In my opinion, the flood was NOT worldwide. For one thing, the Chinese were aware of Noah; the flood overflowed the Tarim Basin and it was duly noted by Chinese historians.

Scientifically, if we presume the flood covered the entire earth - and use that to be synonymous with the planet, then the critics win. There are places where the rain would have to be six miles deep. We know that was not the case. Moses could only write about the land as he knew it. And so as far as the eye could see and far as people traveled in the time of Moses, everything was under water.

People are operating under this false assumption that the Bible was about all the men on earth; however, this is easily proven to be an error believers cannot accept. The Bible only claims to be about one people. Genesis 5 : 1 states: "This is the book of the generations of Adam." The Bible does not claim to be about the predecessors of Adam. The only relevance other people have in the Bible relative to Adam is when their paths crossed.

There are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. The Bible, correctly interpreted, does not say that God created man in six "days" we understand the term; it does not say that that the flood covered the whole world.

The term earth comes from the Hebrew word ehrets and as used in Genesis and only means a common country, land, nations, wilderness... but never does it mean the entire planet.
The Blowjobbers' Bible

So God created Adam and Eve in the Middle East, but He created Adam and Steve in what is today San Francisco.

I'd say the blame for San Fran Freako should rest on the shoulders of the nonbelievers who caused God to abandon that modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Turn the Other Buttcheek

Jesus was a delusional touchy-feely but bitchy little queer snowflake His mother was a slut who got pregnant from a Roman soldier and said that God did it.
I always thought that Joseph was fucking Mary in the ass and some cum dribbled into her vagina. That's why she was still a virgin. And I hear that people in that part of the world do that kind of thing a lot before marriage.

Your level of disrespect and filth should be intolerable to any individual of decent character.
I believe in the Book; I just don't need someone who wants to apply their personal opinions and interpretations as the final say.

One thing is obvious to most who would read this. You are an American and probably not too old. You only speak a single language which tells us the reason you cannot understand that the word day as described in the Bible may not refer to your time reference. Many concepts don't translate well. For example there are no equal equivalents for the movie title Top Gun. The closet they could come in Israel was Love in the Skies.

No goalposts are being changed; nobody is cherry picking. I'm applying common sense, reading the entire Bible and allowing the Bible to interpret the Bible. You're attempting to take every word literally when, in fact, not all the words - and even sentences can be directly interpreted word for word as you want to believe.

Even in English, you cannot differentiate between the concept of earth and planet. And your disbelief in a concept fails to prove it.

New Evidence Suggests Biblical Great Flood Happened
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
You want to criticize the Bible and can't even spell the word Ark.

The Bible is true. It's just as accurate as any source you rely on. The problem is, the Bible was limited by the number of words in the Greek and Hebrew language that could not be directly translated directly into another language.

Add to that, the Bible was written to, for, and about a specific people. The Bible only acknowledges preadamites, for example. It gives no details about them. But, science, history and the Bible all agree on their existence.
I was taking the spelling from hob, so take that up with my jew.

So was the Flood a worldwide flood or a myth?

Science can uncover the existence of something, I agree, but so far, no god has been discovered by science. So you either take it all or leave it all, you can't start cherry-picking science as well.

NOBODY is cherry picking stuff. Do you want to troll or have a civil conversation?

In my opinion, the flood was NOT worldwide. For one thing, the Chinese were aware of Noah; the flood overflowed the Tarim Basin and it was duly noted by Chinese historians.

Scientifically, if we presume the flood covered the entire earth - and use that to be synonymous with the planet, then the critics win. There are places where the rain would have to be six miles deep. We know that was not the case. Moses could only write about the land as he knew it. And so as far as the eye could see and far as people traveled in the time of Moses, everything was under water.

People are operating under this false assumption that the Bible was about all the men on earth; however, this is easily proven to be an error believers cannot accept. The Bible only claims to be about one people. Genesis 5 : 1 states: "This is the book of the generations of Adam." The Bible does not claim to be about the predecessors of Adam. The only relevance other people have in the Bible relative to Adam is when their paths crossed.

There are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. The Bible, correctly interpreted, does not say that God created man in six "days" we understand the term; it does not say that that the flood covered the whole world.

The term earth comes from the Hebrew word ehrets and as used in Genesis and only means a common country, land, nations, wilderness... but never does it mean the entire planet.
The Blowjobbers' Bible

So God created Adam and Eve in the Middle East, but He created Adam and Steve in what is today San Francisco.

I'd say the blame for San Fran Freako should rest on the shoulders of the nonbelievers who caused God to abandon that modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Turn the Other Buttcheek

Jesus was a delusional touchy-feely but bitchy little queer snowflake His mother was a slut who got pregnant from a Roman soldier and said that God did it.

So you think that was a touch feely Jesus that went into the temple, beat the beans out the Moneychangers with a scourge, flipped over their tables and told them exactly what they were was a snowflake?

My opinion is a bit different. I see snowflakes as those who come to troll and upset people only to run like scared rabbits as being snowflakes. When I was growing up, you talked smack to piss people off with the motive of forcing them to fight you.

My conception of a snowflake consists of people who try to piss you off on discussion boards - and anonymously at that, never calling someone out in PM, and never intending to face someone and talk smack to their face.... AND, if called on it, they run to the mods and cry like little babies claiming someone threatened them by accepting their intended challenge.

Then there is the possibility that you are projecting. Maybe it was YOUR mother that did all those things. Today, you have a problem because life wasn't fair (sic) to you and you want to repay God by attacking those who do believe in the Word of God. Just because your personal life sucked doesn't disprove the Bible.
I, personally, believe that there is a god. What that means, though, I have been struggling with for quite some time. Therefore, I pose the questions:

  1. If there is a god, what does that mean?
  2. If there is not a god, what does that mean?
I am looking for opinion, obviously, I do not believe there will ever be proof, or empirical evidence (at least not until rapture, assuming that there is a god). What I am looking for here is what people believe. What leads you to believe what you do? Why?

Let me be clear, I am NOT looking for evangelism of any kind here. I am looking for what the presence of god (or lack of a god) means to you. I know this is a pretty ambiguous thread, and I do that on purpose, because I do not ant to influence the way anyone responds. I want to open a discussion about what your beliefs (whatever they are) have shaped who you are, how you look at religion (in general), and how you look at the world.
The last time I talked with him he was still around, he is busy tho.
And you can't prove anything in the bible to be actually true. it's ok, I'll wait. :popcorn:

lol,, why do you think that I have something to prove to you. I couldn't give two shits if you babble on about kangaroos and anal sex till kingdom come. Science has already proven false what scripture is not about.

Haven't you heard the news?

If you want to learn what scripture is actually about I showed a taste of whats hidden and the way to get more, but you have to use your own brain to do it.

I even saw you slip something of great value into your pocket when you thought that I wasn't looking..

So wait all you like, babbling about anal sex and kangaroos, while you do nothing but whack off and make yourself look like a degenerate idiot with deep seated infantile emotional and mental issues. Have at it! Carry on!

You are very good at it! :happy-1:

If you were seriously hoping to have a personal revelation from God that isn't a very intelligent approach.
ya, the intelligent approach is to study a book to find your god, and change all the meanings of the stories because on the face of it, it makes no logical sense. :cuckoo:

it's okay, I'll wait for the real god to contact me, if there even is one. :cool:
lol...Listen up Taz.

you have a terminal case of the cooties.

Wait all you like but God will never come to you in your current condition. Would you accept the invitation of a decomposing zombie who wanted you to visit him in his lair?


Take a whiff of your breath. Is it really any wonder why to you God is nowhere in sight?

Looks like even real people that you know exist can't stand the stench for more than a few minutes.

I guess that I am your only hope and even I won't do for you what you have to do for yourself to become a creature capable and worthy of comprehension.....
God made bad breath so he doesn’t care, anyways, I doubt that there’s tooth paste in heaven, so no biggie.

I’m simply going to wait for god with an open heart, can’t be any fairer than that.

God is the God of the living. You can't blame God for your poor hygiene.
God doesn't visit foul and loathsome creatures, much less the dead.

Even if they dropped their drawers bent over and winked.
God tossed Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex. I wouldn’t even have to wink.
Yes, I agree that there was no worldwide flood and that it was probably based on a more regional flood, if on anything at all.

"so many biblical scholars believe the story of Noah and the Ark was inspired by the legendary flood stories of nearby Mesopotamia, in particular "The Epic of Gilgamesh."" People for centuries believed that this was true, and some still do today. But since science has dispelled a lot of these as myths, mostly everyone started to move the goalposts. Which is ok, it has to be done, the world wasn't made in 6 days either... So what I'm asking is if we're discovering that large swaths of the bible can't be true, how does what people are quoting Jesus as saying not become suspect as well? I know, you're going to quote the bible to prove the bible, which is ludicrous. But nobody was following Jesus around writing it all done, and the earliest texts are dated to several generations after the facts, to me it just doesn't seem all that credible.

You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
The scientists say that they may have discovered a flood that the bible myth was based on. They never said that they found proof of Noah and a 40 day worldwide flood.

If a flood happened, then it would not be a myth. People like YOU tried to turned it into a myth by ascribing your own personal interpretations of key words to the account.
The 40 days part and the worldwide part and the 2 of every animal part and the 600 year old captain part are all myths.
You start out with a lot of false presuppositions. Science continues to confirm the stories of the Bible. Science just doesn't confirm the facts as you want to interpret the story. And you are prejudiced against the Bible so that you don't think that the Bible can interpret its own meaning as opposed to the one you want to ascribe to it.

NOBODY moved any goal posts - except you. The Bible most assuredly does not say that the world was created in 6 of the twenty four days as you continue to say.

If you cannot understand that the word day in its original wording was simply an increment of time, that is on you and does not dispel any portion of the Bible.

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Here is an article explaining it (albeit not completely accurate since the author confuses Jews with Israelites.) But, it is great teaching tool for those who refuse to accept the authorship of the Pentateuch:

Did Moses Write Genesis?
What big events in the bible has science confirmed?

No proof Moses wrote anything, even your link says that.

Posted a link that scientists did prove the Noah and the Ark story.

As per your request:

Authorship of the Pentateuch | Evidence Unseen
NOBODY is cherry picking stuff. Do you want to troll or have a civil conversation?

In my opinion, the flood was NOT worldwide. For one thing, the Chinese were aware of Noah; the flood overflowed the Tarim Basin and it was duly noted by Chinese historians.

Scientifically, if we presume the flood covered the entire earth - and use that to be synonymous with the planet, then the critics win. There are places where the rain would have to be six miles deep. We know that was not the case. Moses could only write about the land as he knew it. And so as far as the eye could see and far as people traveled in the time of Moses, everything was under water.

People are operating under this false assumption that the Bible was about all the men on earth; however, this is easily proven to be an error believers cannot accept. The Bible only claims to be about one people. Genesis 5 : 1 states: "This is the book of the generations of Adam." The Bible does not claim to be about the predecessors of Adam. The only relevance other people have in the Bible relative to Adam is when their paths crossed.

There are both literal and figurative truths in the Bible. The Bible, correctly interpreted, does not say that God created man in six "days" we understand the term; it does not say that that the flood covered the whole world.

The term earth comes from the Hebrew word ehrets and as used in Genesis and only means a common country, land, nations, wilderness... but never does it mean the entire planet.
The Blowjobbers' Bible

So God created Adam and Eve in the Middle East, but He created Adam and Steve in what is today San Francisco.

I'd say the blame for San Fran Freako should rest on the shoulders of the nonbelievers who caused God to abandon that modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
Turn the Other Buttcheek

Jesus was a delusional touchy-feely but bitchy little queer snowflake His mother was a slut who got pregnant from a Roman soldier and said that God did it.
I always thought that Joseph was fucking Mary in the ass and some cum dribbled into her vagina. That's why she was still a virgin. And I hear that people in that part of the world do that kind of thing a lot before marriage.

Your level of disrespect and filth should be intolerable to any individual of decent character.
It’s more plausible than being impregnated by an invisible being.
Maybe there is a god but it’s decided to, or is not allowed to contact us.

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