Is there a Liberal Media Bias?

Is there a Liberal Media Bias?

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My favorite is when four or five liberals have a "serious" roundtable discussion on whether there's a leftist bias in the media and soberly reach the conclusion that there in fact is not. MSNBC can be counted on to do that one every once in a while. Great fun.



My favorite is when four or five liberals have a "serious" roundtable discussion on whether there's a leftist bias in the media and soberly reach the conclusion that there in fact is not. MSNBC can be counted on to do that one every once in a while. Great fun.



It is also funny when the right says that there is a liberal bias in the media, but the Republican Party has their own news network. Or should I say that there is a news network that has its' own political party?
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My favorite is when four or five liberals have a "serious" roundtable discussion on whether there's a leftist bias in the media and soberly reach the conclusion that there in fact is not. MSNBC can be counted on to do that one every once in a while. Great fun.



It is also funny when the right says that there is a liberal bias in the media, but the Republican Party has their own news network. Or should I say that there is a news network that has its' own political party?

Yup, there's one (1) network that is clearly right-leaning, and it doesn't do a terribly good job of hiding it.

Not sure what your point is.

Is CCJ a liar?

Of course there is a liberal bias....

Funny how there is no liberal bias, but FoxNews IS biased to the right.

The facts are, if the media were to report ONLY the truth and not the ideology of the left, the left would rarely hold office.
The latest-

bridge gate=tsunami

Senate select intel rot. Benghazi could have been avoided, Hillary's shoppe responsible= light mist....

no there's no bias :lol:

there is NO there there .

bengazi is like cowbell for the right
[ame=]We Need More Cowbell - YouTube[/ame]
Is CCJ a liar?

Of course there is a liberal bias....

Funny how there is no liberal bias, but FoxNews IS biased to the right.

The facts are, if the media were to report ONLY the truth and not the ideology of the left, the left would rarely hold office.

So is that how you rationalize all the cheating of voters out of their votes for decades?

My favorite is when four or five liberals have a "serious" roundtable discussion on whether there's a leftist bias in the media and soberly reach the conclusion that there in fact is not. MSNBC can be counted on to do that one every once in a while. Great fun.



because they must be liberals if they don't tow the fox line on it huh
Is CCJ a liar?

Of course there is a liberal bias....

Funny how there is no liberal bias, but FoxNews IS biased to the right.

The facts are, if the media were to report ONLY the truth and not the ideology of the left, the left would rarely hold office.

Some media outlets show bias one way or the other, it is not a conspiracy. Those on the right cry about a liberal bias conspiracy when they disagree with a media outlet.
as we see Liberals don't care as long as it's in their favor...Lamestream media-Pravda


Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, January 26, 2014, 1:27 AM

Textbook propaganda on display by the Democrat-media complex.

A traffic jam on a bridge versus four dead in Benghazi–
Neil Cavuto put together this remarkable segment this week to show how the media reported the “Bridgegate” scandal, where there is no evidence Governor Christie knew about the bridge closing, versus the Benghazi scandal, where the Commander in Chief lied repeatedly to the American public about a protest and a YouTube video being involved.

This is not mere bias – This is corruption and propaganda–
[ame=]1/24/14 Cavuto: Media bias, Hillary vs. Chris Christie - YouTube[/ame]

Liberal media bias is just a convenient excuse for the right.

You got that Right!

"‘Liberal bias’ is the greatest propaganda tool of the past 40 years — a surefire way to explain away any news report that the right doesn’t like."
- Bob Somerby

After Goldwater’s landslide loss, conservative media outlets made bias the centerpiece of their explanation of the election’s outcome.

The Liberal Media myth was invented by the right a number of years ago to deflect accountability. Actually, VP Spiro Agnew first floated the concept in a speech during the Nixon administration, when the press was investigating and reporting on Watergate. It was actually a very savvy move, as it allowed them to have it both ways. When negative news was reported, it could just be blamed on the media, and when positive news was reported, they could claim; "Even the liberal media sees it our way." It also puts the media in a position to drift slightly to the right to avoid the accusation of liberalism. Delegitimizing the media is seen as a legitimate way by some to protect those they support politically from the media's critical eye.

You are an ass hat.

Speaking of having it both ways, how could V.P. Spiro Agnew (elected in 1968) first float the idea of a liberal media when "conservative media outlets made bias the centerpiece of their explanation of the election’s outcome?"

THE 1964 ELECTION outcome!!!

Ass hat.


Only the Right is too stupid to know that 1968 comes AFTER 1964!!! :cuckoo:
as we see Liberals don't care as long as it's in their favor...Lamestream media-Pravda


Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, January 26, 2014, 1:27 AM

Textbook propaganda on display by the Democrat-media complex.

A traffic jam on a bridge versus four dead in Benghazi–
Neil Cavuto put together this remarkable segment this week to show how the media reported the “Bridgegate” scandal, where there is no evidence Governor Christie knew about the bridge closing, versus the Benghazi scandal, where the Commander in Chief lied repeatedly to the American public about a protest and a YouTube video being involved.

This is not mere bias – This is corruption and propaganda–
1/24/14 Cavuto: Media bias, Hillary vs. Chris Christie - YouTube

there is no there there in bengazi and you refuse to accept the facts.

Its because you listen to fox news.

you are a perfect example of what fox does
There are NO LIBERALS OR CONSERVATIVE main stream medias.

There are only PARTISAN mainstream media outlets.
A liberal media is comical to anyone who lives in the real world, C_Clayton_Jones said it above in post #10, if one's eyes were open all you need to do is consider a corporate owned entity is not going to shoot itself in the foot. Imagine for instance a serious, ongoing story of the effect Walmart has on its workers and the economy while the family make billions, much of it through strong arm tactics.

And if you need more proof, you only have to consider how many stories focus deeply on issues that should be important to all Americans, but are not even covered: outsourcing by the major corporations, NAFTA's real results, poverty in Appalachian or remote places in America, inner city deterioration, loss of manufacturing, the real impact of deregulation, tax support for foreign companies that build here but send the profits home, lack of union participation, embargoes on American products to say, Japan while they import 200 autos for every one American import, trade deficits due to local protections that Americans falsely believe is a free market, the enormous disparities in educational opportunities, excessive corporate pay for even failure, any need to list more?

One has to turn their eyes from ideological based, mostly corporate, or political apologies and finger pointing, and think who is supported by this story, is it the people, the workers,or the politician and their financial backers, or is it simply the corporations. Most people only read and believe what fits their personal narrative, getting outside that narrative is difficult for most. Impossible for many.

Is there any liberal media? Harper's magazine and maybe Mother Jones would be liberal in my view. The New York Times or Washington Post are not. See link below on NYT. Others that lean liberal or community rather than corporate, or ideology focused are mostly magazines or blogs. An occasional comment does not make media something it cannot be.

And even the sacred, presumably liberal NYT get consistently criticised, see here: NYTimes eXaminer*|*An antidote to the "paper of record"

From my post linked below: "I won't buy a socialist car, which means I won't be buying a GM or Chrysler car for as long as the U.S. government owns huge blocks of the companies." Hugh Hewitt, conservative commentator

One wonders if Hugh Hewitt accepts postal mail from the socialists or does he drive on the roads of socialists? Ed from the 'Ed Show' said the only reasonable response to this hatred of an American president, 'it made him feel like vomiting.' Doesn't Hewitt broadcast over a socialistic network? How low can these people go? Hurt Americans over ideological narrow-mindedness. Wingnuts are sad Americans, sadder humans.

"Throughout the nineteenth century, the loans which financed large American capital investment programs, mounted by private consortia, were continually defaulted on. The history of the American railroads is a history of default. More specifically, the history of American capitalism is one of default. This happened in a spectacular manner during the Panics of 1837, 1857, 1873, 1892-93 and 1907. None of this reneging happened in the civilized manner organized by a Solon or a Sully. Rather it involved a panic and a crash, which created massive bankruptcies, which in turn wiped out massive debts. Because of the disordered way in which each ripping up of obligations came, the result was always a short period of widespread depression before the cleansed economy took off again with renewed force. In the Panic of 1892-93 alone, four thousand banks and fourteen thousand commercial enterprises collapsed. In other words, the nonpayment of debt was central to the construction of the United States.... The great depressions of the last hundred and fifty years can be seen as the default mechanisms of middle-class societies. Depressions free the citizens by making the paper worthless. The method was and is awkward and painful, particularly for the poor, but it destroys the paper chains and permits a new equilibrium to be built out of the pain and disorder of collapse.... One of the most surprising innovations of the late twentieth century has been not only the rationalization of speculation but, beyond that, the attachment of moral value, with vaguely religious origins, to the repayment of debts. This probably has something to do with the insertion of God as an official supporter of capitalism and democracy." p403 John Ralston Saul, 'Voltaire's Bastards'

'Contrary To GOP Claims, Small Businesses Say Taxes And Regulation Aren’t Holding Back Hiring'
Contrary To GOP Claims, Small Businesses Say Taxes And Regulation Aren't Holding Back Hiring | ThinkProgress
still here: Head Strong: Boycotting Chrysler and GM is a bad road -
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Is CCJ a liar?

Of course there is a liberal bias....

Funny how there is no liberal bias, but FoxNews IS biased to the right.

The facts are, if the media were to report ONLY the truth and not the ideology of the left, the left would rarely hold office.

Some media outlets show bias one way or the other, it is not a conspiracy. Those on the right cry about a liberal bias conspiracy when they disagree with a media outlet.
A conspiracy?

No, no one is claiming a conspiracy. However, what many are claiming is that the bias of over 96% of the media in this country is left leaning, and that translates into information being given to the people that has only one objective. To make those who have different views and ideas out to be radical.

It is why those who look for outlets that at least bring the facts of issue out (The biased media calls this phenomenon, right wing media) to light, get labeled things like 'ditto heads' or 'talk show lemmings' or the ever present and popular, Faux News.....

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