Is there a libertarian approach to poverty that *doesn't* come down to "just stop being poor"?

pointless bullshit
Okay. Now I'm done engaging with you. You literally haven't written a single post truly worth reading since before jumping into this thread. Even your entertainment value is wearing thin.
Dude, it's been going on for years here....

Special Ed is sort of our court jester. As annoying as he may be to argue with, it's even worse when he thinks he's on your side.
pointless bullshit
Okay. Now I'm done engaging with you. You literally haven't written a single post truly worth reading since before jumping into this thread. Even your entertainment value is wearing thin.
Dude, it's been going on for years here....

Special Ed is sort of our court jester. As annoying as he may be to argue with, it's even worse when he thinks he's on your side.

the libertarian approach to poverty is much like the Chinese approach that instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. That approach is called capitalism.
the libertarian approach to poverty is much like the Chinese approach that instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. That approach is called capitalism.
Too bad it doesn't eliminate 100% of the entire world's stupidity. You're really not worth arguing with at this point. Just let it go.
the libertarian approach to poverty is much like the Chinese approach that instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. That approach is called capitalism.
Too bad it doesn't eliminate 100% of the entire world's stupidity. You're really not worth arguing with at this point. Just let it go.
typical liberal with low IQ trying to change subject.
Ever see a conservative afraid to debate??
what does that teach you??
You haven't actually participated in debate at any point in this thread. What you've done is dogmatically assert your points (which are almost entirely exaggerated slogans you made up), continue to do so after they've been shown to be incorrect, and ignore almost all of everyone else's points. You think that "you're a liberal" is a serious rebuttal when really it just makes me laugh at you as a person. You think that "capitalism is the best system in the world because it forces you to offer the highest wages in the world to produce the best goods in the world and sell them for the lowest price in the world and anyone who can't is driven into bankruptcy" is a valid reflection of reality. What's more, you think that last bit doesn't mean your favorite system would lead to a tiny upper class of the super rich and everyone else being poor as fuck. It's pretty clear at this point that you have no idea what "the entire world" even means and simply say it because it sounds like a big place to the average confused small child.
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it[capitalism] forces you to offer the highest wages in the world to produce the best goods in the world and sell them for the lowest price in the world and anyone who can't is driven into bankruptcy".

dear, cut the BS, tell us exactly why the above is incorrect, or, admit with your personal attacks and lame attempts to change the subject,that as a typical liberal, you lack the IQ to be here.
. There is no "libertarian" solution to poverty.

sure there is: switch to freedom and capitalism as China just did to instantly eliminate 40% of entire world's poverty!!

How is that for an approach to poverty??
you just hate communism because you're too lazy to work for the state. if you really loved America then you would have no problem working 14 hours a day for Her. since you hate America you're a muslim as well as a liberal.

Funny guy, ed. He is an admitted Libertarian who sees Communism everywhere. Funny thing is, both are bound to failure And for the same reason. But what truly shows Ed to be stupid is that there are currently 4 communist nations, and ZERO Libertarian nations. Now, it is obvious that only a fool believes in something that does not exist. And what should really bother Ed, had he a brain, is that the communist nations existed for years, but libertarian nations for none, as in zero.
. There is no "libertarian" solution to poverty.

sure there is: switch to freedom and capitalism as China just did to instantly eliminate 40% of entire world's poverty!!

How is that for an approach to poverty??
you just hate communism because you're too lazy to work for the state. if you really loved America then you would have no problem working 14 hours a day for Her. since you hate America you're a muslim as well as a liberal.

Funny guy, ed. He is an admitted Libertarian ...

Please, Ed is not a Libertarian.
. There is no "libertarian" solution to poverty.

sure there is: switch to freedom and capitalism as China just did to instantly eliminate 40% of entire world's poverty!!

How is that for an approach to poverty??
you just hate communism because you're too lazy to work for the state. if you really loved America then you would have no problem working 14 hours a day for Her. since you hate America you're a muslim as well as a liberal.

Funny guy, ed. He is an admitted Libertarian ...

Please, Ed is not a libertarian.

Ah, but he has stated many times that he IS, me boy. So, you are saying he is a liar??
Sure he is. But he also thinks he is a Libertarian.
Before Ed, we thought there was a limit to stupid. Ed has proven there is NOT!!
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the communist nations existed for years, but libertarian nations for none, as in zero.

dear, communists today say USSR and Red China were not true communist nations based on a million things [like killing 120 million souls] not the least of which was that the state never faded away. Thus, there were no perfect communist states that existed as you say and no perfect libertarian states that existed.

Do you want to think about your idiotic argument now and tell us what a fool you were to advance it for 5 years despite obvious facts??
. There is no "libertarian" solution to poverty.

sure there is: switch to freedom and capitalism as China just did to instantly eliminate 40% of entire world's poverty!!

How is that for an approach to poverty??
you just hate communism because you're too lazy to work for the state. if you really loved America then you would have no problem working 14 hours a day for Her. since you hate America you're a muslim as well as a liberal.

Funny guy, ed. He is an admitted Libertarian ...

Please, Ed is not a Libertarian.

if he's not a libertarian please say why or admit you cant support the positions you take.
the communist nations existed for years, but libertarian nations for none, as in zero.

dear, communists today say USSR and Red China were not true communist nations based on a million things [like killing 120 million souls] not the least of which was that the state never faded away. Thus, there were no perfect communist states that existed as you say and no perfect libertarian states that existed.

Do you want to think about your idiotic argument now and tell us what a fool you were to advance it for 5 years despite obvious facts??
Technically they would be correct. In Communist theory, the Communist society is the end goal of the revolution. It's a classless utopia of plenty where everyone is honest and nobody cheats the system. The USSR was still a society in revolution, as it hadn't yet attained that end goal to become a true Communist state. Of course all of this is really just a rationalization for why that utopia was never attained. It's kind of like walking towards a Twinkie on a treadmill. You're never actually going to reach the deliciousness no matter how much time you're given.
the communist nations existed for years, but libertarian nations for none, as in zero.

dear, communists today say USSR and Red China were not true communist nations based on a million things [like killing 120 million souls] not the least of which was that the state never faded away. Thus, there were no perfect communist states that existed as you say and no perfect libertarian states that existed.

Do you want to think about your idiotic argument now and tell us what a fool you were to advance it for 5 years despite obvious facts??
Technically they would be correct. In Communist theory, the Communist society is the end goal of the revolution. It's a classless utopia of plenty where everyone is honest and nobody cheats the system. The USSR was still a society in revolution, as it hadn't yet attained that end goal to become a true Communist state. Of course all of this is really just a rationalization for why that utopia was never attained. It's kind of like walking towards a Twinkie on a treadmill. You're never actually going to reach the deliciousness no matter how much time you're given.

dear, issue is whether libertarianism is incorrect because a perfect libertarian state never existed. Its a stupid nonsensical insane liberal argument but some like RCHEMER have been making it for years.

Do you understand?
the communist nations existed for years, but libertarian nations for none, as in zero.

dear, communists today say USSR and Red China were not true communist nations based on a million things [like killing 120 million souls] not the least of which was that the state never faded away. Thus, there were no perfect communist states that existed as you say and no perfect libertarian states that existed.

Do you want to think about your idiotic argument now and tell us what a fool you were to advance it for 5 years despite obvious facts??
Technically they would be correct. In Communist theory, the Communist society is the end goal of the revolution. It's a classless utopia of plenty where everyone is honest and nobody cheats the system. The USSR was still a society in revolution, as it hadn't yet attained that end goal to become a true Communist state. Of course all of this is really just a rationalization for why that utopia was never attained. It's kind of like walking towards a Twinkie on a treadmill. You're never actually going to reach the deliciousness no matter how much time you're given.

dear, issue is whether libertarianism is incorrect because a perfect libertarian state never existed. Its a stupid nonsensical insane liberal argument but some like RCHEMER have been making it for years.

Do you understand?
I can think of several de facto libertarian states. Somalia is a good example. People there have complete freedom to start any sort of business they like and buy or sell anything they're interested in. The average sovereign citizen(tm) here in the US would cream himself if he saw some of the MANPADS available at Mogadishu's bazaar.

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