Is there a libertarian approach to poverty that *doesn't* come down to "just stop being poor"?

too stupid as always!!! A poor family of 4 here gets free state of the art health care, education, housing, food stamps, roads, military etc worth $90,000 a year!!

not just stupid but 100% stupid and liberal!
Ed-Qaeda truly believes that a working poor family of four on welfare is given state of the art healthcare and education, quality housing, and three square meals a day all on his dime. It must be nice living in his world. It damn sure isn't this one.
dear, libertarians and conservatives support capitalism. Ever heard of East/ West Germany?? Cuba/Fla??? Red China/Hong Kong/Taiwan.

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible?

I believe in capitalism. I believe in regulated capitalism. If regulations were followed, BushCo/Republicans/corporate America wouldn't have crashed the economy in 2007 - 2008.

See why we have to be 100% positive that Libertarianism makes you stupid!
too stupid as always!!! A poor family of 4 here gets free state of the art health care, education, housing, food stamps, roads, military etc worth $90,000 a year!!

not just stupid but 100% stupid and liberal!

Your Libertarianism makes you stupid. We shouldn't have poor people.
Ed-Qaeda truly believes that a working poor family of four on welfare is given state of the art healthcare and education, quality housing, and three square meals a day all on his dime. It must be nice living in his world. It damn sure isn't this one.

Be nice to Ed. He rides in a short bus and wears a helmet with a face plate so he can't lick the windows.
I've dealt with these arguments no less than four times today. Every time it was with a libertarian. Every time their main points were that we need to abolish the minimum wage and child labor laws, that being poor and being unemployed are synonymous, and that we can therefore fight poverty by employing as many people as possible at $4.50/hour. In other words, if you're poor then it's because you're unemployed, you're unemployed because you're too lazy to look for work, and if you didn't enjoy being poor and eating steak and lobster on your annual Caribbean cruise on our dime then you would go get a job and earn your own money.
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
Your Libertarianism makes you stupid. We shouldn't have poor people.
We wouldn't if this country were the BEST IN THE WORLD like Ed keeps insisting it is. As it stands people (such as Ed) don't even give enough of a damn about anyone else to sacrifice an extra hundred bucks a year.

Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I do have a job. My financial situation is on point now. That doesn't mean I've forgotten what it was like before finding work, though. I don't get to tell everyone still stuck in that kind of situation "fuck you, I got mine", as the libertarians like to do.
Your Libertarianism makes you stupid. We shouldn't have poor people.
We wouldn't if this country were the BEST IN THE WORLD like Ed keeps insisting it is. As it stands people (such as Ed) don't even give enough of a damn about anyone else to sacrifice an extra hundred bucks a year.

Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I do have a job. My financial situation is on point now. That doesn't mean I've forgotten what it was like before finding work, though. I don't get to tell everyone still stuck in that kind of situation "fuck you, I got mine", as the libertarians like to do.
Let me get this straight... You got off your ass and got a job instead of crying about your situation. So Libertarians were correct and you are proof. So in response you say libertarians are wrong people that are out of work should just sit on their couch collecting welfare and bitching about the rich. That about sum up your perspective?
What's your excuse for being a moron?

I'm pro working class Americans. You're pro the profiteering greedy. Who's a moron?
No. You are not pro working class. You are pro lazy ass welfare profiteering pieces of shit. You are pro remaining poor. You are one of those dumb asses that think wealth is a pie that can be cut up. That if some rich folks have their riches somehow they are taking away your portion of the pie. You're a fucking moron. You don't like the rich owning the pie? Make your own damn pie, ya dumb ass. No one is stopping you from making a new pie. The amount of assets that can be created is INFINITE. Assets are not bound by some artificial limit, ya dumb ass.
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I'm sure you would like it if it were. I think I've been clear enough in telling you what my position is. I want an America where you don't starve just because had to choose between groceries and rent. I want an America where a forty year old woman who's worked two or three jobs for her entire adult life isn't financially ruined by breaking her leg. I want an America where we take care of our sick and poor like family is supposed to be fucking doing in the first place. Telling the poor to stop being poor and advising working people to get a job when they already have one is counter-productive, childish, and has no place in the America I'm looking to do my part to build.
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I'm sure you would like it if it were. I think I've been clear enough in telling you what my position is. I want an America where you don't starve just because had to choose between groceries and rent. I want an America where a forty year old woman who's worked two or three jobs for her entire adult life isn't financially ruined by breaking her leg. I want an America where we take care of our sick and poor like family is supposed to be fucking doing in the first place. Telling the poor to stop being poor and advising working people to get a job when they already have one is counter-productive, childish, and has no place in the America I'm looking to do my part to build.
No one's starving in this country. The poor for the most part are OBESE. This constant drum claiming that people are starving is total bullshit.

As for breaking your leg. Go to a clinic to have it set. Our hospitals charge ten times what they should because of this idiotic idea that people should not have to pay their hospital bills. So the hospitals have to pass the bills of the illegals that don't pay.. to Americans that do.
No one's starving in this country.
You clearly never missed many meals in your life. I know poor people. I regularly associate with poor people. Almost all of them have jobs. I used to be one myself. Yes. They really are, including the ones with jobs.

The poor for the most part are OBESE.
You can only spend the money in your pocket once. Poor folks don't have much money by definition. They still need to eat food to avoid starvation. Healthy food tends to cost more money than unhealthy food. Unhealthy food typically makes you obese. It's not hard reasoning to follow.

This constant drum claiming that people are starving is total bullshit.
Again, you clearly have never went more than a day or two without eating, and clearly trust your own experience more highly than that of people who have.

As for breaking your leg. Go to a clinic to have it set. Our hospitals charge ten times what they should because of this idiotic idea that people should not have to pay their hospital bills. So the hospitals have to pass the bills of the illegals that don't pay.. to Americans that do.
The barely affordable emergency room bill was only the most immediate blow. You're not considering lost wages.
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I'm sure you would like it if it were. I think I've been clear enough in telling you what my position is. I want an America where you don't starve just because had to choose between groceries and rent. I want an America where a forty year old woman who's worked two or three jobs for her entire adult life isn't financially ruined by breaking her leg. I want an America where we take care of our sick and poor like family is supposed to be fucking doing in the first place. Telling the poor to stop being poor and advising working people to get a job when they already have one is counter-productive, childish, and has no place in the America I'm looking to do my part to build.

Makes sense to me. Of course, we will have the greedy selfish pigs fight against it. They don't care about helping anyone but themselves.
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I'm sure you would like it if it were. I think I've been clear enough in telling you what my position is. I want an America where you don't starve just because had to choose between groceries and rent. I want an America where a forty year old woman who's worked two or three jobs for her entire adult life isn't financially ruined by breaking her leg. I want an America where we take care of our sick and poor like family is supposed to be fucking doing in the first place. Telling the poor to stop being poor and advising working people to get a job when they already have one is counter-productive, childish, and has no place in the America I'm looking to do my part to build.
No one's starving in this country. The poor for the most part are OBESE. This constant drum claiming that people are starving is total bullshit.

As for breaking your leg. Go to a clinic to have it set. Our hospitals charge ten times what they should because of this idiotic idea that people should not have to pay their hospital bills. So the hospitals have to pass the bills of the illegals that don't pay.. to Americans that do.

Basically what you are saying is that you don't want your tax dollars going to help the poor. Do I have that right?

Hospital bills? That is why Obamacare was put in place, but you don't like that either do you?

What do you think we should do with the poor in our country? Ignore them and they will go away?
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I'm sure you would like it if it were. I think I've been clear enough in telling you what my position is. I want an America where you don't starve just because had to choose between groceries and rent. I want an America where a forty year old woman who's worked two or three jobs for her entire adult life isn't financially ruined by breaking her leg. I want an America where we take care of our sick and poor like family is supposed to be fucking doing in the first place. Telling the poor to stop being poor and advising working people to get a job when they already have one is counter-productive, childish, and has no place in the America I'm looking to do my part to build.
No one's starving in this country. The poor for the most part are OBESE. This constant drum claiming that people are starving is total bullshit.

As for breaking your leg. Go to a clinic to have it set. Our hospitals charge ten times what they should because of this idiotic idea that people should not have to pay their hospital bills. So the hospitals have to pass the bills of the illegals that don't pay.. to Americans that do.

You can be malnourished and obese. Shows what you know.

We typically think of malnourishment occurring only in individuals who do not have an adequate intake of calories or protein. However,overweight and obese individuals can also be malnourished due to deficits in other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
Hey moron... get off your lazy ass and get a job.
I'm sure you would like it if it were. I think I've been clear enough in telling you what my position is. I want an America where you don't starve just because had to choose between groceries and rent. I want an America where a forty year old woman who's worked two or three jobs for her entire adult life isn't financially ruined by breaking her leg. I want an America where we take care of our sick and poor like family is supposed to be fucking doing in the first place. Telling the poor to stop being poor and advising working people to get a job when they already have one is counter-productive, childish, and has no place in the America I'm looking to do my part to build.
No one's starving in this country. The poor for the most part are OBESE. This constant drum claiming that people are starving is total bullshit.

As for breaking your leg. Go to a clinic to have it set. Our hospitals charge ten times what they should because of this idiotic idea that people should not have to pay their hospital bills. So the hospitals have to pass the bills of the illegals that don't pay.. to Americans that do.

Basically what you are saying is that you don't want your tax dollars going to help the poor. Do I have that right?

I can't speak for Brown, and I don't share the conservative view that the poor, in some way, deserve their lot. I do oppose welfare, but it's not because I don't think we should help the poor. l think the vast majority of moral people feel that a community has a moral responsibility to look out for the people who fall through the cracks.

The question, from a libertarian point of view, is whether our responsibility for helping people in need justifies state coercion. Does our desire to help the poor justify forcing others to join us in our efforts?

It's really part of a more general question about the purpose of government. Is the government there to decide what is moral and force people to live that way, or is it there to protect our freedom to decide for ourselves what is moral and live accordingly?
The question, from a libertarian point of view, is whether our responsibility for helping people in need justifies state coercion?

the liberal is naturally violent and seeks to impose his will on others. Think Hitler or Atilla the Hun. The liberal is the opposite of American.
the liberal is naturally violent and seeks to impose his will on others. Think Hitler or Atilla the Hun. The liberal is the opposite of American.
Hey now. Attila just wanted to do what was best for his people. It just so happened that what was best for his people involved pillaging their way across Greek Rome and extorting the Roman emperor. There's a reason his name is the affectionate form of "father" in Gothic. :)
the liberal is naturally violent and seeks to impose his will on others. Think Hitler or Atilla the Hun. The liberal is the opposite of American.
Hey now. Attila just wanted to do what was best for his people. It just so happened that what was best for his people involved pillaging their way across Greek Rome and extorting the Roman emperor. There's a reason his name is the affectionate form of "father" in Gothic. :)

yes dear and Hitler Stalin and Mao wanted to do what's best too. Our liberals spied for Stalin( and gave him the bomb) and Hitler. Do you know why they liked him so?

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