Is there a libertarian approach to poverty that *doesn't* come down to "just stop being poor"?

I'm just not entirely sure you even have enough to cover that. Then again, it's handy to keep in mind that the bet you want is for whether you claim to believe something or not. All you have to do is say "no, I don't, now give me the money". It's a stupid bet only a sucker would take and only a Communist would offer.
the libertarian approach to poverty is much like the Chinese approach that instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. That approach is called capitalism.
Too bad it doesn't eliminate 100% of the entire world's stupidity. You're really not worth arguing with at this point. Just let it go.
typical liberal with low IQ trying to change subject.
Ever see a conservative afraid to debate??
what does that teach you??
It teaches him the democrat party is the place for him with all the other dumb asses that need hand-outs to make ends meat.
I could never be a Democrat because of abortion. I could never be a Republican because the Alabama GOP got our last Democratic governor thrown in prison on false charges and attempted to murder the lawyer who investigated it.

It is ok, RKM. "Huh" is all we would expect from a congenital idiot. I am sure you are rightly proud. And please remember, it is not your fault. It is congenital. Just your plain bad luck.
Relative to your ignorant, or perhaps stupid, or perhaps both, post suggesting the us is a Libertarian nation, you would indeed believe such stupidity. No learned person will agree. No impartial source. Which is why, me boy, you are irrelevant.
the us is a Libertarian nation,

it was certainly founded as a libertarian nation thus we were given by our Founders a nation 1% the size of today's on an inflation adjusted per capita basis.

Thomas Jefferson:
"The path we have to pursue [when Jefferson was President] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."
Too bad it doesn't eliminate 100% of the entire world's stupidity. You're really not worth arguing with at this point. Just let it go.
typical liberal with low IQ trying to change subject.
Ever see a conservative afraid to debate??
what does that teach you??
It teaches him the democrat party is the place for him with all the other dumb asses that need hand-outs to make ends meat.
I could never be a Democrat because of abortion. I could never be a Republican because the Alabama GOP got our last Democratic governor thrown in prison on false charges and attempted to murder the lawyer who investigated it.

It is ok, RKM. "Huh" is all we would expect from a congenital idiot. I am sure you are rightly proud. And please remember, it is not your fault. It is congenital. Just your plain bad luck.
Relative to your ignorant, or perhaps stupid, or perhaps both, post suggesting the us is a Libertarian nation, you would indeed believe such stupidity. No learned person will agree. No impartial source. Which is why, me boy, you are irrelevant.
Do the words EAT SHIT, mean anything to you? You're a moron.. and your so called impartial sources... ROFL libtards love to pat themselves on the back.
typical liberal with low IQ trying to change subject.
Ever see a conservative afraid to debate??
what does that teach you??
It teaches him the democrat party is the place for him with all the other dumb asses that need hand-outs to make ends meat.
I could never be a Democrat because of abortion. I could never be a Republican because the Alabama GOP got our last Democratic governor thrown in prison on false charges and attempted to murder the lawyer who investigated it.

It is ok, RKM. "Huh" is all we would expect from a congenital idiot. I am sure you are rightly proud. And please remember, it is not your fault. It is congenital. Just your plain bad luck.
Relative to your ignorant, or perhaps stupid, or perhaps both, post suggesting the us is a Libertarian nation, you would indeed believe such stupidity. No learned person will agree. No impartial source. Which is why, me boy, you are irrelevant.
Do the words EAT SHIT, mean anything to you? You're a moron.. and your so called impartial sources... ROFL libtards love to pat themselves on the back.
So, me poor ignorant congenital idiot, you have now graduated to "eat shit"? Congrats, me poor ignorant con tool. Two whole words. You must be SOOO proud. So, you eat suit, eh, me poor congenital idiot. Remember, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
It teaches him the democrat party is the place for him with all the other dumb asses that need hand-outs to make ends meat.
I could never be a Democrat because of abortion. I could never be a Republican because the Alabama GOP got our last Democratic governor thrown in prison on false charges and attempted to murder the lawyer who investigated it.

It is ok, RKM. "Huh" is all we would expect from a congenital idiot. I am sure you are rightly proud. And please remember, it is not your fault. It is congenital. Just your plain bad luck.
Relative to your ignorant, or perhaps stupid, or perhaps both, post suggesting the us is a Libertarian nation, you would indeed believe such stupidity. No learned person will agree. No impartial source. Which is why, me boy, you are irrelevant.
Do the words EAT SHIT, mean anything to you? You're a moron.. and your so called impartial sources... ROFL libtards love to pat themselves on the back.
So, me poor ignorant congenital idiot, you have now graduated to "eat shit"? Congrats, me poor ignorant con tool. Two whole words. You must be SOOO proud. So, you eat suit, eh, me poor congenital idiot. Remember, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
Do the words Fuck you asshole, mean anything to you? You're a fucking moron. My luck? Just because I was born with a superior IQ and have a hot wife and 3 great kids and all the money I want to spend... that doesn't give you the right to make up lies about me, ya dumb ass. Did you even graduate elementary school or do you just hang out by the elementary school playground all day for the hell of it?
Despite all the horseshit strawmen, Libertarianism boils down to four words: "Live and let live"
You literally just said that, if it's true that you believe Somalia is a successful libertarian state, then you will pay Rshermr $10,000 dollars..
if I said it and he accepts the bet I will pay him $10,000. If he accepts the bet and I didn't say it he will pay me $10,000.

Of course he a typical liberal liar and so cant bet because he knows it will cost him $10,000.[/QUOTE

]Do you even have $10,000?

Now Ed, being a congenital idiot as has now been proven, misquotes everyone normally. He really is unable to help himself. He is, of course, also a congenital liar.
I stated that there have never been SUCCESSFUL Libertarian countries, that they always fail. Now, Ed would not understand the word successful, since he has never achieved access (except in his own mind?) Of course there have been attempts to create successful libertarian nations, but they failed quickly. And today there are NONE.
Now, if Ed could comprehend anything, and be honest (fat chance!) he would understand that while some tried to make the us libertarian in nature, they FAILED. BADLY. Hence standing military forces, social security, parks departments, roads, Medicare, and business regulations.
But poor Ed still has a chance. There was a group trying to construct a man made island, and force it to be ruled as a Libertarian country. Now, most just laugh at the idea. But most are not congenital idiots, like ed.
While many young folks think they are libertarians, almost all give it up before reaching puberty. The remainder are lying clowns, or thieves. Though they will never get there, there is a butt load of money to be made in the failed attempt.
. All you have to do is say "no,.

why say no, stupid?? Rusherm claimed I said Somalia was a libertarian nation. I bet him $10,000 that I didn't say that and then he ran away exposed as a liar and a liberal.
Why would you say no? Are you really asking that? Could you really be that stupid?
why say no, stupid?? Rusherm claimed I said Somalia was a libertarian nation. I bet him $10,000 that I didn't say that and then he ran away exposed as a liar and a liberal.
Despite all the horseshit strawmen, Libertarianism boils down to four words: "Live and let live"

that's worthless BS of course. Libertarianism means peaceful voluntary relationships between individuals.

Liberalism, Nazism, communism, monarchy etc means govt elites violently dictate relationships between people.
Libertarianism means CORPORATIONS AND THE VERY FICH violently dictate relationships between people. Which is why those same people always revolt at and eliminate Libertarianism very early. By the way, me boy, where is that Libertarianism country? Why are there no libertarian countries??
If libertarians are correct in claiming that they understand how best to organize a modern society, how is it that not a single country in the world in the early twenty-first century is organized along libertarian lines?
"It’s not as though there were a shortage of countries to experiment with libertarianism. There are 193 sovereign state members of the United Nations—195, if you count the Vatican and Palestine, which have been granted observer status by the world organization. If libertarianism was a good idea, wouldn’t at least one country have tried it? Wouldn’t there be at least one country, out of nearly two hundred, with minimal government, free trade, open borders, decriminalized drugs, no welfare state and no public education system?

When you ask libertarians if they can point to a libertarian country, you are likely to get a baffled look,"
Libertarianism means CORPORATIONS AND THE VERY FICH violently dictate relationships between people.

of course that very very stupid since 10,000 corporations are driven into bankruptcy each month by people. Is that how corporations dictate??

See why we say a liberal will be stupid?
When you ask libertarians if they can point to a libertarian country, you are likely to get a baffled look,"

the perfect idiot liberal has been saying that for 5 years now but has never said where on earth he got the goofy idea it was important.
Libertarianism means CORPORATIONS AND THE VERY FICH violently dictate relationships between people.

of course that very very stupid since 10,000 corporations are driven into bankruptcy each month by people. Is that how corporations dictate??

See why we say a liberal will be stupid?
You know what? You're right. Clearly we should embrace a system that drives nearly everyone who tries to participate in it into bankruptcy. That is quite obviously what you should strive for in an economic system. Either you succeed and become one of the few ultra rich people, or you fail and go live in the poor house with all the other failures. The idea of a middle class was a wash anyway.

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