Is there a libertarian approach to poverty that *doesn't* come down to "just stop being poor"?

Do you even know what "the best in the world means"? Honestly? It's a pretty exclusive phrase.

dear, best is what most people decide to buy. Thanks to capitalism the people are the ultimate deciders.

Do you understand? Capitalism relies on the wisdom of people, not the wisdom of lib soviet nazis.
Why do men call each other "dear" around here? That's kind of weird. Lol. :D Would you call another man "dear" in real life?
I've dealt with these arguments no less than four times today. Every time it was with a libertarian. Every time their main points were that we need to abolish the minimum wage and child labor laws, that being poor and being unemployed are synonymous, and that we can therefore fight poverty by employing as many people as possible at $4.50/hour. In other words, if you're poor then it's because you're unemployed, you're unemployed because you're too lazy to look for work, and if you didn't enjoy being poor and eating steak and lobster on your annual Caribbean cruise on our dime then you would go get a job and earn your own money.
What about capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment?

Some on the left think the right is just plain silly about the laws of the demand and supply.

Why even have Government, but for that social Goodness, whenever the People can muster a quorum.
Libertarianism means CORPORATIONS AND THE VERY FICH violently dictate relationships between people. Which is why those same people always revolt at and eliminate Libertarianism very early. By the way, me boy, where is that Libertarianism country? Why are there no libertarian countries??
If libertarians are correct in claiming that they understand how best to organize a modern society, how is it that not a single country in the world in the early twenty-first century is organized along libertarian lines?
"It’s not as though there were a shortage of countries to experiment with libertarianism. There are 193 sovereign state members of the United Nations—195, if you count the Vatican and Palestine, which have been granted observer status by the world organization. If libertarianism was a good idea, wouldn’t at least one country have tried it? Wouldn’t there be at least one country, out of nearly two hundred, with minimal government, free trade, open borders, decriminalized drugs, no welfare state and no public education system?

When you ask libertarians if they can point to a libertarian country, you are likely to get a baffled look,"
You're an idiot.
What about capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment?

dear, under capitalism the natural rate of unemployment is 0% thanks to the law of supply and demand.

Welcome to your first lesson in Econ 101.
dear; you are right it should be zero, and, that we should end the capital gains distinction when isn’t zero, simply to keep socialism from meandering along and insisting on helping out.
What about capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment?

dear, under capitalism the natural rate of unemployment is 0% thanks to the law of supply and demand.

Welcome to your first lesson in Econ 101.
Define unemployment.
anyone not paying the work tax.

The beauty of capitalism is that the natural rate of unemployment is 0% thanks to the law of supply and demand.
Unemployment and poverty do not exist under unregulated capitalism, and only the top two or three companies are capable of staying in business. Every start up that can't out-compete the very best and most efficient is quickly driven into bankruptcy. This doesn't lead to any lack of competition or economic stagnation, however, because reasons.
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Unemployment and poverty do not exist under unregulated capitalism, and only the top two or three companies are capable of staying in business. Every start up that can't out-compete the very best and most efficient is quickly driven into bankruptcy. This doesn't lead to any lack of competition or economic stagnation, however, because reasons.

dear, why not write that again but in understandable English.
Why do you find it hard to read?

My best attempt at a fourth grade reading level: If bosses didn't have to follow any rules then only the very best bosses could keep their jobs. The bosses who couldn't save enough money would go broke. That means they wouldn't have money any more and would have to stop being bosses. This is good for us because the best bosses could afford to hire all the mommies and daddies and they would have money too. Some mean people say that this idea won't work but you shouldn't listen to them because they're stupid doo doo heads.
Why do you find it hard to read?

My best attempt at a fourth grade reading level: If bosses didn't have to follow any rules then only the very best bosses could keep their jobs. The bosses who couldn't save enough money would go broke. That means they wouldn't have money any more and would have to stop being bosses. This is good for us because the best bosses could afford to hire all the mommies and daddies and they would have money too. Some mean people say that this idea won't work but you shouldn't listen to them because they're stupid doo doo heads.

the liberal IQ in action!!! you and Daniel make a perfect pair of liberal illiterates!!
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It's worth pointing out that neither of us have had trouble comprehending standard English. I only dumbed it down because you asked me to. :)
Why do you find it hard to read?

My best attempt at a fourth grade reading level: If bosses didn't have to follow any rules then only the very best bosses could keep their jobs. The bosses who couldn't save enough money would go broke. That means they wouldn't have money any more and would have to stop being bosses. This is good for us because the best bosses could afford to hire all the mommies and daddies and they would have money too. Some mean people say that this idea won't work but you shouldn't listen to them because they're stupid doo doo heads.

the liberal IQ in action!!! you and Daniel make a perfect pair of liberal illiterates!!
dear, some of us are trying to be Good socialists and bail you out by simply and freely giving you, a clue and a Cause.
It's worth pointing out that neither of us have had trouble comprehending standard English. I only dumbed it down because you asked me to. :)

so then see if a liberal knows what your pig English meant.
Daniel evidently did. Then again, he understood the first time too, since he didn't have to ask me to rewrite it so any child could understand. So far you're the only one here who's needed that accommodation. I'm not sure why you're complaining about your request being granted.

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