Is there a single Vax advocate on this board with kids under 5 getting them vaxxed?

I don't fit your request, but no, mine are adults but they have a couple young ones that aren't getting the jab either. All of us have had the boogie man virus and survived so I guess we have natural immunity--just like illegal immigrants.
Oh my gladiolus

I both my husband and I had the vaccine
Because we are not paranoid
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean there's nothing hunting you down. The Russian roulette involved here is that it's an experimental protocol opposing a communist virus (it can only intelligently be called communist) that has been mystified as to its origins, and then given to children whose immune systems may not be fully mature until 12 years of age. Accelerated Jesus.
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean there's nothing hunting you down. The Russian roulette involved here is that it's an experimental protocol opposing a communist virus (it can only intelligently be called communist) that has been mystified as to its origins, and then given to children whose immune systems may not be fully mature until 12 years of age. Accelerated Jesus.
I feel sorry for you
On other threads, we are investigating Hunter Biden's links to Metabiota because Metabiota is/was involved with the collection of African bat viruses. There are not only links to monkeypox on this trajectory, but African links to the vector genus, Rhinolophus, the bat genus that produced SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, RaTG13 from the Tongguan copper mine.

Furthermore, Edward Hooper (origins of HIV/AIDS) may not know that monkeypox has been found in a proven reservoir of HIV-2, the Sooty Mangabey. Many virologists claim that HIV-2 is an older virus than HIV-1.
On other threads, we are investigating Hunter Biden's links to Metabiota because Metabiota is/was involved with the collection of African bat viruses. There are not only links to monkeypox on this trajectory, but African links to the vector genus, Rhinolophus, the bat genus that produced SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, RaTG13 from the Tongguan copper mine.

Furthermore, Edward Hooper (origins of HIV/AIDS) may not know that monkeypox has been found in a proven reservoir of HIV-2, the Sooty Mangabey. Many virologists claim that HIV-2 is an older virus than HIV-1.
I vaccinated my children

They are now 30 and almost 34
No side effects
The Chinese et al, must be pleased to keep esoteric the knowledge about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. When attempting to read the Lancet article, the booby-traps are already in place. Thusfar, the text is unavailable and so is any abstract:

11 Jan 1986 Isolation of Monkepox Virus from Wild Squirrel Infected in Nature
Not only the funky deflection by The Lancet, above, the trick will be to find out which strain infected American prairie dogs. Has any of this yet been corrected?:

Unverified Monkeypox / Squirrel Funisciurus bayonii Y081
'collected 1 Jan 2014....Universiteit Antwerpen....Comments: The GenBank staff is unable to verify sequence and/or annotation provided by the submitter.'

Unverified Monkeypox / Squirrel Funisciurus anerythrus Y077
'collected 1 Jan 2014....Universiteit Antwerpen....Comments: The GenBank staff is unable to verify sequence and/or annotation provided by the submitter.'
I asked this question awhile ago and got zero responses. So I'll ask again. With all the enthusiastic support for the Covid Vaccine, I would think there would be at least one vax supporter with young kids willing to state they are getting their kids vaxxed and why they think that is a good idea. Let's see how this goes. This isn't about flaming, I just want to hear from someone with a true vested interest express their confidence in this vaccine.
I don’t have kids under 5 but I did hear my lord and savior Donald Trump say that he saved millions of lives with the vax so I don’t see why we wouldn’t want all of our kids blessed with his sacred juice.
I don’t have kids under 5 but I did hear my lord and savior Donald Trump say that he saved millions of lives with the vax so I don’t see why we wouldn’t want all of our kids blessed with his sacred juice.
I would trust my pediatrician
It's experimental because it has never been used on a communist virus no one knows the origin of.
That doesn’t make it experimental. It went through a pretty extensive trial and was in development for many years… Trump pushed it through so we could all be saved by it. Remember?
We all feel sorry for you, you raced to take a virtually untested vax for an illness with less than 1% mortality rate.
That is not the reason. It is to try to stop the virus. We are fortunate in having fairly harmless strains at the moment but that could change at any time. If we get rid of it or keep it low because people do get vaccinated when it changes we will be much better able to cope with it.
We don't seem to be giving under 5's the jab here in the UK though they do seem to want them to have one before they start school. My youngest grandson had Covid at 2 months and everyone except me has had it. Everyone else is vaccinated but I am unsure whether she would want the wee ones to have the vaccine. The vaccine is not live so ought not to cause them any harm. No non live vaccine has before.
That is not the reason. It is to try to stop the virus. We are fortunate in having fairly harmless strains at the moment but that could change at any time. If we get rid of it or keep it low because people do get vaccinated when it changes we will be much better able to cope with it.
Wow, I haven't seen so much speculation since the election of 2020. If, could? You sound like Fauci. How about this, If the sun doesn't rise tomorrow, we could all freeze to death.
We don't seem to be giving under 5's the jab here in the UK though they do seem to want them to have one before they start school. My youngest grandson had Covid at 2 months and everyone except me has had it. Everyone else is vaccinated but I am unsure whether she would want the wee ones to have the vaccine. The vaccine is not live so ought not to cause them any harm. No non live vaccine has before.
A mrna vaccine (misnomer) is a genetic modification and does not contain any virus, viable or otherwise. It also doesn't prevent infection or spread. The sales point is that the genetic modification will reduce the severity of the infection.

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