Is there a third way?

If you are disillusioned with the current system no matter who is in power, is there a third way?...Without labels, can you think of a system that you would accept that has a non-utopian chance of succeeding? Do you believe in bartering, or do you call this socialism? Is there a way to exchange labor, outside of the system? (not on the black market) Do you believe in free markets, even though they do not exist? Without blaming one party, or person, can you express why you are disillusioned? What is the perfect society economically? These are a lot of questions, but they are a start in building a Third Way.....By third way, I mean between capitalism as it exists today and and Marxist-Socialism. Neither one or the other, but something in between?
Once again, I am not advocating Marxism....I am saying outside of Marxism and capitalism (as it exists)

Fair and simple taxes, public budgets that are balanced by law, transparency in all things politics, and then watch your children reach for the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
May You Always Be Courageous Stand Upright And Be Strong, And May You Stay Forever Young.-- Bob Dylan (and Cutter)

My aspirations....Dylan

"Only you can free your mind".....Bob Marley
I think we've gone over the event horizon into police state fascism.

I think we're already there and what's more I think its going to get much much worse, too. (he states)......I may agree, but I have hope....

Doomed as Lord of the Flies ? Such a negative view of the whole of us....
What is this? Dumb assed kids get off their computer games long enough to discover that they can't get a job and now they want to invent a new form of commerce and government? Try working for a few years before you condemn the system.
What is this? Dumb assed kids get off their computer games long enough to discover that they can't get a job and now they want to invent a new form of commerce and government? Try working for a few years before you condemn the system.

Look...ass..I have most likely worked more years than you and I have 3 degrees....Get an education, before you start attacking others...troll..

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