Is there a ‘war’ against American culture perpetuated by politicians and multiculturalism?

As a low end white, which you know you prepared are you to be curb stomped? You are a disgrace to the white race that is obvious. As a white person it might be beneficial to tell us all when you think you're going to go full racist.

i have zero problem making you low end whites making you feel pain you've never dreamed of. Because I can get sick creative making you wish to your god you never ever spoke a word of your stupid shit. I can find you. And I can make you feel pain you never dreamed of.
All dat hatred gonna drive dis heah nigga many times you been incarcerated?

Making threats on message boards may be a violation of your parole.
Actually I like mexicans....good people for the most part....hard workers, good family people for the most part.

And it is true many have and are serving in our armed forces...many with distinction.

Just too many of them coming up here. Though they have really been doing a good job out in L.A. clearing neighborhoods of criminals.....if you git mah drift.

Immigration should be by legal means....unfair to legal immigrants who wait years to bne able to come here.
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All dat hatred gonna drive dis heah nigga many times you been incarcerated?

Making threats on message boards may be a violation of your parole.
Some white supremacists must have done a number on him
Some white supremacists must have done a number on him hehheh

dese little mens dat hide behind their computer and make threats....usually are about 5 ft tall and weigh in around 140.

But if you really want a fight just list your address.... someone might look you up.
Aren’t you the one who argued that core Americans were Liberal in your last thinly veiled White People are in danger thread?

Aren’t you the one who argued that core Americans were Liberal in your last thinly veiled White People are in danger thread?

Whuts a 'core' American?


After you finish reading all dat....git bak wid us. hehheh
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The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?

Yes, but "we" are Westerners. There is a Kabbalistic element that obtained control after WWII who considers Westerners "Edom" who must die off, their cult created the controlled opposition of Christianity and is heavily financed via "reparations," "defense" from goat herders, ponzi schemes, etc. The details of the psychotic Kabbalistic insanity are available elsewhere. After WWII, and the insanity that followed was the beginning of the end. They literally got control of public education, politicians, mass media, all the things necessary to make White folks hate themselves and non-Whites hate Whites even more.
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Yes, but "we" are Westerners. There is a Kabbalistic element that obtained control after WWII who considers Westerners "Edom" who must die off, their cult created the controlled opposition of Christianity and is heavily financed via "reparations," "defense" from goat herders, ponzi schemes, etc. The details of the psychotic Kabbalistic insanity are available elsewhere. After WWII, and the insanity that followed was the beginning of the end. They literally got control of public education, politicians, mass media, all the things necessary to make White folks hate themselves and non-Whites hate Whites even more.
The edomites were descendants of Esau....Jacobs brother.

Thus I see not how you connect them to Westerner's?


I do think there is a co-ordinated attack on White Christians.

I have always attributed it to cultural marxism aka political correctness.

I could be wrong.

Whoever or responsible for the attack on White Christians is definitely Satannic.

I really do not know much about the Kaballah but I had a friend once that was really into it...a Jewish Mystic....very nice guy and very interesting but I was not around him long enough to really learn much about the Kaballah....we were roomates on a Kibbutz in the upper Galilee. I stayed there a lil while.

I do have some books on the Kabbalah and I keep meaning to study up on it but am so busy doing other things I have not got around to it yet.

I do think the end of America at least as we have always known it is drawing to an end.

We are approaching the end times and will see major developments that as of yet we have little comprehension of.

I cling to my faith in All-Mighty God and that is what keeps me sane.
So many misconceptions about slavery.....a institution that was legal for thousands of years.

Slavery was an advance for humans....prior to slavery the losers in a war were executed....then someone realized that was just a waste.....turn the losers into slaves...much more benefit in that.

Blacks complain about slavery but it was a great boon for those who came here as slaves.

Their cousins back in Africa had very short disease ridden lives...plagued by constant tribal wars and predators in the jungle not to mention serpents....very poisionous snakes.

However those who made it to these shores lived long lives with many children.

When brought over here they were barely civilized....but life on the plantation brought them much happiness and health.

All the food they needed, clothes, decent more running around in the jungle nekid.

Learned to speak English and developed a unique culture that enhanced their musical abilities.
Many if not most became Christians and wrote and sang great spiritual songs.

A Collection of 25 selected famous Negro spirituals in SearchWorks catalog

View attachment 540821blob:

What planet do you live on?

Slavery was a GOO thing?

Diversity is destroying American culture, way of life, and history.

Diversity doesn't make us stronger, it makes us weaker. We forced diversity and now it's here. So what we have are millions of people from allover the world, and even millions of American citizens that all want their own version of America, they want what they don't like deleted, they want their culture to be important over all others and so on. No one gives a shit about American history and american culture unless they are hating on it. We have too much diversity.

Look at countries like Switzerland. It's a pain in the ass to become a swiss citizen and it takes a long time, hell you have to be fluent in their language. They are predominantly white, all speak the same language, follow the same rules and all agree on their societies norms without a lot of diversity. They also have in all of europe insanely low gun crimes, high employment rates, high education rates, a good healthcare system and their country is rich and not in crushing debt. I think the lack of diversity helps their society because everyone is comfortable with eachother, and there is comfort in normality.

What does America have? Millions of people from all kinds of countries, backgrounds, religions, and more all bitching and arguing about what they want. And we have millions wanting to destroy American culture for no particular reason I can see.

And it keeps getting worse. Now we're letting Haitians run around, tons of Mexicans, bringing in people from Afghanistan, talks of letting Chinese come in. Even our people are fucking morons like all the blacks that came from families that have lived here 100 years talking about their fucking African culture when the asshole was born in Philly and probably couldn't find Africa on a globe.

Diversity is a crock of shit. But ultimately it's the American people, the real Americans that love this country, it's their fault for letting it happen. We're all cucks just sitting around while our wife (america) gets gang fucked and we sit there and just watch it and let it happen because we can't get our dicks hard and are losers, and politicians sit there with their thumb up their ass calling for more diversity.

Switzerland is very diverse.. You have Italian speakers, French speakers, German speakers and Romansh.. Different cuisines, festivals etc.
White nationalist, you obtuse idiot.

Oh, so he's not white? That'd be re-assuring.

Also, to be sure, I ain't gonna defend that obtuse avatar of mine. He's an independent cuss.
Rather, we'd make the point that we don' wanna be thought to be thinkers like Loser thinks.
Your avatar may be quite OK with being thought of as defending Loser and his kind, but.......but, it makes us, over hear on the right-side of civilization, feel creepy. But you be you,
g. ;)
Well, that’s awfully nice of you to show us all that southern brown cockroaches rob Americans of jobs, income and opportunity. Now tell us how they affect our public education and healthcare systems, tell us how they run blacks from their communities by driving up rents, tell us where they rank in criminality and incarceration.

The Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010.
How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?

Those are awesome figures...polished it up nicely.....huh?
Let's analyze the 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million cockroaches paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
"In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers.
Do that math people, this is elementary arithmetic...THE END

Yeah. America was so much greater when negroes and fags and spics knew their the end of a rope.

America was greater when women stayed in the goddam kitchen and couldn't vote.

I admit democrats hanging negros was horrible.

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