Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

Meanwhile those clearly assaulting “American Culture” are all about selling the fable that whites are America’s worst enemy while blacks are America’s greatest asset, pretending men can be women by saying they are, how cool pole puffers and rug munchers are, how cool abortions are, how cool it is to be overrun by Mexico’s most desperate, how cool criminals and criminality is….hahaha….I’ll go with beer and trucks thanks
Poor rural white people are their own worst enemy and always have been. There's never been people more intent on self-sabotage.
The core voting blocks of the filthy Democrat party are the inner city welfare queens, Negroes and Hispanics and they sure as hell hate real America.

Of course they are idiots because real America is what pays their welfare bill.
Such is the racist right and the lies that are white grievance politics and replacement theory.

Conservativism is the bane of America.
Your racist narrative is old and tired. Your wake up call is coming next election.
Poor rural white people are their own worst enemy and always have been. There's never been people more intent on self-sabotage.
Rural people are the backbone of America, regardless of skin color. Real Americans. My kind of people.
Keep blacks out of our neighborhoods, round up the browns and Asians and send them back where they came from – make America for core people only.
Whoa whoa….Asians are great citizens…they are highly intelligent very productive positive contributors, they’re extremely law abiding, they take care of shit and they’re very clean.
All of my Asian tenants are amazing. It’s just a matter of time before they all vote Republican.
Remember, blacks, once they can afford to relocate don’t want to live with blacks…they all move into predominantly white neighborhoods for obvious reasons.
But yeah, round up all illegals and those here on stolen citizenships and send them home to their homelands.
Can you reconcile that THEORY for us?
How do you arrive at that?
I've lived in the rural south all my life. I was born up the hills of Alabama, still one of the most depressed regions in the country. I know my people.
I've lived in the rural south all my life. I was born up the hills of Alabama, still one of the most depressed regions in the country. I know my people.
What does that mean though…I know many good poor people who choose to live that way.
I’m trying to figure out how they are their worst enemy?
Core Americans:
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned intact.

Which Dem policies are aimed to benefit core Americans?
Do Dems use any rhetoric that suggests they‘re supportive of the core american class of folks?
Are we a major roadblock for Democrats as they try to rollout their ‘kinda’ open border / globalism, their ‘kinda’ marxism, ‘kinda’ socialism, ‘kinda’ new America agenda?’

The assault on white america with all the systemic racism rhetoric, the assault on our sovereignty with the wide open border, the constant talk of increased diversity / fewer whites, the assault on the First and Second Amendments, the denigration of Christianity, the detestation for law and order, the support for criminals and criminality…..all the anti american action and rhetoric is on the surface and in our face isn’t it?
There's a war on White Folk? ( I must have missed the memo )
Whoa whoa….Asians are great citizens…they are highly intelligent very productive positive contributors, they’re extremely law abiding, they take care of shit and they’re very clean.
All of my Asian tenants are amazing. It’s just a matter of time before they all vote Republican.
Remember, blacks, once they can afford to relocate don’t want to live with blacks…they all move into predominantly white neighborhoods for obvious reasons.
But yeah, round up all illegals and those here on stolen citizenships and send them home to their homelands.
Conservatism is fundamentally reactionary – an unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

That unwarranted fear combined with ignorance manifests as racism, bigotry, and hate – as documented by you and others on the racist right.
Conservatism is fundamentally reactionary
Because you and Don Lemon said so?
Conservatism is fundamentally reactionary – an unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.
Look at every single one of your “diverse” blue cities…All are dangerous, divided, disgusting shitholes….Your policies and ideologies NEVER EVER lead to anything positive for America as a whole…They are always intended to benefit a very small faction of weirdos, foreigners or criminals.
That unwarranted fear combined with ignorance manifests as racism, bigotry, and hate – as documented by you and others on the racist right.
Because you and Don Lemon said so?
What does that mean though…I know many good poor people who choose to live that way.
I’m trying to figure out how they are their worst enemy?
Aside from the meth, pills, booze, Jeezus and carbs they vote for the same country club crowd that has been low-balling their wages, under educating their kids and jacking up their rent for a hundred years. Then these politicians go to Washington and vote against doing a goddamn thing to change that.
Aside from the meth, pills, booze, Jeezus and carbs they vote for the same country club crowd that has been low-balling their wages, under educating their kids and jacking up their rent for a hundred years. Then these politicians go to Washington and vote against doing a goddamn thing to change that.
You're looney tunes.
Conservatism is fundamentally reactionary – an unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.
That unwarranted fear combined with ignorance manifests as racism, bigotry, and hate – as documented by you and others on the racist right.
You libs are the only ones who see it as beneficial.
Calling me a cuck is you attacking my wife. You would not say it in real life, fat boy. Would not go well for you. Keep it civil. Last warning.

Nah, there’s a war. You’re either pro-democracy or pro-fascism. Progressuves need to adopt a warlike mentality against these fascist conservatives.
Fascists would attack our constitution, you know like the Second Amendment…they would support speech suppression under the guise of “misinformation”…they would champion government imposed, mandatory vaccinations….etc etc….Are you sure you know what fascism is? Aren’t you a fascist?
Aside from the meth, pills, booze, Jeezus and carbs they vote for the same country club crowd that has been low-balling their wages, under educating their kids and jacking up their rent for a hundred years. Then these politicians go to Washington and vote against doing a goddamn thing to change that.
These hillbillies you speak of CHOSE to live in deep rural areas where there is no industry, no commerce…they chose to live in the country, isolated, broke and content.
These are great law abiding people who aren’t driven by cash and material things. These folks don’t look to father government to solve their issues and change the life they’ve CHOSEN to live.
Tell us though, how has voting for free shit, empty promises and government coddling worked out for blacks whom have voted 90% Democrat for 50 years? Have they improved or have they regressed?

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