Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

Tell us though, how has voting for free shit, empty promises and government coddling worked out for blacks whom have voted 90% Democrat for 50 years? Have they improved or have they regressed?
Conservatives hate black people. They blame black folks for the atrocities committed against the black community. Every time black people build success, white conservative mobs burn it to the ground.
Conservatives hate black people. They blame black folks for the atrocities committed against the black community. Every time black people build success, white conservative mobs burn it to the ground.
When did such a thing last happen?
Conservatives always fail to take responsibility for their own. Antifa means anti-fascist. Conservatives oppose antifa because they are fascists.
Reconcile this for us….a white supremacist breaks some windows out at an autozone then black folks jump through the broken windows and loot the place.
I can’t find an angle to use that would prove this is a case of whitey holding darky back.
Help us connect the dots would you please?
Trying to drag this thread out of the insult gutter by copying this post as its the core question. What is it you want to do but can't?
The oddest thing about such a question is that NONE of you social justice super heroes have ever once thought to ask dark people….”What is it you want to do but can’t?“
hahaha…you hypocrites really need to figure out how to get out of your own way so sane people can take you seriously.

Mr Clean
Not much makes sense any more, Americans attacking other Americans based only on what political party they prefer.
Core Americans:
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned intact.

Which Dem policies are aimed to benefit core Americans?
Do Dems use any rhetoric that suggests they‘re supportive of the core american class of folks?
Are we a major roadblock for Democrats as they try to rollout their ‘kinda’ open border / globalism, their ‘kinda’ marxism, ‘kinda’ socialism, ‘kinda’ new America agenda?’

The assault on white america with all the systemic racism rhetoric, the assault on our sovereignty with the wide open border, the constant talk of increased diversity / fewer whites, the assault on the First and Second Amendments, the denigration of Christianity, the detestation for law and order, the support for criminals and criminality…..all the anti american action and rhetoric is on the surface and in our face isn’t it?
The border is not open and Christianity is free to function in the US. The only criminality that is alive and well is Trump and his henchmen that tried to overthrow an election.
Not much makes sense any more, Americans attacking other Americans based only on what political party they prefer.
The Democrat Party is no longer a “political party” they don’t sell a political platform or run on real politics….They pitch the ‘America sucks and must be changed’ mantra, they race bait and sow discord, they run on social issues, divisiveness and identity politics ONLY.
The oddest thing about such a question is that NONE of you social justice super heroes have ever once thought to ask dark people….”What is it you want to do but can’t?“
hahaha…you hypocrites really need to figure out how to get out of your own way so sane people can take you seriously.

Mr Clean
What is it you want to do but can't?

I am a super hero. My power is the ability to pet two demanding dogs' bellies at the same time. With great power comes great responsibility!
What is it you want to do but can't?

I am a super hero. My power is the ability to pet two demanding dogs' bellies at the same time. With great power comes great responsibility!
Mr Cleans post got you all giddy for some reason….why would such a hypocritical post make you pee yourself?
Core Americans:
: an asinine, juvenile, meaningless little playground slogan the douche bag cockroach OP pulled out of his ass and won't stop repeating like an OCD patient off his meds.

Americans are Americans. An American whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower and an American who was naturalized yesterday are both Americans to exactly the same degree. That's what America is. It's a real shame that some people who claim to be "real" Americans understand and appreciate nothing about my great nation.
The border is not open and Christianity is free to function in the US. The only criminality that is alive and well is Trump and his henchmen that tried to overthrow an election.
How does 2 million foreign invaders traverse a secure border?
Men are free to buttfuck eachother and marry in the U.S. yet you’re still pissed at conservatives for not celebrating your filth with you.
Remember those Democrat “henchmen” you never said shit about…the ones like Adam Schiff who cried RUSSIA for four years straight…how about all the others that busted their asses concocting one fairy tale after the next with the hopes of unseating the peoples elected president?

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