Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

Go ahead and try. No, wait. You are all talk, Kowardly Keyboard Kommando.
For some reason you believe that all of the Deplorables live in mansions. They are trying to survive like many others. When we raise what we already pay in taxes with the fraud Build Back Better scam to the world government that is coming out of hiding, it is going to make us even poorer.
Cool, you sound like a woke white guilt faggot who can’t refute my OP…so?
What do you want me to refute? Nobody is going to change your mind on anything. Your basic problem, like most right wing nut jobs, is that you can't accept change. Take your Christian religion for instance. It's declining. And it has been for decades. Nothing you say will change that. The world is becoming more secular. Which is a great thing for humanity IMO.
Still stalking, I see. I guess whatever gets you thru your day.
Boredroseeya thinks that responding to her idiotic posts constitutes stalking. Hey, you massive gravitational field of stupidity, highlighting your moronic posts is not stalking AND it’s entirely your own fault.

Stop being such a giant poster board for DNC talking points with an expressed hostility toward logic, and I would happily just chuckle at your other banal mindless trope efforts.
Roads don't benefit core Americans?
Hahaha…you have to do better Wokeologist.
Roads benefit the general population….point us to actual policies and rhetoric from the Mexicrat Party that proves their support for core Americans, their needs, their culture and belief systems….you know, like they do with LGBTQ’ers, latinos, black folks….etc etc.
Hahaha…you have to do better Wokeologist.
Roads benefit the general population….point us to actual policies and rhetoric from the Mexicrat Party that proves their support for core Americans, their needs, their culture and belief systems….you know, like they do with LGBTQ’ers, latinos, black folks….etc etc.
Aww baby feels left out, doesnt he? We have to do that with minorities because of people like you. If there werent screwups in this country like yourself, there wouldnt be a need to talk about gays, latinos, blacks, etc.

You're never going to have what you want in America. In fact, you're never going to find it anywhere. Because people are all different. A concept you seem to have a hard time understanding.
All Dem policies and rhetoric do that very thing. We are core Americans....not you. You are a pathetic leftover from the past grownups have moved away from. Now, cry some more.

Apparently, that's part of what he thinks "core America" is about.
Nobody sane and decent is confused.

Core Americans:
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned thriving and intact.
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned thriving and intact.
LOL you keep using general terms like "way", "system", "traditions". Explain what you think those are.
There has been a "war on Americans" for the past 40 years by Corporatism.
Corporate Democrats (the majority of them) and most Republicans have been quietly turning America into a corporatocracy. Where the central banks and large corporations are essentially in charge, and CERTAINLY get more favorable representation than the average American - that isn't even close.
Aww baby feels left out, doesnt he? We have to do that with minorities because of people like you. If there werent screwups in this country like yourself, there wouldnt be a need to talk about gays, latinos, blacks, etc.

You're never going to have what you want in America. In fact, you're never going to find it anywhere. Because people are all different. A concept you seem to have a hard time understanding.
Hahaha…are you saying it is the duty of government to steer and manipulate the social construct in America?
Can you link us to the enumerated power to prove such bullshit?
Hahaha…are you saying it is the duty of government to steer and manipulate the social construct in America?
Can you link us to the enumerated power to prove such bullshit?
I think it's the duty of government to protect people from animals like you. It's in the first paragraph of the Constitution "promote the general Welfare".
Hahaha…you have to do better Wokeologist.
Roads benefit the general population….point us to actual policies and rhetoric from the Mexicrat Party that proves their support for core Americans, their needs, their culture and belief systems….you know, like they do with LGBTQ’ers, latinos, black folks….etc etc.
Latinos aren't core Americans? Sorry who are core Americans again? Also what's article in the US Con has the text you are using?

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