Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

Core Americans:
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned intact.

Which Dem policies are aimed to benefit core Americans?
Do Dems use any rhetoric that suggests they‘re supportive of the core american class of folks?
Are we a major roadblock for Democrats as they try to rollout their ‘kinda’ open border / globalism, their ‘kinda’ marxism, ‘kinda’ socialism, ‘kinda’ new America agenda?’

The assault on white america with all the systemic racism rhetoric, the assault on our sovereignty with the wide open border, the constant talk of increased diversity / fewer whites, the assault on the First and Second Amendments, the denigration of Christianity, the detestation for law and order, the support for criminals and criminality…..all the anti american action and rhetoric is on the surface and in our face isn’t it?
:yes_text12: :stir:
How does 2 million foreign invaders traverse a secure border?
Men are free to buttfuck eachother and marry in the U.S. yet you’re still pissed at conservatives for not celebrating your filth with you.
Remember those Democrat “henchmen” you never said shit about…the ones like Adam Schiff who cried RUSSIA for four years straight…how about all the others that busted their asses concocting one fairy tale after the next with the hopes of unseating the peoples elected president?
"Men are free to buttfuck eachother [sic]" Ok, NOW we are getting to the Core American value that the OP is all about.
LOL you keep using general terms like "way", "system", "traditions". Explain what you think those are.
I’ve explained it many times in this thread… It hurts your feelings so you refuse to acknowledge it.
I think it's the duty of government to protect people from animals like you. It's in the first paragraph of the Constitution "promote the general Welfare".
“Animals like me”?
Are you screeching at government to protect Americans from the animals traversing our border by the millions, are you begging for gov protection from the murderous street beasts in Chicago?
Come on SuperTard….we really want to take you seriously…give us a reason to do that.
American culture and tradition is racist and xenophobic.

That's why the systemically racist country needs to continue to elect democrats, cuz they know they are bad and need spanked by them and force them to feel bad about themselves.

As they are spanked they say, "Thanks, may I have another?"

Just don't think America votes democrat cuz they are not systemically racist, rather, they vote democrat because they are systemically racist.
It appears that you are the racist in this thread.
I’ve explained it many times in this thread… It hurts your feelings so you refuse to acknowledge it.

“Animals like me”?
Are you screeching at government to protect Americans from the animals traversing our border by the millions, are you begging for gov protection from the murderous street beasts in Chicago?
Come on SuperTard….we really want to take you seriously…give us a reason to do that.
I bet it shocks you to your core that another white thinks of you as an animal.
"Men are free to buttfuck eachother [sic]" Ok, NOW we are getting to the Core American value that the OP is all about.
You want the conservative party to support butt-fucking faggots and we want the LefTarded Party to show support for real core Americans… That’s not all that hard to understand is it?
Just because I don't support Alzheimer Joe and kamala the Kunt, and the entire DemocRAT party does not make me a traitor, Communist scumbag
No what makes you a traitor is support of the right wing terrorists who invaded our Capitol. That and supporting the known Traitor trump. You're just another low end white the rest of us whites point and laugh at.
I bet it shocks you to your core that another white thinks of you as an animal.
Haha…please…you must be kidding?
I take GREAT pride in being dispised and hated by woke white guilt whackos…I use you loons as a metric…if you’re offended and pissing your pink panties as a result of my rhetoric then I know my shit is perfectly on point.
Haha…please…you must be kidding?
I take GREAT pride in being dispised and hated by woke white guilt whackos…I use you loons as a metric…if you’re offended and pissing your pink panties as a result of my rhetoric then I know my shit is perfectly on point.
Jane Doe 101 is quite poss... oh no. Definitely a manbun wearing queer who wants everyone to cater to its every need.
For some reason you believe that all of the Deplorables live in mansions. They are trying to survive like many others. When we raise what we already pay in taxes with the fraud Build Back Better scam to the world government that is coming out of hiding, it is going to make us even poorer.
Who says that "all the Deplorables live in mansions"? Besides you, that is.

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