Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

You poor thing....your life only has "meaning" if you have made enemies out of those who disagree with you. What a sad existence you've made for yourself. :itsok:
Listen, traitor. I will question your patriotism because you have none. And how DARE you think just because you served entitles you to support the Communist Democrats. You are the enemy.
Jane Doe 101 is quite poss... oh no. Definitely a manbun wearing queer who wants everyone to cater to its every need.
You and brokeloser should get together. You both like talking about gay stuff.

Now you're imagining me as a woman. You've really got some problems, dont you?
Nobody sane and decent is confused.

Core Americans:
Those who practice the American Way, those who love and respect Americas sovereignty, the American value system, the language, traditions, culture, history…Those who are willing to fight to keep the aforementioned thriving and intact.
What is your definition of "the American Way" and "the American value system"? We have many languages, many traditions, a vast culture borrowed from all who have come here, and our history is full of the good AND the bad. You like hot dogs? German. How about taco Tuesday? Mexican. The English language? a combo of Germanic and Latin based. Place names? Many are Spanish or Native. And so on and so forth.
Hahaha…are you saying it is the duty of government to steer and manipulate the social construct in America?
Can you link us to the enumerated power to prove such bullshit?
And yet you want the government to FORCE your idea of "core America" onto the entire country even tho any adult knows "core America" is multi-cultural".
Sounds to me that you are overly sensitive and looking for excuses to be View attachment 576090
Not at all. My point was don't say shit here you would not say to my face. Not sure why that triggers you. But then again you're:

#1) Fat
#2) Old
#3) Ugly
#4) Unemployed
#5) Live in a red state and as a leftist it makes you miserable

So you lash out here. Its OK....

You want the conservative party to support butt-fucking faggots and we want the LefTarded Party to show support for real core Americans… That’s not all that hard to understand is it?
It's obvious that you spend WAY more time thinking about "butt-fucking faggots" than any gay person does. Telling. You comfy in that closet?
Not at all. My point was don't say shit here you would not say to my face. Not sure why that triggers you. But then again you're:

#1) Fat
#2) Old
#3) Ugly
#4) Unemployed
#5) Live in a red state and as a leftist it makes you miserable

So you lash out here. Its OK....

View attachment 576094
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......your widdle feelings are hurt..... :itsok:
Haha…please…you must be kidding?
I take GREAT pride in being dispised and hated by woke white guilt whackos…I use you loons as a metric…if you’re offended and pissing your pink panties as a result of my rhetoric then I know my shit is perfectly on point.
Wow what a vivid imagination you have. Now you're imagining me in pink panties. Maybe you can face time with your buddy in here GMC seems like you two have a lot to talk about.

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