Is there a war on core America / Americans that is spearheaded by the Democrat Party?

Listen, traitor. I will question your patriotism because you have none. And how DARE you think just because you served entitles you to support the Communist Democrats. You are the enemy.
Thank you for, once again, showing how much the fascist Right really hates our veterans. Just another beta cuck Kowardly Keyboard Kommando.
Whoa whoa….Asians are great citizens…they are highly intelligent very productive positive contributors, they’re extremely law abiding, they take care of shit and they’re very clean.
All of my Asian tenants are amazing. It’s just a matter of time before they all vote Republican.
Remember, blacks, once they can afford to relocate don’t want to live with blacks…they all move into predominantly white neighborhoods for obvious reasons.
But yeah, round up all illegals and those here on stolen citizenships and send them home to their homelands.
There is no 'war' on white Americans, by Democrats or anyone else; that's a lie contrived by the racist right.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......your widdle feelings are hurt..... :itsok: didn't dispute my post. Excellent. I am 100% accurate.

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