Is there any country in the world that blacks...

James Price
It's not my responsibility to take care of your shit

I agree. What's your point ?

James Price
And white people generally understand that about each other. If you don't take care of your house or your yard, it's not racism that lowered your property value.

I don't know what black area you have been to but when i think of a blk area I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

Like elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children/ Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

You have this idea that white areas are like this


The truth is whites drugged out on meth like this



White folks get K&A looking like skid row. They have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles these cave beasts discard on the ground. Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell

James Price
Show me a neighborhood in a white community where the property values dropped after blacks moved in but the appearance remained exactly the same, then we'll talk about racism as the cause.

That doesn't happen. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would.

Your question assumes that blacks moved in, the whites chilled and stayed, then found the area turned into a shit hold and the propetty values go down.

That's not how it works it it ?

White move out when blks move in over a certain %.

And that just demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors

if you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks in Russia, In Bosnia, in Alaska, white folks who have never or rarely around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

Your argument is basically "I'm racist and it's you'r fault"
This is how far behind the OP is relative to knowledge about Africa. This link is to a book written in 1973 detailing the damage whites did to Africa. And that damage was still going on when he wrote the book. This was 18 years before the end of Apartheid.

Walter Rodney 1973 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

So, whitey is responsible because blacks weren't educated enough to develop their own countries. go with that.

James Price
It's not my responsibility to take care of your shit

I agree. What's your point ?

James Price
And white people generally understand that about each other. If you don't take care of your house or your yard, it's not racism that lowered your property value.

I don't know what black area you have been to but when i think of a blk area I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

Like elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children/ Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

You have this idea that white areas are like this


The truth is whites drugged out on meth like this



White folks get K&A looking like skid row. They have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles these cave beasts discard on the ground. Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell

James Price
Show me a neighborhood in a white community where the property values dropped after blacks moved in but the appearance remained exactly the same, then we'll talk about racism as the cause.

That doesn't happen. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would.

Your question assumes that blacks moved in, the whites chilled and stayed, then found the area turned into a shit hold and the propetty values go down.

That's not how it works it it ?

White move out when blks move in over a certain %.

And that just demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors

if you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks in Russia, In Bosnia, in Alaska, white folks who have never or rarely around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

Your argument is basically "I'm racist and it's you'r fault"

Yeah, because the black baby fathers abandon their "bitches" and the children they bear.

Time for black men to start acting like adults.
I agree. What's your point ?

You said, "They need to clean up their act, but we or I don’t need to do anything"

*I* don't need to do anything, because *I* didn't do anything to blacks. Take responsibility for your own shit.

I don't know what black area you have been to but when i think of a blk area I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

The discussion was about property values, and that relates to the appearance and upkeep of the property.

You have this idea that white areas are like this


I know what white and black areas are like because I've lived in both(in houses and apartments). Most of the areas I've lived in that were primarily black tended to be run down, and God forbid if you just want peace and quiet. Drugs were common. Far more common than in the white neighborhoods I've lived in. But there are numerous areas around my city that went to shit after blacks moved in. That said, I did live in one area that was primarily black and surprisingly nice at the time, but that was an exception and it, too, is run down now.

That doesn't happen. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

It does happen, and when the neighborhood or complex starts going to hell, whites move out(ie. white flight).

Your question assumes that blacks moved in, the whites chilled and stayed, then found the area turned into a shit hold and the propetty values go down.

That's not how it works it it?

Nope. Blacks move in, things go to shit, whites move out, and property values falls.

And that just demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors

I didn't say anything about being a criminal, but now that you brought it up, the crime rate in black areas is almost always higher on average, so why the fuck would I want to live there? Why would I hope that a lot of blacks move in? It's not propaganda. It's lived experience, and most white people who've lived around a lot of blacks know exactly what I'm talking about. Sometimes stereotypes are true because they conform to reality. It's the idiot white liberals who've never actually lived around a lot of blacks that are the first to cry racism when white people with actual experience talk about it.

Your argument is basically "I'm racist and it's you'r fault"

My argument is that a lot of blacks are career victims who blame everything on racism and refuse to take responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault, and it's the same fucking story everywhere they go. Not just in America. Blacks in the UK say the same shit. Crime in the UK is disproportionately higher, and the response is completely predictable. Racism. Is there anywhere blacks go that they don't blame someone else for their problems?
This is how far behind the OP is relative to knowledge about Africa. This link is to a book written in 1973 detailing the damage whites did to Africa. And that damage was still going on when he wrote the book. This was 18 years before the end of Apartheid.

Walter Rodney 1973 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

So, whitey is responsible because blacks weren't educated enough to develop their own countries. go with that.

Blacks developed their countries. Whites destablized potential growth.
I agree. What's your point ?

You said, "They need to clean up their act, but we or I don’t need to do anything"

*I* don't need to do anything, because *I* didn't do anything to blacks. Take responsibility for your own shit.

I don't know what black area you have been to but when i think of a blk area I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

The discussion was about property values, and that relates to the appearance and upkeep of the property.

You have this idea that white areas are like this


I know what white and black areas are like because I've lived in both(in houses and apartments). Most of the areas I've lived in that were primarily black tended to be run down, and God forbid if you just want peace and quiet. Drugs were common. Far more common than in the white neighborhoods I've lived in. But there are numerous areas around my city that went to shit after blacks moved in. That said, I did live in one area that was primarily black and surprisingly nice at the time, but that was an exception and it, too, is run down now.

That doesn't happen. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

It does happen, and when the neighborhood or complex starts going to hell, whites move out(ie. white flight).

Your question assumes that blacks moved in, the whites chilled and stayed, then found the area turned into a shit hold and the propetty values go down.

That's not how it works it it?

Nope. Blacks move in, things go to shit, whites move out, and property values falls.

And that just demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors

I didn't say anything about being a criminal, but now that you brought it up, the crime rate in black areas is almost always higher on average, so why the fuck would I want to live there? Why would I hope that a lot of blacks move in? It's not propaganda. It's lived experience, and most white people who've lived around a lot of blacks know exactly what I'm talking about. Sometimes stereotypes are true because they conform to reality. It's the idiot white liberals who've never actually lived around a lot of blacks that are the first to cry racism when white people with actual experience talk about it.

Your argument is basically "I'm racist and it's you'r fault"

My argument is that a lot of blacks are career victims who blame everything on racism and refuse to take responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault, and it's the same fucking story everywhere they go. Not just in America. Blacks in the UK say the same shit. Crime in the UK is disproportionately higher, and the response is completely predictable. Racism. Is there anywhere blacks go that they don't blame someone else for their problems?
Your argument is debunked by 254 year of American white criminal behavior at every level. It is also debunked by the existence of white men such as Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. It is also debunked bybnumerous laws and policies showing how blacks were denied. My argument is that right wing whites are professional liars who will even lie in the face of documented history. When we talk about people not taking responsibilty, posts like yours are prime examples of how right wing whites do not take responsibilty.

You are delusional but that's par for the course for right wing whites.
This is how far behind the OP is relative to knowledge about Africa. This link is to a book written in 1973 detailing the damage whites did to Africa. And that damage was still going on when he wrote the book. This was 18 years before the end of Apartheid.

Walter Rodney 1973 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

So, whitey is responsible because blacks weren't educated enough to develop their own countries. go with that.

Blacks developed their countries. Whites destablized potential growth.
What country did blacks develop? Any country that had any development was due to white influence.
James Price
It's not my responsibility to take care of your shit

I agree. What's your point ?

James Price
And white people generally understand that about each other. If you don't take care of your house or your yard, it's not racism that lowered your property value.

I don't know what black area you have been to but when i think of a blk area I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

Like elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children/ Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

You have this idea that white areas are like this


The truth is whites drugged out on meth like this



White folks get K&A looking like skid row. They have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles these cave beasts discard on the ground. Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell

James Price
Show me a neighborhood in a white community where the property values dropped after blacks moved in but the appearance remained exactly the same, then we'll talk about racism as the cause.

That doesn't happen. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would.

Your question assumes that blacks moved in, the whites chilled and stayed, then found the area turned into a shit hold and the propetty values go down.

That's not how it works it it ?

White move out when blks move in over a certain %.

And that just demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors

if you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks in Russia, In Bosnia, in Alaska, white folks who have never or rarely around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

Your argument is basically "I'm racist and it's you'r fault"

Yeah, because the black baby fathers abandon their "bitches" and the children they bear.

Time for black men to start acting like adults.
You need to stop lying to yourself white man.

Because there are a whole lot of white divorced women raising children with no daddy, and there are a whole bunch of white daddys beating up their wives and fucking children on the side.
This is how far behind the OP is relative to knowledge about Africa. This link is to a book written in 1973 detailing the damage whites did to Africa. And that damage was still going on when he wrote the book. This was 18 years before the end of Apartheid.

Walter Rodney 1973 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

So, whitey is responsible because blacks weren't educated enough to develop their own countries. go with that.

Blacks developed their countries. Whites destablized potential growth.
What country did blacks develop? Any country that had any development was due to white influence.
Incorrect. Study the real history of Africa.
They most likely objected to that racism you wear on your sleeve far more than your skin color.
How the fuck would you know? People like you think anyone who doesn't agree with them about racial issues is a racist.

No, that's not how it works. Reading the stuff you post shows you are are racist. You propose no policies, just a bunch of fake racist opinions based on what you believe about blacks. 2 percent of the American population were arrested for crimes in the last UCR, 1.4 percent of that were whites. You talk about high crime in black communities to black people living in such communities and are doing so under no threat of violence. You're another far right white racist idiot repeating the same lies.
This is how far behind the OP is relative to knowledge about Africa. This link is to a book written in 1973 detailing the damage whites did to Africa. And that damage was still going on when he wrote the book. This was 18 years before the end of Apartheid.

Walter Rodney 1973 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

So, whitey is responsible because blacks weren't educated enough to develop their own countries. go with that.

Blacks developed their countries. Whites destablized potential growth.
What country did blacks develop? Any country that had any development was due to white influence.
Incorrect. Study the real history of Africa.
Africa is a continent. Sub Saharan Africa developed nothing but mass tribalism.
James Price
It's not my responsibility to take care of your shit

I agree. What's your point ?

James Price
And white people generally understand that about each other. If you don't take care of your house or your yard, it's not racism that lowered your property value.

I don't know what black area you have been to but when i think of a blk area I think of the mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

Like elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children/ Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

You have this idea that white areas are like this


The truth is whites drugged out on meth like this



White folks get K&A looking like skid row. They have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles these cave beasts discard on the ground. Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway. You see when it’s a white problem it isn’t a problem. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell

James Price
Show me a neighborhood in a white community where the property values dropped after blacks moved in but the appearance remained exactly the same, then we'll talk about racism as the cause.

That doesn't happen. White people are always telling black people that they're are no units available. And whites make sure black people are screwed as far as mortgages go by screwing over blk people have a good credit history

Whites create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would.

Your question assumes that blacks moved in, the whites chilled and stayed, then found the area turned into a shit hold and the propetty values go down.

That's not how it works it it ?

White move out when blks move in over a certain %.

And that just demonstrates the effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors

if you have years and generations of people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

If you talk to white folks in Russia, In Bosnia, in Alaska, white folks who have never or rarely around black folks, they will come forth with many of these negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience.

Your argument is basically "I'm racist and it's you'r fault"
Oh good are delusional. And on so many levels..........

Lets start with redlining---its stupid to give loans and take loans in bad areas especially as values go down.
In America, systemic racism is often blamed for disparities in the black community, so I ask you... is there any country in the world that blacks believe is free of racism (systemic or otherwise) and that they can thrive financially? Is there anywhere on the planet that blacks feel they can succeed and live happily?

There was. In Tulsa they had a thriving black community with their own businesses and banks until white republicans decided to slaughter them like dogs out of pure jealousy.
There's you answer son and it happened in your country.
Aren't you pleased you asked that ignorant country. I am.
Lol. Part drama queen , 3 parts liar.
In America, systemic racism is often blamed for disparities in the black community, so I ask you... is there any country in the world that blacks believe is free of racism (systemic or otherwise) and that they can thrive financially? Is there anywhere on the planet that blacks feel they can succeed and live happily?

There was. In Tulsa they had a thriving black community with their own businesses and banks until white republicans decided to slaughter them like dogs out of pure jealousy.
There's you answer son and it happened in your country.
Aren't you pleased you asked that ignorant country. I am.
Lol. Part drama queen , 3 parts liar.

Prove me wrong or shut up you racist.
In America, systemic racism is often blamed for disparities in the black community, so I ask you... is there any country in the world that blacks believe is free of racism (systemic or otherwise) and that they can thrive financially? Is there anywhere on the planet that blacks feel they can succeed and live happily?
I am trying to understand the thinking behind the OP.
Are you trying to highlight the extent of racism in the World ?
Are you making a case that America is so much better for Black folks to live ?
There is no place in the world where, per capita, blacks are financially better off than... America.
Go ahead troll, look it up
James Price
My argument is that a lot of blacks are career victims who blame everything on racism and refuse to take responsibility for anything.

This coming from a white person who is claiming be to victims of black crminals, victims of blacks lowering down property values if they move in, white people in here claiming to be victims of taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,”

Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.

To tell my son he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice, but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I’m ill-suiting him for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires. If blk ppl are led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They may overestimate the extent to which white people will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racism can steel ourselves against stuff coming our way.

James Price
It's always someone else's fault, and it's the same fucking story everywhere they go. Not just in America. Blacks in the UK say the same shit.

And with white people it's always someone else's fault, and it's the same fucking story everywhere they go. Not just in America. White in the UK say the same shit.

Well with so many black people talking about it. Could it be that black people are not making it up ?

If I step on your foot. I remove the foot. Right ?

But imagine if blk ppl handled like whites do with racism. I'd say

"I am not stepping on your foot. You are just imagining it. You people do nothing but blame others and complain. Look at your crime rate ! But if I am stepping on your foot, then I am truly sorry, but it is not something I would ever do"

The truth is most black people are reluctant to allege racism. Most black ppl stuff their experiences with racism because white denial has long shot down claims of racism

James Price
Crime in the UK is disproportionately higher, and the response is completely predictable. Racism. Is there anywhere blacks go that they don't blame someone else for their problems?

I will never ever apologize for criminal black people. Why ?

Because white people don't apologize for there dcrminal class
Asian people don't aplogie for their crminal class

But blk ppl are the only race that is expected to get out thewre and apologize for the crminal eleemnt

Crime is just gonna happen in any capatalist society. Blk ppl don't commit crimes more than anyone else. We just get carged and reported more than anyone else.

Most crimes blk ppl do are economic at their root. Sort the economics out. You sort the crime out.
This is how far behind the OP is relative to knowledge about Africa. This link is to a book written in 1973 detailing the damage whites did to Africa. And that damage was still going on when he wrote the book. This was 18 years before the end of Apartheid.

Walter Rodney 1973 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

So, whitey is responsible because blacks weren't educated enough to develop their own countries. go with that.

Blacks developed their countries. Whites destablized potential growth.

Really? How? Tell us which countries the blacks developed, and specifically in which way.
James Price
My argument is that a lot of blacks are career victims who blame everything on racism and refuse to take responsibility for anything.

This coming from a white person who is claiming be to victims of black crminals, victims of blacks lowering down property values if they move in, white people in here claiming to be victims of taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,”

Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.

To tell my son he can be anything he wants to be if he tries hard enough is nice, but unless I warn him about the obstacles in his path. I’m ill-suiting him for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires. If blk ppl are led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They may overestimate the extent to which white people will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of racism can steel ourselves against stuff coming our way.

James Price
It's always someone else's fault, and it's the same fucking story everywhere they go. Not just in America. Blacks in the UK say the same shit.

And with white people it's always someone else's fault, and it's the same fucking story everywhere they go. Not just in America. White in the UK say the same shit.

Well with so many black people talking about it. Could it be that black people are not making it up ?

If I step on your foot. I remove the foot. Right ?

But imagine if blk ppl handled like whites do with racism. I'd say

"I am not stepping on your foot. You are just imagining it. You people do nothing but blame others and complain. Look at your crime rate ! But if I am stepping on your foot, then I am truly sorry, but it is not something I would ever do"

The truth is most black people are reluctant to allege racism. Most black ppl stuff their experiences with racism because white denial has long shot down claims of racism

James Price
Crime in the UK is disproportionately higher, and the response is completely predictable. Racism. Is there anywhere blacks go that they don't blame someone else for their problems?

I will never ever apologize for criminal black people. Why ?

Because white people don't apologize for there dcrminal class
Asian people don't aplogie for their crminal class

But blk ppl are the only race that is expected to get out thewre and apologize for the crminal eleemnt

Crime is just gonna happen in any capatalist society. Blk ppl don't commit crimes more than anyone else. We just get carged and reported more than anyone else.

Most crimes blk ppl do are economic at their root. Sort the economics out. You sort the crime out.

Why would you think we demand you apologize for the criminals who happen to be black?

What we would like to see is when some black gangster shoots up a black neighborhood that the neighborhood help the police to catch the asshole gangster.

Instead they are protected.

What we would like to see is when some black gangster shoots up a black neighborhood that the neighborhood help the police to catch the asshole gangster. Instead they are protected. Why?

And if a situation like happened how does that affect white people ?

Why would you think we demand you apologize for the criminals who happen to be black?

The irony of this question in reference to your first question obviously escapes you

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