Is there any country in the world that blacks...

Having Black people move into a neighborhood and home values fall is not the fault of the Black people.
Bullshit. Home values often fall because blacks generally don't take care of their neighborhoods, which is why whites often move out. Of course, that's not the only reason. A lot of blacks don't know how to behave. I've had more issues with black neighbors playing loud music and acting obnoxious than I ever have in areas with mostly white neighbors.
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When Black Africans won governing positions in South Africa they didn't move to destroy the White population.

Destruction of any race would be considered genocide, and you don't see that in the United States, either, but that's independent of whether those in power have racist beliefs resulting in outcomes that are unfavorable to those deemed undesirable.

Not saying there isn't racism but Black/Asian/South Asian and even in the Americas Anti-white racism doesn't seem as wide spread or a vile as White racism towards PoC.

Depends on what you're basing that on, in my opinion. This is one area where people disagree a lot.

Even in Uganda where the government implemented a great many anti-White policies, they didn't hang, burn down the towns, or put White people in prison.

Systemic racism doesn't always manifest in hangings and burning towns.

But White racism towards PoC? We're seeing all of that boil up in Britain, France, Germany and beginning to approach the violence and suppression we see in this country.

There's definitely a gulf between the way some people perceive racism towards people of color and the way it's perceived toward whites. The problem is, it's extremely difficult to have discussions about those differences and come to an understanding. But that's exactly what needs to happen. We need to be able to sit down and discuss the differences in a diplomatic way without becoming violent or confrontational.
Equivocation is not helpful.

The discrimination of Whites toward PoC is historic, its effects devastating, and the long term results? Often genocidal.

You will not find in history:
PoC that purposely gave Whites blankets infected with deadly diseases;
PoC conducting STD experiments on unsuspecting Whites;
PoC killing Whites for trying to vote and so on and on and on ad infinitum.

Generally, when I hear a White person complain about discrimination, their complaint is centered on some PoC receiving the same opportunities as White people.

If you'd like to present a list of White discrimination grievances I'll listen.

Everyone on some level is a bigot. And within that group every racial group has its racists.
I accept that not all White people are racists but I do not accept that they are not Bigots
I'm a bigot, you're a bigot, he's a bigot and so forth. But, those denying their bigotry are in actuality, closet racists.
Being a bigot doesn't make one a bad person. Just uninformed.
If one cannot acknowledge those thoughts then one is unable to control the actions that follow.
Until we, as a people, can recognize our own bigotry any discussion actually brings more heat that cool.

Having Black people move into a neighborhood and home values fall is not the fault of the Black people.
It is the fault of the racism some bigots act on in not wanting to live near PoC that causes a reduction in demand and subsequent value loss..

An Aside
I live in Mount Lebanon, a Pittsburgh suburb, when news broke that Muhammad Ali (yeah that one) was considering buying a house there. Personally I thought it was fantastic but I was shocked to see the number of people who threatened to move if that "Ni****" moved in. I listened to the objections, I'd heard them all before and used them on occasion, but it confused me. I mean, Ali moves in, other famous athletes move in, rich hanger onners move in, then new business to serve the new money...We could have been Windmere North!

In any case, to sit down fruitfully, both sides need to recognize the righteousness of the other's position but, if White people cannot move off of the White race victimhood thing then I don't see PoC slowing in their demands for egalitarian treatment by government fiat.
DemoKKKrats have ALWAYS ben racist. Funny thing is Ali was against mixed marriage and anything that led to harmony between the races AT THAT TIME.

it's 2021.
If you want to live in 1965 I suggest you get a job with Disney at one of their old-timey displays.
Ali at the time was the most well known and popular athlete in the world.
He was more popular than any politician, movie or TV star and his popularity was global.

White people whose property values would have skyrocketed decided that having one of THEM in the hood wasn't worth the profit.
When Black Africans won governing positions in South Africa they didn't move to destroy the White population.

Destruction of any race would be considered genocide, and you don't see that in the United States, either, but that's independent of whether those in power have racist beliefs resulting in outcomes that are unfavorable to those deemed undesirable.

Not saying there isn't racism but Black/Asian/South Asian and even in the Americas Anti-white racism doesn't seem as wide spread or a vile as White racism towards PoC.

Depends on what you're basing that on, in my opinion. This is one area where people disagree a lot.

Even in Uganda where the government implemented a great many anti-White policies, they didn't hang, burn down the towns, or put White people in prison.

Systemic racism doesn't always manifest in hangings and burning towns.

But White racism towards PoC? We're seeing all of that boil up in Britain, France, Germany and beginning to approach the violence and suppression we see in this country.

There's definitely a gulf between the way some people perceive racism towards people of color and the way it's perceived toward whites. The problem is, it's extremely difficult to have discussions about those differences and come to an understanding. But that's exactly what needs to happen. We need to be able to sit down and discuss the differences in a diplomatic way without becoming violent or confrontational.
Equivocation is not helpful.

The discrimination of Whites toward PoC is historic, its effects devastating, and the long term results? Often genocidal.

You will not find in history:
PoC that purposely gave Whites blankets infected with deadly diseases;
PoC conducting STD experiments on unsuspecting Whites;
PoC killing Whites for trying to vote and so on and on and on ad infinitum.

Generally, when I hear a White person complain about discrimination, their complaint is centered on some PoC receiving the same opportunities as White people.

If you'd like to present a list of White discrimination grievances I'll listen.

Everyone on some level is a bigot. And within that group every racial group has its racists.
I accept that not all White people are racists but I do not accept that they are not Bigots
I'm a bigot, you're a bigot, he's a bigot and so forth. But, those denying their bigotry are in actuality, closet racists.
Being a bigot doesn't make one a bad person. Just uninformed.
If one cannot acknowledge those thoughts then one is unable to control the actions that follow.
Until we, as a people, can recognize our own bigotry any discussion actually brings more heat that cool.

Having Black people move into a neighborhood and home values fall is not the fault of the Black people.
It is the fault of the racism some bigots act on in not wanting to live near PoC that causes a reduction in demand and subsequent value loss..

An Aside
I live in Mount Lebanon, a Pittsburgh suburb, when news broke that Muhammad Ali (yeah that one) was considering buying a house there. Personally I thought it was fantastic but I was shocked to see the number of people who threatened to move if that "Ni****" moved in. I listened to the objections, I'd heard them all before and used them on occasion, but it confused me. I mean, Ali moves in, other famous athletes move in, rich hanger onners move in, then new business to serve the new money...We could have been Windmere North!

In any case, to sit down fruitfully, both sides need to recognize the righteousness of the other's position but, if White people cannot move off of the White race victimhood thing then I don't see PoC slowing in their demands for egalitarian treatment by government fiat.
DemoKKKrats have ALWAYS ben racist. Funny thing is Ali was against mixed marriage and anything that led to harmony between the races AT THAT TIME.

it's 2021.
If you want to live in 1965 I suggest you get a job with Disney at one of their old-timey displays.
Ali at the time was the most well known and popular athlete in the world.
He was more popular than any politician, movie or TV star and his popularity was global.

White people whose property values would have skyrocketed decided that having one of THEM in the hood wasn't worth the profit.

It's 2021 and you're referencing a response to Muhammad Ali moving into a neighborhood in the '60s while suggesting I'm the one living in 1965? Can you provide an example from this century?
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Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. I've wrestled with alligators. I've tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning, and throw thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick; I'm so mean I make medicine sick. You know I'm bad.
Yes, check out African nations.
Ok, i did that. Now what?

You will not find in history:
PoC that purposely gave Whites blankets infected with deadly diseases;
PoC conducting STD experiments on unsuspecting Whites;
PoC killing Whites for trying to vote and so on and on and on ad infinitum.

You may not find those specific examples, though whites have, at times(not systemically in the U.S. mind you), certainly been victims of violence and murder based solely on their race. I would contend that any group that has predominant governmental power and harbors racist beliefs toward a group or groups will likely either target them in some capacity or display a lack of empathy toward them, whether it's blacks, Jews, Asians, or potentially even whites. But at the end of the day, I simply don't believe power in and of itself is the problem. It's the coupling of power with racist beliefs.

Everyone on some level is a bigot. And within that group every racial group has its racists. I accept that not all White people are racists but I do not accept that they are not Bigots.

Definitionally, a bigot is someone who's adamantly devoted to their opinions and prejudices. The term can apply to any opinion, not just opinions about race, so it's possible to be a bigot and not be racist. Of course, if everyone is a bigot on some level and everyone belongs to a race, then it naturally follows that every person of every race is a bigot on some level.

Having Black people move into a neighborhood and home values fall is not the fault of the Black people. It is the fault of the racism some bigots act on in not wanting to live near PoC that causes a reduction in demand and subsequent value loss.

Personally, assuming that the maintenance and upkeep are maintained, I can't say that I've seen home values fall solely and exclusively in the last 15 or more years specifically because whites moved out of a neighborhood. Granted, that may have been the case a number of years ago, but not in recent years. That's just my experience, though.

In any case, to sit down fruitfully, both sides need to recognize the righteousness of the other's position but, if White people cannot move off of the White race victimhood thing then I don't see PoC slowing in their demands for egalitarian treatment by government fiat.

I think it's important for both sides to truly listen and try to understand. Racial issues will never be resolved until people can come to an understanding, and an understanding means just that. People often hear a lot of things that, on first listen, they vehemently disagree with, but the minute insults and attacks are exchanged, communication breaks down. It's absolutely vital for people of any race, including whites, to be able to air their feelings about racial issues without being attacked. It's important for people not just to be heard, but to feel heard. That's the only way we, as a society, are going to be able to move forward.
1. Please, I'd be interest in hearing the historical equivalences of the Talladega Experiments, or killing whites for trying to vote simply because they were white.

2. IF it doesn't happen then why do so many White people bring up the property value discussion?

3. Uh huh. Look back up at your responses. In this discussion you've not been willing to move beyond equivocating the "horrible" treatment of Whites at the hands of PoC to 400 years of slavery and the genocide of Native Americans and the equivalence is simply not present.

When people claim the murder of a Black man at the hands of Law Enforcement is OK because some other Black man killed some other White man in a robbery. That the murder of an innocent Black man is justified because 5 years ago he committed the crime of selling cigarettes' on the street.

When the demand that LEO stop killing Black people is met with arguments about supporting police?

Where in that world do you find common ground to talk?
The "QUESTION" poses false equivalences.

PoC should NEVER object to the obvious racism pervasive in this country.
Other places are worse
This is a straw man argument based on your own prejudices.

Do you believe America is the most racist country in the world?
don't know.
Only been to Only been to around a dozen countries

Do you believe there is no racism in America?
If so, why?
If you do believe there is racism in America are you willing to accept that fact without trying to change it?
If so...
Whatcha gonna do in a few years when White people are on the short end of that stick?
He said systematic racism not “no racism” learn to read caddokid. If the system is racist there would be different laws for blacks, whites, Jews, etc. Yet we all have the same legal rights. Hmmmmm…..

The same, huh


Peaceful Black protesters met with a military response.
Violent White protesters met with basically some bicycle cops.

EXACTLY the same.
Having Black people move into a neighborhood and home values fall is not the fault of the Black people.
Bullshit. Home values often fall because blacks generally don't take care of their neighborhoods, which is why whites often move out. Of course, that's not the only reason. A lot of blacks don't know how to behave. I've had more issues with black neighbors playing loud music and acting obnoxious than I ever have in areas with mostly white neighbors.
Thank You.
Exactly as predicted.

Ever been by Tiger Woods' house?
How about Barrack Obama's?

Ever driven the backroads of Eastern KY, WV?
White people, living in tarpaper shacks whose idea of "recycling" is to throw the trash down the mountain.

Methinks your bigotry is showing.
The "QUESTION" poses false equivalences.

PoC should NEVER object to the obvious racism pervasive in this country.
Other places are worse
This is a straw man argument based on your own prejudices.

Do you believe America is the most racist country in the world?
don't know.
Only been to Only been to around a dozen countries

Do you believe there is no racism in America?
If so, why?
If you do believe there is racism in America are you willing to accept that fact without trying to change it?
If so...
Whatcha gonna do in a few years when White people are on the short end of that stick?
He said systematic racism not “no racism” learn to read caddokid. If the system is racist there would be different laws for blacks, whites, Jews, etc. Yet we all have the same legal rights. Hmmmmm…..

View attachment 499293The same, huh

View attachment 499294

Peaceful Black protesters met with a military response.
Violent White protesters met with basically some bicycle cops.

EXACTLY the same.
They weren’t peaceful, caddo kid
James Price
Bullshit. Home values often fall because blacks generally don't take care of their neighborhoods,

All black neigbourhoods are contriolled by white people.

That's why City services are way worse in black areas. Things like trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair but, most of all, schools and police protection. Those things are beyond the control of the ghetto.

The police are not interested in protecting the lives and property of poor black people. Not as interested as they are in protecting rich white people or even not-all-that-rich white people. They will even protect white foreigners over black Americans.

When you see buildings and houses falling apart what you do not know that it is hard to get a bank loan or insurance for property in a place like that. Because the banks and insurance companies redline black areas, refusing to put much money there. You might think they are just being hardheaded businessmen. That would be understandable. But no, it goes beyond that into racism.

Government policies after the Second World War made it easier to get money to build a house in the suburbs than to repair an old house in the city. That is part of why so much of America’s cities began to fall apart. And that was just when blacks began moving to the big cities like New York and Chicago in huge numbers. And just when most whites left those cities – white flight.
1. Please, I'd be interest in hearing the historical equivalences of the Talladega Experiments, or killing whites for trying to vote simply because they were white.
I didn't say there is one. Does that mean racist beliefs that result in violence toward whites are acceptable?

2. IF it doesn't happen then why do so many White people bring up the property value discussion?
I never said it doesn't happen. I said I haven't seen home values fall solely and exclusively in the last 15 or more years specifically because whites moved out.

3. Uh huh. Look back up at your responses. In this discussion you've not been willing to move beyond equivocating the "horrible" treatment of Whites at the hands of PoC to 400 years of slavery and the genocide of Native Americans and the equivalence is simply not present.

I've never equivocated any such thing. I specifically stated, "whites have, at times(not systemically in the U.S. mind you), certainly been victims of violence and murder based solely on their race."

When people claim the murder of a Black man at the hands of Law Enforcement is OK because some other Black man killed some other White man in a robbery.
I've never heard that claim, but with the advent of the internet, it's not difficult to run across all sorts of irrational claims.

That the murder of an innocent Black man is justified because 5 years ago he committed the crime of selling cigarettes' on the street.
I've never heard that claim, either, but if I did, I wouldn't consider it rational.

When the demand that LEO stop killing Black people is met with arguments about supporting police? Where in that world do you find common ground to talk?
There's no one-size-fits-all answer. I have little interest in debating anyone who engages in insults and/or ad hominem, because that type of interaction is self-defeating and goes nowhere. But if someone wants to have a serious, thoughtful debate, I'm willing to listen, try to understand, and reason things through.
All black neigbourhoods are contriolled by white people.
Black people can mow their yard, paint their house, and maintain its general appearance by not parking their fucking car(s) in their yard and/or keeping their lawn clean. Even if you can't fix the roads or your roof, you can try to take care of the shit you've got to the best of your ability.

When you see buildings and houses falling apart what you do not know that it is hard to get a bank loan or insurance for property in a place like that. Because the banks and insurance companies redline black areas, refusing to put much money there. You might think they are just being hardheaded businessmen. That would be understandable. But no, it goes beyond that into racism.
Yet, the same people that can't get a loan can afford things like an iPhone and Cadillac.
James Price
Black people can mow their yard, paint their house, and maintain its general appearance by not parking their fucking car(s) in their yard and/or keeping their lawn clean. Even if you can't fix the roads or your roof, you can try to take care of the shit you've got to the best of your ability.

Yesh you cracked it buddy. All blk ppl have to do to end racism is all mow our lawns keeping it nice and neat and paint all our houses lol

What is it with white people and your obsession with cutting the grass ? Lawns were originally grazing spaces for ones' livestock. Lawns oroducing no food, and feed no livestock.

Racism is nothing do with what black people.

Barack Obama was everything white people said blk ppl should be. I'm pretty sure his lawns are perfect. He was smart, succesful, educated, obeyed the law, had no kids out of wedlock, no sagging pants, spoke in a way that was acceptable to whites, raised his kids, looked after his family, loved his wife, never cheated on his wife, not on welfare and say what ever about his presidency or polices but Obama personally ?

There was not 1% of scandal on that guy.

Now did that stop him from him from getting racism ?


So lets cut the crap.
Yesh you cracked it buddy. All blk ppl have to do to end racism all of mow our lawns keeping it nice and neat and paint our house.

No one was talking about ending racism. We were talking about why homes generally lose value when blacks move into a neighborhood. Same old bullshit, though; racism is the reason blacks are never responsible for anything.

What is it with white people and your obsession with cutting the grass ? Lawns were originally grazing spaces for ones' livestock.

If you're raising cattle or growing food in the ghetto, fine. Otherwise...

Racism is nothing do with what black people.

Barack Obama was everything white people said blk ppl should be. I'm pretty sure his lawns are perfect. He was smart, succesful, educated, obeyed the law, had no kids out of wedlock, no sagging pants, spoke in a way that was acceptable to whites, raised his kids, looked after his family, loved his wife, never cheated on his wife, not on welfare and say what ever about his presidency or polices but Obama personally ?

There was not 1% of scandal on that guy.

Now did that stop him from him from getting racism?

I liked Barrack Obama. I didn't agree with his policies, but I could've hung out with the guy. He was well spoken, eloquent, intelligent, and had a really likeable personality. I don't give a shit what color he was.

Having said that, there will always be people who don't like you for whatever reason, whether it's your skin color, height, facial characteristics, hair (or lack thereof), body type, how you talk, etc. You have about as much of a chance of stamping out discrimination based on skin color as you do any other characteristic I mentioned.

You think just because you're white that other whites roll out the red carpet for you or treat you like royalty? Give me a break. White people discriminate against other white people all the fucking time. Fuck, I've met white chicks who wouldn't give me the time of day specifically because of my skin color. They only dated Mexicans and blacks. But this idea that if you're white you have it so easy is completely disconnected from reality. If you're black and disagree, how the fuck would you know?
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James Price
No one was talking about ending racism.

That's what I'm talking about as if mowing a lawn and painting a house will solbve racism

James Price
We were talking about why homes generally lose value when blacks move into a neighborhood.

Raciam is like money. A $100 dollar bill have zero value. It's piece of paper. It's just that every agrees that it has value and acts accordingly. Thus white people AGREE that prices will lower if blacks move in act accordingly but that says NOTHING about the black people moving in. That's to do with white people and their racism.

And it's not that black people want to live around white people because there is anything special about them.

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

White people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

James Price
Same old bullshit, though; racism is the reason blacks are never responsible for anything.

The problem is you view personal responsibility as a one way street. "They need to clean up their act, but we or I don’t need to do anything"

You don't spend time dealing with your own racism the racism which only u have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.

But I'm to believe that ppl like you would be able to fairly evaluate black job applicants, or potential tenants, or loan applicants ? That somehow the B.S you spout here would play no role ?
You're saying Blacks should be ok with being gunned down for being Black
No, I'm asking a remedially simple question. If you believe the United States is as systemically racist and disadvantageous to the success of blacks as many black Americans seem to believe it is, then can you name a country that you believe is less systemically racist and more conducive to their success? Can you name a country that you believe blacks would be better off living in? Or is there no place on Earth that you feel is conducive to the success and well-being of black Americans?
THAT is exactly what you're saying.
Black people should be OK with the blatant racism in this country because the money's good.

Let me turn it around...

Would you be OK if the situation were 100% reversed?
You and your family risk death from the police just for walking in your neighborhood.
Would you be OK with that or would you be fighting to change it?
You and your family risk death from police? What the hell type of crimes are you and your family committing?
Give me a break. White people discriminate against other white people all the fucking time. Fuck, I've met white chicks who wouldn't give me the time of day specifically because of my skin color. They only dated Mexicans and blacks.
They most likely objected to that racism you wear on your sleeve far more than your skin color.
That's what I'm talking about as if mowing a lawn and painting a house will solbve racism

Total straw man. I never said it would solve racism, but it might improve property values.

Raciam is like money. A $100 dollar bill have zero value. It's piece of paper. It's just that every agrees that it has value and acts accordingly. Thus white people AGREE that prices will lower if blacks move in act accordingly but that says NOTHING about the black people moving in. That's to do with white people and their racism.

Show me a neighborhood in a white community where the property values dropped after blacks moved in but the appearance remained exactly the same, then we'll talk about racism as the cause.

White people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

If you're white and broke and/or your credit sucks, you ain't getting a loan or a mortgage.

The problem is you view personal responsibility as a one way street. "They need to clean up their act, but we or I don’t need to do anything"

It's not my responsibility to take care of your shit, and white people generally understand that about each other. If you don't take care of your house or your yard, it's not racism that lowered your property value.

You don't spend time dealing with your own racism the racism which only u have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.

There are laws against discrimination, and if you can prove someone's discriminating then take them to court. I'm not a fucking social worker, and you can call me racist all day long. The term means absolutely nothing anymore because people like you sling it around like it's a ponytail.

But I'm to believe that ppl like you would be able to fairly evaluate black job applicants, or potential tenants, or loan applicants ? That somehow the B.S you spout here would play no role ?

I don't give a shit what you believe about my ability to be fair. I don't have anything to prove to you. I know myself and how I feel.
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