Is there any historical blame in Whites for Black behavior?

Yes, we can blame the whites for blacks behavior.
Can we blame whites bad behavior on the blacks for enslaving them?
Can we blame whites, blacks and Asians bad behavior on the muslims?
Can we blame white bad behavior on white enslavers?
Can we blame blacks bad behavior on their leaders for selling them for a bucket of oranges?

Slavery has been around for many millenniums. Every race has been enslaved and every race has enslaved. American blacks like to act like they are the only oppressed people in the world. There are tens of millions on slaves around RIGHT NOW. Why don't you get out of the past and focus on the present?
Take some responsibility, educate yourself and move on.

Agree, lots of people bear scars from past generations. It's just that they are not so Obvious as what the OP is talking about. and yes thats right there are still actual slaves in the world, it's just unofficial in these countries who deny it. Maybe its time for the rest of the world to help those people who are pretty much forgotten and really have no life. At least American blacks have the opportunity to have a family and make a life for that family that can be better than the majority of the worlds population.
I am a Black man and I notice that my anger has prejudice. A Black person can insult me, and if a White person insults me with the same insult, the wound is much greater in my consciousness. Ingrained historical resentment.
If you train a dog and it bites someone , your responsible. Hey you went and got Blacks and shipped them over here; you trained them. Yet you think when they bite its not your fault? You think when they got angry for seeing their women raped and beaten, for centuries, that they would not hold a grudge. You think keeping us from learning knowledge for hundreds of years, was not your fault.

Good grief!
If you train a dog and it bites someone , your responsible. Hey you went and got Blacks and shipped them over here; you trained them. Yet you think when they bite its not your fault? You think when they got angry for seeing their women raped and beaten, for centuries, that they would not hold a grudge. You think keeping us from learning knowledge for hundreds of years, was not your fault.

Good grief!
Blacks have it so bad here that none of them want to go back to Africa. Blacks of today should thank their lucky stars that their ancestors went through what they went through so that today's US blacks aren't in Africa.
And just to say, a lot of black slaves were captured and sold to white people by other blacks.
If you train a dog and it bites someone , your responsible. Hey you went and got Blacks and shipped them over here; you trained them. Yet you think when they bite its not your fault? You think when they got angry for seeing their women raped and beaten, for centuries, that they would not hold a grudge. You think keeping us from learning knowledge for hundreds of years, was not your fault.

Good grief!
Blacks are dogs. Thanks for clearing that up.
You think keeping us from learning knowledge for hundreds of years, was not your fault.
Do you really believe Africans would have advanced technologically the least little bit without living in a white man's world? They would still be hunter/gatherers living in grass huts and living to the ripe old age of 35.
Blame the democrats. Blacks were well on their way to success, until the democrats "helped" them.
Well I don't see how the blame can be avoided. Blacks were shipped to America in the great slave trade days; by the thousands a whole race and culture were moved entirely from their lands and conscious awareness. Consciousness is human behavior , so the consciousness of Black people was systematically changed over their years here ; this was now their new lives. To serve the needs of the White man. I submit that this is the origin of much of the Black mans anger and " Learning curve."

And I submit we have made much progress , we are learning to live under the White mans foot, ( or pressure.). Or conscious influence. The White man developed and maintain a system designed to give him advantage and to subjugate the mentality of unknowing men, women and children. And I submit that kind of rape of a consciousness of a people, will take far longer than 500 years to overcome. What Blacks were rooted in , created a HIGH level of distain for the people who planted them into this historical processing mud.

Many angry Black men today, don't even realize all the layers of this history that exist in their very cellular consciousness. And neither do many Whites. History is not an " Excuse"; when history wounds a race , that wound is real. I mean one can remove a knife, the wound it made may heal pretty good on the surface, but inside of the body, damaged tissue still exist.

So, all of black problems are whity's fault, got it.

Well I don't see how the blame can be avoided. Blacks were shipped to America in the great slave trade days; by the thousands a whole race and culture were moved entirely from their lands and conscious awareness. Consciousness is human behavior , so the consciousness of Black people was systematically changed over their years here ; this was now their new lives. To serve the needs of the White man. I submit that this is the origin of much of the Black mans anger and " Learning curve."

And I submit we have made much progress , we are learning to live under the White mans foot, ( or pressure.). Or conscious influence. The White man developed and maintain a system designed to give him advantage and to subjugate the mentality of unknowing men, women and children. And I submit that kind of rape of a consciousness of a people, will take far longer than 500 years to overcome. What Blacks were rooted in , created a HIGH level of distain for the people who planted them into this historical processing mud.

Many angry Black men today, don't even realize all the layers of this history that exist in their very cellular consciousness. And neither do many Whites. History is not an " Excuse"; when history wounds a race , that wound is real. I mean one can remove a knife, the wound it made may heal pretty good on the surface, but inside of the body, damaged tissue still exist.
Is it possible for you to have a greater external locus of control than you already do?
I am a Black man and I notice that my anger has prejudice. A Black person can insult me, and if a White person insults me with the same insult, the wound is much greater in my consciousness. Ingrained historical resentment.
No wonder you gave MLK a hall pass for being a Christian. It is only white Christians that you hate. Man, you are the biggest racist here.
If we would have picked our own damn cotton we wouldn´t have the negro problem that we have today.
Whites were too weak to do that. You wouldnt even be alive had you done something like that.

hey Sambo,

who were the slaves and who were the masters?
Hey cave chimp. I already told you to stop calling me your friend.

Who were the weak ones that died trying to pick cotton?
If we would have picked our own damn cotton we wouldn´t have the negro problem that we have today.
Whites were too weak to do that. You wouldnt even be alive had you done something like that.

hey Sambo,

who were the slaves and who were the masters?
Hey cave chimp. I already told you to stop calling me your friend.

Who were the weak ones that died trying to pick cotton?


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