Is there any question?

Aw, did I strike a nerve Mr. Independant? Democrats are going to viciously attack DeSantis, character assassinate him, and lie, cheat, and steal to try and defeat him...That's a fact.
Just look at what is happening to Musk right now.

The coordination between the globalists and the media is so predictable and obvious that a person would have to be downright retarded not to notice.
Aw, did I strike a nerve Mr. Independant? Democrats are going to viciously attack DeSantis, character assassinate him, and lie, cheat, and steal to try and defeat him...That's a fact.

Of course they are.

And Repubs will do the same to whomever the Dems choose.

The fact you only care about one side doing it says all anyone needs to know about you.
What fake news?

Just because Trump copyrighted that term, apparently, to his advantage this past 6 years, it does not mean that all news on Republicans, and even the Democrats is fake.

Let us all drop this stupid term. Fake!!!!????

Use True or False. Remember them?
The American president was on again. We have had three Progressive socialist presidents from the time it was made. Progs push themselves as this squeaky-clean organization of "G" rated do gooders. Solving problems that truthfully, they have made worse. And you are nothing near that. However, the voters believe that trash. Or the ones who do not put freebies and favoritism on their lists of equality. Most of the attack dog press left the Whitw House when Trump left. That was just one proof of the evil we are in. Shills and hacks.
The American president was on again. We have had three Progressive socialist presidents from the time it was made. Progs push themselves as this squeaky-clean organization of "G" rated do gooders. Solving problems that truthfully, they have made worse. And you are nothing near that. However, the voters believe that trash. Or the ones who do not put freebies and favoritism on their lists of equality. Most of the attack dog press left the Whitw House when Trump left. That was just one proof of the evil we are in. Shills and hacks.
What an endless load of horse crap.

As we in America face the reality that our election cycles never end, they just morph into one after another string of attack...

Is there any question that should DeSantis decide to run for President in '24, he will immediately, if not already now, face the same withering attacks from the left, true or not, mostly made up...

"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has become a lightning rod for frenzied, often factually-challenged attacks from Democrats and liberal journalists as he gears up for his 2022 reelection bid, amid speculation that he'll run for president in 2024.

The attacks have spawned a new term: "DeSantis Derangement Syndrome."

'DeSantis Derangement Syndrome' hits media, Dems as 2024 approaches

Democrats can't run on the truth of what they want for America, so they employ an 'any means necessary' approach to facing their opponents...If that means lie, cheat, steal, then so be it in their minds...And they have 90% of all media in this country aiding them along the way under the guise of reporting....

All we have now are lies and propaganda from one side of the political spectrum...When will American's say ENOUGH!
Trinity Of Power.jpg
Of course they are.

And Repubs will do the same to whomever the Dems choose.

The fact you only care about one side doing it says all anyone needs to know about you.
Pfft....I don't think there is a question that I am a conservative partisan...At least I am honest about it...

But, if you are saying that the republicans attack democrats with the veracity, and viscousness that democrats do, that sir is laughable...Not to mention the democrat press that dominates coverage to shape narratives regardless of truth is no where near equal on the respective sides...

But, do I care about one side over the other? Look around man...People in this nation are suffering under the mess that the democrats, and some republican's have rendered on this nation. They were handed a stable economy, with a plan to keep it so, but because they wanted to act like a child losing a board game, they flipped the table and stomped all over it....

But hey, you do you and support this crap all the way down buddy....
The two ends of the political spectrum remain amazingly similar in many of their behaviors.

Intellectual myopia being one of them.

And in their mind the two ends are all that exist. The OP lacks the basic intellect to understand that not everyone is a mindless partisan drone like himself
Aw, did I strike a nerve Mr. Independant? Democrats are going to viciously attack DeSantis, character assassinate him, and lie, cheat, and steal to try and defeat him...That's a fact.
Yeah.... welcome to politics. You going to cry about it titty baby? 😄

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