Is there anything more hypocritical than cons who hate POTUS moaning about Ukraine?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Is there anything more hypocritical than conservatives who hate their own president moaning about Obama doing a bad job bringing "democracy to Ukraine? Syria? Benghazi? I mean here they are screaming and kicking against a second term president that they hate so much, while at the same time moaning that he is not doing enough to bring American style democracy to Ukraine. do these people even KNOW that Ukraine actually HAD elections, which were much more legitimate than any recent US elections? How about we hold a referendum on a US government, do they have any idea how badly US government would lose? what then? republicans and the tea party on TV are all establishment trolls, and those who tag along with them have simply lost the remote control for their TV and follow whatever is on. This is comedy.
Is there anything more hypocritical than conservatives who hate their own president moaning about Obama doing a bad job bringing "democracy to Ukraine? Syria? Benghazi? I mean here they are screaming and kicking against a second term president that they hate so much, while at the same time moaning that he is not doing enough to bring American style democracy to Ukraine. do these people even KNOW that Ukraine actually HAD elections, which were much more legitimate than any recent US elections? How about we hold a referendum on a US government, do they have any idea how badly US government would lose? what then? republicans and the tea party on TV are all establishment trolls, and those who tag along with them have simply lost the remote control for their TV and follow whatever is on. This is comedy.

Reagan woulda blown Ukraine right out the water by now and Putin and his commie thugs with em!
No one has asked him to "bring democracy to the Ukraine". The complaints are he is showing us to be a paper tiger which means thugs like Putin can walk over everyone they want to walk over it.
No one has asked him to "bring democracy to the Ukraine". The complaints are he is showing us to be a paper tiger which means thugs like Putin can walk over everyone they want to walk over it.

did ya watch the San Diego BYU game this afternoon
Reagan woulda blown Ukraine right out the water by now and Putin and his commie thugs with em!
With his bear hands. it took him only a decade to create Al Qaeda and train Bin Aladen

Libturd propoganda. Yer public school "education" probably taught you that John Kerry tore down the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union with his fists and birthed Barack Obama miraculously in Red Square with Gorbachev on his knees looking on with awe

"Look at me! I'm wearing my helmet!!"
Is there anything more hypocritical than conservatives who hate their own president moaning about Obama doing a bad job bringing "democracy to Ukraine? Syria? Benghazi? I mean here they are screaming and kicking against a second term president that they hate so much, while at the same time moaning that he is not doing enough to bring American style democracy to Ukraine. do these people even KNOW that Ukraine actually HAD elections, which were much more legitimate than any recent US elections? How about we hold a referendum on a US government, do they have any idea how badly US government would lose? what then? republicans and the tea party on TV are all establishment trolls, and those who tag along with them have simply lost the remote control for their TV and follow whatever is on. This is comedy.

is there anything more pathetic than a liberscrewball bringing up this topic and whining about "cons" hating your muslime, mulatto asshole presidunce. :up:
Reagan woulda blown Ukraine right out the water by now and Putin and his commie thugs with em!
With his bear hands. it took him only a decade to create Al Qaeda and train Bin Aladen

Libturd propoganda. Yer public school "education" probably taught you that John Kerry tore down the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union with his fists and birthed Barack Obama miraculously in Red Square with Gorbachev on his knees looking on with awe
Berlin wall was torn down by Newt Gingrich and Sarah John McCain
With his bear hands. it took him only a decade to create Al Qaeda and train Bin Aladen

Libturd propoganda. Yer public school "education" probably taught you that John Kerry tore down the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union with his fists and birthed Barack Obama miraculously in Red Square with Gorbachev on his knees looking on with awe
Berlin wall was torn down by Newt Gingrich and Sarah John McCain

There's actually still a debate over whether Newt Gingrich's obesity would've allowed for any "tearing down" of anything but I like to believe his pure American blood gave him the strength stick it to those damn commies :thup:
The compliant with Obama is about him issuing ultimatums to dictators and despots then not following through doing this makes you irrelevant on the world stage very quickly.

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