Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.

Not a bang (a real counterargument), but another whimper. More relativist crap for which there is no defense but insults and bald denials.
Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.

Dear Justin:
Funny, I usually have no problem talking and sharing common truths with nontheists, including atheists,
because I do not treat them as hostile or see any reason to insult or reject them.

I find we can agree on universal laws and truth even if we don't agree how these came into existence,
if there is a starting point or God, or if all things are collectively the forces of God, etc.

I am sorry you are going through this,
but maybe it is necessary that you do.

After you are done being tested, and coming to peace that understanding of God is
NOT dependent on ANY of these things, maybe you will find the rest of the answers.

This path seems to be a negative dead end, so
maybe there is a better way for you to connect with others.

I pray that you and I and all others be joined closer to God through Christ or Conscience
so that we may understand greater truth and this shall set us free from all this negative strife dividing us right now.

God must be using that to bring out the areas we need to resolve issues
so that we can be made whole or perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect.
In Jesus name I pray for you MD. Boss and all others here, theists and nontheists alike
to be uplifted and filled with wisdom and understanding of God's universal laws regardless of our views.


That's because your posts don't directly challenge relativism, which I finally got after trying to discuss things from a different basis. At first I thought Rawlings basic approach from the beginning was wrong though I agreed with most of the details but now I see that he was right all along. The reason some people think we're the same guy is because we're both absolutists. The reason we agree on most things is because we both start with the same premise and try to figure out what objective logic shows. It all comes down to absolutism verses relativism or maybe it's versus materialism. I'm not sure. But either way it's what the objective facts say versus somebody's subjective opinion and the subjective opinions about the logic of God are always illogical. The real truth is that the more I think about the things we have disagreed on the more we agree because I start seeing things I didn't see before very good. That's what 's freaking people out. But they're not thinking objectively like we are, but subjectively. So does The Natural Human Being, Where Are my Keys, Abba and Peach. The subjectivist just won't let themselves see the pattern. Everyone knows that Hollie knows the seven things are logically true. All she's really saying is that she doesn't believe they are ultimately true. But the absolutists are not saying they can prove them to be ultimately true but that they are logically true and the relativists just lie or curse you out just like Boss cursed my out. Phonies.
Have you ever served time or been under indictment for stalking?
Hey, this is the TAG after party, right?

I got the perfect song/video to kick it off

Kind of remind you of someone, doesn't it?
God MUST exist, someone had to make my shit stink!

Someone had to create divine forgiveness
or humans would have blown each other off the planet by now, including you! ;-)

And me for my msgs that induce headaches as well.
And MD and Justin for either being the same person
or being two different people, whichever is worse!

love of creation, love of truth and justice
has to be greater than forces of destruction of fear and injustice
or else we wouldn't keep trying to establish truth and justice in the face of utter failure.

Something in our conscience keeps us driving toward truth and betterment in life,
so whatever "good will" that drives us by conscience, that can be seen as what God's will means.
So who made my shit stink?
Funny thing about all this

It is so easy to make an inductive argument for any religion based on the experiences of "all" the followers, from its inception to present.

However, deductive arguments are difficult to make for the most simplest of things that exist.

I think the op is running a really bad joke, IMHO.

Yeah. And all your arguments were utterly demolished precisely because they are inductively subjective.

Amrchaos the Confused: "The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, which are essentially rational or a priori in nature, which I shall call inductively derived from empirical constructs, are not necessarily true."

Rawlings: "Well, putting aside the baby talk of "inductively derived empirical constructs" for the moment . . . why would that be so, Amrchoas the Solipsist?"

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "Because these rational, a priori axioms of human cognition inside our minds, which I shall call inductively derived empirical constructs anyway because I'm an idiot, may not be ultimately true outside . . . uh, well, um, I mean, that is to say, somewhere outside our minds. Hmm. Wait a minute! I mean they're true inside my solipsist mind but they're not true . . . uh, well, um, I mean. . . . Well, you know what I mean. They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"

Rawlings: "Yep. You're out of your mind and so is your subjectively inductive argument, a little Freudian solip action, you ninny."
Funny thing about all this

It is so easy to make an inductive argument for any religion based on the experiences of "all" the followers, from its inception to present.

However, deductive arguments are difficult to make for the most simplest of things that exist.

I think the op is running a really bad joke, IMHO.

Yeah. And all your arguments were utterly demolished precisely because they are inductively subjective.

Amrchaos the Confused: "The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, which are essentially rational or a priori in nature, which I shall call inductively derived from empirical constructs, are not necessarily true."

Rawlings: "Well, putting aside the baby talk of "inductively derived empirical constructs" for the moment . . . why would that be so, Amrchoas the Solipsist?"

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "Because these rational, a priori axioms of human cognition inside our minds, which I shall call inductively derived empirical constructs anyway because I'm an idiot, may not be ultimately true outside . . . uh, well, um, I mean, that is to say, somewhere outside our minds. Hmm. Wait a minute! I mean they're true inside my solipsist mind but they're not true . . . uh, well, um, I mean. . . . Well, you know what I mean. They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"

Rawlings: "Yep. You're out of your mind and so is your subjectively inductive argument, a little Freudian solip action, you ninny."

Nailed it!

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"

Hey, this is the TAG after party, right?

I got the perfect song/video to kick it off

Kind of remind you of someone, doesn't it?

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"

Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.

I love watching you guys fight. LOL
Funny thing about all this

It is so easy to make an inductive argument for any religion based on the experiences of "all" the followers, from its inception to present.

However, deductive arguments are difficult to make for the most simplest of things that exist.

I think the op is running a really bad joke, IMHO.

Yeah. And all your arguments were utterly demolished precisely because they are inductively subjective.

Amrchaos the Confused: "The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, which are essentially rational or a priori in nature, which I shall call inductively derived from empirical constructs, are not necessarily true."

Rawlings: "Well, putting aside the baby talk of "inductively derived empirical constructs" for the moment . . . why would that be so, Amrchoas the Solipsist?"

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "Because these rational, a priori axioms of human cognition inside our minds, which I shall call inductively derived empirical constructs anyway because I'm an idiot, may not be ultimately true outside . . . uh, well, um, I mean, that is to say, somewhere outside our minds. Hmm. Wait a minute! I mean they're true inside my solipsist mind but they're not true . . . uh, well, um, I mean. . . . Well, you know what I mean. They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"

Rawlings: "Yep. You're out of your mind and so is your subjectively inductive argument, a little Freudian solip action, you ninny."

Nailed it!

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"


Flail those Pom Poms.
Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.

Now do you see why we don't believe there is a god? Most of you theists are simply bat shit stupid/crazy.

You're probably my favorite theist on USMB and I think you are a fucking retard too don't get me wrong, but of all the dumb retarded theists you are the least dumb and retarded.

So just remember that when you say you believe in god because "we" have always believed in god. Yes Boss, idiots like Justin and MD's primitive ancient ancestors believed in god 20,000 years ago, and they argued about bullshit like "did god create logic?".

And I would agree with you. If there is a god and he created all this on purpose, of course he created logic too. But the truth is there is no god so no god created you or the logic in your head.
Funny thing about all this

It is so easy to make an inductive argument for any religion based on the experiences of "all" the followers, from its inception to present.

However, deductive arguments are difficult to make for the most simplest of things that exist.

I think the op is running a really bad joke, IMHO.

Yeah. And all your arguments were utterly demolished precisely because they are inductively subjective.

Amrchaos the Confused: "The objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin, which are essentially rational or a priori in nature, which I shall call inductively derived from empirical constructs, are not necessarily true."

Rawlings: "Well, putting aside the baby talk of "inductively derived empirical constructs" for the moment . . . why would that be so, Amrchoas the Solipsist?"

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "Because these rational, a priori axioms of human cognition inside our minds, which I shall call inductively derived empirical constructs anyway because I'm an idiot, may not be ultimately true outside . . . uh, well, um, I mean, that is to say, somewhere outside our minds. Hmm. Wait a minute! I mean they're true inside my solipsist mind but they're not true . . . uh, well, um, I mean. . . . Well, you know what I mean. They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"

Rawlings: "Yep. You're out of your mind and so is your subjectively inductive argument, a little Freudian solip action, you ninny."

Nailed it!

Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet: "They're not necessarily true somewhere else inside my mind . . . or is it outside my mind in the empirical world beyond . . . or is it outside my mind in the transcendental world beyond. . . . Wait a minute! That doesn't make sense. What do I mean? I'm so confused. Am I out of my mind?"


Yes you are.
It's because there isn't one argument for god that isn't without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation.

So you think theists have proved god exists without a shadow of a doubt with facts? Can you give me a couple examples?

No one is lying Justin. We truly don't believe in your gods. And we call you idiot and fool because that is what believing in god makes you.

It's ok to believe there is a god if you admit you don't know. But the minute you start telling us about virgin births and living in whales belly for 3 days and living to tell about it, is when we stop listening and start laughing at you. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”

There are no fatal flaws. You sure as heck haven't proved that. Atheists like you are just never real about anything. I know real atheists who are. I know real atheists who know the seven things are logically true. You guys aren't real atheists. You're just cranks making things up. Rawlings and I have showed why Amrchaos can't right about half the things he's said so many times now but he still goes on with jack that he knows can't be right. It's sick. Childish. You won't even be real about the seven things. We all know they're logically true whether God exists ultimately or not. The denial of that is just plain silly.

Fatal flaws? The fact of the reduction ad absurdum proves that can't be true all by itself. None of you believe something comes from nothing, and all of us know that science and logic don't start with things that are logically absurd. So change the subject? Babble about sins that are committed mostly by people who don't believe in God. Okay, so here's a real question for discussion while you're laughing. Why are these things bad? How do you know they're bad. There's no God, no universal truth, no universal logic, no universal anything according to the atheist. Got an answer for that? Are you able to stick with the issues? Nah.
Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.

Now do you see why we don't believe there is a god? Most of you theists are simply bat shit stupid/crazy.

You're probably my favorite theist on USMB and I think you are a fucking retard too don't get me wrong, but of all the dumb retarded theists you are the least dumb and retarded.

So just remember that when you say you believe in god because "we" have always believed in god. Yes Boss, idiots like Justin and MD's primitive ancient ancestors believed in god 20,000 years ago, and they argued about bullshit like "did god create logic?".

And I would agree with you. If there is a god and he created all this on purpose, of course he created logic too. But the truth is there is no god so no god created you or the logic in your head.

Actually, MD's argument is a pretty good one, and I don't disagree with it. Where MD fails is when he goes off the rails on the crazy train and starts applying human characteristics and attributes to God. Of course, this is where most organized religions fail as well.

You're already on record silly boob, you believe in something greater than self, you've admitted it in the past, and you tepidly admit that here. Your problem is, you don't want to openly admit that because you think it lends some kind of credibility to religious beliefs. You're anti-religion because they pose a threat to your immoral viewpoints.
Now do you see why we don't believe there is a god? Most of you theists are simply bat shit stupid/crazy.

You're probably my favorite theist on USMB and I think you are a fucking retard too don't get me wrong, but of all the dumb retarded theists you are the least dumb and retarded.

So just remember that when you say you believe in god because "we" have always believed in god. Yes Boss, idiots like Justin and MD's primitive ancient ancestors believed in god 20,000 years ago, and they argued about bullshit like "did god create logic?".

And I would agree with you. If there is a god and he created all this on purpose, of course he created logic too. But the truth is there is no god so no god created you or the logic in your head.

Issues? Arguments? Nah.
It's because there isn't one argument for god that isn't without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation.

So you think theists have proved god exists without a shadow of a doubt with facts? Can you give me a couple examples?

No one is lying Justin. We truly don't believe in your gods. And we call you idiot and fool because that is what believing in god makes you.

It's ok to believe there is a god if you admit you don't know. But the minute you start telling us about virgin births and living in whales belly for 3 days and living to tell about it, is when we stop listening and start laughing at you. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”

There are no fatal flaws. You sure as heck haven't proved that. Atheists like you are just never real about anything. I know real atheists who are. I know real atheists who know the seven things are logically true. You guys aren't real atheists. You're just cranks making things up. Rawlings and I have showed why Amrchaos can't right about half the things he's said so many times now but he still goes on with jack that he knows can't be right. It's sick. Childish. You won't even be real about the seven things. We all know they're logically true whether God exists ultimately or not. The denial of that is just plain silly.

Fatal flaws? The fact of the reduction ad absurdum proves that can't be true all by itself. None of you believe something comes from nothing, and all of us know that science and logic don't start with things that are logically absurd. So change the subject? Babble about sins that are committed mostly by people who don't believe in God. Okay, so here's a real question for discussion while you're laughing. Why are these things bad? How do you know they're bad. There's no God, no universal truth, no universal logic, no universal anything according to the atheist. Got an answer for that? Are you able to stick with the issues? Nah.

How are they real atheists and agree the 7 things are real? If that's possible, ok fine the 7 things are real. So what then?

Oh, and you are wrong. Why? Because the fact is, something can come from nothing and we are able to observe it in the form of virtual particles and quantum vacuum fluctuations. They explain why the early universe lacked uniformity and provided the seeds for the emergence of structure. These quantum phenomena are also causeless in the sense that they are objectively and irreducibly random, a fact confirmed by tests of non-local realism and Bell’s Theorem.

So then normally a theist comeback would be to say “God is outside of time”. This claim does not make your speculation correct. Instead, it brings with it a whole host of problems and may be immediately dismissed as being without basis and a type fallacy known as special pleading.

See? Fatal flaws.
Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.

Now do you see why we don't believe there is a god? Most of you theists are simply bat shit stupid/crazy.

You're probably my favorite theist on USMB and I think you are a fucking retard too don't get me wrong, but of all the dumb retarded theists you are the least dumb and retarded.

So just remember that when you say you believe in god because "we" have always believed in god. Yes Boss, idiots like Justin and MD's primitive ancient ancestors believed in god 20,000 years ago, and they argued about bullshit like "did god create logic?".

And I would agree with you. If there is a god and he created all this on purpose, of course he created logic too. But the truth is there is no god so no god created you or the logic in your head.

Actually, MD's argument is a pretty good one, and I don't disagree with it. Where MD fails is when he goes off the rails on the crazy train and starts applying human characteristics and attributes to God. Of course, this is where most organized religions fail as well.

You're already on record silly boob, you believe in something greater than self, you've admitted it in the past, and you tepidly admit that here. Your problem is, you don't want to openly admit that because you think it lends some kind of credibility to religious beliefs. You're anti-religion because they pose a threat to your immoral viewpoints.

I believe in "something"? Sure. I just don't know what it is yet. You think you know. You don't.
Now do you see why we don't believe there is a god? Most of you theists are simply bat shit stupid/crazy.

You're probably my favorite theist on USMB and I think you are a fucking retard too don't get me wrong, but of all the dumb retarded theists you are the least dumb and retarded.

So just remember that when you say you believe in god because "we" have always believed in god. Yes Boss, idiots like Justin and MD's primitive ancient ancestors believed in god 20,000 years ago, and they argued about bullshit like "did god create logic?".

And I would agree with you. If there is a god and he created all this on purpose, of course he created logic too. But the truth is there is no god so no god created you or the logic in your head.

Issues? Arguments? Nah.

You guys made up already?
Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.

Now do you see why we don't believe there is a god? Most of you theists are simply bat shit stupid/crazy.

You're probably my favorite theist on USMB and I think you are a fucking retard too don't get me wrong, but of all the dumb retarded theists you are the least dumb and retarded.

So just remember that when you say you believe in god because "we" have always believed in god. Yes Boss, idiots like Justin and MD's primitive ancient ancestors believed in god 20,000 years ago, and they argued about bullshit like "did god create logic?".

And I would agree with you. If there is a god and he created all this on purpose, of course he created logic too. But the truth is there is no god so no god created you or the logic in your head.

Actually, MD's argument is a pretty good one, and I don't disagree with it. Where MD fails is when he goes off the rails on the crazy train and starts applying human characteristics and attributes to God. Of course, this is where most organized religions fail as well.

You're already on record silly boob, you believe in something greater than self, you've admitted it in the past, and you tepidly admit that here. Your problem is, you don't want to openly admit that because you think it lends some kind of credibility to religious beliefs. You're anti-religion because they pose a threat to your immoral viewpoints.

You go off the train. The vast majority of theists in the world believe that God does have sentience, just like logic proves. God didn't create logic because God created everything! Moonbat crazy. Boss in the gap. You're arguing just like the atheist flakes now.

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