Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?

But it's way more fun to consider them one person, and also keeps things more organized and concise. All in all, it enhances my quality of life 0.000000001367%, which is closer to zero than one but still, it's NOT zero. I may even have a party in its honor!

If we don't respect and treat people as individuals,
how can we ask them not to lump us all together and dismiss us collectively?

We need to stop this business of labeling for convenience.

Especially if Boss is trying to distinguish God as Creator from God as Logic naturally existing.

How can we ask others to make a distinction that is more convenient for us,
when we refuse to distinguish them from something or someone else we are lumping together?

I told you a long time ago, Emily.

I don't take this as seriously as you do. This is a flippant internet conversation to pass time while I also handle my business. It cuts it up a bit. In real life, these conversations would never devolve like this such as they have, not in the circles of people that I keep around.

I lost respect for justin and md long ago, when I saw that their tactics of discussion were grimy.

I consider them vile, as humans. I don't want to respect them. And I'm even the re-conciliatory kind of guy, I give people chances because I'm pretty nice. For that reason, it's even MORE egregious when someone crosses my line of disrespect.

So, to bring the point home for you: I have zero reason or want or necessity to respect these vile creatures.

I respect you though. We disagree in terms of spiritualism, and can still get along like peanut butter and jelly. That's because we are nice people.

These gentlemen called you names, as well. And YOU DEFINITELY did not start that level of disrespect with them. Remember that, when they think they can talk past or down to you, and pretend that you need a babysitter telling you who and who not to trust and things like that. The blatant disrespect cannot be reeled in, their egos are to the moon, alice.

Dear me!

GT, no wonder they lash out and have no respect
if the sentiment is mutual.

I just know that where I treat people with respect,
they do the same, or try to.

how are we going to carve out any civility in the world
if we treat each other as trash?

It makes sense to me if we want to make the world a better place,
the only things we can change are the relations in our range.

If we don't even clean up the garbage there, where we can do something about it,
what hope is there for the rest of the world to clean up messes going on?

Just my understanding of think globally, act locally.
Whatever we do to correct error and restore good faith relations locally
you multiply that by 1000 and you get an exponential impact on the world.

You don't have to believe in the 100th monkey syndrome, or 6 degrees of separation.
Even young kids get the idea of the ripple effect, that if you do one nice thing to
make things better, then the positive love and energy passes forward.

here is a whole nonprofit group doing outreach based on that concept:
Rachel s Challenge
If just one student can have this much impact, think of what the rest of us can do!

I think, from what I remember reading, he was just saying "he/we don't have time for all that shit". We come here to vent a little. If you want to effectively communicate, stop whatever yoga mentality bullshit you are trying to put on us. No one is buying in yet I see you reaching out to everyone the same way. It's not effective. Try something new. Or put it in plain terms. If we are bitching about abortion, we already know the other sides position on it. We disagree. And it is the other side that doesn't want to focus on the real problems, which is how can we reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. Why don't they want to talk about the solutions? Because they involve rubbers and birth control and sex ed in school. Even covering contraception as part of your healthcare coverage. They don't understand that it's important. Why? Because their god tells them his way or the highway.

What a load of baloney. I've looked at the other threads. The tactic of atheists like you, GT, Hollie, Jake and Jones and a whole lot of others I noticed is to personally attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, shut down discussion, ruin the thread. Most of the threads stop within a page or maybe two pages, because everybody leaves once you punks start. I even saw another thread that Rawlings started. GT, Hollie, Jake, you jump into with insults right off the bat, just like you did here. All the theists left and the OP ended. I can quote you guys from other threads. GT's first post on this thread was to call the theist he was talking to an idiot. Told him to shut up. What's happening here is you guys ain't running the show. And you are a liar seallybobo. Your arguments have been blown to pieces every time, not by yoga but by hard cold, logical facts. What you don't like is getting drubbed by theists who aren't backing down this time, letting you punks run the show or end discussion. And all you phony subjectivist theists who play the same games that atheists do, like Foxfyre, can go hang too. In fact, this is crap that always happens on the other threads. The theists try to stick to the arguments and all you arguments are this same personal crap. You don't have anything but attacking the man arguments, you bunch of phonies.

It's because there isn't one argument for god that isn't without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation.

So you think theists have proved god exists without a shadow of a doubt with facts? Can you give me a couple examples?

No one is lying Justin. We truly don't believe in your gods. And we call you idiot and fool because that is what believing in god makes you.

It's ok to believe there is a god if you admit you don't know. But the minute you start telling us about virgin births and living in whales belly for 3 days and living to tell about it, is when we stop listening and start laughing at you. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”
Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.

Dear Justin:
When I was nice to Hollie and GT, I was unconditional.
They responded very civilly.

When you and M.D. react, you seem to very conditional in your acceptance and rejection.
So maybe that is your lesson to learn here.

If the CONDITIONS by which you accepted to be civil towards Hollie and GT
were not met, then this turned hostile into namecalling and accusing people of lying.

If this way of projecting expectations onto others isn't working,
I hope this means to let go of that approach, and try a different way that
might succeed in getting points made that we can agree upon.

I would much rather we all succeed, than any of us fail.
We each have special points to offer if we could listen and bring out those insights to help us all.
Sealybobo said:
It's because there isn't one argument for god that isn't without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation.

So you think theists have proved god exists without a shadow of a doubt with facts? Can you give me a couple examples?

No one is lying Justin. We truly don't believe in your gods. And we call you idiot and fool because that is what believing in god makes you.

It's ok to believe there is a god if you admit you don't know. But the minute you start telling us about virgin births and living in whales belly for 3 days and living to tell about it, is when we stop listening and start laughing at you. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”

Dear Sealybobo:
I think this is a very honest straightforward explanation.

May I also add that for my atheist friends who have SEEN proof
of spiritual healing and abundant grace as natural processes in life,
they still do not personify God and Christ and do not convert just
because they understand these things are real.

So the same message in Christianity can be shared universally
even with nontheists or atheists, and it doesn't mean everyone has to convert to Christian.

People can remain secular and still work with the same process
of forgiveness and spiritual healing as represented in the Bible.
The atheists and nontheists may remain as they are and just add this knowledge
and understanding to what they already use in life.

There is no need for conflict or combat between theists and nontheists, Christians or nonchristians; we can still be joined in Christ and remain our respective affiliations.
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Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.

Dear Justin:
Funny, I usually have no problem talking and sharing common truths with nontheists, including atheists,
because I do not treat them as hostile or see any reason to insult or reject them.

I find we can agree on universal laws and truth even if we don't agree how these came into existence,
if there is a starting point or God, or if all things are collectively the forces of God, etc.

I am sorry you are going through this,
but maybe it is necessary that you do.

After you are done being tested, and coming to peace that understanding of God is
NOT dependent on ANY of these things, maybe you will find the rest of the answers.

This path seems to be a negative dead end, so
maybe there is a better way for you to connect with others.

I pray that you and I and all others be joined closer to God through Christ or Conscience
so that we may understand greater truth and this shall set us free from all this negative strife dividing us right now.

God must be using that to bring out the areas we need to resolve issues
so that we can be made whole or perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect.
In Jesus name I pray for you MD. Boss and all others here, theists and nontheists alike
to be uplifted and filled with wisdom and understanding of God's universal laws regardless of our views.


That's because your posts don't directly challenge relativism, which I finally got after trying to discuss things from a different basis. At first I thought Rawlings basic approach from the beginning was wrong though I agreed with most of the details but now I see that he was right all along. The reason some people think we're the same guy is because we're both absolutists. The reason we agree on most things is because we both start with the same premise and try to figure out what objective logic shows. It all comes down to absolutism verses relativism or maybe it's versus materialism. I'm not sure. But either way it's what the objective facts say versus somebody's subjective opinion and the subjective opinions about the logic of God are always illogical. The real truth is that the more I think about the things we have disagreed on the more we agree because I start seeing things I didn't see before very good. That's what 's freaking people out. But they're not thinking objectively like we are, but subjectively. So does The Natural Human Being, Where Are my Keys, Abba and Peach. The subjectivist just won't let themselves see the pattern. Everyone knows that Hollie knows the seven things are logically true. All she's really saying is that she doesn't believe they are ultimately true. But the absolutists are not saying they can prove them to be ultimately true but that they are logically true and the relativists just lie or curse you out just like Boss cursed my out. Phonies.
Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.

Dear Justin:
When I was nice to Hollie and GT, I was unconditional.
They responded very civilly.

When you and M.D. react, you seem to very conditional in your acceptance and rejection.
So maybe that is your lesson to learn here.

If the CONDITIONS by which you accepted to be civil towards Hollie and GT
were not met, then this turned hostile into namecalling and accusing people of lying.

If this way of projecting expectations onto others isn't working,
I hope this means to let go of that approach, and try a different way that
might succeed in getting points made that we can agree upon.

I would much rather we all succeed, than any of us fail.
We each have lots to offer if we could listen and bring out those insights to help us all.
Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.

Dear Justin:
Funny, I usually have no problem talking and sharing common truths with nontheists, including atheists,
because I do not treat them as hostile or see any reason to insult or reject them.

I find we can agree on universal laws and truth even if we don't agree how these came into existence,
if there is a starting point or God, or if all things are collectively the forces of God, etc.

I am sorry you are going through this,
but maybe it is necessary that you do.

After you are done being tested, and coming to peace that understanding of God is
NOT dependent on ANY of these things, maybe you will find the rest of the answers.

This path seems to be a negative dead end, so
maybe there is a better way for you to connect with others.

I pray that you and I and all others be joined closer to God through Christ or Conscience
so that we may understand greater truth and this shall set us free from all this negative strife dividing us right now.

God must be using that to bring out the areas we need to resolve issues
so that we can be made whole or perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect.
In Jesus name I pray for you MD. Boss and all others here, theists and nontheists alike
to be uplifted and filled with wisdom and understanding of God's universal laws regardless of our views.


That's because your posts don't directly challenge relativism, which I finally got after trying to discuss things from a different basis. At first I thought Rawlings basic approach from the beginning was wrong though I agreed with most of the details but now I see that he was right all along. The reason some people think we're the same guy is because we're both absolutists. The reason we agree on most things is because we both start with the same premise and try to figure out what objective logic shows. It all comes down to absolutism verses relativism or maybe it's versus materialism. I'm not sure. But either way it's what the objective facts say versus somebody's subjective opinion and the subjective opinions about the logic of God are always illogical. The real truth is that the more I think about the things we have disagreed on the more we agree because I start seeing things I didn't see before very good. That's what 's freaking people out. But they're not thinking objectively like we are, but subjectively. So does The Natural Human Being, Where Are my Keys, Abba and Peach. The subjectivist just won't let themselves see the pattern. Everyone knows that Hollie knows the seven things are logically true. All she's really saying is that she doesn't believe they are ultimately true. But the absolutists are not saying they can prove them to be ultimately true but that they are logically true and the relativists just lie or curse you out just like Boss cursed my out. Phonies.

Justin do you understand that from BreezeWood and Boss's understanding of God
then in comparison yours and M.D. approach also appear relativistic as working for you but not for others?

If you can see this, then you can understand what it means for us humans to be equals.
Our biases can separate use from the next person who doesn't see God or life the same way.

So if you are saying there is something limited or flawed with that relativistic approach
which fails to capture and fully represent the absolute truth,
they can say the same of you!

Now what I do differently is I ACCEPT the approach you and M.D. use which is right for you.
I ACCEPT the approach that Boss or BreezeWood understands as right for them.

This does NOT belittle, negate or undermine the Absolute truth behind it all.

This is actually supporting it, by showing all the other ways of representing such truth,
still ALIGN. So they all point to the same Absolute truth/universal laws as the source.

Somehow I don't feel you and MD. are as comfortable
with reconciling how there can be absolute truth and also these relative approaches to truth.

I think you both had very bad experiences with people abusing relative approaches to
negate, undermine, defy or deny absolutes, so to you it may seem like a "dirty word" or manipulative tactic.

Justin if you can get over your negative associations with "relativism"
maybe other atheists on here will try the same to get over negative associations with "theism"
or "absolutist" that make them flip out unable to listen because of the negative meanings this has.

I think we'd all have to agree to let go of negative associations
to really here what you, M.D. and others here are trying to say.

It would likely be a mutual process and agreement to let go of those past habits
that destroyed trusting relations and take time to recover from the injury and insults.
Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.

Dear Justin:
Funny, I usually have no problem talking and sharing common truths with nontheists, including atheists,
because I do not treat them as hostile or see any reason to insult or reject them.

I find we can agree on universal laws and truth even if we don't agree how these came into existence,
if there is a starting point or God, or if all things are collectively the forces of God, etc.

I am sorry you are going through this,
but maybe it is necessary that you do.

After you are done being tested, and coming to peace that understanding of God is
NOT dependent on ANY of these things, maybe you will find the rest of the answers.

This path seems to be a negative dead end, so
maybe there is a better way for you to connect with others.

I pray that you and I and all others be joined closer to God through Christ or Conscience
so that we may understand greater truth and this shall set us free from all this negative strife dividing us right now.

God must be using that to bring out the areas we need to resolve issues
so that we can be made whole or perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect.
In Jesus name I pray for you MD. Boss and all others here, theists and nontheists alike
to be uplifted and filled with wisdom and understanding of God's universal laws regardless of our views.


That's because your posts don't directly challenge relativism, which I finally got after trying to discuss things from a different basis. At first I thought Rawlings basic approach from the beginning was wrong though I agreed with most of the details but now I see that he was right all along. The reason some people think we're the same guy is because we're both absolutists. The reason we agree on most things is because we both start with the same premise and try to figure out what objective logic shows. It all comes down to absolutism verses relativism or maybe it's versus materialism. I'm not sure. But either way it's what the objective facts say versus somebody's subjective opinion and the subjective opinions about the logic of God are always illogical. The real truth is that the more I think about the things we have disagreed on the more we agree because I start seeing things I didn't see before very good. That's what 's freaking people out. But they're not thinking objectively like we are, but subjectively. So does The Natural Human Being, Where Are my Keys, Abba and Peach. The subjectivist just won't let themselves see the pattern. Everyone knows that Hollie knows the seven things are logically true. All she's really saying is that she doesn't believe they are ultimately true. But the absolutists are not saying they can prove them to be ultimately true but that they are logically true and the relativists just lie or curse you out just like Boss cursed my out. Phonies.

It's ultimately the relativism of entrenched, unexamined subjective beliefs that might be based on materialism or any given theistic belief.

Take Boss's entrenched, unexamined, subjective belief, for example: objectively, we can see that either man's logic was created by God for man or endowed by God on man. That is axiomatic!

There is no apparent contradiction at that point in terms of recognizing the alternatives.

Boss: "it was created for man! It couldn't have been endowed!"

Utter nonsense! No objectivity at all! This is a purely entrenched, unexamined, subjective belief of fanatical dogmatism.

So what happens when we look at the matter more deeply, objectively, to figure out which one works best logically or which one is more probable?

Well, we find out that it's not even an issue of probability insofar as objective logic goes at all. The imperatives of organic logic hold that it was endowed!

Which of the two options is consistently rational?

The second one, of course!

Does this still mean that the first option could be true?


But not because there exists anything demonstrably rational or empirical supporting that notion. It's purely a notion of possibility against logic and probability. It's a purely subjective belief supported by nothing but emotionalism!
poor widdew justin

So instead of throwing "temper tantrums"
should we throw a huge "pity party" for all these
atheists left off the guest list of the TAG after-party in heaven
or the Theists who tried to be nice but then gave up?

Dear M.D. Rawlings Boss and Justin Davis:
Again, I see no problem with you each talking about
God, logic and man's realm on different levels.

I think the problem comes from taking Boss's way out of context
with Boss's layout, and putting it into MD's system, etc.

These do not cross correlate directly.

My approach of 'relative expression' does not work within Justin's system either!

If we keep mixing and matching contexts,
we run into blatant contradictions that make no sense.

May I suggest we each stick with our own set ups.
And then try to ALIGN like or parallel parts.

So with MD, when his approach says to use logic and
"not science" which doesn't prove or disprove but only verifies or falsifies,
that aligns with what I was saying that human knowledge is limited compared with God.

We don't use the word logic the same way, but I can translate
into his own terms using science.

[However when it comes to the atheists, and he rejects science, they have a cow!
They rely on science, so that is where I propose to use Spiritual Healing
as a way to show where science and faith-based teaching can talk about the same process
without negating or conflicting with each other.]

Boss with you and M.D. you do not use the term logic in the same context,
so this is going to trip you both up.

You are talking about two totally different levels and constructs,
so your meanings do not align. I don't see how it is fair to fault either one of you for that.
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I gave you some revised posts to think very carefully about.

You claimed that Godel believed something he never believed or asserted in his life as a literal truth, a literal historical fact. You expressed this idea as a literal truth, a literal historical fact. You clearly believed this to be a literal truth, a literal historical fact. You got this false idea from GT, apparently, and because it played into your bias, you swallowed it hook, line and sinker without bothering to verify whether or not it is a literal truth, a literal historical fact.

Then you repeated it.

It is ridiculous for you to hold that anyone reading your post could have possibly interpreted your statement in any other way, especially given the fact that you lectured me in another post with this very same notion as if I failed to understand this to be a literal truth, a literal historical fact. I wouldn't have even noticed this post until you startled me with a post suggesting that all the things I have argued about the mathematical proofs for God's existence on this thread were unknown to me!


Because I do not think as you do, anthropomorphically subjectively, but theologically objectively, I will always see right through the manifest intellectual duplicity of others. I think like God because I believe God’s testimony, not that of any finite creature.

I don't even trust myself.

You suggested that I was an arrogant asshole. Maybe you’re just a gullible, dogmatically fanatical religionist . . . a closed-minded, arrogant asshole.

How about this idea. Maybe you and others can't countenance a person who doesn’t care what you think or what you have to say about him when he tells you the truth about yourself. You can't countenance a person who believes God, instead of you.

Your wont is to worship self, rather than the Creator Who is blessed forever. Your wont is to chase after your personal conceits that do not follow from the logical testimony that God has given you about Himself.

With these two theorems, Godel proved that only God(s) can know truth(s). The rest of us have beliefs based on our perception of facts and accepted prior knowledge (e.g. Scripture, the Bible, Koran, Torah).
Friday letters Ashby high-rise Obamacare faith - Houston Chronicle

Godel's incomplete theorems prove no such truth!

That is a lie.

The author of this piece worships self. His wont is to justify what cannot be rationally justified: the self-serving falsehoods and incoherencies of relativism. Is that your wont? I don't believe him. I don't believe you. I believe God, and let every man who says otherwise be a liar.

On the contrary, Godel's theorems, in truth, what are ultimately the objective facts of human cognition endowed to us by God, prove that mankind can know truths with absolute confidence. We know that the various theorems for the numerical sets of the natural numbers of the number line of infinity, albeit, as supplemented by the theorems that account for the exceptions of general rules, inherently hold true, and we know this to be true with absolute confidence because the laws of organic thought hold this to be true.

The other thing that these objective facts of human cognition (incompleteness theorems) prove to be true is that we cannot comprehend or contain the entirety of truth in our finite minds, not just at the transcendental level of being, which is something we've always known to be true intuitively, but not at the rational level of being, either, in terms of numerical/mathematical logic . . . something we once thought to be possible 'til Gödel came along and proved that to be an illusion.

That is the absolute truth regarding what these theorems prove, and they prove nothing else but these truths. That statement is logically true, necessary and coherent.

They do not prove, as the author absurdly and contradictory claims, indeed, as he necessarily claims, in the very same breath, that nothing can be proven or known to be true, but the truth that no truths can be known. Whaaaaa? Hence, the truth that no truths can be proven or known cannot be proven or known to be true.

That is logically false, impossible, irrational, self-negating and, therefore, positively proves the opposite. The theorems do prove things to be true, things that are known to be true. But not only do the theorems prove these things. They prove that human consciousness does not have primacy over existence! Existence is what it is, and it has primacy over human consciousness. More at, these things underscore the absolute, incontrovertible laws of human thought!

Truth is not relative in human logic, but absolute!

Subjective opinions that do not line up with organic logic are necessarily false according to organic logic.

Indeed, the author's guff that all our notions are "based on our perception of facts and accepted prior knowledge (e.g. Scripture, the Bible, Koran, Torah)" is more incoherent baby talk.

A priori knowledge consists of the universally absolute axioms and tautologies of organic logic. The scripture of any given religious system of thought is clearly a posteriori in nature, not prior. Hence, the author's statement has no bearing on the issue of what can be known or proven to be true whatsoever. Illusion.

The author is a gullible fool. God is not an idiot or a liar. He is perfect. The logic He endowed on us does not lie. And not only does the author's guff not square with itself due to the inescapable laws of organic logic, it obviously doesn't square with the facts/truths of the ontological and transcendental proofs for God's existence in organic and modal logic.

Hence, this nonsense of yours about people rejecting me is the self-serving crap of gullible fools who cannot justify their idiocy or their lies of relativism no matter how hard they try.

It's not about me and never has been about me. It's about God's truth or, objectively speaking, at the very least, it's about what objective logic proves as opposed to the irrationality of subjective relativism!

This cheap, transparently hypocritical ploy of yours is just you projecting your group-think psychology on me.

It is I and other folks like me who believe God who have been doing the rejecting around here, not you.

I reject your relativistic guff. I reject Hollie the Hate-Filled Luntic's, GT the Missing Links', Jake the Drug Addled Mind's, Amrchaos the Solipsist Space Cadet's, Boss the Obtuse's, sealybobo the Magical's, QW the Sneak's, Brucethenonthinker's, Clayton Jones The Sociopath's . . . guff.

It's the other way around.

I believe the logic. You guys believe in something else that's purely subjective and irrational.

Apparently, you need the herd mentality's stamp of approval. I don't. I put no stock in my opinions or yours or those of anyone else. I put my stock in what God has to say on the matter, what His logic proves about the matter, what you don't have the faith to believe in because you have no faith in anything but the lies you tell yourself and the lies of the herd mentality.

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"Emily, you don't think for yourself If you don't agree with ME!"

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Funny thing about all this

It is so easy to make an inductive argument for any religion based on the experiences of "all" the followers, from its inception to present.

However, deductive arguments are difficult to make for the most simplest of things that exist.

I think the op is running a really bad joke, IMHO.
Are you gong Hollie on us, Boss?

Fuck you, Justin. If all you're going to do is insult me and be a troll, go to hell.

Another phony. Your arguments are total crap. They're retarded. They're stupid and contradictory. Yeah and this filth is all you got left. Are you Hollie? Did Hollie hijack your account?

Aww.. .what's the matter boo? A few days ago you were falling all over yourself to THANK my posts, you and MD both! Now you've suddenly decided to turn into rabid dogs on me because I don't agree with you that logic wasn't created by God. Sorry I am not a member of your cult, I believe in a God who created everything.

Nothing I've said is contradictory, nothing is illogical or irrational... or STUPID and RETARDED. That is just YOU venting frustration because you lack the arguments to refute what I have said. Whenever you try, you sound like a moron. That has obviously caused you to get all butt-hurt and decide we aren't friends anymore.
  • Thanks
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Pop quiz hawt shawts:

Boobs, and buns:

A: inductive
B: deductive
C: destructive
D: seductive
E: c & d
Yours is a pathology shared by the religiously insane.


Hollie :rolleyes:
That's a better argument than you have offered so far.

I've humiliated you and your pointless "seven phony things" fraud. You're left to stutter and mumble as your sick account of "Justin", does.

Lies and insults is everyone of your posts since you came here. Rawlings, Abba, Where are my Keys and I and others tried to be nice to you earlier but no those posts just got more lies and insults. Phony. Your seven stupid things. :lmao:Phony. Go back to the other threads. Maybe you can shut those down the way you always do everywhere else.

You don't believer you exist? Liar. You don't believe the universe exists? Liar. You don't believe that it's possible the universe might not have always existed but was caused to exist by God? Liar. If God, God wouldn't have to be the greatest thing that exists? Liar. You don't believe that science cannot show God's existence or nonexistence? Liar. You really believe it's logically possible to say that God doesn't exist? How can you know that? Liar. All you atheists are liars and phonies.
You have a stuttering problem.

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